BARBER SHOP W. C. SMITH DR. W. R DAVEY 5J5?S I5E(Si i:: TCLACavyORX IMC mm haapttal cMNMham -- ttANUFACTUnSnS C?TtCil 3 f cr: CHOP IN THE CITY GINGER ALE AND CLU3 CODA srr pooa to poctotwcb J L- C C BOMANNON. M?? 151 SsKtfc r-rNo.- 37J Daytona, Florida MondaViJanuary 15, 1917 1 "CUR CALOT-O- " I.QLJ ILJtL. A , . - 1 1 vv-M- , LJ' L . 11 1111 r J 111 I Hi CU1 III III , " , 1: J JV J "V B UaVC III - lZr'v u; II! U W v - v v - ' eolers from the most cblicate to some 17 0 DDF reds like the "fair ones" faces show. - 0:7S CZ2I LAS Ql Si LL TO o:ty 4C0 FEET GRUBER-MORIU- CII-STOCICED-Y OClt S HARDWARE CO. a COW OF YEARS SWEEP- SGUTll OF THE FERilY innEffTivouMS CONVICTION OF F. CC- -1 ER TENNESSEE, ARKANSAS Ctt ETTI AND UAUHV L CRICC3 CF f-- D NORTHERN MISSISSIPPI FERRY LOCATION IS AT BEND Deutcchlcmd Coieved Again BE CALIFORNIA COKFIRZTSD BY APP- CTCSSI GENERAL IN WEST. OF RIVER AND WAR DEPART- WILL .CERTIFIED, ADVERTIS- ED AND AND ELLATE COURT. (Tfci Associated Press.) MENT WANTS DIFFERENT LO Newring Shores of America SOLD WORK ON t - rtonm j ar swooping the CATION. (The Associated Press.) THAT PORTION OF DIXIE .HIGH- WASHINGTON. Jan. IS. Proseco--. Cr-- tr frtton of tho northern and WAY COMPLETED AT ONCE. tions are transporting women firocs. -- states, attended by a cold Michael Sholtz will in all probabil- NEW YORK. Jan. 15. An unidenti- - ing here today from Bordeaux. It is one state to another for fsnsnoral --9tlaver the Tiolatioa ar entire country. The ity change the site o the proposed fied submarine was sighted S00 miles Ji1001 that he submarine may be LEESBURG, Jan. 15. Judge poses in of the Uana WLite J wave promises to reach Florida which he is to build the German merchant submarine J. B. Gaines, the Slave law are not limited to rsta cf : bridge across the east of Newport by persons aboard representing J ecy be expected, to remain until John's Deutschland on another voyage to the Lake County commissioners. has commercialized vice, the Uaitr" i rst St river at Crow's Bluff to a the Birtish freighter Clematic, arriv- - United States. States court decided Thursday, 400 been notified that the road bond of supreme, toiz point feet south of the. present $to.000 for a sand asphalt road be- when it handed dowa a decision af--, DALLAS. Texas, Jan. 15. Seven ferry. The commissioners of tween and connect- firming the conviction of F. Drew ? county Howey Leesburg. i oae-tent- h inches of snow fell here Lake and Volusia counties ing up w ith the Dixie Highway, have Cominetti and Maury L Griggs, or V The storm is recently FORMER SECRETARY FIRST DOX FOR Sacramento. ; rterday. general granted Mr. Sholtz a franchise for the ELKS' been put on the press and wilT be Jocxhout north and central Texas. was ready for certification within the next The court held that personal moral bridge and it the intention to are included as violations--o- f build it where the now crosses. two weeks. As soon as this is done escapades ; & Much Snow in Tennessee. ferry ad- the law. There is a bend in the river OF NAVY G0:XGT0 CALL SOLD TODAY TO the bonds will be certified and ? tIEMPHIS, Tenn.. Jan. 15. Eastern sharp vertised for sale. Chief Justice White and Justices' , 1 - at this point, however, and the war "jrxansas, northern Mississippi and There will be no difficulty in se- McKenna and Clark dissented ttotf astern Tennessee department has asked Mr. Sholtz to the l is in the grip amend his so as to move the DAYTONA FOR VINTER G. GHAMDERLIN curing an early sale for the bonds majority opinion. Justice McRey f 1 one of the worst snow storms in plans 0. and work will commence nolds did not in the den location 400 feet. As soon as the new immediately participate - ; ars. Four and one-ha- lf inches have on the road. It is expected to have cision. , e specifications are prepared they will L2eady fallen and the storm continues be submitted to this finished by early fall. f the war department 'rithout abatement, and when the Hon. Hilary A. irbert, secretary o The first box for the Elks Charity t necessary permit is Read News Ads. granted material for the construction the navy under President Cleveland. ball on Feb. 7 was sold today to C. O. tie Daily Want WELLS PLEADS NOT of the bridge will be immediately or- in a letter to Richard H. Edmonds. Chamberlain. w?pll-know- n as nnp nf p dered. IRA A. BLALOCK WILL .30F"r.lA::LLABAY Mr,. Sholtz states that work editor of the Manufacturer's Record, j the Elks of Davtona lodse. will probably not be commenced who. as progressive LEAVE DAYTONA TOMORROW i 1 until usual, is spending the winter!,. Jr- - Chamberlain to invite a GUILTY OF spring. in Daytona. says that he and his j expects Ira A. F.lalock, for some time past j fXIBI The place where the bridge is to daughter expect to come to Daytona i number of guests to join with him in manager for the "Daytona . Electric j wear be one-ha- lf re-- very constructed is two and for the winter. In speaking of Mr. enjoying tne oaiL Light and Power company, ha i (The As sec I ated ::m ! Press.) miles from DeLand Junction. Herbert Mr. Edmonds said that to his j All for boxes should signed his position with that company applications Ohio. 13. work was rt and will tomorrow his familv in COLUMBUS. Jan. Wei . ; (The Associated Press.) largely due to the splendid be made to David Sholtz. either per-sta- join Read the New Want Ads. - Jacksonville. He however. ! don R. Wells formally pleaded, not 1 Dally under Cleveland toward build- son ally, or maiL The 15-Do- by telephone ejects, 1 ctors . Washington'Jan. Head the Daily 'News want-ads- ing a navy. Mr. Herbert as of the boxes is $10 in addition to to leave for Havana. Cuba, about" the j guilty today to the charge of murder T--J4 secretary jcost i iiX I late this afternoon that Admiral of the committee on naval affairs and, j the cost of admission tickets. ":.ih of this month to look over a bus-- connection with the death of Mona is later as of the j iness in that citv.. with ! Simon here. He was held to the X j vwey "slowly sinking." navy, ga.e ' proposition to a of our which he is familiar, visited grand ivry withcut bail. The police) many years study naval ENTERTAINED HOLLY HILL having - "l WASHINGTON. Jan. 15. Admiral problems to the armor plate i FRIENDS AT THE HAMILTON there a number of times anl s; e:it b Sieved that iu view- of Wells' con-- question - RUTH LAW NOT COMING n fe.-- SZxotze Dewey, the hero of, Manilla and to all others bearing on the navy, j Mrs. I. M. Mabbette. of considerable time during the Spanish-America- !) h.t night he was preparing TO DAYTONA: GO proprietor - is weak. said to- - WILL and to a vigorous advocacy of the de-- ! the Hamilton who some vears war. Mr. Blalock during ti'e th:vw himself on the- mercy of tl ty Tery Physicians INTO FRENCH AVIATION hotel, - iy that they feared his vitality might velorment of an adequate navy. ; ago was a resident of Holly Hill, en-- time of his lousiness association in court when tried.- "J3 at time'. Admiral is ' Daytona has made friends in any Dewey Ruth tertained a partv of her friends and many Law, th? noted, aviatrix Mr. din-Eusti- MOTHER I LJ years old and is a and Mrs. H. G. Whitsett. of former of town s, the city and vicinity who will regret THAW'S DECLINES suffering jtrom who established a new neighbors that at i breakdown. recently parents of Mrs. Elmer Kipp. of ner Hamilton even-thi-s his removal, but he says he has a TO SET FORTH FAMILY PLAN Ceral . world's record from at the Saturdav by flying city, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. j a warm spot in his Lean for Daytona rife,. to New and ing. Following most appetizins (The Associated Press.) . MAS JUST RETURNED FROM Chicago York, who Kipp for a few days at their home. 27 i meal, for which this hotel is and hopes to make his home l.tie :- pleasant PHILADELPHIA. 13-.- I - THE PANAMA CANAL ZONE had planned to spend the win- avenue, motored over was sner.T in some time in the future. Pa.. Jam in Myrtle having noted, the evenine Thaws mofher declined . Mrs. E. L. Will, of Brooklyn. N. Y., ter Daytona, as usual, has from Eustis last Saturdav. cial conversation. Harry to ( ' is a concluded to go to France and make any statement today of the fam- la Daytona for visit of about two s . w Thaw's extra-- v weeks with her brother-in-la- and enter the army aviation corps ily plans regarding - of allies. New York cn as-- "Cater. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Zeigler. the Entente Miss Law MORNING HOTEL NEWS charges of w hose real name is Mrs. !- Frederick ; who are occupying apartments in the Charles - TO APPEAR TOMORROW g Gum;, Jr. Atwood Oliver, will be an army instruct- Committee Asks That of block, corner of Beach street Scope Mr.
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