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The child Hospital and then flown by helicopter nary, hearing that will determine) remained unconscious Friday and on life.sup­ to Children's Hospital in Detroit. whether he should stand trial. A notj ONGOING port, suffering from severe head injures. As the <boy remained on life support guilty plea has been placed on record Friday, 26-year-old Ray eh awn, Otis for him. ! Remembrance tree: BY DARRELL CLEM and he's comatose," Westland police Cobb was arraigned in front of 18th Cobb could face a maximum 15-year! STAFF WRITER District Judge C. Charles Bokos on a prison term if convicted of first-degree; Angels from Community dcIeVndoe.hom_ecomm.net Sgt. Michael Terry said, "He's on life support and in very critical condition." charge of first-degree child abuse.' child abuse. C • Hospice Home Care Ser­ Police described Cobb as the live-in Charges could be reviewed and possU 1 A 3-year-old Westland boy waB cling­ Westland police and paramedics vices can beinscribea for ing to life Friday following allegations found the injured boy Wednesday boyfriend of the child's mother, but not bly upgraded if the child's condition a donation to bepl&cedon that he Was severely beaten by a 20- evening on the floor of a Hiries Park the boy's father; The mother wasn't^at worsens and results in death, Terry yeajr-old man who Was supposed to care Apartments residence near Warren home when the child was injured. •• said. ; aremembmnci tree ih the for nim, police said. and Cowan, Terry said. "She was at work and had no'knowl- The boy was described as the only front lobby of the William "The child has severe head injuries, "We responded to a 911 call from a edge of this," Terry said. child living in the residence. • 1 Faust Public Library, *•• 6123 Central City Park­ way, through Dec, 24. To obtain an angel or more information, call (734) 522-4244. GIVE VOL C E T O H O L ID AY iPlllT MONDAY BYBKTHSUNDRLAJACHMAN • ^ STAFF WBTTKR •-:.•.•;• , Tree-lighting: Parents and bjMchouui^oeJiomecomin.Det :" children are invited to ikki Madias of Livonia and her enjoy a visit from Santa family have a long tradition of Claus, Christmas carols N holiday caroling. •»,;' But one Christmas Day more thari 20 and refreshments at the years ago ~- despite a snowstorm;. city's annual tree-lighting below-zero temperatures ah estrangeq ceremony at 6:15p.m. in brother in a distant city V caroling brought them especially close.- front of Westland City The storm had knocked out phone" Hall, 36601 Ford Road. service, so they headed to a pay phone to continue their yearly practice of call­ ing friends and neighbors and singing Meetings: The Wayne- carols to them. Westland Board of Edu­ They, called many people, including a cation will meet at 7p.m., cousin who was dying of cancer. The last call they made - somewhat reluc­ at 36745Marquette, while tantly - was to a brother, Michael, in the Westland City Council Washington, D.C., who, unbeknownst to them/ was alone because his wife will conduct a business hadjust left him. fn^etirtgatthe same time .•^When we started to si ngi he started ; #" at Westland City Hall, to sing, too,* Madias said In the cold,•'_' their hearts melted. ;;,..-•; 36601 Ford Road. When lyjadiis was a child and living iri Detroit, her huge, close-knit family would go out caroling from house to ' house. But asthe; family branched put and moved to the suburbs, including Farmington, Livonia, Westland and Plymouth, the phone tradition ieyel* TUESDAY oped. Some years, they would call 30 to 40 people, and it would take hiost of Airing concerns: U.S. Rep. tbeday, Madias said. ' • Lynn Rivers, D-Ann Bringing good tidings Arbor, will hold "coffee Lawrence Stach of Bedford Township ' hours" with constituents also has a heart-touching memory of caroling. It is a story of hia father, W" V>' .'.-\' ./:---- 'Y'^ '"••••' V;-v'.;.; C-::\:" :.•.•:'.'•'''• .7 V- /:•:•'•:•' •'•:'> STA/FPapTOBTLBCABNECn 8:30-10 a.m. at the West- Joseph Stach, who died recently. ): land Family Diner, 8301 Joseph Stach had emigrated from Fa-la-la:ybuhgvoides uniteinsongdiiringChrisjmxi&ca^ lastiy$eks N. Wayne Road. Con­ Poland years ago. After dinner on Christmas Eye each year, he and his ' stituents of the 13th Dis­ family would go next door to sing carols inning a trict are encouraged to to his sponsor, who had helped him Good tidings they bring to you rus will present its Christmas ordered by calling (734) 455-4080. stop by to discuss con­ come to the United States. "••'-•• :and ypurTun; ; concert,"Joy," at4 p.m. today* • Holiday concert: The School­ cerns. For information, v Diane Allen of Redford Township has And they^re bringing it through Sunday, Dec, 6, in Plymouth craft College Community Choir more recent memories of caroling. holiday music. * Salem High School, 46181 Joy, .•'..'; holiday concert is also 4 p.m. call Rivers* office at (734) Three years ago I was my daughter's : Local and nearby holiday con­ Canton. Tickets can be bought at today, Sunday, Dec. 6, at First 722-1411. Girl Scout leader, Troop 63from Stuck- certs are planned from now Until Evola Music; 7170 N.Haggerty, ) Presbyterian Church of Plymouth, eyElementaiy School," Allen writes. Christmas. Canton; Sideways Gift Shop. 505 701W. Church St., at Main "We decided to go caroling at the Here's a listing: Forest, Plymouth; and the ", . Street, Plymouth. $4. (734) 462- Cambridge Nursing home in Redford. • Christmas concert: The 126V Northville Record/104 W. Main, ^ .voice Plymouth Community Cho- Northville. Tickets can also be •'', Please see CHRISTMAS, A2 PJease*e?CAROUR«lA2 | INDEX • Classified Index ^"' E5 Ilea) Estate El Hawaiian holiday Crossword E8 Jobs HI Hula dancers: Home & Service J3 Mathilde Inch (left), Automotive J3 Marie Tiirri, Claire Ritchie and Pearl • taste__,;_j_A__ Bl Christopher from the • Health & Fitness B4 Friendship Center in W Arts & Leisure CI Westland performed • SjporU & Recreniion »1 at the Target store in Westland as part of a special party for seniors and people HOW TO REACH US with disabilities. The seniors danced to the songs Blue Newsroom: 734-953-2104 Hawaii and Newsroom Fax: 734-691-7379 Hawaiian Wedding. Email: Senior citizens W«chm»nl»o«.tKm»comm.rwt enjoyed themselves Nlghtline/Sports: 734-9*3-2104 shopping at Target Reader Comment Lino: 734-9S3-204Z at the special party Classified Advertising: 734-591-0900 for seniors. Display Advertising: 734-591-4300 ' Home Delivery; 734-591-0800 I STMT WOTO BY TOM mwm 63174 10011 J5 _»>,- U- - *' A2(W) The Observer & Eccentric/ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1998 Christmas from page Al 4435 City Hall. This year's event will Glory of Christmas" is scheduled at 3 p.m. Sunday,' Dec. 20, at Arbor. $10-$18. (734) 764* Historic Depot Town, Ypsilanti.f • A kids' sing-along with include Santa Claus, singing of for 7:30 p.m. Fridays, Dec. 11 Clareneeville High School. 2538/(800) 221-1229 or Benefits Ypsilanti Meals on ' Santa is planned for 1-3 p.m. Christmas carols and lighting of and 18, and at 6 p.m. Dec. 6,12; Area concerts: http 'J/yf ww. urns. org Wheels and historic preservation today, Sunday, Dec. 6, at Farwell trees. •' 13,19 and 20 at Temple Baptist • Madrigal Chorale of South* in Depot Town. (734) 485-2164 or & Friends, 8051 Middlebelt, • Livonia Symphony: A holi­ Church, 49655 N. Territorial, field; A holiday concert, is set for • Tour of homes and carols: http^/www.ypsilanti org Westland. All kids eat for 99 day concert with Alexander Zon- Plymouth Township. Tickets 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5, at Old Tour Holiday Homes of Historic cents. Farwell & Friends also jic and Ervin Monroe performing must be ordered in advance at St. Mary's Church, St. Antoine Ypsilanti and hear Christmas • Dexter's Victorian Christ* features a Christmas sing-along "Piper's Holiday," is planned for (734)414-3980. and Monroe streets, Detroit's -' carols by the Sweet Adelines, eat mas: Featuring free street per­ , at 8 p.m. every Sunday with live 7 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 12, at • Sing-along: The Colonial Greektown. $15, $12 students homemade Christmas cookies, formances, horse-drawn sleigh music and song sheets. Churchill High School's Carli Kiwanis will have a carol sing- and seniors. (810).445-6199 and see festive tables decorated rides, carolers and musicians - • Tree lighting and caroling: Auditorium., 8900 Newburgh along at 12:45 p.m. at Tonquish' . Handera Messiah: With the by community members, 1-6 p.m. throughout town, 11 a.m. to 5 The city of Westland's annual Road,,Livonia. $15, $8 for chiU Manor in Plymouth. * UMS Choral Union and Ann Sunday, Dec.
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