154 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JANUARY 14 NOMINATIONS Vice Adm. John D. Price, United States Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts asked Navy, to have the grade, rank, pay, and allow­ and was given permission to extend her Executive nominations received by the ances of a vice admiral while serving as dep­ Senate January 14, 1948: uty Chief of Naval Operations (Air). remarks in the RECORD and include a COMMISSIONER, DISTRICT OF , COLUMBIA Vice Adm. Harold B. Sallada, United States letter she received from the White House regarding the oil situation. Guy Mason, of the District of Columbia, to Navy, to have the grade, rank, pay, and allow­ be a Commissioner of the District of Colum­ ances of a vice admiral while serving as Com­ SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED mander Air Force, United States Pacific Fleet. bia for a term of 3 years, and until his suc­ Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts. Mr. cessor is appointed and qualified. IN THE MARINE CORPS Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION Maj. Gen. William P. T. Hill to be Quarter­ -master General of the Marine Corps, with the I may address the House today for 10 Walter M. W J Splawn, of Texas, to be an minutes following the disposition of Interstate Commerce Commissioner for a rank of major general, for a period of 2 years from the 1st day of February 1948. business on the Speaker's desk and the term expiring December 31, 1954. conclusion of special orders heretofore BUREAU OF INTERNAL ~EVENUE entered. Charles Oliphant, of Maryland, to' be as­ The SPEAKER. Is there objection to sistant general counsel for the Bureau of the request of the gentlewoman from Internal Revenue, in place of John Philip HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Massachusetts? Wenchel, resigned. There was no objection. Mortimer Jordan, of Alabama, to be collec­ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1948 tor of internal revenue for the district of Ala­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS bama, in place of Henry J. Willingham, re­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon, and was called to order by the Speaker. Mr. BAKEWELL asked and was given signed. permission to extend his remarks in the John T. Jarecki, of Illinois, to be collector The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera of internal revenue for the first district of Montgomery, D. D., offered the follow­ Appendix of the RECORD and include an Illinois, in place of Nigel D. Campbell, ing prayer: editorial from the Armed Forces maga­ resigned. zine. (These officers are now serving under tem­ Dear Lord, as we come into Thy holy Mr. TWYMAN asked and was granted porary commissions issued during the last presence, be Thou the master light for permission to extend his remarks in the _recess of the Senate.) all our ways. Direct us and enjoin us RECORD and include a speech made by COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS to be brave and calm in the discussion of Senator C. WAYLAND BROOKS, of Illinois, Martin R. Bradley, of Michigan, to be col­ every question. In our valley of deci­ relative to the Marshall plan. lector of customs for customs collection dis­ sion, lead us to acquit ourselves as true Mr. JAVITS asked and was granted trict No. 38, with headquarters at Detroit, Americans, cognizant of our own de­ permission to extend his remarks in the Mich. (Reappointment.) fects and patient with the errors of RECORD and include an editorial from the UNITED STATES ATTORNEY others. We pray Thee to bless our New York Herald Tribune entitled "Ex­ Howard L. Doyle, of Illinois, to be United Speaker with renewed strength, and for plosives for Palestine." States attorney for the southern district of all who bear the authority and responsi­ Mr. JAVITS asked and was granted Illinois. (Mr. Dayle is now serving under bility of leadership, may they and all permission to extend his remarks in the an appointment which expired October 1, citizens make the great adventure of RECORD and include an address by· Sena­ 1947.) faith, and, believing, find the inspiration tor IvEs on the occasion of a farewell UNITED STATES MARSHALS to labor on. We pray in our Master's dinner to Dr. Silver. Benjamin F. Ellis, of Alabama, to be United name. Amen. Mr. REED of New York asked and was States marshal for the middle district of -Ala­ granted permission to extend his re­ bama. (He is now serving under a recess ap­ The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ pointment.) - terday was read and approved. marks in the RECORD in three instances and in each instance to include extra­ Gerald K. Nellis, of New York, to be United MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT States marshal for the northern district of neous matter. New York. (He is now serving under a re­ A message in writing from the Presi­ Mr. MAcKINNON asked and was cess appointment.) dent of the United States was communi­ granted permission to extend his re­ Theodore B. Werner, of South Dakpta, to cated to the House by Mr. Miller, one of marks in the RECORD and to include ex­ be United States marshal for the district of his secretaries. traneous matter. South Dakota. (He is now serving under a EXTENSION OF REMARKS Mr. ELLIS asked and was granted recess appointment.) permission to-extend his remarks in the APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THE Mr. ENGEL of Michigan asked and RECORD and include a newspaper article. UNITED ' STATES was given permission to extend his re­ SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED To be captain marks in the RECORD and include an edi­ Gordon M. Johnson,. AGO, 029406. torial from the United Mine Workers Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I ask Journal. unanimous consent that on tomorrow, To be first lieutenants Mr. WELCH asked and was given per­ George W. Gorman, AC, 043058. after the disposition of matters on the Paul N. Harlow, AC, 031590. mission to extend his remarks in the Speaker's desk . and all other special Benjamin G. Musser, MC, 056894. RECORD and include an article by Ruth orders, my colleague the gentleman from Howard R. Schroeder, AC, 056518. Finney entitled "Public Power Lauded," Indiana [Mr. LANDis] may address the To be second lieutenant which appeared in the San Francisco House for 30 minutes. News. · The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Kenneth B. Smith, AC, 049722. Mr. ROBERTSON asked and was giv­ NoTE.-The above listed officers were serv­ the request of the gentleman from ing in the Regular Army in incorrect grades en permission to extend his remarks in Indiana? due to discrepancy in original records of the RECORD and include a letter from the There was no objection. Dairy Industries Association. birth. These officers were discharged from THE ROAD TO SOCIALISM their incorrect grades on December 29, 1947, Mr. RAMEY <at the request of Mr. and were given recess appointment in the McGREGOR) was given permission to ex­ Mr: MASON. Mr. Speaker, I ask proper Regular Army grade on December 30, tend his remarks in the RECORD and in­ unanimous consent to address the House 1947. clude a radio address. for 1 minute on the subject of The Road IN THE NAVY Mr. BRAMBLETT asked and was giv­ to Socialism and to extend and revise Admiral DeWit t C. Ramsey, United St ates en permission to extend his remarks in my remarks and include a short state­ Navy, to have the grade, rank, pay, and allow­ the RECORD and include a copy of a ment from David Lawrence on the same ances of an admiral while serving as Com­ speech made by Hon. GEORGE W. GILLIE, subject. mander in Chief, Pacific and United States Pacific Fleet. of Indiana, chairman of the special The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Vice Adm. Forrest P. Sherman, United House Subcommittee on Foot and Mouth the request of the gentleman frmn Illi­ States Navy, to have the grade, rank, pay, and Disease, before the forty-eighth annual nois [Mr. MASON]? allowances of a vice admiral while serving conference of the Veterinary Alumni So­ There was no objection. as Commander United States Naval Forces, ciety, University of Pennsylvania, at Mr. MASON. Mr. Speaker, the streams Mediterranean. Philadelphia on January 6, 1948. of American risk capital are rapidly dry- 1948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE l55 ing up. Our people are saving and in­ And why don't the manufacturers color the for 1 minute and to revise and extend vesting very little these days. During margarine themselves and save the housewife my remarks. the prewar days we saved 25 percent of a messy job? · Those are all good questions. They merit The SPEAKER. Is there objection our national income and invested those a frank and clear answer. · to the request of the gentleman from savings in ever-expanding American The reason many Milwaukee stores do not South Carolina? business enterprises. Today we are sav­ sell oleo is that, to do so, they must have There was no objection. ing only 6 percent of our swollen na­ both a State and a Federal license. The State Mr. RIVERS. Mr. Speaker, the sub­ tional income; therefore, the streams of ·license costs $25; the Federal $6. A store has ject of oleo is a very vital subject to me. risk capital needed for the expansion of to be sure of selling considerable oleo before I rise to tell my distinguished colleague industry, the creation of jobs, and the it buys these licenses. from the State of New York that I have production of scarce goods have become The reason the price is higher here than in today placed on the desk a petition to tiny trickles and are rapidly drying up Illinois is that Wisconsin has a tax of 15 cents a pound on all oleo sold in the State.
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