Th's material has been copo;ed under licence from CANCOPY. Resaie or further copying of this material in strictly prohibited. Le pr6sent document a 616 reproduit avec l'autorisation de CANCOPY. La revente ou la reproduction ult6rieuro en son! strictement interdites. PROCEEDINGS SERIES EXPONENTIAL AND CRITICAL . EXPERIMENTS PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON EXPONENTIAL AND CRITICAL EXPERIMENTS HELD BY THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC.ENERGY AGENCY IN AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, 2-6 SEPTEMBER 1963 In three volumes VOL.II INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY VIENNA, 1964 CONTENTS OF VOL. II IV. SUBCRITICAL WATER ASSEMBLIES (1120 or D2 0) Experience at Brookhaven in the measurement of cell parameters (SM-42/27) ....................................................... 3 G.A. Price Discussion .. 18 Some problems in the interpretation of exponential experiments (SM-42/28) .. 21 R. L. Iellens and E. Andersen Discussion ... ..... 41 Suberitical reactivity measurement by pulsed-neutron source method (SM-42/2) . .43 S. Ogura, K. Ilayata, M. Sugeno, T. Kondo, M. Mukae and T.1 Naganumna 'Discussion. 55 MINOR, a subcritical facility for beavy-water lattice studies (SM-42/55) 59 R. TV. Meier. H. R. Lutz and E. Utzinger Discussion .. 82 Two-region, heavy-water, natural-uranium lattice studies in the sub- critical assembly MINOR (SM-42/56) . .85 H. R. Lutz, T'. Auerbach, W. Heer and ZR. W. Meier Discussion ................................ 107 Massachusetts Institute of Technology exponential assembly studies of low-enrichment, heavy-water lattices (SM-42/31) . 109 and T. J. Thompson Z. Kaplan, D. D. Lanning, A. E. Proflo 2 Measurement of the ratio of fissions in U23 to fissions in .U 35 using 1.60 MeV garnma rays of the fission product La1 40 (SM-42/46). 147 J. R. Wolberg, T. J. Thompson and 1. Kaplan Discussion ............................... 158 Methods for the determination of p2a and 6U based on chemical separation of Np23 9 and Mo99 from uranium and fission products (SM-42/75).. 161 S. 0. Larvin, D. C. Perricos, J. A. Thomassen and 1I. 11. Windsor Discussion .............................. ; 178 Interaction du flux macroscopique et de la structure fine dans lea reacteurs ht6rogenes (SM-42/66) . .181 P. Benoist et P. F. Palmedo Discussion .. 194 V. WATER ASSEMBLIES C(20 AND/OR D2 0) Pa6oTa 3pXTHMecxoro cTewIa BBP-M (SM-42/84) ....................... 197 ,4.M. Kajweliep, X.A. Konomvsw, 10.B. Herpos, P.r. fiiXcyuX Discussion .207 The role of experimental reactor physics In General Electric core design philosophy (SM-42/40) ........................... ;...209 C. T. Petersen. P. G. Aline and B. J. Mc Whorter Discussion .230 The critical facility KRITO (SM-42/58) .233 J. Coehoorn, J. C. Ackers, M. Bustraan, A. Tas, W. L. ZIJp, M. Nuysken, W. W. NiJs, B. J. Heyboer and F. Luidinga Discussion .255 Role of critical, exponential and small lattice experiments in the design of the spectral shift control reactor (SM-42/41) .257 T. C. Riagelder, L. G. Barrett, Zt. H. Clark and N. L. Snidow Discussion ......... , ...................................... 289 Measurements of void effects In the zero-power critical facility NORA (SM-42/73) ................................................ 291 K. bryhn-ingebrigtsen, V. 0. Erfken, J. Schatvet, A. Ukkestad, J. Wood and K. ifJord Discussion ........................... ............................. 311 Mosures d'lindices de spectres dans lea assemblages homogenes nus moder6s a leau (SM-42/65) ................... ..................... 313 C. Cloueid'Orval. J. G. Bruna, M. Cadlilhac et J. Moret-Bailly Discussion ........................... ............................. 337 Thermal neutron spectral and spatial distributions in light-water- moderated uranium lattices (SM-42/35) ............ .. 3...............39 J. Hardy, J. J. Volpe, D. Klein, E. Schmidt and E. Gelbardc Discussion ........... 359 Calculos nucleares de reactores moderados por agua ligera y correlaci6n experimental (SM-42/25) ........................ 361 R. Solanilua Comparison of Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory clean critical and sub- critical experiments with calculations (SM-42/29) ......... .......... 391 D. R. Bach, J. A. Bistline, S. L. Bunch, R. J. Cerbone, F. Feiner, W. Skolaik, R. E. Slovacek and S. Weinstein Discussion ........ .. 444 VI. D20 ASSEMBLIES The role of critical experiments in the Chalk River Power Programme (SM-42/24) ........ 449 A. G. Ward Discussion . ........................................................ 454 Lattice parameter measurements in ZED-2 (SM-42/23) .... ............ 457 R.E. Green and C.B. Bigham Discussion ............. ........................................... 476 Comparison of the worth of critical and exponential measurements for heavy-water-moderated reactors (SM-42/42) ..... ................... 479 W. E. Graves and B. J. HenneLly Discussion ............. 506 Determination of D20 - 2% enriched uranium lattice parameters by means of a critical system (SM-42/4) ...... ................................ 509 IV. RaI1i6, S. Takac, H. Mlarkovid and T. Bofevski -Discussion ......... - 526 Void reactivity effects in the second charge of the lialden Boiling Water Reactor (SM-42/69) ......... ...................................... 527 eJ. Z. L-nde .Discussion ............. ........................................... 559 Effectiveness of a large number of control I'ods in the second charge of the Halden Boiling Water Reactor (SM-42/70) ..... .................. 561 R. Smidt Olsen Discussion ......................................................... 572 Pulsed-neutron measurements on a heavy-water reactor at zero energy (SM-42/6) . ........................................................ 575 M. Kichle Discussion ............. ........................................... 585 Flux-flattening experiments on a heavy-water critical facility (SM-42/83) 587 F. Accinni and C. a. ZorzolU Discussion ........................... ............................. 605 List of Chairmen of Sessions and Secretariat of the Symposium .... ..... 607 THE ROLE OF CRITICAL EXPERIMENTS IN THE CHALK RIVER POWER PROGRAMME A.G. WARD ATOMIC ENERGY OF CANADA LIMITED, CHALK RIVER. ONTARIO, CANADA Abstract - Resumn - AmsoTastius - Resumen THE ROLE OF CRITICAL EXPERIMENTS IN THE CHALK RIVER POWER PROGRAMME. Critical experi- ments have fomned a considerable part of the reactor physics programme at Chalk River. The ZEEP reactor has been used since 1951 for measurerpents of buckling, fine structure of the neutron flux distribution, and other related studles. In l9S0 the ZED-2 reactor was commissioned for an expanded programme of lattice experiments to support the Canadian effort on the development of heavy-water-moderated power reactors. These mneasurements provide a basis for optimum-power reactor design. Current Interest Is In the use of boiling H5O or fog as an alternative to DO coolant with oxide-fuel assemblies, and in the use of organic coolant with uranium-carbide fuel. Precise measurements are being made to determine the ncutron balance. They complement the buckling measurements and are important in the development of accurate lattice recipes. Critical experiment; during start-up of large reactors have provided additional information and check the validity of the design data. Problems for future study Include the lattice parameters for large fuel clusters. accurate measurements relating to power and void coefficients of reactivity, and the we of plutonium to simulate Irradiated fuel for lattice experiments. ROLE DES EXPERIENCES CRITIQUES DANS LEPROGRAMME CANADEEN DE RfACTEURS DE PUISSANCE. Les experiences critiques tiennentunegrandeplacedansle programme de ls phytique des tiacteurs. I Chalk River. Depuls 2951, on utilise le riacreur ZEEP pour des mntures du laplaclen et de ia structure fine de a trEpartition da flux de neutrons ct pour d'autres etudes connexes. En 1960. on a mis en service Ic riacteur ZED-2 en vUe d'exdcurer un programme orfendu d expEriences de r&caux. dans Ic cadre du programme plus vaste de dEve- loppement de rfActeun de puissance Il'eau lourde. Cat matures fournissent une basc pour V'optimrsation des reacteurs de puissance. A l'heure actuele. on slintressc I I'utilisition decau bouillante au 'leu de DsO comme flulde de tefroldissement avec la assem- blages I Ioxyde d uranlurn. et I Plutillsation d'un flulde organique avec le carbure d'uranium. Des mueures prfedses sont falter pour determiner l'economle des neutrons. Elles completent leu mesurtu aurIc Itplaclen et sonM importantes pour la mise au point de formula de ritfau. Des experiences critiques faltes pendant le demarrage de grands reacteurs ont fournl des information supplimentaires et Ont permia de Ydrifler lPexactitude des caractirlstques. Pour Plavenir. le programme des travaux compotte l'ctade des paramitres de tsreau pour lea grappes d'clements de combustible de grande dimension, des meaures pricises relatives au coefficient de temperanure et au coefficient cavitaire. es Putill- ataon du plutonium pour simuler le combustible irradii dans les experiences de rcseau. POAll KPHTHIECKHX 3XCnEPHMEHTOB D flPOrPAMME no 3O1EPrETHXE B 4OK- PHBEP. XpHTH(40cKle sKcnepMMuassti CoctaajsAsT sHaMMTens1Hys, 'acTm nporpasuat no ft3iKe peaXTopoa s *oiK-Pitep. PeaKTop ZEEP c 1951 roas Hcmonb3yecttAnR H35mepeLmx nannacataHa, ossoHxrspyxTypu pacnpeAenemmx noroxa HefTpoHoa xHtpoDeAeHHX Apyrmx cmeaHLIX Hcc/eAOaHHiR. 1B1960 roay peaKtop ZED-2 6un nepeCaat Anxsocy0tecsranessn pacmmpemHoR nporpauuhr onUToD c peme'Kaumm z tteaxx nojtAepscxm ycnmR, LspeanpMHswaemuix a KaH&ate no pa3pa6oTxe osepreTH'sec- KHx peaxkopoa
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