General and provide for a more equitably selection of the 3 state President members. 9/Je SONS It also would give official recog­ of the nition to the Presidents Caucus, to be then called the Presidents AMERICAN Council. REVOLUTION Our greatest need today is' for leadership. Our chapter and state MAGAZINE flAe PRESIDENT GENERA(S MESSAGE c <Y ~ officers must give responsibility to as many of their members as possible. State societies must set THE SO S OF THE AMERICA The SA R Magazine is publi-,hed quarterly by The National Socict~ of The Son.., of the Re.vol~ltion _at 2.00 per up a goal of 1 new chapter per year. year. Second da-.-, po!'!tage paid at wa..,hington. D.C. and at addit1onal mailing ollice\. Offic1al publicatiOn ol SAR. This is the secret of a progressive 241~ Massachu,ett' Ave .. N.W .. Wa,hington. D.C ~0008 from Fort Lauderdale, Florida society. Chapters should hold 12 interesting meetings per year. the President honors the secret Newsletters should be sent out Nixon-Ki singer agreement of Feb. I, The sale of our 7. Do you believe that the building should contain every month. If these are done we ;relTORIAL 1973, to furnish the bandit nation with headquarters m an apartment for our Executive Secretary so that will have no trouble in getting new $3.25 billion in reconstruction aid, it Washington, DC he could be close to the office and provide for its members and keeping our present The Carter will be DISHONOR. Please follow the has just about been ecurity? ones. Admini tration is situation closely, and watch how your completed. The 8. Do you believe that we should have a library in My wife and I have enjoyed our talking about federal legi lators vote on any related Executive Com- our new headquarter building which could be visits to our state societies. I have normalizing trade issue. mittee decided at open to the public and rival that of the DAR? tried to pass along ideas that would and diplomatic re­ its meeting in Feb­ 9. Or would yo~ prefer to donate our library to the be of assistance. lation with Cuba. This editorial reflects the opinions of ruary to locate in a city or to a college in the city where we would Again, as with the · the writer, and is not to be construed as temporary head­ locate and have them maintain it for us? President's out­ rageous blanket an official statement of the Sons of the quarters in Alex­ 10. Do you think that it might be possible to hire one amnesty, he is de­ American Rel'olution. andria, VA until of our members, who is a professional liberately ignoring the right building genealogist in Washington, DC, Salt Lake City, the will of millions and location can be Utah or elsewhere to verify the genealogical WARREN S. WOODWARD EDITOR of Americans. IN THIS ISSUE found. This move facts on our application papers? This would les­ Have we for- Compatriots in the Public Eye ...... 2 should be accom­ sen the need for our own library. -gotten that Cuba continues to export State & Chapter News .. ..... ........ .... 4 plished within the 11. In what city or state do you wish to locate our revolution and violence? In our own Tentative Program for Congress .. 11 next few weeks. new headquarters? I am listing a few that have Our SAR Compatriot Puerto Rico and Panama Canal Zone, Annual Awards ............................... 12 As we consider invited u to locate in their city. GOVERNOR MELDRIM THOMSON Castro continues to ferment terrorism Minutes of Trustees Meeting ........ 14 our new headquar­ and unrest. Cuban troops occupy An­ Genealogical Inquiries ................... 15 Washington, DC Oklahoma, City, OK will speak at the 87th Congress! ters we have sev­ gola, and are now fighting in Zaire to Congress Pre-Registration Form .. 16 MATIH-EW B. SELLERS, Ill Seattle, WA Alexandria, VA topple another non-Communist gov­ PRESIDENT GENERAL eral basic deci- Hotel Registration Form ................ 17 Atlanta, GA Chevy Chase, MD ernment. Castro and Brezhnev are ded­ sions to make. I New Members ................................. 19 Orlando, FL Indianapolis, IN icated to erasing all freedom and inde­ would like to have your thoughts, so that we will know The Russian Bear is Hungry .......... 22 Kansas City, MO Williamsburg, VA pendence in Africa. The Iron Curtain is Compatriots in the 95Jh Congress 22 the direction that we should take at the Congress in being extended! Price List ......................................... 23 Milwaukee. 12. With the sale of this property, we will have over Normalizing relations with this "How-they-Vote" ............................ 24 The following question must be answered. $800,000.00 available for a new building. How enemy fortress will assist Castro finan­ In Memoriam .... .............................. 26 l. Is it neces ary to hold our two trustee meetings much of this do you think we should pend on cially, thereby assisting the S?viets, Directory of Officers ...................... 28 in the National Headquarters city? our new headquarters? who have been pouring the eqUivalent When You Are Traveling ............... 33 2. If your answer is ye to question #I, then is it I would like you to write to me and give me your of millions of dollars daily into the tot­ The Cover: courtesy of Milwaukee necessary to hold the meetings in the building answers to the above questions along with any tering economy. Isn't it ironic that we are removing the embargo against an Convention & Visitors Bureau. itself or could these meetings be held at a nearby additional comments. I am particularly interested in enemy at the same time that we are im­ motel? hearing from our National Officers, National Trus­ posing one against pro-Western 3. If your answer is yes to question# l , then should tees, State Pre idents and those who are interested in Rhodesia. Our arch-enemies, the the headquarters city be centrally located, so our society and expect to be involved with it. Soviets, are delighted with both ac­ that no trustee would have to travel too far? There are several By-Law changes that will be tions. 4. If your answer is no to question #I, then almost presented at the National Congres . And have we forgotten that Cuba any city would be satisfactory as long as other One has to do with a new office of Senior Vice seized almost .two billion dollars worth criterion were met. In which case, do you be­ President General. This officer would be in line for of American properties when Castro lieve that the Trustee Meeting should be held in President General and would assist the President took over? Almost twenty years have different locations and hosted by different tate General in hi various dutie . Since it is almost im­ passed, and the larceny remains un­ paid. societies? possible for one man to visit all of the state societies in At the coming Milwaukee Congress, t~e Tuesday evening, June 28, banquet Will And what about President Carter's 5. In selecting a building, do you think that we one year, the Senior Vice President General would be feature an outstanding speaker, our own concern for "human rights"? There are shot:ld select an old historic mansion, which able to assist along this line. He would be in a better At the recent Annual Meeting of the Vir­ Governor Meldrim Thomson of New 15,000 political prisoners in Cuba, in­ ginia Society in Richmond on Feb. 19, might require extensive alteration, repair and position to function more efficiently when he became Hampshire. You can bet that his message cluding some U.S. citizens. Pres. Judson P. Mason "visits" with Maj. upkeep? President General. will leave you on the edge of your se~t! I'm sorry that space does not permit Compatriot Thomson made headlines Gen. George S. Patton. Son of the famed 6. Or do you think we should select a small modern Another By-Law change would iron out some of the me to continue with my evaluation of World War II commander, Gen . Patton across the nation recently when he or­ was the Guest of Honor and principal office building with ample land for expansion weaknesses in our present Nominating Committee. It dered flags flown at half-mast following President Carter's intention to nor­ and parking? would provide for replacing a disabled Past President President Carter's blanket amnesty. malize relations with Red Vietnam. If Speaker. 1 SPRING 1977 THE MARYLAND SOCIETY PROUDLY PRESENTS * Compatriots in the Public Eye THE CANDIDATE OF THE NATIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE for the Office of PRESIDENT GENERAL Compatriot JACK L. SHAFER of the Capt. James eal * Chapter (W.Va.) has been promoted to the office of Chair­ of the National Society man of.Borg-Warner Chemicals U.S.A. Comp. Shafer had at the 87th Annual Congress in 1977 been Vtce Pres., Plastics, with Borg-Warner. Compatriots WILLIAM J. REALS, M.D. and WARD N. MADISON, M.D. of the Washington Chapter (Kansa) are 2 of a 3-man team of pathologi t who were flown to the Canary Islands, the site of a recent airline crash. Dr. Reals will head the team which will investigate the "human fac­ tors" in the collision of the 2 jumbo jet . Both are foremost authorities in aviation medicine. Chairman ORDWAY P. BURDEN of the Law Enforce­ ment Committee has been appointed Agency Liaison Officer fo.r the Feder~! Crimi.nal Inve tigators A sociation. Compa­ t~tot Burden ts. the ftrst member in the Association's long htstory to recetve thi honor and important po t.
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