Weekly Funding Opportunity Announcements Friday June 12, 2015 NIH Funding Announcements – New This Week New RFA’s: Announcement Issuing Release Opening Date Expiration Activity Title Number Organization Date (SF424 Only) Date Code(s) NIDDK Centers for Diabetes RFA-DK-15-003 NIDDK 06-11-2015 10-23-2015 11-24-2015 P30 Translation ResearcH (P30) Novel or EnHanced Dental Restorative Materials for Class V RFA-DE-16-007 NIDCR 06-11-2015 08-29-2015 09-30-2015 R01 Lesions (R01) PartnersHips for tHe Development of Novel Assays to Predict Vaccine RFA-AI-15-033 NIAID 06-10-2015 08-30-2015 10-01-2015 R01 Efficacy (R01) Short Courses in HigH Priority Domains of BeHavioral and Social RFA-AG-16-010 NIA 06-09-2015 09-07-2015 10-08-2015 R25 Research on Aging (R25) Open Design Tools for SpeecH RFA-DC-16-002 NIDCD 06-08-2015 09-01-2015 10-02-2015 R43/R44 Signal Processing (R43/R44) Open Design Tools for SpeecH RFA-DC-16-001 NIDCD 06-08-2015 09-01-2015 10-02-2015 R01 Signal Processing (R01) Smoking Cessation witHin tHe Context of Lung Cancer Screening RFA-CA-15-011 NCI 06-05-2015 09-08-2015 10-09-2015 R01 (R01) Dimensional ApproacHes to Research Classification in RFA-MH-16-510 NIMH 06-05-2015 09-09-2015 10-10-2015 R01 PsycHiatric Disorders (R01) Prematurity-Related Ventilatory Control (Pre-Vent): Role in RFA-HL-16-015 NHLBI 06-05-2015 09-20-2015 10-21-2015 U01 Respiratory Outcomes Clinical Research Centers (CRC) (U01) 1 Prematurity-Related Ventilatory Control (Pre-Vent): Role in Respiratory Outcomes - LeadersHip RFA-HL-16-016 NHLBI 06-05-2015 09-20-2015 10-21-2015 U01 and Data Coordinating Center (LDCC) (U01) Career Development Program in RFA-HL-16-019 NHLBI 06-05-2015 09-09-2015 10-10-2015 K12 Emergency Care ResearcH (K12) Adherence Studies in Adolescents witH CHronic Kidney or Urologic RFA-DK-15-017 NIDDK 06-05-2015 10-02-2015 11-03-2015 R01 Diseases (R01) PartnersHips for tHe Development of Host-Targeted Therapeutics to RFA-AI-15-024 NIAID 06-05-2015 08-17-2015 09-18-2015 R01 Limit Antimicrobial Resistance (R01) CTSA Network - Trial Innovation RFA-TR-15-002 NCATS 06-05-2015 08-15-2015 09-16-2015 U24 Centers (TICs) (U24) Behavioral Epigenomics of Aging in RFA-AG-16-007 NIA 06-04-2015 12-14-2015 01-15-2016 U24 Twin Studies (U24) Tools and Services for Designing MetHodologically Rigorous Animal RFA-DA-16-002 NIDA 06-04-2015 07-05-2015 08-06-2015 R41/R42 Studies (R41/R42) Tools and Services for Designing MetHodologically Rigorous Animal RFA-DA-16-003 NIDA 06-04-2015 07-05-2015 08-06-2015 R43/R44 Studies (R43/R44) * Limited Submission: Asthma and Allergic Diseases Cooperative RFA-AI-15-032 NIAID 06-03-2015 09-02-2015 10-03-2015 U19 Research Centers (U19) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for tHis opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] NHGRI Genome Sequencing RFA-HG-15-026 NHGRI 06-03-2015 07-25-2015 08-26-2015 U01 Program Analysis Centers (U01) Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Subspecialists' Transition to Aging RFA-AG-16-015 NIA 06-03-2015 09-07-2015 10-08-2015 R03 Research (GEMSSTAR) (R03) Maximizing Investigators' ResearcH Award for New and Early Stage RFA-GM-16-003 NIGMS 06-03-2015 08-09-2015 11-20-2015 R35 Investigators (R35) HigH Quality Human and Non- Human Primate Genome RFA-HG-15-027 NHGRI 06-02-2015 07-25-2015 08-26-2015 U24 Sequences (U24) 2 NIH Transformative ResearcH RFA-RM-15-005 Roadmap 06-01-2015 09-09-2015 10-10-2015 R01 Awards (R01) Harnessing Genome Editing TecHnologies to Functionally Validate Genetic Variants in RFA-DA-16-004 NIDA 05-27-2015 07-25-2015 08-26-2015 R21/R33 Substance Use Disorders (R21/R33) Collaborative Networks to RFA-AG-16-009 NIA 05-27-2015 12-12-2015 01-13-2016 R24 Advance Delirium Research (R24) Mucosal Immunology Studies RFA-AI-15-023 NIAID 05-26-2015 09-20-2015 10-21-2015 U01 Team (MIST) (U01) SBIR E-learning for HAZMAT and RFA-ES-15-008 NIEHS 05-26-2015 06-30-2015 08-01-2015 R43/R44 Emergency Response (R43/R44) *Limited Submission: ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accreditation for State RFA-FD-15-023 FDA 05-26-2015 05-27-2015 07-02-2015 U18 Food Testing Laboratories (U18) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for tHis opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] Smokeless Tobacco Reference RFA-FD-15-026 FDA 05-26-2015 06-01-2015 08-01-2015 UC2 Products (UC2) Exploratory Clinical Trials of Novel Interventions for Mental Disorders RFA-MH-16-406 NIMH 05-22-2015 06-27-2015 10-15-2016 R33 (R61/R33) Martin Delaney Collaboratories for RFA-AI-15-029 NIAID 05-21-2015 11-07-2015 12-08-2015 UM1 HIV Cure ResearcH (UM1) *Limited Submission: NIMHD Transdisciplinary Collaborative Centers for Health Disparities RFA-MD-15-013 NIMHD 05-20-2015 08-17-2015 09-18-2015 U54 Research Focused on Precision Medicine (U54) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for this opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] *Limited Submission: Advancing HealtH Disparities Interventions RFA-MD-15-010 NIMHD 05-18-2015 07-03-2015 08-04-2015 U01 ThrougH Community-Based Participatory ResearcH (U01) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for tHis opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] 3 *Limited Submission: Building Population HealtH ResearcH RFA-MD-15-011 NIMHD 05-18-2015 11-09-2015 12-10-2015 U24 Capacity in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands (U24) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for tHis opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] Behavioral Interventions to Prevent HIV in Diverse Adolescent RFA-MD-15-012 NIMHD 05-15-2015 12-15-2015 01-16-2016 U01 Men Who Have Sex witH Men (U01) Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Network RFA-TR-15-004 NCATS 05-15-2015 06-22-2015 07-23-2015 U24 Recruitment Innovation Centers (RICs)(U24) Evaluating Quality Metrics for Risk- Based Surveillance of Drug RFA-FD-15-036 FDA 05-14-2015 05-29-2015 07-03-2015 U01 Manufacturing Operations and Facilities (U01) Development of Measures of RFA-AG-16-013 NIA 05-14-2015 09-01-2015 10-02-2015 R21 Fatigability in Older Adults (R21) Provocative Questions in Cancer witH an Underlying HIV Infection RFA-CA-15-013 NCI 05-14-2015 07-18-2015 08-19-2016 R21 (R21) Provocative Questions (PQ) Initiative; Cancer witH an RFA-CA-15-012 NCI 05-14-2015 07-18-2015 08-19-2016 R01 Underlying HIV Infection (R01) National Centers for Translational Research in Reproduction and RFA-HD-16-010 NICHD 05-12-2015 10-12-2015 11-13-2015 P50 Infertility (P50) *Limited Submission: FDA Drug Residue Cooperative Agreement RFA-FD-15-025 FDA 05-07-2015 05-15-2015 07-16-2015 U18 Program (U18) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for tHis opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] *Limited Submission: Advancing Conformance with the Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory RFA-FD-15-018 FDA 05-06-2015 05-15-2015 07-16-2015 U18 Program Standards (VNRFRPS) (U18) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for tHis opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] 4 Integrated Food Safety System Online Collaboration Development RFA-FD-15-024 FDA 05-06-2015 05-15-2015 07-16-2105 U18 (U18) Food Protection Rapid Response RFA-FD-15-020 FDA 05-06-2015 05-15-2015 03-09-2016 U18 Team (RRT) (U18) *Limited Submission: FDA Implementation of tHe Animal RFA-FD-15-021 FDA 05-06-2015 05-15-2015 07-16-2015 U18 Feed Regulatory Program Standards (AFRPS) (U18) *Limited Submission – if you are interested in applying for tHis opportunity, please inform ORSD at [email protected] Neuroimaging Informatics Tools and Resources Clearinghouse RFA-EB-15-005 NIBIB 05-06-2015 06-14-2015 07-15-2015 U24 (U24) Development and Application of Case Control Analysis for Generic RFA-FD-15-027 FDA 05-05-2015 05-15-2015 07-03-2015 U01 Drugs (U01) Translational ResearcH to Improve Outcomes in Kidney Diseases RFA-DK-15-009 NIDDK 05-05-2015 10-18-2015 11-19-2015 R18 (R18) Integrated Food Defense & Emergency Response Cooperative RFA-FD-15-022 FDA 05-04-2015 05-08-2015 04-03-2019 U18 Agreement Program IFD&ER (U18) Data Concepts and Terminology Standards for tHe Support of RFA-FD-15-033 FDA 05-01-2015 05-18-2015 07-18-2015 U24 Human Drug Development and Evaluation (U24) Consortia for Innovative AIDS Research in Nonhuman Primates RFA-AI-15-022 NIAID 04-29-2015 06-29-2015 07-30-2015 UM1 (UM1) Development, Implementation, and Management of a Funding System to Advance Conformance RFA-FD-15-037 FDA 04-29-2015 05-11-2015 07-11-2015 U18 witH tHe Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (VNRFRPS) (U18) Building towards Statistically- Based Pharmaceutical Quality RFA-FD-15-031 FDA 04-28-2015 05-08-2015 07-08-2015 U01 Standards (U01) 5 Analyses of Human Datasets and Biospecimens to Characterize Aging-related PHenotypes Relationships to Circulating RFA-AG-16-012 NIA 04-28-2015 06-09-2015 07-10-2015 R01 Polypeptides and Proteins tHat Reverse or Accelerate Aging Changes (R01) Innovations for HealtHy Living - Improving Population HealtH and RFA-MD-15-009 NIMHD 04-24-2015 06-23-2015 07-24-2015 R43/R44 Eliminating HealtH Disparities (R43)/(R44) NIH-PEPFAR Collaboration on Implementation Science for HIV: RFA-AI-15-020 NIAID 04-24-2015 06-28-2015 07-29-2015 R01 Towards an AIDS-free Generation (R01) NIH-PEPFAR Collaboration on Implementation Science for HIV: RFA-AI-15-021 NIAID 04-24-2015 06-28-2015 07-29-2015 R21 Towards an AIDS-free Generation (R21) TecHnologies for Improving Population HealtH and Eliminating RFA-MD-15-008 NIMHD 04-24-2015 06-23-2015 07-24-2015 R41/R42 HealtH Disparities (R41/R42) Characterization of Pro- and Anti-
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