AnnuAl report 2010–11 rAAuSt AlI n BroADCAStInG CorporAtIon Equity and divErsity AruSt AlI n BroADCAStInG CorporAtIon eQuItY AnD DIVerSItY AnnuAl report 2010–11 eQuAl eMploYMent opportunItY report to tHe MInISter For BroADBAnD, CoMMunICAtIonS AnD tHe DIGItAl eConoMY This page, front cover, inside back cover and back cover images are of participants in ABC Radio’s DreamBox project, part of the ABC Open online initiative: “DreamBox is a place for you to share your dreams and to see what other Indigenous Australians are dreaming about. It’s really simple. All you have to do is write down your dream on a large piece of paper or cardboard, on a chalkboard, or on anything that will be big enough to read. Have your photo taken with you holding your dream and send it in.” Published by the Australian For information about this report, Broadcasting Corporation 2011 please contact: ISSN 1839-3292 Manager Diversity People and Learning Australian Broadcasting Corporation GPO Box 9994 Sydney 2001 COt n Ents AruSt AlI n BroADCAStInG CorporAtIon eQuItY AnD DIVerSItY AnnuAl report 2010–11 tHe ABC eQuItY AnD DIVerSItY proGrAM5 reSponSIBIlItY 7 CoMMunICAtIon 8 DIVerSItY proFIle AnD InItIAtIVeS Gender 10 Indigenous 15 race/ethnicity 20 Disability 24 Workplace Culture and Flexibility 28 9 oJVB eCtI eS AnD eVAluAtIon 30 3 The Australian Broadcasting Corporation In line with developments over time, is a national broadcaster established as a the expression “equity and diversity” statutory corporation under the Australian is used in preference to “equal Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983 (“the opportunity in employment” or “equal ABC Act”). The ABC Act, which includes the employment opportunity” throughout the ABC Charter, sets out the basic functions report, as it reflects a broader coverage and duties of the Corporation. of related objectives and strategies. As a Commonwealth authority employer, This report articulates the ABC’s equal the ABC is bound by the provisions of employment opportunity (EEO) program the Equal Employment Opportunity for the purposes of the Equal Employment (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987, Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Act 1987 as realised through its equity Sex Discrimination Act 1984, the and diversity strategies, as set out in the Australian Human Rights Commission ABC’s Equity and Diversity Plan 2008–11 Act 1986, the Disability Discrimination and the ABC Reconciliation Action Plan Act 1992, the Age Discrimination Act 2009–12. It demonstrates that the 2004 and the Fair Work Act 2009. Corporation’s EEO program is on track. This report is made under the provisions of Section 9(2) of the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987. The reporting period covers 1 September 2010 to 31 August 2011. The Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 requires the ABC to promote equal opportunity in employment for women and designated groups, which are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people from a non-English speaking background and people with disabilities. 4 ABC Equity and Diversity Annual Report 2010–11 t HE aBC Equity and divErsity PrOGraM e QuItY AnD DIVerSItY AnnuAl report 2010–11 aBC Equity and realising our Potential PrOGrEss OF tHE aBC divErsity PLan 2008–11 Objective: to recognise, value Equity and divErsity In August 2008 the ABC’s Equity and use the diverse skills, cultural PrOGraM and Diversity Plan was approved values and backgrounds of our During the reporting period, the by the Managing Director, covering current and potential employees. ABC’s Equity and Diversity Plan the period 1 January 2008 to 31 2008–11 reached its final year of December 2011. supporting our implementation. The Corporation’s The Equity and Diversity Plan Work/Life Balance Reconciliation Action Plan 2009–12 2008–11 has six key themes with Objective: to promote an expires at the end of 2012. The objectives and strategies that environment that supports the work ABC made substantial progress form the overall focus and activity and life balance needs of employees. in implementing the strategies of the Corporation’s equity and embodied by these plans. diversity program. Engaging with Communities Reviews clearly demonstrated Objective: to implement the ABC’s the Corporate-wide take-up and Leading with diversity Charter to reflect the diversity of activity—the Final Year Equity and Objective: to promote a culture Australian life by the provision of Diversity Plan Strategy Rollout of opportunity through the ABC inclusive and accessible content and 2011 update and the six-monthly Executive Leadership Group services by and for all Australians. reports against the Reconciliation that demonstrates an inclusive Action Plan (November 2010 and workplace based on shared values. Linking diversity May 2011). Objective: to link the equity The recorded activity included Connecting with and diversity plan with internal the review of the results of Each Other corporate-wide frameworks and the mature age staff survey, Objective: to contribute to a external reporting and trends. completion of the national mental co-operative and harmonious health training roll out, the work/ work environment free of rECOnCiLiatiOn aCtiOn life audit and the development of unlawful discrimination, PLan 2009–12 a specific disability plan. Targeted harassment and bullying. The ABC, in consultation with development opportunities and managers and staff, developed tools were provided to managers the ABC Reconciliation Action and staff to support the diversity Plan 2009–12, which was launched of the workplace. The Australian Broadcasting Policies, information and training Corporation is required by the in October 2009, with the aim Equal Employment Opportunity of making a proactive and long- promoting positive workplace (Commonwealth Authorities) Act term commitment to improving behaviour continued to be 1987 (Section 5) to develop an equal opportunities for Aboriginal and reviewed and delivered across employment opportunity (EEO) Torres Strait Islander people in four the Corporation in line with the program designed to eliminate key areas: Cultural Understanding objectives and embedding of the discrimination and promote equal and Respect; Employment; Content; ABC Values. opportunity for women, Aboriginal and Community Links. and Torres Strait Islander people, people from a non-English speaking background and people with disabilities. 5 ABC Advisory Council Members in 2011. Standing (L-R): Victoria Shenstone, Nakul Legha, Joan McKain (Convenor), Rena Henderson, Patrick Bradbery, Lisa Leong, Taylor Tran, Rosemary Redgen and Scott Cowans Seated (L-R): Tania Penovic, Maurice Newman (ABC Chairman), Moira Neagle and Craig Wallace There was increased take-up by ABC There has been steady progress towards divisions of diversity strategies and the 2% target, with the aim of building on activities, including the launch of the the achievements with further success in ABC Disability Portal and a dedicated the next year. Other statistical indicators resource for web accessibility, a new have confirmed a reasonably balanced mentoring program for women across the workforce, overall, in the area of diversity. Operations Group area, the Paralympic As there is a current major focus on the Diversity Workplace Program and a range gender composition of Boards and senior of disability and skilled migrant mentoring executive positions in the Australian arrangements and placements. business sector, it is of note that the States and territories with tailored plans Corporation has over recent years linked to the Equity and Diversity Plan reached a representation of 40.8% of also implemented a range of strategies women in senior executive positions and around Australia. Major activities for the first time in 2011 attained equal included the work/life survey in Victoria, numbers of men and women on the the recognition of the centenary of ABC Board. The ABC Advisory Council International Women’s Day as well as continues to reflect a broad diversity other diversity-related campaigns. of views, with a high representation Divisions and states and territories of women, as well as members with embraced the strategies of the disabilities and members from a range of Reconciliation Action Plan. Extensive ages and culturally diverse backgrounds. work, undertaken during the year, focused The ABC’s Equity and Diversity Plan and on the rollout of the Indigenous cultural Reconciliation Action Plan principles and awareness workshop and resource strategies embrace the Corporation’s program, events during NAIDOC Week, values and corporate social responsibility new initiatives aimed at increasing effort and support the organisation’s aims Indigenous content and participation for an inclusive workforce that reflects on-air and online, as well as a raft of and connects with the diversity of the recruitment, development and retention Australian community. activity, aimed at reaching the ABC’s target of 2% Indigenous employment. 6 ABC Equity and Diversity Annual Report 2010–11 rO EsP nsiBiLity LEadErsHiP and divErsity FraMEWOrK Likewise the states and territories established Indigenous working rEsPOnsiBiLity Throughout the Corporation there groups to broaden their local are groups and contacts that The ABC’s equity and diversity contacts, encourage employment advance all aspects of equity and program is supported at the and integrate Indigenous culture and diversity activity. Each division has senior management level by participation
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