Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library White House Photographs October 11, 1974 This database was created by Library staff and indexes all photographs taken by the Ford White House photographers on this date. Use the search capabilities in your PDF reader to locate key words within this index. Please note that clicking on the link in the “Roll #” field will display a 200 dpi JPEG image of the contact sheet (1:1 images of the 35 mm negatives). Gerald Ford is always abbreviated “GRF” in the "Names" field. If the "Geographic" field is blank, the photo was taken within the White House complex. The date on the contact sheet image is the date the roll of film was processed, not the date the photographs were taken. All photographs taken by the White House photographers are in the public domain and reproductions (600 dpi scans or photographic prints) of individual images may be purchased and used without copyright restriction. Please include the roll and frame numbers when contacting the Library staff about a specific photo (e.g., A1422-10). To view photo listings for other dates, to learn more about this project or other Library holdings, or to contact an archivist, please visit t White House Photographic Collection page View President Ford's Daily Diary (activities log) for this day Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A1369 4A-10A BW GRF seated, smoking pipe; GRF, Rumsfeld Oval Office Thomas Rumsfeld standing near desk - various angles and distances A1370 17A-22A BW Morning Briefing - Chief, Central seated around desk GRF, David Peterson, Oval Office Thomas Intelligence Agency (CIA)/Office of Current Scowcroft Intelligence A1371 3-4 BW US Senator from Oregon (OR) greeting, handshaking GRF, Sen. Hatfield Oval Office Thomas A1371 5 BW Thomas A1371 6 BW US Senator from Oregon (OR) greeting, handshaking GRF, Sen. Hatfield, P. Oval Office Thomas O'Donnell, Unidentified Man A1371 7-9 BW US Senator from Oregon (OR); holding large copy of medal GRF, Sen. Hatfield Oval Office Thomas Presentation of Presidential Inaugural Medal A1371 10-12 BW US Senator from Oregon (OR); holding sculpture of eagle GRF, Sen. Hatfield Oval Office Thomas Presentation of Presidential Inaugural to be used on back of Medal medal A1371 13-14 BW US Senator from Oregon (OR); GRF seated at desk, GRF, Sen. Hatfield Oval Office Thomas Presentation of Presidential Inaugural Hatfield standing nearby Medal Friday, May 8, 2020 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 1 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A1371 15 BW US Senator from Oregon (OR); Thomas Presentation of Presidential Inaugural Medal A1371 16 BW US Senator from Oregon (OR); handshaking GRF, Sen. Hatfield Oval Office Thomas Presentation of Presidential Inaugural Medal A1371 17-19 BW US Senator from New Hampshire (NH); US seated, talking near GRF, Sen. Weicker, Rep. Oval Office Thomas Representative from Missouri (MO); Re tax fireplace - all not in every Litton, Buchen, Korologos return legislation frame A1371 20-21 BW US Senator from New Hampshire (NH); Re seated, talking near GRF, Sen. Weicker Oval Office Thomas tax return legislation fireplace A1371 22-27 BW US Senator from New Hampshire (NH); US seated, talking near GRF, Sen. Weicker, Rep. Oval Office Thomas Representative from Missouri (MO); Re tax fireplace Litton, Buchen, Korologos return legislation A1371 28-34 BW US Representatives; Re Law of the Sea seated, talking near GRF, Reps. Clausen, Grover, Oval Office Thomas Legislation fireplace - all not in every Henderson, Forsythe, Studds, frame & Young; Scowcroft, Loen A1372 2A-5A BW US Representatives from California (CA); Re standing, holding framed GRF, Reps. Rousselot & Oval Office Thomas show pig purchased on behalf of GRF poster Ketchum A1372 6A BW Thomas A1372 7A BW US Representatives from California (CA) - standing, holding framed GRF, Reps. Rousselot & Oval Office Thomas Re show pig purchased on behalf of GRF poster Ketchum A1372 8A BW US Representatives from California (CA) - standing, talking near desk GRF, Reps. Rousselot & Oval Office Thomas Re show pig purchased on behalf of GRF in background - Eagle from Ketchum; Friedersdorf Sen. Hatfield in foreground A1372 9A-10A BW US Representative from Michigan (MI) - Re standing, talking, GRF, Rep. Broomfield, Rafael Oval Office Thomas Honorary Membership in National Retired presenting GRF with Munguia, Norman Williams, Officers Association framed citation Owen Crosslin, Donald Foster A1372 11A-12A BW US Representatives from Dairy States - Re seated around table - all GRF, Reps. Steiger, Wampler, Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers not in every frame, Ward Poage, Jones (TN), Anderson, shooting photos in McEwen (NY), Obey, Quie, background Thomson, Johnson (PA); Friedersdorf, Zarb, Ross, Fred Ward A1372 13A BW Thomas Friday, May 8, 2020 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 2 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A1372 14A-16A BW US Representatives from Dairy States - Re seated around table GRF, Reps. Steiger, Wampler, Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers Poage, Jones (TN), Anderson, McEwen (NY), Obey, Quie, Thomson, Johnson (PA); Friedersdorf, Zarb, Ross, Fred Ward A1373 3-7 BW seated at desk, reading GRF Oval Office Thomas documents, smoking pipe - corner of desk visible A1373 8-13 BW seated at desk, reading GRF Oval Office Thomas documents, smoking pipe - close up A1373 14 BW US Representatives from Dairy States - Re greeting, handshaking GRF, Reps. Wampler & Poage; Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers Zarb, Friedersdorf A1373 15 BW US Representatives from Dairy States - Re greeting, handshaking GRF, Reps. Wampler & Poage; Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers Zarb A1373 16 BW US Representative from Dairy States - Re greeting, handshaking - GRF, Rep. Obey; Seidman Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers Obey back to camera A1373 17 BW US Representative from Dairy States - Re greeting, handshaking - GRF, Rep. Steiger Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers Steiger back to camera A1373 18 BW US Representative from Dairy States - Re greeting, handshaking - GRF, Rep. Quie Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers Quie back to camera A1373 19-20 BW US Representatives from Dairy States - Re greeting, handshaking GRF, Unidentified Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers Representatives A1373 21 BW Assistant Director for Natural Resources, greeting, handshaking GRF, Norman Ross Cabinet Room Thomas Domestic Council A1373 22 BW US Representative from Dairy States - Re seated at table - GRF GRF, Rep. Poage Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers holding pipe A1373 23 BW US Representative from Dairy States - Re seated at table - GRF GRF, Rep. Jones, Ross Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers holding pipe; Ross leaning between A1373 24 BW US Representative from Dairy States - Re seated at table - GRF GRF, Rep. Jones, Fred Ward Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers holding pipe; Ward taking photos A1373 25 BW Black Star Photographer seated at table - GRF GRF, Fred Ward Cabinet Room Thomas holding pipe; Ward taking photos Friday, May 8, 2020 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 3 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A1373 26-27 BW US Representative from Dairy States - Re seated at table - GRF GRF, Reps. Jones & Thomson Cabinet Room Thomas Problems of Dairy Farmers holding pipe A1374 4A-5A BW US Senator from Oregon (OR) - GRF seated at desk, GRF, Sen. Hatfield Oval Office Thomas Presentation of Presidential Inaugural Hatfield standing nearby Medal A1374 6A-9A BW US Representative from Pennsylvania (PA) - greeting, handshaking; GRF, Rep. Goodling Oval Office Thomas Re presentation of Scottish Rite Gourgas standing, talking Medal A1374 10A-15A BW US Representative from Pennsylvania (PA) - standing, holding medal GRF, Rep. Goodling Oval Office Thomas Re presentation of Scottish Rite Gourgas Medal A1374 16A BW seated at desk, reading, GRF Oval Office Thomas hand on side of head - taken through doorway from Scheduling and Advance A1374 17A BW US Representatives - Re Law of the Sea greeting, handshaking GRF, Reps. Henderson & Oval Office Thomas Legislation Forsythe A1374 18A BW US Representative from Alaska (AK) - Re greeting, handshaking GRF, Rep. Young Oval Office Thomas Law of the Sea Legislation A1374 19A BW US Representative from New York (NY) - Re greeting, handshaking GRF, Rep. Grover Oval Office Thomas Law of the Sea Legislation A1374 20A-25A BW US Representatives from California (CA) - greeting, handshaking; GRF, Reps. Rousselot & Oval Office Thomas Re show pig purchased on behalf of GRF standing, talking; various Ketchum angles and distances A1374 26A-27A BW standing by desk, reading, GRF Oval Office Thomas smoking pipe A1374 28A BW seated at desk, reading, GRF Oval Office Thomas smoking pipe A1374 29A-35A BW US Representative from Michigan (MI) - Re greeting, handshaking, GRF, Rep. Broomfield, Rafael Oval Office Thomas Honorary Membership in National Retired standing, talking, Munguia, Norman Williams, Officers Association presenting GRF with Owen Crosslin, Donald Foster framed citation - not in every frame A1374 36A BW walking out of Oval Office, GRF Scheduling and Thomas smoking pipe Advance Office A1375 1 BW walking into room GRF, Nessen, O'Donnell Scheduling and Thomas Advance Office Friday, May 8, 2020 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library, 1000 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, E-mail: [email protected] Page 4 of 16 Roll # Frames Tone Subject - Proper Subject - Generic Names Geographic Location Photographer A1375 2 BW walking toward desk, back GRF Oval Office Thomas to camera A1375 3 BW Thomas A1375 4 BW standing near desk, GRF Oval Office Thomas reading documents - eagle sculpture from Sen.
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