Number In a 0 a a Mottbnt~ Q 0 0 0 @randing rx 3juabreb milefi fur "8 @liittps~nf @illt".................. 2 Whom Has the Lord Chosen? .................. 2 QButplilrrittgnf tlt~Bpirif iit Nisurag~ta...... 5 After Four Years of Dearth ................ 5 prefisurp of Bewe1 flaking ............................. 6 allp aPnpra[ alrultril........................................ 10 NdfPfi ...................................12 After Nine Years........................................ 12 Stone Church Visitors ................................ 12 Missionary Report...................................... 12 @lnnferpnre nf #ienterusfal i%Iisfiinuaries-3 Missionary Rest Home.............................. 14 Proper Housing ............................................ 1:L Attitude of Missionary on Field ............ 15 Value of Native Worker.......................... 16 Resolutions Adopted ................................ -17 a Bay uf $irPtiolts ~pmOriPs 18 safe apturn BPrusa[em ....................... 20 Ninety Days Thru the War Zone ............ 20 I EARNESTLYCONTENDING FOR THE FAITHONCE FOR ALL DELIVEREDTO TIIE SAINTS I Whom Has the Lord Chosen to Carry His Message? I I. 11. (:ox, Zio11 City, 111. in tl~cM,issio~~ar~ Conlcrcncc. 1-11s morning, beloved, there are and we warn him not cl his wicked way, to save four delinite facts that face us. liis life, and the wicked man die in his iniquity, 'I'he first is the imperative com- his hlood will bc required at our hands. mand that everybody should hear 'J'he second tllought given us is that the pres- tlie (hpel of tlie Lord Jesus ent staff of missionaries is inadequate to cope Christ. 'I'he second is the ina- with the tremendous need that lies before us. bility oi the prcsent staff of mis- We look at India with her 315,ooo,ooo peoljlc sionaries to cope with the great groping in darkness. How few liave ever had nee& beyond. 'I'lie third is tlie definite lack of the full Gospel ! Thocsands of.men wlm have sl)iritual sul)l)lication for those that are upon gone forth liave not 1)reached the Gospel. God the field, and the last is the real lack of system- poured out Ijis Spirit in these last days because atic giving unto God fo: the sak.e of evangelizing Ile wanted to get people to preach the very same the world. We liave Ixard enough on tlie first Gospel that t.he apostles preached. The people ~~ointto know that it i.s imperative for us to obey are looking for such a Gospel today. I was read- the command of ,the Lord Jesus to go if the ing The Bombay Guardian, a prom)inent paper lieatlien are to get the Gospel. In tlie tenth chap- printed in India, some time ago, and as I read ter of 12omans beginning at the thirteenth verse, it solemnized my heart. 7'hcre are hundreds of we read, "Wllosoever shall call ulwn the name universities in India that have been built up on of the Lord sliall be saved. How then sliall they missionary moncy under the different denomi- call on IIim in whom they have not believed? nations, and there 'arc vast provinces in India anti llow sl~allthey belicve in lIim of whom they ,that have never been touched with the Gospel, ]lave not heard? and how shall they hear witl~out millions of people without a missionary, but a preacher? And how sliall they preach, except from the South to the North, and tlie East to the tlley be sent?" These are four weighty ques- \/\'est, with all their miversities, with all their tiolis for you and me to answer. I think it was educational facilities, their titled men and wo- S. I). Gordon who wrote this little vision of a men, they cannot find one out of a thousand in certain person who went to the pearly gates a year that believes on the Lord Jesus Christ as wlicre he met the Angel Gabriel antl entered into the Savior. 'he only figures they, can give is conversation with Iiini. The angel said, "The on an average of one every two years. It means 1,ortl Jesus has become the Savior of the world; we have missed the true message of God, and it He .has gone to Calvary's cross, He has paid the also means having our foreign lands saturated, . debt and 13;s blood lias been poured out." "Yes, not with "this Gospel" but with another, and let we realize IIc is the Savior, hut will you tell me him that giveth any other Gospel than this be ac- whom has tlic I.ord left on the earth to give rursetl. There is the great province of Katlii- forth the message Jcsus Christ has wrought out war, where I trust the Lord will allow me to join on Calvary?" And thc angel turned to the man our 13rother Schoonmaker in evangelizing in I-Iis \l~llowas asking tlie question and pointed down time. Tt is a province of nearly three millions to Mount Olivet wllcrc that body had met to- of people, and no,real missionary there to preach gether to sec the 1,ord ascending to heaven, and the Gospel. As I was in Malkapur under the said, "Tliose lias Jesus Christ commanded to Christian & Missionary Alliance, I remember give the message." As the angel finished his how I felt as I wandered through the great Ta- wortls the man began to think a moment antl luka district with its hundreds of villages, my Illen turning to the angel, said, "And supposing tongue cleaving to the roof of my mouth for the they fail?" The angel answered, "God has made want of ,a drink of water. 1st took me three years no other provision," and that is true today. The to cover it, and yet I could not cover it with the only provision that God has made for the heath- Gospel. I would go on and on and have to turn en to get the Gospel is through men and women Imck on account of the heat and the rains and who liave Ixcn saved and baptized in the 1Ioly do missionary work at home, but that meant Ghost, and if you and I fail in our part we ,have that some of tllose villagcs in each district got to give an account to God; as He says in Ilzekiel, tlic Gosl~elonly once in three years. As T looked that if tlic wiclwd man is condemned to death, over that vast, uncovered territory I used to say, 2 "Oh God, how long will they sit at home and re- I told you about the !errihle sins of childhood fuse to bring the message of salvation to this and womanhood of Tndia, but this morning I lost world!" I remember one day after preach- want you to rcalizc that ahove all the terrible ing until I was exhausted, one of the men came sins that are going an in tllcse foreign lands up to me and said, "110 you know, Sahib, there sllines the cross of JCSI~S.'l'he Man of Calvary are a lot of people sitting before you; (there is saying to ynu and to me, "If you love me, were more than in this audience today) and out keep rnJr commandments." "Go ye into all the on the roadside, did you see those people?" worlil and prcach the (;ospel to every creature." "Yes, I have 'been preaching to them." "l3ut," 1 don't know whether you have ever read T2ishop he said, "you don't realize the situation. They Tho1)urn's l)oolc or not, but he tells of how he are convicted by your message, they want the was going along the roadside one day and he saw Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, they want to be there was something peculiar happening and as saved, but how can they be saved w~ithouthear- Ile drew nearer he said he wished he might nev- ing more of the Gospel. They are like children, er have gazed on such a sight. There were men they cannot read or write. If they leave their who were trying to gain the place of non-exist- idols, they will have to sit in darkness and igno- ence,. trying to gain favor with the gods, and rance until you return next year. How can you through the muscles of their naked arms spikes expect them to be savec! with the one message?" we& being driven, through the muscles of their I would like to see the men and women in civil- chest were these terribie spikes, and spikes were ized America who will live on one message a driven through their tongues, and under their year without reading the Eible. There was the feet were wooden spikes. They had traveled cry. I said, "My brother, I cannot stay here ali thousands of miles in the blazing sun, and men the time, there are others like you. I want to were fanning them and throwing water on them ; give at least one chance for every man and wo- they were going to a certain temple a:ld if the\, man in this Taluka conntry to hear the Gospel," reached that temple they would gain the favor and I had to pass on to other places. Oh be- of the gods. When men are willing to suffer loved, we are inadequate to meet the need on such torture in their ignorance to gain the favor the field! of the gods, what will we do to give this Gospel I remember going through the thick jungle to every creature? one day, and as I passed on and on through the A missionary going out on his itinerary met a jungle I thought we would never get to another poor creature going a!ong the road.
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