T H E Uf\JI\/EF-~SITY' o~=- WI S CONSir--.J Television Channel 21 Madison 53706 262-2720 Area Code 608 ch, 165 9le ~• Gqlont Jfelaoa, ._.tor Vlllldltatea leaw ~J.C. Dear----~ lelRBt I • wrlUna to ,n la N1111f ot IQ' -'pllora .. b 1d.4ow4 wttll tov eldl4ra. In vi•t• Qe dtaU. ld.tla vlaia ,_ ldpt Ml,p ta u toll.Ona •• Ollnta ~ N w, veteran who toC>. e train ng MN at .. llalftlWl."1' ot Wi.,e.onai , -w,· s lle ,1re ft uoi._.. • AJdl 111a, 9;.-v. l e · ' :f'amily · ft) w:-an · d hia •, • ~ that .fl-e on, b s c · U d?'en ·al Ul ?:mv _..,. pe s Olll totallt . 80aa00 pe . nth under C'Ut'rent v; re !bl• 18 naJ.11' part of 1M ••• left ._ w •t.r •--• incom~ hes tJ-_:{/:'.'~ad~d $ 3,000 .. .00 p,e:::· y~fl.'J:' ,since· th~n, she il'lcJG not b \3evi--•·r~n ,: Ugib ,1@ f'o-r· a~i pt1 1Hiiotl ·unl.er YA ;i.-egcli.:l, M.2im,. lfJ11;?01!' 1;~.. iir.ia 'tie:lJr, !J.:i•g wid.011~;; b1I"'~~ - Dc:>.- 1 s;, }~. 1-7ti~~~1-.:e-r1 ~:16, l~t.' 'V :.: '}..'1 t n.:fttt,n,:,;.d t tlo.. t he ·," 1::hlli:'l.r-~n tic..cd VA b€nei'i'tr.:.l r,,ert.d.n~ e,.cs a r\;:)sul t of theii: .fe.tb.;g:' s vet,iran. status,. Thl, ,3 p••Jrt, l\ 1.tg"iltt (1964 J, }-kf.L, 'tL 1~r':.'i/1 "'N'3.E:, t1ise'.:t5Gj.ng h ~:;" '.'.'l n~n~i~ll si t ,:1 at:t:01~ vti th ID·!~·~ ~L}n-d I :t.~1qu·~1~t1 i~ O";J'LJ~ t!'rc; ¥1!_ b(~U~fitz q:1u~ 2::!€\ ~:} c'!1_ild..~ •1t::1?Ja T:t1itJ 't)l'"(Ii:,&:l!.t ~o'.';;~'i;, @! I:>t~ c,r... e.at f'<br t'h!@'B(:: 'b 1;m;.> £i ts, and they w~re a.pp.l:oved. by the V.:i.1wtrt.i!£(:li', off1 CQ'.l of' ·the Vetey:t•,urn 1~,:,;)hnln.:t st:".'e.:t,.;i(']in. on 6'5pt•"mber,'• ti-th, 10) 6/.i, unJer cl-"'vtm num"t1c*!' ~ .1W 0:9721~31~7 .. ,:; . 4c. .r : ~n, vith tl'.tf~ 1t,,.mefit$ to cornment:<tl 1::i1 Oc·tober ll,) 19 64. Si.nee tl'li:t t i;\ttte, the $ 80,.00 ].el' m:mth J) ',,;'r.tBion ht:,15 been :C'(?Cf; i 1rr~di • l\lt~»i 1 •:'jj;,.,1,: th1ai't she h1:vJ hii: ,m. inft'Y.t:J'<l~d by thts VA, that sht; ea ·nnet; 1.·e,r..rove:i:: th-1 fund'.ie. •d.U,· p,rio-J:' to .last [lct©be1~ becau.se 1ahe dil\l.n' t a:gply :to1.r t.l10se 'bene­ fl t ;h Thill ,i 's pe;tently d:.d!~'Uloua, IID!d I ain w:d. ti:Oii!i to enlls'l:. your ait:l ini .reccve·dng the pension funds which should have bee-n paid f D(~ro f.\.pril 7, 1958 to Octobe1c 11,, 1964. At 41 80.0<) pe,r m0nth, the; total sum due the four Warr1c!nt childTen is appro:dmat:i?lS' $, 6,240.00. I feel sttongly that this ia a, P{ill't of' what tho~e chil,il'.'en have due them af.> an '1nh€ri tance f.rom tnei:t :father. I thi,ru;;, it i .i5 "-~ no,~h that, they have to grow up deprived o:f his love and g'Uidance wi tliout being de--pr:ived cf T H E Ul'-IIV E R S ITY OF Wi S CO N Si ,i Television Channel 21 Modi s or: 537 06 262- 2720 Area Code 608 ... a ... a~ lliag • """'-•~ h~ a:t"t thq. C.riainl.7 th•1r iaa'biltty to aek tbe l'edtlral Gove "t , QA their ~ther• $ lack of knowledge aoout Vetenu:.i be.ieUtl . .wt m1li tate e 1 t tlte1r :rnoverl.n, tbo :P$U1on tund& due the all thee~ 1'•:rs. In io 't; t do not belle~ tJaa:t our national an4 PffTIUDe teJ. oblig&.. ts.cu to thece children ia leaseed. 'becauae th.,- did DO't know nougb to awl¥ for vbat WWI$ npttu.l.lJr th<11i;rtt- I bo,e you tftl the .. , and ,ean find som w;y to reeove-r thit lost i tor t!Mtm. 1Y, the amo'un,:; d\ie vill · <I.lit the :till :t\::1r a co _ e;\\1 '1.ti~ t'.!l'O , tor one of th.eee .. wn. • t 2.lk , ml her clill · a ·, ~a .all (15), ~ (l2), {11), 1 e ( . ) . Pl as let• kUlf t.t I cu pzo1'1u ,ou vi'Ua _,. tllrtber iatonat1oa. Co:nUal\7 ,ova, s. t . &.dio LISTER HILL, ALA., CHAIRMAN PAT MCNAMARA, MICH , JACOB K. JAVITS, N , Y , WAYNE MORSE, OREG, WINSTON L. PROUTY, VT. RALPH YARBOROlJGH, TEX , PETER H , DOMIN IC K , COLO. J OSEPH S. CLARK, PA , G EORGE M URPHY , l;ALIF. JENNINGS RANDOLPH, W. VA. PAUL J , FANNIN, ARIZ. HARRISON A ,1WILLIAMS, JR .. N , J, CLAfBORNE PELL , R,I. EDWARD M . KENNEDY, MASS . GAYLORD NELSON, WIS , COMMITTEE ON ROBl!RT F . KENNEDY, N.Y. LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE STEWART E. MCCLURE, CHIEF CLERK JOHNS. FORSYTHE, GENERAL COUNSEL :1arch 5, 1965 Prof, Lee S, Dreyfus \ii-iA Channel 21 The University of t:isconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 RE: llrs. Dor is Warren and children Dear Ilr, Dreyfus: This will acknowledge your letter of Harch 3rd in behalf of your neighbor who is widowed with four children, I have asked the Veterans Benefits Office he:t'e in the Veterans Administra­ tion in Washington to look into this matter. Unfortunately in 1958 it was not mandatory for the VA to con­ tact the.widow and inform her of her entitlement and eligibility r surv;i.vors r • f d . ror' 1benerits ror' nersel . an tier children. This is an unfor'tunate situation and you may be assured that I will do my utmost, within the provisions of ti1e law, to be of assiatance, With warm good wishes, I remain 1YLO' D NELSON Senator GN:p cc: Mrs, Doris E, Warren BOB KASTENMEIER COMMITTEE ON 2.D DISTRICT I WISCONSIN JUDICIARY 1725 HOUSE OFFICE BuiLDING SUBCOMM11TEES ON: HOME OFFICE: ANTITRUST 300¼ MAIN STREET Qtongrtss of tbt Wnittb ~tatcs PATENTS AND REVISION OF LAWS WATERTOWN. WISCONSIN SPECIAL SUBCOMMITTEE ON PHONE: 261-6050 STATE TAXATION OF INTERSTATE rt,ouse of l\epresentatibes COMMERCE ■a.ubington, a.€. 20515 March 8, 1965 Prof. Lee S. Dreyfus Radio & TV Education WHA Television Channel 21 The University of Wisconsin Madison 53706, Wisconsin Dear Professor Dreyfus: I have read with considerable and sympathetic interest the copy of your letter of March 3, addressed to Senator Nelson on behalf of Mrs. Doris E. Warren, who failed to recover retroactive survivors' benefits from the Veterans Admin­ istration totaling $6,240 on behalf of her four children. You certainly make a compelling case for the recovery of these benefits, and I have asked the Veterans Administration for a complete report on the matter. I understand further that there is precedent for the intro­ duction of a private claims bill on Mrs. W~rren's behalf, in a case which closely parallels her situation, and which has been favorably reported by the House Judiciary Claims Subcommittee. Once I receive the VA's report, I will give serious consideration to introducing such a bill. I shall continue to keep you apprised of deve l o pments at this end and of course you can count on my genuine interest and utmost cooperation in the matter. ,cer ROBERT Member HENRY Ma JACKSON, WASH., CHAIRMAN CI..INTON P. ANDERSON, N. MEX. THOMAS H4 KUCHEL, CALIF'.i ALAN BIBLE, NEV. GORDON ALLOTT, COLO. FRANK CHURCH, IDAHO LEN S. JORDAN, IDAHO ERNEST GRUENING, ALASKA MILWARD L. SIMPSON, WYO• FRANK E. MOSS, UTAH E. L. MECHEM, N. MEX0 QUENTIN N. BURDICK, N. OAK. PETER H. DOMINICK, COLO,,; LEE METCALF, MONT. CARL HAYDEN, ARIZ. GEORGE MCGOVERN, S. DAK. COMMITTEE ON GAYLORD NELSON, WIS. INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS JERRY T4 VERKLER, STAFF DIRECTOR March 12, 1965 prof• Lee S. Dreyfus lvHA Channel 21 The University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706 RE: Mrs. Doris Warren and children Dear Professor Dreyfus: The Milwaukee Office of the Veterans Administration has supplied the following report concerning M1°s. Harren' s claim for pension benefits. "Mr. Warren died in a commercial airplane accident on April 6, 1958, some twelve years after his release from active Navy service. In his lifetime, the only claim for Veterans Administration Benefits he filed was for dental treatment, "Mrs. Warren filed claim for insurance benefits with the Veterans Administration early in June 1958, and on July 3, 1958, was awarded $289.80 monthly payable in thirty-six installments. Payment was completed on March 6, 1961. 11 On June 20, 1958, blank 8-534, Claim for Dependents Compensation or Pension Benefits, was sent to the widow. On July 28, 1958, a claim for Burial Allowance was filed by Attorneys Gorman, Bohonnon & Peck of New Haven, Connecticut, for Mrs. Warren and payment was made in August 1958. "On July 1, 1960, the law firm of Gorman, Bohannon & Peck filed the claim form 534 signed by Mrs. Warren and indicated that they felt the children would be entitled to benefits although the widow might now.
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