Assyrian Songs 09/20/2018 Ashur Bet Sargis Dashta d Ninveh (Plains of Nineveh) 02 Ashur Bet Sargis Roosh Jwenqaa (Rise Young Man) 04 Ashur Bet Sargis Bet Nahrain (Great Assyria) 07 Ashur Bet Sargis Yawinaakh Khayee (I will give you my Life) 12 Ashur Bet Sargis Yalikhto Smooqtaa (Her Red Handkerchief) 15 Ashur Bet Sargis Jiptaa d Anweh (Grape Vine) 17 Linda George Maliktaa Shameeram (Queen Semiramis) 20 Linda George Yalikhtaa Khwartaa (White Handkerchief) 25 Linda George Khumraa Teeqaa (Old Wine) 28 Linda George Nishraa d T’Khooma (Eagle of T’Khooma) 79 Juliana Jendo Alap Beet (Alphabet) 31 Juliana Jendo Tdaalyaateh d Soorootaa (Youthful Play) 34 Juliana Jendo Bet Yalda (Birthday) 36 Jermain Tamraz Doogleh Shapeereh (Beautiful Lies) 38 Fatin Shabo Mookhibtee (My Beloved) 39 Evin Agassi Shighdaa (Good News/Good Tidings) 41 Evin Agassi Aloolaa (Alley/Block) 46 Evin Agassi Campeh (Camps) 48 Evin Agassi Sanam (Idol) 51 Evin Agassi Khazaadeh (Cultivators) 53 Evin Agassi An Appeal to the United Nations 56 Evin Agassi Habbaniya (a British Camp in Iraq) 60 Evin Agassi Bet Nahrain (Mesopotamia) 64 Evin Agassi Seepar Smooqtaa (Red Zero) 60 Robert Bet Sayad Labaltaa d Chaloo (Bringing of the Bride) 71 Albert Oscar Baba Habbaniya (a British Camp in Iraq) 73 Edward “Biba” Yousif Qoorbaa min Aynaatee (Close to my Eyes) 76 Gibrail Sayad Nishraa d T’Khoomaa (Eagle of T’Khoomaa) 79 Shabeh Lawando Bageeyeh (a Young Lady’s Name) 81 Walter Aziz Nahrain (a Young Lady’s Name) 85 Ashur Drama Group Come Back to Me 89 Ashur Drama Group Moor La Qa Drugs (Say No to Drugs) 95 George Servenous Yooma MuTdraanaa (Rainy Day) 97 Mesopotamian Night L’ Roomyateh Qeeneh d’ Nineveh 100 (on the Green Hills of Nineveh) Robert Ibrahimi L’ Roomyateh Qeeneh d’ Nineveh) 100 (on the Green Hills of Nineveh) George Servenous & Clara Shinu Ramina (a Young Lady’s Name) 103 Mesopotamian Night Ramina (a Young Lady’s Name) 103 Aglanteena Warda Aghalareh (Gentlemen) 106 Ramina Odicho & Rinyo Alap Beet (Alphabet) 109 Azadoota Leeshana – Jesus Spoke my Language 111 Mesopotamian Night (5th) Malek Rama Musical (The Handsome Prince) 113 ܣܓܪܣܬܒ ܪܘܫܐ Ashur Betsargis ܘܢܝܼ ܢܕ ܬܐܫܕ DAASH-TAA D NIN-VEH Plains of Nineveh ܵ ܲ ܵ ܒܪ ܸܫܢ ܡ ܸܫܢ ܝܬ ـ ܝܚܩܠ ܝܝ ܩ ܝܝܢܐ B' RE-SHIN M' SHIN-TEE, KHUQ-LEE[1] QEE-NAA[2] 2 i wake from my sleepiness, -my fieldsܵ -[1]ܲ green[2]ܲ ܲ ܝܒܝ ܝܬܢ ܝܥܬ ܝܝܩܐ ܸܒܢ ܵܝܐ ܡܜ ܝܝ ܵܢ ـــــܐ BE-TAAN AA-TEE-QAA[3] BIN-YAA[4] M' TdEE-NAA[5] our old[3]ܵ houseܲ build[4]ܵ from mud[5]ܲ ܝܠܚܡ ܝܝ ܦ ܵܝ ܵܝ ــܐ ܓܘ ܝܬܢ ܝܘܪܐ LUKH-MEE[6] PYAA-YAA[7] GOO TU-NOO-RAA[8] -my bread-[6] baking[7] in the -baking pit/oven(esp in ground)-[8] ܵ ܲ ܲ ܹ̈ ܜܥ ܝܘܢ ܵܝ ــ ܬܐ ܕ ܝܥܦܪ ܝܝ ܝܫܡ ܝܝܢܐ TdOON-YAA-TEH[9] D UP-RREE SHU-MEE-NAA[10] ܵ the -fruits of treesܲ -[9] ofܵ my fertile[10] landܲ ܬܵܢܫܸ ܢܡܸ ܝܫܘܥܪ. ܬܵܡܘܝ ܐ ܐܝܵ ܝܫܘܥܪ ROOSH[11] MIN SHIN-TAA[12]. ROOSH YAA OOM-TAA[13]. wake/rise[11] from sleepiness[12]. rise oh nation[13] ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܲ ܬܵܢܒܸ ܪܘܝ ܩ ܐܢܕܥܸ ܐܩܢܘܝ ܓ̰ ܫܘܥܪ ROOSH JWEN-QAA[14] DAA-NAA[15] QOOR-BIN-TAA rise -young manܵ -[14]ܵ theܵ time[15]ܵ is comingܵ ܬܵܡܪ ܬܐܪܘܝ ܓ̰ ܒ ܐܕܝܝ ܐܒ ܐܕܝܝ ܐ EE-DAA[16] B' EE-DAA B' JOOR-AAT[17] RAAM-TAA hand[16] with hand with high power[17] ܵ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܵ ܦ ܸܪܕܠܗ ܸܫܢ ܝܬܢ ܝܗ ـ ܝܲܝܩ ܝܘܪܬܐ PRID-LAA[18] SHIN-TUN, HAAY YU-QOOR-TAA our sleepiness/drowsiness -fled/ran away-[18], hey! from that heavy sleepiness. ܵ ܲ ܵ ܒܪܥܫܢ ܡ ܸܫܢ ܝܬ ـ ܟܠ ܝܘܡ ܸܚܕܝܐ RESH-IN M' SHIN-TEE, KOOL YOM KHID-YAA[19] i wake from my sleepiness, every day glad[19] ܵ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܐܝܕܪܸ ܢܘܸ ܗܒ ܐܘ ܢܝܝ ܢܕ ܬܵܫܕܝ ܒ B' DAASH-TAA[20] D NIN-VEH, B' HAA-WIN RRID-YAA[21] with the plains[20] of Nineveh, i am pleased/accepting[21] ܲ ܲ ܲ ܗܘ ܝ ܠܗ ܝܒܝ ܝܬ ـ ܗܘ ܝ ܠܗ ܸܒܢ ܝܝ AA-WIN BE-TEE[22]. AA-WIN BI-NEE[23] that is -my house-[22]. that is -my foundationܵ -[23] ܐܝܵ ܥܜܩܸ ܝܝ ܒܠܸ ܝܝ ܠܩܝܝ ܒܝ ܫܕ ܐܡܘܝܵ ܡ M' YO-MAA[24] D' SHWIQ-LEE, LI-BEE[25] QITd-YAA[26] from the day[24] i left it, -my heart-[25] has been cut/torn[26] ܵ ܲ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܐܬܐ ܕ ܐ ܝܘܡ ܝܬ ـ ܟܡܐ ܝܠܗ ܦܨ ܝܝܚܵܬ AA-TAA[27] D OOM-TEE, KMAAY-LAA PSIKH-TAA[28] the flag[27] ofܵ my nation, how muchܲ it ܹ̈is ܵhappy[28]ܵ ܵ ܲ 3 ܒܬܠܵܬ ܓܘܢܘܗـ ܠ ܝܨܕܪ ܝܝ ܕܡ ܝܝ ܝܟ ܵܬ B' TLAA-TAA[29] GOW-NEH[30], L' SUD-REE[31] DMIKH-TAA[32] with it's three[29] colors[30], on -my chest-[31] it is asleep[32] ܲ ܲ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܗ ܝ ܝܒ ܝܢܦ̮ܫ ܝܓ ܒܝܘܡ ܡܘܠܕܘܗ ـ HAAY BAA-NOW-SHAA[33] B' YOM MOW-LAA-DOH[33] purple[33] from the day of -it's birth-[33] ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܬܵܟܝ ܝܝ ܪܒ ܐܝܵ ܘܗ ܝܝ ܢܝܠܟ ܐܩ QAA KLAAY-NEE HAAW-YAA BRIKH-TAA[35] for all may it be blessed[35] ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܗܠ ܝ ܐܗܐ ܝܝ ܪܬܐ ܗܠ ܝ ܐܗܐ AA-HEH LEH AAT-REE, AA-HE-LEH this is my country, this is it ܵ ܵ ܲ ܹ̈ ܲ ܗܠ ܝ ܐܗܐ ܝܝ ܪܬܐܝ ܢܝܪ ܗܢܝ ܬܝܒ BET NAAH-RAIN UT-REE, AA-HEH LEH mesopotamia my country, this is it ܲ ܲ ܲ ܵ ܲ ܓܝ ܫܝ ̮ܦܗܝ ܒܝ ܠ ܗܠ ܝ ܐܪܝܝ ܕܚ ܢܡܝ ܕܸ DI-MUN KHDEE-RRAA LEH L' BAA-NOW-SHAA our blood has turned purple ܵ ܲ ܲ ܵ ܲ ܐܫ̮ܦܢܝ ܝܹ̈ ܚܲܝ ܝܝ ܒܝ ܕ ܢܬܝ ܡܘܝ ܐ ܐܩ ܢܠܝ ܟ KOO-LUN QAA OOM-TAAN, DWEE-KHAA NOF-SHAA[37] all of us for our nation, sacrifice our -breath/breath of life/physical life-[37] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BE-TAA = house BI-NAA = foundation DISH-TAA = plains/open fields GOW-NEH = REN-GEH = colors LI-BAA = heart KHUQ-LAA = field/field of occupation YOM = YO-MAA = day MOO-LAA-DAA = birth YOM D MOO-LAA-DAA = day of birth LAAKH-MAA = bread ܐܩܢܘܓ̰ ܫܥܪ ROOSH JWEN-QAA wake young man ܲ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܲ ܗܠܝ ܬܵܢܒܸ ܪܘܝ ܩ ܐܗ ܐܢܕܥ ܐܩܢܘܝ ܓ̰ ܫܘܥܪ ROOSH[1] JWEN-QAA[2] DAA-NAA[3] HAA[] QOOR-BINTAA LAA wake/awake[1] -young man-[2], behold the time[3] is close ܵ ܵ ̄ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܗܠ ܝ ܐܪܒܝ ܥܒܸ ܐ ܬܠܬ ܕ ܐܠܕܒܝ BUD-LAA[4] D TLAA BAA-VAAR LEH the 3rd watch[4] is passing ܵ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܐܒܠܸ ܐܒܸ ܝܝ ܘܗ ܐܠ ܟܝ ܘܢܓܠ ܪܘܐܬ TOR[5] L JAA-NOOKH[6] LAA WEE BEE[7] LI-BAA[8] 4 contemplate/come to your senses[5] yourself[6] and don't be without[7] heart[8] ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ .ܦܠ ܵܜܐ ܕܣܒܪܬ ܝܘ ܝܟ ܗܐ ܩ ܝܘܪܒܐ ، ܗܐ ܩ ܝܘܪܒܐ PLAA-TdAA[9] D SBAAR-TOOKH[10] HAA[11] QOOR-BAA[12], HAA QOOR-BAA behold[11] the result[9] of -your wait-[10] is close[12], lo[11] is close ܲ ܲ ܲ ܪܥܘܫ، ܩ ܝܘܡ، ܝܡܚܙ ܝܝ ̰ܓ ܝܘܪ ܝܐܬ ROOSH[13], QOOM. MUKH-ZEE[14] JOOR-AAT[15]. awake/wake[13], rise. show[14] courage[15]. ܲ ܵ ܬܪܝ ܝܩ ܢܡܸ ܝܝ ܠܡ MLEE[16] MIN QAAY-RUT[17] fill[16] yourself with zeal[17]. ܵ ܵ ܲ ܲ ܲ ܐܢܟܫܚܸ ܪܒܝ ܥܕܝ ܗܠ ܝܝ ܫܢܡܝ MUN-SHEE[18] LEH DU-WAAR[19] KHISH-KAA-NAA[20] forget[18] the dark/sad[20] past[19] ܵ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܐܢܓ̰ ܘܠ ܟܝ ܘܝ ܕܝܝ ܬܥܕܝ ܡ ܝܝ ܕܚ KHOOR M' DUAA-TEE-DOOKH [21] LO-JAA-NAA, LO-JAA-NAA[22] stare at your shining future[21], shining[22]. ܵ ܲ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܬܘܸ ܝ ܐܩܝܝ ܪܦ ܬܠܝ ܡܸ ܢܡܸ ܕ ܬܘܸ ܝ ܐܒ ܝܝ ܫܚ ܐܟܠܒܝ BUL-KAA KHUSH WIT D'MIN MI-LUT[23] PREE-QAA[24] WIT perhaps[23] you think that your millet[23] is done/finished[24]. ܲ ܵ ܵ ܲ ܣܒܝ ܗ ܗܠܸ ܝ ܐܝܝ ܘܗ ܟܝ ܘܦܓ̰ܝ ܘ OO JU-POOKH[25] HAA-WEE LEH HAA-BUS[26] and -your labor/(physical toil)-[25] is in vain[26]. ܵ ܲ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܵ ܝܝ ܢܢܥܪܝ ܕ ܢܚܵ ܬܦ ܐܗܓ ܐܕܚܒ B'KHAA JAA-HAA PTOOKH-LAAN D' DRRAA-NAA-NOOKH[27] one more time open -your arms-[27] ܲ ܵ ܲ ܐܙ ܒܸ ܪܘܝ ܒ ܝܝܗܝܠܝ ܟܠ ܢܢܡܓ̰ܝ ܘ O JAA-MEE[28] CHOO-LEH BOOR-BIZEH, BOOR-BIZEH[29] and let all the scattered (Assyrians) gather[28], scattered[29]. ܲ ܪܥܘܫ، ܩ ܝܘܡ ROOSH! QOOM! awake! rise! --------------------------------- ܵ ܹ̈ ܬܘܸ ܝ ܐܒܝ ܗܘܝ ܝ ܝܝ ܝܝ ܕ ܬܘܝ ܒ ܐܪ ܘܝ ܓ ܐܚ ܒ ܕܸ DOO-KHEH[30] GOO-RREH BOOT DEE-EE YOO-WEH WIT the great sacrafice/offering[30] you gave it (your nation) ܵ ܵ ܲ ܬܘܸ ܝ ܐܟܝ ܦܘܝ ܫ ܐܡܕܸ ܬܐܝ ܪܘܝ ܓ̰ ܒ B' JOOR-UT, DI-MAA[31] SHOOP-KHAA[32] WIT with courage, you shed/spilled[32] your blood[31] ܵ ܲ ܵ ̄ ܬܘܸ ܝ ܐܪܘܨܒ ܝܝ ܕܢܡܸ ܕܚܲܝ ܒ B'KHUU MIN-DEE BAA-SO-RAA WIT but hone thing is missing ܵ ܵ .
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