U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge 0137 Rustic Campus Drive Ullin, IL 62992 618/634 2231 Cypress Creek Hearing impaired persons may contact Cypress Creek through the Federal Relay National Wildlife Refuge Number at 1 800/877 8339. 2012-2013 Hunting & http://midwest.fws.gov/cypresscreek Fishing Regulations U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 1 800/344 WILD http:www.fws.gov/ Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/CypressCreekNWR Cypress Creek National Wildlife Refuge General Hunt Permit 2012-13 This permit must be completed to be valid and must be carried by the hunter while hunting on the refuge. It is not transferable. Note: No permit required for fishing. I have read and understand the refuge hunting regulations. This permit is valid only when signed by the hunter and must be carried on hunter’s person. Signature The Refuge Fishing Cypress Creek National Wildlife Fishing regulations are in accordance Refuge was established in 1990 to with state regulations. Please refer protect, restore, and manage wetlands to the Illinois Department of Natu- and bottomland forests in support of ral Resources Fishing Information the North American Waterfowl Man- Guide. This publication is updated and agement Plan. Hunting and fishing printed annually. opportunities are abundant within the Cypress Creek refuge. The area includes a variety of Specific Fishing Regulations NWR habitats from floodplain and upland Sportfishing, frogging and taking of forests, to deepwater swamps and turtles for personal use shallow wetlands, to agricultural and are permitted in all refuge waters early successional fields. These areas in accordance with state regulations. support waterfowl, deer, turkey, squir- Refuge waters include ponds and rels, rabbits, and other game species. portions of the Cache River and The Cache River and associated wet- its tributaries that are within refuge lands and backwater sloughs also offer boundaries. opportunities to catch crappie, bass, The use of trotlines, jugs, yo-yo’s, bluegill and other fish throughout the nets or any other commercial fishing year. Special arrangements can be equipment is prohibited, except made to accommodate persons with that commercial fishing is allowed disabilities by contacting the refuge by legally licensed and equipped office. anglers in the Cache River downstream of HWY 51. General Regulations Anglers may take fish with no more The hunting and fishing regulations than 2 poles with no more than 2 specific to Cypress Creek National hooks or lures per line. Wildlife Refuge are set forth in Title All bass taken from refuge ponds 50, Code of Federal Regulations. must be at least 15 inches in length. Individuals using the refuge are Refuge ponds have a daily limit of subject to inspections of permits, six channel catfish per angler. licenses, hunting equipment, bag limits, boats, vehicles, and their Hunting contents by refuge and state officers. Hunting is in accordance with state To ensure your safety and enjoyment regulations subject to the following while visiting the refuge, please refuge specific regulations: take the time to become familiar with the regulations and property Specific Hunting Regulations boundaries; please call the refuge State season and bag limits apply with questions. unless otherwise specified. Hunting is permitted only in Refuge General Permit designated areas shown on map. This informational brochure serves Hunters born on or after January 1, as the refuge permit for hunting; no 1980, must show proof that they have permit is needed for fishing on the successfully completed a Hunter refuge. This brochure needs to be Education Course. Hunters under signed and in the hunter’s possession 16 years of age must possess proof while hunting on refuge property; it of completion of an approved acknowledges individual understanding Hunter Education Course and be of refuge regulations. In addition, hunt- accompanied (in sight and in ers and anglers must possess all state normal voice contact) at all times and Federal required licenses, stamps, by an adult 21 or older. Each adult and permits which are available on the must have this Refuge General Hunt Illinois Department of Natural Re- Permit and can supervise only one sources web-site. Bellrose Waterfowl Reserve youth during deer hunts and not The Bellrose Waterfowl Reserve is more than two youths during all closed to hunting except under the fol- other hunts. lowing conditions: All deer and turkey must be tagged as prescribed by state regulations Goose hunting is permitted after and checked through authorized closure of the duck hunting season state harvest reporting on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays procedures. and Sundays. Shooting hours are Only portable deer stands or blinds from one-half hour before sunrise to may be used. All tree stands, blinds 1 p.m. (This area will not be open to and personal property must be any late snow goose hunting season). removed from the refuge by the Hunters may enter the area after end of each day’s hunt. 5:00 a.m. and must be out of the As required by state law, all area by 2:00 p.m. each day. Those persons hunting deer or upland game hunting at Bellrose Reserve must during gun deer season must wear sign in at the check station and walk a solid blaze orange cap or hat and to designated hunting sites. an upper outer garment display- No hunting is allowed within 100 ing at least 400 square inches of solid yards of any private property blaze orange material. Upland game boundary. In addition, the distance hunters must wear a solid blaze between hunting parties shall be no orange cap while afield during all less than 200 yards (a hunting party other seasons. is defined as an individual or group Pits/permanent blinds are not of hunters occupying a hunting site). permitted on the refuge. Only Each party is required to hunt over portable blinds or structures a minimum of twelve decoys at each constructed of artificial camouflage blind site and decoys must be (use of vegetation is prohibited) removed from the area at the end of are permitted for waterfowl hunting. each day’s hunt. Blinds must be removed or All hunters must sign out at the end dismantled at the end of each day’s of their hunt and report harvest. hunt. Cutting of any vegetation on Boats are not allowed in the Bellrose the refuge is prohibited. Reserve. Hunting with recognized pointer/ retriever dogs during migratory bird Furbearer Hunting seasons, recognized rabbit and Raccoon/Opossum hunting is squirrel dogs during the rabbit allowed at night on the refuge during and squirrel season , and trailing the Illinois statewide season. hounds during designated racoon/ Red and grey fox and coyote hunting opossum season is permissible. Deer is allowed during the Illinois state hunting with dogs on the refuge is wide fox season dates during prohibited. daylight hours only. Dog training is prohibited. Hunting or taking of groundhogs or striped skunks is prohibited. Weapons Motorized Vehicles Firearms and archery tackle are Only legally licensed vehicles are permitted on the refuge only during allowed on the refuge. All vehicles are designated refuge hunts. Carrying, restricted to roads that are delin- possessing, or discharging firearms, eated on this refuge map. Roads may fireworks, explosives, crossbows, be closed at any time due to adverse bows and arrows, air guns, spears, weather or management needs. gigs, or other weapons on a national Vehicles may be parked alongside wildlife refuge is prohibited unless roads in a manner that will not block specifically authorized. Firearms gates or interfere with the normal carried in vehicles or boats flow of traffic. ATV’s are prohibited must be unloaded AND encased or except by disabled persons possessing dismantled. Loaded is defined as a refuge Special Use Permit. shells in gun or caps on muzzle- loader. Weapons legally possessed Prohibited Activities for hunting on the refuge are the Use or possession of alcoholic same as those prescribed by the beverages state of Illinois. Camping, overnight parking and open campfires Ammunition Taking of any wildlife or plants Possession of shot larger than that le- (including cutting trees or brush) gal for waterfowl hunting is prohibited; other than specified in this brochure. steel shot is required for all hunting on Target practice the refuge except: Baiting and/or hunting in the vicinity During deer and turkey hunts, lead of bait. Baiting includes, but is not ammunition legal for taking deer and limited to, the distribution of grains, turkey may be used. feeds, salts, mineral blocks, meats, Small game and furbearers may and fruits. be hunted with .22 and .17 caliber Hunting within 300 yards of any rimfire lead ammunition during open inhabited dwelling when hunting with seasons. shotgun slugs or muzzleloaders. Hunting within 100 yards of any Commercial Use inhabited dwelling when hunting with Any commercial use of a national bow or shotshells. wildlife refuge including commercial Marking trails with paint, flagging, guiding, commercial fishing and filming reflectors, tacks or other manmade are prohibited except as may be autho- materials. rized by a refuge Special Use Permit. Trapping Riding horses or mules except on Boats roads open to vehicle traffic. Boating is permitted on waters (riv- The entire refuge is closed to all ers and ponds) owned by the refuge; night hunting activities except for however, the Cache River and associ- raccoon/opossum hunting. ated tributaries are not designated as Spot-lighting may not “public water bodies.” This means that be used to locate wildlife. boaters are welcome where the refuge Searching for or removing any object or the Illinois DNR own one or both of antiquity including arrowheads, banks of a river; otherwise use of the pottery or other artifacts. river requires permission from the Blocking gates or roadways with adjoining landowners.
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