5* 4 Issued Weekly, Fntcicd 13 Second-Clad Matter at the Post- VOLUME LH, NO. 33. office «t (led Bank, tl. <!., under tho Act ct March 8, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1930. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO AID DISABLE0WERANS. A ROBIN IN FEBRUARY. :ARD PARTY AND DANCE GOLD CUP CONTENDERS. NEW AUTO FIRM. LIFE John D. Watldns Saw It In Ills BMIS Consolidated Motor Sales Corporu- FARMER GOES BANKRUPT. Yard last Friday Afternoon. ' tlou to jSell DeSotos. A LETTEB FROM JOAQUIN I4W- UED BANK EX-SQUHEiiS IN- THBEE CHURCHES TO JOIN IN TWO BOATS TO BEAR NAME OF ALI3KRT I. ISMMONS WILL 1S1'. NNCAL EXHIBIT TO Ol'KN HAT. John D. Watklns, who lives at the The Consolidated motor sales cor- **KENCE OF COWS NECK. DORSE DISABILITY BILL. coiner of Riverside avenue and AFFAIB AT SIAKXBOKO. * MISS BED BANK. poration of Hed Bank, a new firm, SOLD OUT TOMORROW. URDAV AT ARMOHY. Bridge avenuo at Red Bank, near has taken the agency for tho DeSoto In It He Tells About tho Members of Veterans o( Foreign Wars Post Vot- Alison's service station, saw a large, It Will be Held at St. John's Hall Ono to bo Built at tho ISanllcld Sea- automobiles for Monmouth and I ho Live Stock, Farm Implomenty ronmoulh County Automobile Deal- tlia New Jersey State Tourist So- ed Unnnlmouly Lust Week to Asl;fat robin In his back yard lost Fri- Monday Night, February 24tb—A skiff Works Will Fly the Colors of Ocean counties. The showroom ami and Crops of This Well Known cm Assuclatlon Looking Forward ciety Being Entertained In an Congress to Pass Amendment to day afternoon, The bird stayed on Chevrolet Koadster will bo Dis- tho Ked Hunk Yacht CIulj—Plerro office will be at 127 West Front Ilohmlrl Farmer Will be Struck off to Hlggpst Show Ever Held Hero 'Undertaking Parlor. ^ Help Ex-Servlce Men. ' , the place some time, and Mr. Wat- posed of for WlckatunU Convent. A. I'roai Building tho Other Craft. street, near Pearl street. Louis West ut a Ufg Cash Auction. —ivxb.'blt IVtll Cloea February 23d. 1 Joaquln Lawrence of Colt's Nock, At a mooting of Red Bank post of klns directed the attention of the St. Catherine !) church of Everett, The New Jersey Gold Cup associa- of Long; Branch Is manager'of this As (ho result of an involuntary pe- On Saturday of thla week at tha who with Mrs, Lawrence in spending Veterans of Foreign Wars at tho members of hla family and some of St. Gabriel's church of Bradevclt and tion has received word from the Red corporation. , He was formerly with tition in bankruptcy, tho live stock, ted Bank armory tho Monmouth tho winter at St. Petersburg, Florida, armory last Thursday night It was his neighbors to the unusual sight. St. John's church of Marlboro haVi Bank Yacht club that a now boat is tho Heimlach motor company of farm implements and household :ounty automobilo dealers' a»sool«. hao written a letter to Cecil Mac- unanimously voted to Indorse an Everyone who saw the robin thought combined to give a .card party and to represent the club In tho Gold Cup Long Branch. The corporatiop n Is )ds of Albert I. Emmons of Holm- ion will open Its annual show tot Cloud at Red Bank relative to his amendment to the world war veter- that It portended an early Bprlng. donee at St. John's hall Monday races to be held on the Shrewsbury composed of Monmouth countty men. del will be sold at auction tomorrow. ho sixteenth timo. It will ba eon- ans' act of 1524, At prescnt'thls. act Very winter thereure a few robins night, February,..-2-ith.,. Music for river at Red Bank on August ICth The DeSoto models havo six un,l For several years Mr. Emmons oper- nucd every night next week, clos- stay In tho South. Mr. Lawrence ia who do not migrate South but who a member. of ^Hio American legion provides disability compensation for dancing will be supplied by Haokett's and 17th. The new contender will be eight cylinders and will be exhibited ated Mrs. Victor Dean Kcnney's farm ig on Saturday night. Thin yoaf the pout of Red Bank, and In hla letter veterans who wero taken Blck with remain hero. orchestra. The profits will be divided built by two memberB of the. club, at the Red Bank auto ehow. at Holmdcl, and the sale will be held "how is being held about two weeto ho commonts favorably on the action consumption or'other diseases on or equally among the three churches. Commodore Gerald C. Holbrook and on the premises. This winter Mr. ;arlier than the exhibitions of nre. of the post In buying tho 'Atwater before January 1st, 1025, Since tho Various card games will be played Joseph K. Ban/leld, and will be raced Emmons ' got in untoward financial ious years. property on Maplo avenue for a clato mentioned a great many, veter- nnd many prizes will be offered for under their joint ownership and un- Etraits and his .health became Im- If enthusiasm and optimism shown legion home. The letter follows: ena have becomo disabled through CONCERT FOR A CHURCH. ho winners. Door and danco prizes der the colors of the Red Bank DANCE VALENTINE NIGHT. paired. He is slowly Improving, but y the dealers mean anything tlw disease, but their, applications for "Yacht club.' Wo aro having some winter here. of $2.50 in gold each will bo awarded. he will not bo ablo to return homo now should be a grand success. nc, It has been milto cool for a few days. disability compensation have been SHILLING SINGERS TO .PER-A Chevrolet roadster will be dis- Miss Red Bank will be the name RED BANK CLUB TO HOLD for two months at least from the orts of unemployment and hard disallowed on the theory that their posed of at the party for tho benefit of tho new craft, which will be built hospital at Trenton where he Is un- imes havo not discouraged the auto- Laut night It got real cold. Wo had FORM NEXT WEEK. EVENT AT ASBURY I'ARK. a freezing frost and the thermometer sickneasea were not the result of niil- of tho House of the Good Shepherd at the Banfield seaskiff works at At- der treatment. Ho was taken thcro wb o men. They believe tho auto- ilary service. pt Wlckatunk. The party will bo ono lantic Highlands, of which Joseph E. eleven days ago. Mbilo bus/ness Is entering Its big. went down to 34 degrees, but' when They Will Give a Musical Comedy The Dance VVI11 Take Place at the I write this letter at ono o'colclc in Somo of tfie best doctors In the of the biggest of Its kind ever held Banfield is president. Willie full Mr. EmmonB'8 debts aggregate •eat year and their opinion Ia ba.wd Concert for tho Methodist Young at the Marlboro hall. plans have not yet been drawn It la Monterey Hotel Grill on Friday tho afternoon.it la up to 02 degrees. United States havo expressed dis- Night of This Week—Mother and about $10,000. The sale tomorrow n reports from other automobile Wo had lots of rain and fogs, but It Women's Homo Missionary Society The members of the committees mown that the boat will follow ihows throughout the country. agreement with thla theory. They at tho Churcb. Daughter Banquet Held Last Week will be a big one, as the farm is well Invariably clears up every morning hold that nearly all of tho veterans are: Everett, Mr. and Mrs. John B. closely the Jersey seaskiff typo of stocked, but not even the most opti- These shows have had record about nln** or ten o'clock. v.'ho have becomo. permanently dis- A musical ce-medy concert spon- Brady, Mrs. Bernard Warneker, Mrs. construction, with lap stroke plank- Tho Young Woman's club of Red mistic of Sir. Emmonc'a creditors ex- :caking crowds and record breaking There aro tourists hero from most abled since 1025 arc in, this Btate be- sored by tho Red Bank Methodist Walter Palmer, Mrs. Thomas Kelly, Ing, flat bottom, stern rudder, etc. Bank will hold a dance Friday night pocts that enough will be realized to lies • Maurice Schwartz, manager every part of tho United States and couso of tho privations and hard- young women's homo mlslsonary so- Mrs. Frank Haley, Mrs. Bernard Power will be provided by a Packard of this week at the Monterey hotel pay 100 cents on the dollar to all to or the Red Bonk show, has every Canada. Most every stato has what ships they end\ircd during tho war.ciety will bo given at the church next Hickey, Mrs. Martin Kelly, Mrs. Gold Cup motor. grill at Asbury Park. Tho. club had whom debtfi arc due. reason to fesl that-this exhibit will Is called a "slate Boclety," and I am An amendment to tho world war vet- Tuesday night by the. Skllllng quar- ieorge A. Mauser, Mrs. John Maher, Another competitor for the famous planned to have the event at the The vendue will begin at ten •irpass in attendance nnd bunlnons a member of tho New Jersey society. erans' act has been introduced in tette of Long Branch. The program Misses Catherine and Mary War- Gold Cup Is being built at the RedMolly Pitcher hotel. Miss Gladys o'clock in tho morning, and it ia ex- ic shows of other years.
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