The Results of Radioactive Material Monitoring of the Surface Water Bodies Within Miyagi Prefecture (July-September Samples)

The Results of Radioactive Material Monitoring of the Surface Water Bodies Within Miyagi Prefecture (July-September Samples)

(News Release) The Results of Radioactive Material Monitoring of the Surface Water Bodies within Miyagi Prefecture (July-September Samples) Friday, October 25, 2013 Water Environment Division, Environment Management Bureau, Ministry of the Environment Direct line: 03-5521-8316 Switchboard: 03-3581-3351 Director: Masanobu Miyazaki (ext. 6610) Deputy Director: Saori Nagasawa (ext. 6614) Coordinator: Katsuhiko Sato (ext. 6628) In accordance with the Comprehensive Radiation Monitoring Plan determined by the Monitoring Coordination Meeting, the Ministry of the Environment (MOE) is continuing to monitor radioactive materials in water environments (surface water bodies (rivers, lakes and headwaters, and coasts), etc.). Samples taken from the surface water bodies of Miyagi Prefecture during the period of July 2-September 30, 2013 have been measured as part of MOE’s efforts to monitor radioactive materials; the results have recently been compiled and are released here. The monitoring results of radioactive materials in surface water bodies carried out to date can be found at the following web page: 1. Survey Overview (1) Survey Locations 72 environmental reference points, etc. in the surface water bodies within Miyagi Prefecture (Rivers: 43 locations, Lakes: 17 locations, Coasts: 12 locations) (2) Survey Method ・ Measurement of concentrations of radioactive materials (radioactive cesium (Cs-134 and Cs-137)) in water and sediment ・ Measurement of concentrations of radioactive materials and spatial dose-rate in soil in the surrounding environment of water and sediment sample collection points (river terraces, etc.) 2. Outline of Results (* denotes the results of the previous survey (April-June 2013)) (1) Water Quality (Lower detection limit: 1Bq/L) Cs-134+Cs-137: Not detectable (ND) at any location (* ND at any location) <Reference> Specification and Standards for Food, Food Additives, etc. in accordance with the Food Sanitation Act (Drinking Water) (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Public Notice No.130, March 15, 2012) Radioactive cesium (total for Cs-134+Cs-137): 10Bq/kg Target value for radioactive materials in tap water (management target for water supply facilities) (March 5, 2012; 0305 Notice No.1 from the Director of the Water Supply Division, Health Service Bureau, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare) Radioactive cesium (total for Cs-134+Cs-137): 10Bq/kg (2) Sediment (Lower detection limit: 10Bq/kg (dried mud)) Overall, the levels of both the rivers and lakes/headwaters measured were around 1,000Bq/kg or below at most of the locations (coasts: 500Bq/kg or below), and have generally remained constant or had a declining tendency. (Rivers) Cs-134+Cs-137: ND-2,450Bq/kg (dried mud) (*ND-1,750Bq/kg (dried mud)) (Lakes and headwaters) Cs-134+Cs-137: 47-2,1800Bq/kg (dried mud) (*88-2,930Bq/kg (dried mud)) (Coasts) Cs-134+Cs-137: ND-2,040Bq/kg (dried mud) (*10-1,030Bq/kg (dried mud)) <Reference> Number of locations by radioactive cesium concentration (500Bq/kg) Numbers in ( ) denote results measured on the previous occasion. 500 or 501 1,001 1,501 2,001 2,501 3,001 or Total below -1,000 -1,500 -2,000 -2,500 -3,000 more 40 3 1 1 1 0 0 46 Rivers (45) (5) (1) (1) (0) (0) (0) (52) Lakes and 10 3 0 3 1 0 0 17 headwaters (13) (4) (2) (1) (0) (1) (0) (21) 15 2 0 0 2 0 0 19 Coasts (6) (0) (1) (0) (0) (0) (0) (7) (3) Surrounding Environment (Lower detection limit: 10Bq/kg (dry)) (Rivers) Cs-134+Cs-137: 12-3,500Bq/kg (dry) (*ND-4,700Bq/kg (dry)) Spatial dose: 0.03-0.38μSv/h (Lakes and headwaters) Cs-134+Cs-137: 68-2,660Bq/kg (dry) (*53-1,950Bq/kg (dry)) Spatial dose: 0.03-0.214μSv/h (Annex for details) (Map attached) Future Plans In coordination with relevant organizations, MOE intends to continue to measure radioactive materials in water, sediment, etc. in rivers, lakes, etc. in Fukushima Prefecture, its neighboring prefectures, etc. ○River: Water Quality Monitoring Results (Annex) Sampling point General items Radioactive material concentrations (Bq/L) Full depth Sampling date Weather Sampling depth Transparency Electrical conductivity SS Turbidity Radioactive cesium Remarks No. Water body Point Municipality (m) (m) (cm) (mS/m) (mg/L) Cs-134 Cs-137 1 Kinzanbashi Bridge 2013/8/28 Sunny 0.2 0.0 >100 16 <1 0 <1 <1 Shishiorigawa River 2 Namiitabashi Bridge 2013/8/27 Cloudy 2.5 0.0 54 2,520 7 2 <1 <1 3 Tateyamaohashi Bridge 2013/8/27 Cloudy 1.2 0.0 62 13 6 3 <1 <1 Kesennumashi City 4 Okawa River Kamiyamabashi Bridge 2013/8/27 Cloudy 0.8 0.0 77 223 4 2 <1 <1 5 Okawa River Estuary 2013/8/27 Sunny 2.0 0.0 60 3,980 9 3 <1 <1 6 Omosegawa River Ozakibashi Bridge 2013/8/27 Sunny 1.2 0.0 44 343 11 7 <1 <1 7 Arimagawa River Unandabashi Bridge 2013/8/23 Cloudy 0.5 0.0 >100 14 4 3 <1 <1 Kuriharashi City 8 K Kinryugawa River Obatabashi Bridge 2013/8/23 Cloudy 0.3 0.0 70 14 6 4 <1 <1 9 i Kitakamigawa River Tomeohashi Bridge (Tome) Tomeshi City 2013/8/21 Sunny 0.7 0.0 55 12 11 6 <1 <1 t 10 a Sanhasamagawa River Domanbashi Bridge (Kurikoma Dam) 2013/8/26 Sunny 1.0 0.0 >100 14 1 3 <1 <1 k 11 Nihasamagawa River Kajiyabashi Bridge 2013/8/26 Sunny 0.5 0.0 >100 11 2 4 <1 <1 a Kuriharashi City 12 S m Hanayama Dam, inflow area 2013/8/22 Sunny 0.6 0.0 57 9 4 2 <1 <1 y i Hasamagawa River 13 s g Wakayanagi 2013/8/29 Cloudy 0.5 0.0 90 20 8 4 <1 <1 14 t a Yamayoshidabashi Bridge Tomeshi City 2013/8/21 Sunny 1.2 0.0 32 15 18 9 <1 <1 e w 15 m a Todorokibashi Bridge (Todoroki) 2013/8/23 Cloudy 0.7 0.0 >100 9 2 1 <1 <1 Eaigawa River 16 Shimizukomon Weir Osakishi City 2013/8/12 Sunny 0.7 0.0 24 11 12 13 <1 <1 R 17 i In Furukawa District, Osakishi City Shinborisaihon, entrance 2013/8/12 Sunny 0.7 0.0 43 14 14 9 <1 <1 v 18 e Dekigawa River Kogotabashi Bridge Misatomachi Town 2013/8/12 Sunny 1.7 0.0 32 15 14 8 <1 <1 r 19 Eaigawa River Oikawabashi Bridge (Tandai) Wakuyacho Town/Ishinomakishi City 2013/8/21 Sunny 0.5 0.0 38 14 15 7 <1 <1 20 Kyukitakamigawa River Kadonowaki Ishinomakishi City 2013/8/21 Sunny 2.0 0.0 20 50 23 15 <1 <1 21 Narusegawa River Onobashi Bridge (Ono) Higashimatsushimashi City 2013/8/8 Sunny 1.0 0.0 43 10 14 7 <1 <1 22 Tagajozeki Weir 2013/8/7 Sunny 0.7 0.0 22 42 16 15 <1 <1 Sunaoshigawa River Tagajoshi City 23 Nenbutsubashi Bridge 2013/8/6 Cloudy 2.2 0.0 50 2,000 11 7 <1 <1 24 Teizan-unga Canal (Kyusunaoshigawa River) Teizanbashi Bridge Shichigahamamachi Town/Tagajoshi City 2013/8/8 Sunny 2.0 0.0 70 2,310 4 3 <1 <1 25 Nanakitabashi Bridge 2013/8/6 Cloudy 1.0 0.0 52 13 12 7 <1 <1 Nanakita Nanakitagawa River 26 gawa Fukudaohashi Bridge 2013/8/6 Cloudy 0.3 0.0 55 22 8 7 <1 <1 Sendaishi City 27 River Umedagawa River Fukudabashi Bridge 2013/8/6 Cloudy 1.4 0.0 37 19 18 10 <1 <1 System 28 Nanakitagawa River Takasagobashi Bridge 2013/8/6 Cloudy 2.5 0.0 61 357 6 5 <1 <1 29 Natorigawa River Yuriageohashi Bridge Sendaishi City/Natorishi City 2013/8/5 Cloudy 0.2 0.0 40 141 11 8 <1 <1 30 Natoriga Yakushibashi Bridge 2013/7/30 Cloudy 0.4 0.0 >100 7 <1 2 <1 <1 wa River 31 System Masudagawa River Koyamabashi Bridge Natorishi City 2013/8/5 Cloudy 1.0 0.0 47 13 21 8 <1 <1 32 Bishamonbashi Bridge 2013/8/5 Cloudy 0.5 0.0 26 26 28 14 <1 <1 2013/7/17 Cloudy 2.0 0.0 40 17 11 7 <1 <1 33 Hadeniwabashi Bridge 2013/8/19 Sunny 0.7 0.0 92 19 5 2 <1 <1 A Marumorimachi Town b Abukumagawa River 2013/7/16 Sunny 1.0 0.0 29 15 18 12 <1 <1 34 Marumoribashi Bridge u 2013/8/19 Sunny 1.3 0.0 72 19 5 3 <1 <1 k 35 u Higashinebashi Bridge Kakudashi City 2013/8/19 Sunny 0.7 0.0 50 18 8 6 <1 <1 m 36 S Shiroishigawa River Before the confluence with Kawaragosawa River (Sunaoshibashi Bridge) 2013/7/29 Cloudy 1.5 0.0 78 7 4 4 <1 <1 a y Shiroishishi City g 37 s Saikawa River Etsubobashi Bridge 2013/7/29 Cloudy 1.7 0.0 60 13 7 5 <1 <1 a t 38 w Matsukawa River Miyaohashi Bridge Zaomachi Town 2013/7/29 Cloudy 0.3 0.0 81 14 5 3 <1 <1 e a 39 m Arakawa River Niragamibashi Bridge Muratamachi Town/Ogawaramachi Town 2013/8/5 Cloudy 0.3 0.0 35 16 16 9 <1 <1 40 R Shiroishigawa River Shirahatabashi Bridge Shibatamachi Town 2013/8/5 Cloudy 0.5 0.0 70 13 8 4 <1 <1 i 41 v Tsukinokiohashi Bridge Kakudashi City/Shibatamachi Town 2013/8/20 Light rain 0.8 0.0 82 21 3 3 <1 <1 e 2013/7/16 Sunny 1.5 0.0 46 17 10 8 <1 <1 42 r Abukumagawa River Abukumaohashi Bridge (Iwanuma) Iwanumashi City/Wataricho Town 2013/8/20 Light rain 0.8 0.0 42 22 5 6 <1 <1 43 Abukumagawa River Estuary (Watariohashi Bridge) 2013/8/20 Cloudy 0.7 0.0 39 549 11 7 <1 <1 ・Sampling points for rivers are listed from north to south, and for different points along the river, from upstream to downstream.

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