a THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 68.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. ESTABLISHED 7uNE 23, 1862. T01. 13. PORTLAND, 1875.___TERMS annual meetings. ENTERTAINMENTS. THE PBESS. Another harassing historical doubt has business cards. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS COPARTNERSHIP. EDUCATIONAL._ been cleared up. The name of the Sioux chief, Man-Afraid-of-his-Horses, does not Westbrook Seminary Alumni As- Katahdin Slate Company. Notice of Dissolution. THURSDAY MORMJiG, JUSE 10, 1875 that the Indian in has Portland Money Loan Office, City of Portland. sociation. ANNUAL- MEETING of the Katahdin POIITLAND^MUSEUM. signify question any w ill TheSlate will be held at the office ol‘ M. terror of be received at this office is dis- milK fourth annual meeting of this association Company the noble beasts, but means that 125 Federal St., under U. S. Hotel. Proposals will r III IE firm of Richardson & Cross, this day L. STEVENS, 100 Exchange SI Portland, on Mon- inst.. at 12o’clock The business will i be belli at the on Thursday, June SEALEDtill FRIDAY, the 11th noon, i. solved by mutual consent. Seminary day* June 14tli. at 4 o’clotk, P. M.t lor the election of Every attache of tlio Press is rurnished Indians of other tribes have a fear ot the TO loan ill sums of the W. at 4 m. regular from 25 cents to thou- for building an addition to the Stable Engine hereafter be carried on by Charles Richardson, loth, 1875, p. oflieors and the transaction of any other business 'J of Per order of Secretary. The Colleen Bawn! with a Card by Stanley steeds which the warrior sands dollars on Jew- No. on Street. Plans and to settle the business of the firm juSdlw* certificate countersigned with the name MONEY Watches, Diamonds, Company, 2, Congrees who is autnorized which may legally eome before said corporation. long hadifa and Beni* be seen at this office. The right to of Richardson & Cro*'. Editor. All steamboat and hotel elry, Clothing, PianoN, specifications may M. L. STEVENS, Pullen, railway, rides; for he has a wav of galloping over his Sewing Machines, Furniture, Guns, Revolvers and reject any or all Lids is reserved. CHAS. W. RICHARDSON. jun8df>t ot the TWO NIGHTS. TI1E WILLOWS, Clerk Company. managers will confer a favor upon us by demanding enemies every description of goods. Wo have a private of- R. M. RICHARDSON, COLIN K. CROSS. and riding them down which makes = S. to our fice and all business transactions are confi- Chairman Committee on Public Dnildings. The Porilnud C'uilioiic W, Union, credentials of every person claiming represent strictly June 3, 1875.__dlw FARMINGTON, MAINE- them very uncomfortable indeed. dential. All valuables are insured against loss by )u9<13t announces two Entertainments for the as we have intoriuation that several ‘'bum- to Sum- respectfully journal, fire or burglars. This splendid establishment will be open benefit of the to consist of the the CHAS. W. RICHARDSON. from Sunday Schools, mers” are seeking courtesies in the name of N. B.—We have on hand and for Male at less than €ity ot* Portlantl. mer Boarders during the Summer Vacation, Startling Irish Drama, in three acts, entitled hrst- and we have no to even pas- The Times thinks the art half the value to pay advances, new and necoiid June 20 to Sept. 18. Accomodations strictly SPRING ! Press, disposition be, Philadelphia of is hereby given that the “Joint Standing band Furni- class. a frauds# Clothing, WatcheN, Jewelry, Committee on Laying out New Streets,” to Address, _ sively, party to such making political platforms a lost one. Well ture, Arc. If you want to buy good goods cheap, NOTICE ju2dtdIV. C. GOOPENOW. whom was referred an order of the City Council of SOUTHERN PlE LUMBER The Colleen call on us. from 6.30 A. M. to 9 P. M. Com- Bawn, there seems to be some timber in the Open June 7tli, A. D. 1875, directing thorn to lay out and good munication mail attended to. S. C. ABRAMS. «V THE CARGO. or THE by widen Green Street, from a point ou the northerly 8t. Augustine’s Scliool for Boys, BRIDES OF GARRYOWEN. Ohio and Pennsylvania platforms, and it is dly about feet wido We do not read anonymoas letters and communi- side of Kennebec Street twenty-one — — OH in Some of the to the channel, will meet at the junction of Kenne- 230 Commercial Street, Removed to Frnnbliv Family School W.H.KOHim cations. The name and address of the writer are in put up good shape. planks bec and Green Streets, on the Me, & BUXTON. WEDNESDAY, MAINE Topshniu, all cases indispensable, not necessarily tor publication have been used it is true, but COLLINS sixteenth of June instant, at 3 o’clock, to hear I>OTiTIL.AJS7r>, THURSDAY & FRIDAY before, they day D. Visitor. Oscar I* EVEN’GS, DEALERS IN all parties interested, and then determing and ad- Ju9 _dlw Rt. Rev. H. A. Neely, D., but as a guaranty of good faith. are souud enough for auother decade. B A. Rector. Send tor circular. oclOti and judge whether public convenience requires that said Billings, June 10th, 11th, We cannot undertake to return or reserve commu- Green Street should l>6 laid out aud widened.ana if Dissolution of Copartnership. SHEET MUSIC nications that are not used. should so will then and there out W. II. STOCKBR1DGE Fashionable ADMISSION. Newburypobt is as — — they adjudge, lay Tailor, to he like Ne- AND trying and widen said Street, and fix the damages4 as re- Copartnership heretofore existing between OrchcMtrn 50 cent*, Dr«»s Circle .\5 cents. SINGING. as MUSICAL MERCHANDISE quired by law'. THEthe subscribers under the style of MASSURE TEACHER OF Balcony 25 cents, Gallery 25 cents. vada possible, and so gives to her mines R. M. & EVANS, has been this desolred by mutual RICHARDSON, day Street. Box office on and from 10 cheerful as 5411 Congrrttfi HI. consent. JOHN MASSURE will continue the busi- Ordri'N hit at 156 Exchange open Thursday Friday, such titiesj “the Devil's Den,” SAM’L. WATERHOUSE. Com. on dtf to 12 A. and 2 to 4 o’clock. Republican State Conventiou. and ness at No. 381 Congress Street, Portland, and col- apr20 M., Instruments bought.sold repaired. juSdlm J. J. GERRISH, Laying out Tickets for sale at Mr. T. McGowan’s Book Store. “the Devil’s Basin,” etc. LEMUEL M. LOVE New lect the debts and pay the liabilities of the late firm. JOY, 99 ju7 d5t C. P. BABCOCK. L. M. COUSINS. Streets. June 1,1875. JOHN MASSURE. Street, The Republicans of Maine arc invited to send dele- J. 1). Exchange CUSHMAN, l ju7dlw* ALBERT EVANS. INSURANCE. gates to a State Convention to be held iu [From the New York Tribune. 1 MODEL MAKER & Ju8 dtd STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL JOBBER, Damon and Pythia. Takes pleasure in informing flic public — AT — CITY IIALL, PORTLAND. MANUFACTURER OF It is one of the oldest philosophical specula- thnt he has opened ihc most elegant as- PLYMOUTH CIIUBCII Watch and Chronometer Marker** Tool*, Copartnership. VESTRY, Tncsday9 June 15,lS?5,nt 11 o’cl’k A# HI.# tions whether a true friendship, in the usual Marine Insurance I sortment of Mathemntical, Optical and Philo- Ou June 11th. sense of the word, can exist between Man and sophical Instrument*, School Friday evening, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Woman. It is easy to see that there must to undersigned have this day formed a copart- Apparaiiu, Ac., and business that in each as are Portland Stone fare Co. THEnership under the style of A table of Useful and Fancy Articles Governor, transacting any other certain elements affections we 5ft Market Street, Printers Exchange, will be offered for stale. may properly come before this convention. discussing, not reterable directly to love, and from to be observed in or- Jul PORTLAND, M.K. dly ATLANTIC julO AJDMISSION FREE. d2t The basis of representation will be as follows:— yet distinct anything BRIGGS, BOOTH BY & CO., | dinary friendships of men for men or women Each city, town and plantation will be entitled to & for women. It is impossible for a gentleman PERRY FOSS, one delegate and one additional for every 75 votes WHOLESALE GROCERS, Centennial Tea Party. to be fond of a woman and forget that he is a GENERAL cast the Republican candidate for Governor in 1874, gentleman. He carries the gallantry of all bis AND DEALERS IN A fraction of 40 votes, additional to the full number grandfathers in his mind and heart and man- Commission COMMITTEE of Ladies will be at Ro**ini for a delegate, is also entitled to a delegate. ner No more than Don Quixote can he di- Merchants, Hall from 3 to 6 o’clock attemoon this Flour and Provisions, A every are authorized to fill vacancies with vest himself of a certain deference toward the ior sale at the Table of Delegates only and Wholesale Dealers in week the of seats Washington sex. He wears cloth aud not carries a taken actual residents of the to which the town iron, OF NEW YORK, the Centennial Tea Party. # Orders will also be county COUNI B V No. 88 Commercial Thomas Block. cane instead of a lance, goes in a hat and Dot PRODUCE, St., for Costumes, and a list of suits for both Ladies and belongs. a not know from a Gentlemen be shown for selection. helmet, does gules fesse. 1) Moulton Street, head of Long Wharf LYMAN C. BRIGGS. V. MOTT BOOTH BY. will The State Committee will be in session at 10 o’clock INSURE AGAINST Per order of Committee, plays upon no instrument of music, reads no ME.
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