~ongrcssionalltcrord United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 90~h CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION SE:NATE-Monday, January 15, 1968 The 15th day of January being the Indiana [Mr. BAYH], the Senator from Alaska.-E. L. Bartlett and Ernest day prescribed by Public Law 90-230, Nevada [Mr. BIBLE], the Senator from Gruening. 90th Congress, first session, for the North Dakota [Mr. BURDICK], the Sen­ Arizona.-Car1 Hayden and Paul J.· meeting of the second session of the ator from Virginia [Mr. BYRD], the Sen­ Fannin. 90th Congress, the Senate assembled in ator from Pennsylvania [Mr. CLARK], the Arkansas.-John L. McClellan and J. its Chamber at the Capitol. Senator from Tennessee [Mr. GORE], the W. Fulbright. The Senate was called to order by the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KEN­ Calijornia.-Thomas H. Kuchel and Vice President. NEDY], the Senator from Ohio [Mr. George Murphy. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown LAuscHE], the Senator from New Hamp­ Colorado.-Gordon Allott and Peter H. Harris, D.D., offered the following shire [Mr. MciNTYRE], the Senator from Dominick. prayer: Montana [Mr. METCALF], the Senator Connecticut.-Thomas J. Dodd and from Minnesota [Mr. MoNDALE], the Sen­ Abraham A. Ribicoff. Lord and Master of us all, whate'er our ator from Utah [Mr. Mossl, the Senator Delaware.-John J. Williams and J. name or sign, our fathers trusted in Thee from Maryland [Mr. TYDINGS], the Sen­ Caleb Boggs. and were not confounded-in Thee we ator from New Jersey [Mr. WILLIAMS], FZorida.--Spessard L. Holland and trust. In Thee is our sure confidence that the Senator from Texas [Mr. YAR­ George A. Smathers. the way of the Republic is down no fatal BOROUGH], the Senator from Ohio [Mr. Georgia.-Richard B. Russell and Her­ slope out up to freer sun and air. YouNG] and the Senator from New Mex­ man E. Talmadge. Thou has taught us to love truth, and ico [Mr. MoNTOYA], are absent on official Hawaii.-Hiram L. Fong and Daniel K. · goodness, and beauty. business. Inouye. May Thy truth make us free-free I also announce that the Senator from Jdah<>.-Frank Church and Len B. Jor­ from pride and prejudice and from all Mississippi [Mr. EASTLAND], the Senator dan. the ugly sins of disposition that doth so from North Carolina [Mr. ERVIN], the IZZin<>is.-Everett M. Dirksen and easily beset us. Senator from Alabama [Mr. HILL], the Charles H. Percy. Lift us above the mud and scum of Senator from Washington [Mr. JAcK­ Indiana.-Vance Hartke and Birch E. mere things to the hoiiness of Thy soN], the Senator from New York [Mr. Bayh. beauty so that the common tasks and KENNEDY], the Senator from Washing­ Jowa.-Bourke B. Hickenlooper and the trivial round may be edged with ton [Mr. MAGNUSON], the Senator from Jack Miller. crimson and gold. Minnesota [Mr. McCARTHY], the Senator . Kansas.-Frank Carlson and James B. Enrich us with those durable satisfac­ from South Dakota [Mr. McGoVERN], Pearson. tions of life so that the multiplying years the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. Kentucky.-John Sherman Cooper and may not find us bankrupt in those things PASTORE], the Senator from Connecticut Thruston B. Morton. that matter most-the golden currency [Mr. RIBICOFF], the Senator from Florida Louisiana.-Allen J. Ellender and Rus­ of faith, and hope, and love. [Mr. SMATHERS], the Senator from Mis­ sell B. Long. We ask it in the name of the One sissippi [Mr. STENNIS], and the Senator M aine.-Margaret Chase Smith and whose life is the light of men. Amen. from Ge<>rgia [Mr. TALMADGE] are neces­ Edmund S. Muskie. sarily absent. Maryland.-Danie1 B. Brewster and CALL OF THE. ROLL I further announce that the Senator Joseph D. Tydings. from Alaska [Mr. BARTLETT] and the Massachusetts.-Edward M. Kennedy · Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I sug­ Senator from Hawaii [Mr. INOUYE] are and Edward W. Brooke. gest the absence of a quorum. absent because of illness. Michigan.-Philip A. Hart and Robert The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the P. Griffin. call the roll. Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. Minnesota.-Eugene J. McCarthy and The legislative clerk called the roll, and BROOKE] and the Senator from Iowa Walter F. Mondale. the following Senators answered to their [Mr. MILLER] are absent on omcial Mississippi.-James 0. Eastland and names: (No.1 Leg.) business. John Stennis. Aiken Gruening Monroney The Senator from New Hampshire Missouri.--Stuart Symington and Ed­ Allott Hansen Morse [Mr. CoTTON], the Senator from Colo­ ward V. Long. Baker Harris Morton rado [Mr. DOMINICK], the Senator from Montana.-Mike Mansfield and Lee Bennett Hart Mundt Hawaii [Mr. FoNG], the Senator from Boggs Hartke Muskie Metcalf. Brewster Hatfield Nelson New York· [Mr. JAVITS], the Senator from Nebraska.-Roman L. Hruska and Carl Byrd, W.Va.. Hayden Pell California [Mr. MURPHY], and the Sen­ T. Curtis. Cannon Hickenlooper Percy ator from Delaware [Mr. WILLIAMS] are Carlson Holland Prouty Nevada.-Alan Bible and Howard W. Case Hollings Proxmire necessarily absent. Cannon. Church Hruska Randolph The Senator from Kansas [Mr. PEAR­ New Hampshire.-Norris Cotton and Cooper Jordan, N.C. Russell soN] and the Senator from Texas [Mr. Curtis J orda.n, Idaho Scott Thomas J. Mcintyre. Dirksen Kuchel Smith TowER] are detained on official business. New Jersey.-Clifford P. Case and Har­ Dodd Long, Mo. Sparkman The VICE PRESIDENT. A quorum is rison A. Williams, Jr. Ellender Long, La.. Spong present. Fannin M,ansfield Symington New Mexico.-Clinton P. Anderson and Fulbright McClellan Thurmond Joseph M. Montoya. Griftln McGee Young, N.Dak. New York.-Jacob K. Javits and Rob­ Mr. BYRD of West Virginia. I an­ LIST OF SENATORS BY STATES ert F. Kennedy. nounce that the Senator from New Mex­ Alabama.-Lister Hill and John J. North Carolina.--Sam J. Ervin, Jr., ico [Mr. ANDERSON], the Senator from Sparkman. and B. Everett Jordan. CXIV--1-Part 1 3 4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE January 15, 1968 North Dakota.-Milton R. Young and The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator from Oregon and others to discuss briefty Quentin N. Burdick. from Oregon will state it. a petition which we think should be filed Ohio.-Frank J. Lausche and Stephen Mr. MORSE. I have two or three par­ with the Senate today, which involves, M. Young. liamentary inquiries. First, is there any­ of course, at a time of war, a precious Oklahoma.-A. S. Mike Monroney and thing in the Senate rulebook that pro­ constitutional right that should be pre­ Fred R. Harris. hibits a Senator from making a speech served without the Senate's adjourning Oregon.-Wayne Morse and Mark 0. on the opening day of a session if, in and postponing the consideration of such Hatfield. his judgment, it is his duty to do so, and petition to a later date. Pennsylvania.-Joseph S. Clark and the issue he considers of such importance Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, in ac­ Hugh Scott. that the attention of the Senate and of cordance with long-established custom, Rhode Island.-John 0. Pastore and th,e Nation should be called to it? principle, and practice, it is my intention, Claiborne Pell. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair as majority leader, not as a Senator from South Carolina.-strom Thurmond knows of no such rule that would deny the State of Montana, to move shortly and Ernest F. Hollings. a Senator that opportunity. that the Senate stand in adjournment South Dakota.-Karl E. Mundt and Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, is there until 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening George S. McGovern. any rule in the Senate rulebook that re­ riext. Tennessee.-Albert Gore and Howard quires the Senate, on the opening day of I have had some conversations with H. Baker, Jr. a session, to adjourn without considera­ various Senators relative to their desire Texas.-Ralph W. Yarborough and tion of speeches, resolutions, or petitions to have a petition read to the Senate John G. Tower. that a Senator may deem it his- duty, as today. Utah.-Wallace F. Bennett and Frank a Senator representing his State, to pre­ I appreciate the courtesy which they E. Moss. sent on the floor of the Senate on the showed in telling me of what they in­ Vermont.-George D. Aiken and Win­ opening day of a session? tended to do. ston L. Prouty. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Chair I explained to them, or at least I tried Virginia.-Harry F. Byrd, Jr., and Wil­ believes that there is no such formal to, that I had been asked by many other liam B. Spong, Jr. rule, but there is long-established his­ Senators whether there was to be any Washington.-Warren G. -Magnuson -torical precedent. business today, and I had told them all and Henry M. Jackson. Mr. MORSE. A further parliamentary that under custom and procedures, there West Virginia.-Jennings Randolph inquiry. would be no business, there would be no and Robert C. Byrd. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator morning hours, and there would be no Wisconsin.-William Proxmire and from Oregon will state it. introduction of bills because that was the Gaylord Nelson. Mr. MORSE. Is it the opinion of the custom, based on practice and precedent. Wyoming.-Gale W. McGee and Clif­ Vice President that there are no excep­ It was a custom which gave to the Presi­ ford P. Hansen. tions to that precedent in the history dent of the United States a courtesy, and of the Senate on the opening day of a it was a custom which was predicated on NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT session of the Senate? the idea that no business of any sort The VICE PRESIDENT.
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