Proven Niche Markets 241 Niche Markets Proven To Be Successful Online By Nitro Marketing Proven Niche Markets NOTICE: You Do NOT Have the Right to Reprint or Resell this Manual! You Also MAY NOT Give Away, Sell or Share the Content Herein If you purchased this Manual from anywhere other than: www.NitroMarketing.com or www.NitroBlueprint.com or www.ProvenNicheMarkets.com then you have a pirated copy. Please help stop Internet crime by reporting this to: www.NitroSupport.com Copyright © 2006 - 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this Manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without the expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. LIMITS OF LIABILITY / DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: The authors and publisher of this Manual have used their best efforts in preparing this material. The authors and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The authors and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. This Manual contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. Copyright © 2006 - 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 www.ProvenNicheMarkets.com Proven Niche Markets Table of Contents Table of Contents.................................................................................................. 3 Authors ................................................................................................................. 4 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5 Chapter 1: Finding a Niche Market ....................................................................... 6 Chapter 2: How to Decide on the Best Proven Market for You ........................... 11 Chapter 3: How To Make Money From Your Proven Market .............................. 13 Chapter 4: Step by Step Plan of Action ............................................................... 16 Appendix: 241 Proven Niche Markets ................................................................. 19 Copyright © 2006 - 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 www.ProvenNicheMarkets.com Proven Niche Markets Authors The brainchild behind the whole concept is Kevin Wilke (Co-founder of Nitro Marketing). He got frustrated with seeing so many customers with talent, passion, and a real desire to become financially free, get stuck at the same spot. No matter how hard we tried to communicate a simple system for picking a market, it was a challenge for people to do the kind of research needed to find proven markets that they also had a passion for. Dan Swanson (president of Nitro Marketing) had seen this same challenge in dealing with hundreds of individuals who wanted to get out of the rat race and start something on their own. But had the same frustrating results where a few people would take on the time consuming research or would get stuck in all of the details during the research phase. Jeff Peairs was the researcher who did all of the heavy lifting. We sat down as a team and came up with our best practices for identifying proven niches, game up with a game plan, then spent over 500 hours researching, prioritizing, and narrowing down the list to a manageable 241 proven profitable niches. Copyright © 2006 - 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 www.ProvenNicheMarkets.com Proven Niche Markets Introduction This book answers the two most important marketing questions about selecting a niche: 1. Is this a niche where people are buying stuff online? 2. Can you reach these buyers online and get them to your website? We also provide a system to help you answer your questions: 1. What market can I be passionate about? 2. What am I skilled at? 3. What is the best proven niche market for me? By reading through the chapters in this book and then going through and identifying which of these niche markets you are good at and also enjoy. You will no longer be struggling with what online business to pursue but finding yourself making money doing what you love…it doesn’t get any better than that. Copyright © 2006 - 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 www.ProvenNicheMarkets.com Proven Niche Markets Chapter 1: Finding a Niche Market It is easy to get frozen in the trap of “paralysis of analysis” where there are too many choices, it is easy just to freeze up and make no choice. On the other hand it is easy to be interested in a too many niche possibilities enticing you want to chase them all at the same time. Either way, the result is the same – you’re stuck. It’s not your fault. Most of us have received the same basic training – after a lifetime of going to school, working part-time, and then full-time jobs. We’re trained to be great employees, to obey, to tow the line. We’re not usually equipped and trained to identify hot markets then to decide which ones to pursue and which to leave alone. And hey, a lot of it comes down to what we’ve been told. Here are some of the most common myths about making money that we’ve heard along the way: Do what you love, and the money will follow This one sounds great! And it makes a lot of sense, in a way. If you love doing something, you’ll probably be really good at it – and then people will see how good you are and pay money for you to do that thing. But there’s a problem with this idea, when it meets with reality: There’s no guarantee there’s money in the thing you love. Doubt that? There’s a reason there’s a saying that goes: x “Actor is another name for waiter.” x You could substitute artist or writer pretty easily. x And how many carpenters wanted to be professional football players or basketball players? Millions of people want to be these things – it would be “doing what they love” – but reality is this: Copyright © 2006 - 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 www.ProvenNicheMarkets.com Proven Niche Markets It doesn’t work that way. It’s a romantic idea that looks great on paper. But it’s missing a crucial element – there’s no guarantee it will ever pay off. Build a better mousetrap, and people will beat a path to your door This one sounds so right – and it’s backed by a much beloved philosopher, Henry David Thoreau. Unfortunately, it’s a bunch of baloney when it meets up with reality. A while back, Peter Drucker (entrepreneurial genius and the “Father of Modern Management”) had his students do a little research project. They studied the 5,000-plus patents on the books for mousetraps to see what became of them. Only FIVE of these mousetraps ever sold enough to pay for the cost of their development. There was an astonishing 1,000-to-1 failure rate! Back to the drawing board with this piece of advice! And actually, if you think about it and consider the source, it’s no wonder. Thoreau was not a businessman, marketer, or entrepreneur. He died penniless… and we’re taking his advice on product development? Closely related to this one is “Build it and they will come.” As if there’s some sort of homing device so that if you create something great people will find out about it and arrive on your doorsteps with their wallets open! The Trial and Error Method of Product Development This one could also be called the “throw it against the wall and see if it sticks” method. The idea here is to sweat it out and try, try again until you succeed. Frankly, this is a wonderful way to learn – but a horrible way to create a product. Why? Because it doesn’t take too many failures before you’re likely to quit trying. After an initial failure, you may be brave enough to try again – maybe even a couple of times. But you can’t improve your odds with this method, so you’re likely to hit one disaster after another until you just give up. Find a need and fill it. Now we’re onto one that’s still floating around in business books everywhere – and it’s getting closer, but still no cigar. Guarantee you’ve heard this – even from very successful people who swear that’s the process they went through in creating a product. Copyright © 2006 - 2009. Hippo Data Services, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 www.ProvenNicheMarkets.com Proven Niche Markets The trouble is… people. People don’t buy what they NEED. Otherwise, every overweight person out there would buy weightloss products and gym memberships – instead of buying chips and cookies. Every bald person would buy hair restoration solutions. Homeless people would buy homes. Immigrants would buy the Rosetta Stone language learning software. People needing to learn how to speak would buy “How to Speak” products. Having a need just isn’t a compelling reason to buy. Instead… find a WANT and fill it. What do people want? People want to feel good about themselves – so they buy fancy cars, luxurious homes, designer clothes, and take extravagant vacations. People want a second iPod – a blue one to go with their blue outfit. People want dessert, even though they need to lose weight. You see, want is a compelling reason to buy. People will buy, even when buying will hurt them. Sometimes, there’s not even any practical value in their purchases at all! They just want it, so they get it.
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