IS, 19(3 = !::::I Ratton Carendar . z / . Cooler ~U(lA.& .oupon It! "plff. Aur. 15: .1~A·r .&&IIIp. U, V Uplr. AU. HI: raOOE88Eb rOObl!! ••••,. •• 8 ••• l' ea,lr. 801. to; GA80WNE A IOWA: Showers. Slicbll, .OU,. ... IXplr. ,I.pt. eL; FUEL .OIL p.r.• , •• ,0.', T 'HE DAILY' IOWAN ••••••, '.plr. lie, I. ill BUGAR .ta",P' 15 ... 18, bo •• cooler • a.DI.~ uplre 0 ••• 31: 8U,,1I:8 "amp 11 .,,"r •• 0.1. 81 I ,ud. OiL ,.r. I .n,. ••• , '~S.' ••, IXplr. JaD ••• Iowa City's Morning Newspaper FIVE= CENTS THI AB800IATID rR.. I IOWA CITY,IOWA TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1943 TH£ A OOIATID rlSS8 VOLUME XLm NUMBER 276 . , e e e an I rene Ir Ie --~----------------~--------------~------------------.--------------------~--------------------------------------------------------------- . .. NAPLES AIRFIELD-NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T Nazis oil Messina Peninsula OPA Tells Use of- 37 German Fighters Shot Down 'Caughlln 'Dealh Trap' of Fire Brown . In BaUles Over 6 Plane Bases Escape From ~icily to Italian Mainland Blocked Sto mps By ROBERT STURDEVANT JJONDON (AP)-American Flying Fortr ' and Marauders, By Bombardment From Land, Sea, Air; * * * taking up where th RAF left off on Milan and B rlin, yeo t rday German Rear Guard Crumbles WASHINGTON (AP )-The pound d the big Nazi airbru e ju. t Ol/t. ide Paris \Vith l1igh ex­ pLosives and "beat up" five otb r fields in FI'Ilnc with bomb. ALLlED HEADQUAR'rERS TN NORTH AFRICA (AP)- brown ration stamps In war ration Thllllderbolt of th Eijthth airforce whot down ]7 0 l'DlaB Bombardment by land, sea and air began transforming the Mes- book three will come Into use Sept. rightel'S in batti('S over Pari while Plying Fortre. es and other sina peninsula into a death trap for regiments of the German 12 tor the purchase of meats, fats, bomb 1'S account d for another 20 in the six I\irfi Id attacks, army of Sicily boUleneeked thCl'C last night. oils, butter and cheese, the oUice joint American and Briti. h commnniqll d crib d the at­ The Nazi I'ear gUIlI'd d fen8(>s had crumbled. of Price Administration (OPA) tack on Le Bourget airdrom whel'e harl A. ,Lilldbcl'gll laud d Alii d fi Id artillery, warships and massed fleets of bomber!! announced last night. in his non top flight acro!>! th Atlantic in l!)~ as' tl·ong." spread a carpet of fire M/'OSS the Germans' escape corridor Il nd The brown stamps will replace pposition 0" r Paris was the most violent of tilt.' day II ltllOugh' Ihe Mpssinll strait fe/ory lanes to Italy. the red ones in war ration book airfields at PoilC and Abhe,·ille w 1'e attacked by T<'lying For­ United f-Hates Rl'venth army vanguards raced along the north two as the latter are used up. t1'.- . while American Marauders bomb d tli(' field at Rernay. C08st to within 14 miles of Messina itself, overrunning Barcel- They will have the same point AP Ventura.~ and l'yphooD value. Jona and cutlin/! off Milazzo, a secondary evacnation po/·t.. Henceforth, OPA announced bomb rs attack d the oufields The Briti h Eighth army ~nifed through Taormina, Castig- also, the meats-Iats ration stamps - at Tricqucvill and Aml':fl8- Iionc and Kaggl in a right flank drivc to within 15 miles of Mes- always will expire on the Saturday Norway Placed lis)T. sina lind there came under the fire of long-range German bat- nearest the end of the month, with The German-eontrolled Vichy teries emplaced on Ole Ttalian the new sets becoming valid on radio said 180 pe/'80ns had been killed In the northeast and shore across Mes.c;ina traits. Rd 15 Mil Successive Sundays. Under Virtual southealt suburb!! of Paru by Other gains wel'e made byeS I es Red stamp Dates . "several lIQuadrons of M,lo­ British and American troops OPA tixed the validity dates for American bombers which at­ moving .np from Randazzo lit the Jast red stamps in ration book two-stamps X, Y and Z. These tacked In three waves for half an hour." Le Bour,et alrflelcl II Ihe celltCl'. will expire on Oct. 2, and will Martial Law · (The Algiers radiO said in a rom ryans become valid as follows: stamp X, less Ulan seven mJles from the F B k center of Paris. brOadcast recorded by Reuters August 22; stamp Y, 'August 29; Quisling Signs Law Even as the communique was that Milazzo was occupied.) and stamp Z. Sept. 5. Brown stamps A and ' B, be­ After Nazis Execute issued last evening, watchers on Race to Messina Town 40 Miles Away coming valid on' Sept. 12 and 19 the channel reported new forma­ There is not much doubt that . Falls as Russ Gain respectively," both will expire on Norwegian Police Chief tions of allied planes crossing Into the Americans will reach Mes- Oct. '2. The n!!xt ·. tour brown Europe making the oil' assault vir- STOCKHOLM (AP)-Norway tually continuoUS, sina first. They can move up In Central Battling stamps, all .expiring on Oct. 30, will become valid on the following was placed virtually under mil i- Fighter pilots escorting bomb­ without having to face the fire LONDON (AP)-Red army dates: stamp ,C, Sept. 20: stomp tary law last night fOllowing the ers in the raids on the French air­ of the coastal guhs on the main­ troops drove to within 15 miles. of D, Oct. 3: "stamp E, Oct. 10; and execution of the Norwegian clvH fields reported seeing a number land because of the mountains Bryansk yesterday in advances of stamp F. Oct. 17. police chief, Gunnar EiliIsen, by of German FW190's with Italian Nazi occupation authorities who markings. The British air minis­ w~t of the town. from five to nine miles against Between Sept. 12, when the first series of brown stamps be­ accused him of disobedlencc, of- try news service said the were The British E i g h t h army's this central front bastion, and tltey toppled the important city of Zhiz­ comes valid, and Oct. 2, when the flcial announcements In 0 10 dis- encountered near Abbeville and coastal details will have no sLich dra 40 miles to the northeast, Mos­ (jnal sets of red stamps expire, closed. one was shot down. prvtection. cow announced in a specla~ cO.m- both red and brown stamps will be A roundup was ordered 01 all MHan, now a smoking city It was officially stated that the munique last night. '. usable_After Oct. 2 only the brown Norwegian military ofCicers still choked with debris and with its end of the. campaign, launched The battle of Kharkov, described stamps will be used. in Norway for transfer to Ger- pop u 1 a lion rcportedly panic­ Not· 'unfiL Ndvember 'wJll it be many os prisoners of war. with a dual Invasion through by the official Soviet news agency A law sign d by Premier Vldkun striken, was struck with more wind-driven surf July 10, "is now Toss yestel'dllY as "the lar(est rieceslltlry to brin) Into ·use stamps German base of operations on the replacing the blue stamps for Quisling, in addition to pUlcing ihan 100 two-ton bomb by BrU- at hand." striC -ridden N under virtulll lah heavy b mb rs lost night, Sovlet-Germlln front," lIpprollc'hed canned, rr~ Ana ' - _ II-S Mllet t~ .tal) military law, olso called into the Thl was the third RAF at­ The fact that It is only two or a cHmax as Red army forces closed Blue . Stamp Dates in from west, east and' nOI''th. The OPA annolmcea \ that blue armed forces the Norwegian po- tack within rour nllhls on three miles from Messina evocua­ lice, the Quisling bOdyguard, the Italy's ,reatest Industrial city. tion beaches to the Italian main­ ~ussians beat off strong German stamps U, V and W would become counterattacks, and Tass irnplJed valid Sept. 1 and would be good Germanic storm troops 01 Norway Berlin, whIch was hit Satur­ land prevents this from becom­ and the Norwegian Hlrd organi- I day, wa bla ted alaln unday Ing a second Cap Bon, where a the faU of the city was near. until Oct. 20. The Soviet special communique OPA announced also. that the DISAPPEARING ACT 19 put on by the C&podlchlnO, airfield, Naples, Iu.ly, at the behest of Allied bomber!. zation. nlcht by RAF MOSQuJtos. It was German army was captured al­ First stick ot bombs can be seen dropping, right in top photo, toward the airfield, left. A few minutes Increasing NazI Nervou n the 70th raid of the war on most intact. reported that Russian troops cap­ point value of frozen fruits sold 'Iatcr, however, the field wa.s completely obllterated, IQwer photo, by the huge clouds or smoke rising tured more than 130 populated lo­ in containers ·of more than 10 All these actions were inter- the German capital whose resl­ The allies cannot block some trom boWlb ... et .lires. The attack was carried out by bombers of the North.west African Air Forces. calities orr the Bryansk Iront, in­ pounds will be raised to 12 poln{s preted as a sign 01 increaslnl G 1'- dents now look with dread tor proportion of the enemy forces cluding Zhizdra, which is only 120 a pound instead ,of six points, These arc official UnIted States AImy AI: Forces photographa. (International Soundphotos) man nervousness over teurs of an the heavier attacks the, expeeJ from escaping before the British miles southeast of SmoLensk.
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