DIRECTORY.] OXFORDSHIRE. WOODSTOCK. 3fi 1 historic interest, having been made in 1655, during the endowed with £3,500 Consolidated Bank .Annuities. Commonwealth period, though the shaft and some part Various bequests have been left at difierent times for of the head may be of Earlier date :the shaft is plain the poor; these provide about £3o a year to be dis­ and divided into throo portions by knops; at the base tr-ibuted in bread and clothing and £24 in money, is a foot knop chased with foliage, and bearing an in- besides £:J for general charitable objects: the control of scription with the dates 1655 and 166o, when the mace the chanties is now vested in the charity trustees of 'l>as reconstructed: three brackets support the head, the borough of Woodstock, now seven in number. The which is divided into four compartments by foliaged Duke of .Marlborough K.G. is lord of the manors of figures, and displays the national emblems, each be- Hensington and Old Woodstock, and the principal land­ tween the letters C.R. : on the flat top are the royal owner. The Corporation are the lords of the manor of Stuart arms, with the same initials, and above rises an Woodstock. The urea of the parish of Woodstock ill 6r open arched crown with orb and cross: the borough arres; rateable value, 19II, £3,335; the population in 5eal is a modern embossing stamp bearing the town 1901 was 1,106, and of the borough, r,68.h with the arms: viz.: gu. the stock of a tree erased, or: in [ parish of Hensington Within population of 180, and Old chief three stags' heads caboshed, arg.: all within a Woodstock with a population of 398. bordure of the third, charged with eight trees. The The area of the municipal borough is 156 acres; rate­ mayor wears a gown of black, trimmed with sable. The able value, rgii, £4,535; the population in 19II wall county police station and lock-up, erected in x863, is 1,594· of stone, and comprises a dwelling-house for an in­ spector and one married and 12 single constables. HENSINGTON WITHIN is a civil parish, formed The leather glove trade has been carried on in Wood­ under the provisions of the "Local Government Act, stock from a very remote period. Queen Elizabeth, in 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), from the portion of the one of her "progresses,'' received gloves from the old parish in Woodstock municipal borough. The popu­ Woodstock glovers, and the University of Oxford pre­ lation in 1901 was 180, including 10 officers and 149 .sonted James I. in r6r6 with "very rich gloves," made inmates in Woodstock Workhouse; area, 45 acres; rate­ m Woodstock; the -trade gives employment to a con­ able value, 19II, £729. siderable number of men, women and girls. There is a statute fair on the first Tuesday in October, and a OLD WOODSTOCK is a separate civil parish, formed cattle market held on the first Tuesday in each month. under the "Local Government Act, 1894.'' from that part W oodstock is the head quarters of the B Squadron, of Wootton civil parish in Woodstock municipal borough; Oxfordshire Yeomamy (Queen's Own Oxfordshire it is ecclesiastically part of the parish of Bladon, to Hussars) Territorial Force. .Almshouses were erected wllich it was joined 6 April, 1877, and is connected with (#t Hensington, in the parish of Bladon, by indenture, New Woodstock by a bridge over the Glyme, formerly dated June sth, IJ98, by Caroline, Duchess of Marl­ called the Enis. The area is 52 acres; rateable value, borough, for six poor women, widows or maidens, and r9II, £471; the population in 1901 was 398. ·OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTlONS &c. Sub-Post, M. 0. & T. & Telephonic Express Delivery Officials. Office.-Edward Prescott, postmaster. Letters should Clerk, Arthur Gerald Higgs, Woodstock have Oxon added Treasurer, Joseph Ashby Gillett, Banbury Delivery of Letters 7 & g.r5 a.m. & 1.40 & 7.15 p.m Medical Officer of Health, Charles Coles M.D. 41 St. Margaret's road, Oxford Dispatches at 5.50 & II a.m. & 2.30, 5·45• 8 & 10 p.m. ; Surveyor, WiHiam Charles Henry Bennett, Steeple Aston son-days, ro p.m Sanitary Inspector, .Arthur Faulkner, Wootton Office open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Telegraph office • open on sundays at 8.30 to 10 a.m COU:~"'TY MAGISTRATES FOR WOOTTON SOUTH Wall Letter Boxes.-Old Woodstock, cleared at 9.30 PETTY SESSION AI. DIVISION. a.m. & 5.15 & 7-I5 p.m.; sundays, 10.45 a.m.; Hen­ sington, cleared at ro.3o a.m. & 2 & 7.30 p.m. ; sun­ Hall Alexander William esq. D.L. Barton abbey, Steeple days, 8.30 a.m Aston, Oxford, chairman Banbury Gabriel George esq. Hill house, Woodstock CORPORATION. Barnett Capt. George Henry, Glympton park,Woodstock 1910-II. Dodgson Major Heathfield Butler D.S.O. The Cottage, Mayor-Alderman William H. P. Haynes. Handborough, Oxford Deputy-Mayor-Councillor Edward Prescott. Fryer John esq. Bladon Gaskell Henry Melville esq. KiddinE;"ton hall, Kiddington .Aldermen. Marlborough Duke of K.G., P.C. Blenheim palace, Retire Nov. 1913. I Retire Nov. 1916. Wooddock Gabriel Geo. Banbury J.P 1 William H. P. Haynes Ponsonby Hon. Edwin Charles William D.L. Woodleys, Thomas Whitlock I Arthur Robert Lay Woodstock Councillors. The :Mayor of the borough and the Chairman of the Wood­ Retire in November, 1911. stock Rural District Council, for the time being, are ex­ officio ma~strates George Glanville Banbury Edward Prescott William Poore Olarke One Vacancy Clerk to the Magistrates, .Arthur Gerald Higgs, I Woodstock Retire in November, 1912. Petty Sessions are held every alternate tuesday at II Charles Duncan Money William Henry Taylor a.m. at the Town hall at Woodstock William Rowles Pratt Thomas Whitley The places included in the Petty Sessional Division Retire in November, 1913. are :-Begbroke, Bladon, Blenheim, Cassington, Comhe, Glympton, Gosford, Handborough, Hensington Within, .Alfred Ernest Banbury John Mars ton Money J .P Hensington Without, Kiddington with .Asterleigh, Thomas Osborne Fardon Alfred Morris . I Kidlington, North Leigh, Osney Hill, Old Woodstock, Mayor's A.uditor, Edward Prescott Shipton-on-Cherwell, Stonesfield, Tackley, Thrupp, Elective Auditors, J. F. Wickson & Herbt. Bennett Peck • Water Eaton, Wilcote, Woodstock, Wootton, Yarnton The ordinary meetings of the Corporation are held at the Town Hall every quarter at 7-30 p.m BOROUGH MAGISTRATES. Officers of the Corporation. The mayor & ex-mayor are justices of the county with Town Clerk & Clerk to the Cemetery Committee, their jurisdiction limited to the borough Adolphus Ballard M ..A., LT..B PUBLIC .EST.A..BLISHMENTS. Borough Treasurers, Gillett & Co. The Bank, Woodstock I 1 Church House Club & Reading Room, Park street, Geo. :YPdical Officer of Health (temporary), Charles Coles Budd, sec M.D. 41 St. Margaret's road, Oxford County Court, Town hall, His Honor Sir T. W. Snagge Borough Surveyor, William G. Willoughby • M . .A.. jud~e; .A.dolphus Ballard :M . .A.., LL.B. regi~trar WOODSTOCK Rl.TR.AL DISTRICf COUNCIL. & high bailiff; William G. Willoughby, bailiff & The parishes in the District are the same as in the messenger. The court is held bi-monthly. The follow­ Union with the exception of Woodstock. The area is ing places are within it~ jurisdiction :-Barton West­ cott, Begbroke, Bladon, Blenheim, Cassington, Clifton, 46,6g8 acres; the population in rgrr was IO,]II. Combe, Deddin!!'ton, Duns Tew, Glympton, Gosford, Conncil meets at the Union, monthlY,• at rr a.m. Ha1npton -Gay, Hampton Poyle, Hempton, Hensington Chairman, B. Parrott I Within, Hensington Without, Kiddington with Aster .
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