SUBSCRIPTION TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 2014 SHAABAN 26, 1435 AH www.kuwaittimes.net Call to stop Clashes as Algerian Djokovic, planting Pakistan cleric capital aims Murray cruise conocarpus returns to lead to reconquer in Wimbledon trees 3 ‘revolution’11 its21 seaside openers17 Kuwait denies recalling Max 45º Min 32º ambassador from Iraq High Tide 09:05 & 23:03 Sunni uprising wins support in Gulf despite official unease Low Tide 03:03 & 16:35 40 PAGES NO: 16206 150 FILS KUWAIT: The Foreign Ministry refuted yesterday media claims that it has recalled its ambassador and other Kerry backs Iraq against ISIL threat diplomats from Iraq. In a brief statement, the ministry said that the Kuwaiti diplomatic mission is still function- BAGHDAD: US Secretary of State John Kerry yester- ing in Iraq, but it has been downsized due to the unrest day pledged “intense” support for Iraq against the in the country. The denial came after Reuters reported that Kuwait has withdrawn its ambassador from Iraq “existential threat” of a major militant offensive due to the security situation there. “We told our ambas- pushing toward Baghdad from the north and west. sador and diplomatic team (to leave) more than a week Kerry’s surprise visit came as Sunni insurgents led by ago ... This is because of the security situation in Iraq. the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) made When we feel the situation has become stable and nor- major advances in a strategic town and along the mal again they will go back,” Khaled Al-Jarallah, Kuwaiti country’s border with Syria. The assault has not only Foreign Ministry Undersecretary, allegedly told Reuters. put Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki under pressure, The Sunni uprising in Iraq has received enthusiastic but also displaced hundreds of thousands and support from many Gulf Arabs, despite official unease threatened to tear the country apart. over the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, branded a Kerry met with Maliki and other Iraqi leaders to terrorist group by governments in the region. While urge a speeding up of the government formation public opinion is hard to gauge in the tightly controlled process following April elections in order to face Gulf monarchies, the lightning success of Sunni fighters down the insurgents. Washington’s “support will be in routing Iraqi government forces has been hailed with intense, sustained, and if Iraq’s leaders take the nec- outpourings of vindication online and in private conver- essary steps to bring the country together, it will be sation. The strong expressions of support suggest US effective,” Kerry said at the US embassy in Baghdad’s allies like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates heavily-fortified Green Zone. “This is a critical may be pulled further from Washington, which backs moment for Iraq’s future,” Kerry said. “It is a moment the government in Baghdad. of decision for Iraq’s leaders, and it’s a moment of “Today battle is waged in the Baghdad of Rasheed great urgency. Iraq faces an existential threat, and and Damascus of Waleed on behalf of the whole Islamic Iraq’s leaders have to meet that threat with the nation to restore anew its dignity. God, grant your victo- incredible urgency that it demands.” Maliki also ry,” wrote Hakem Al-Mutairi, head of a Kuwaiti move- emphasised the danger of the crisis, telling Kerry it ment of Sunnis from the austere Salafi school, on “represents a threat not only to Iraq but to regional Twitter. He was referring to mediaeval rulers in the and international peace.” BAGHDAD: Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki (right) and US Secretary of State John Kerry meet at the Syrian and Iraqi capitals, once the capitals of vast Sunni Continued on Page 15 Prime Minister’s Office yesterday. — AFP Muslim empires. Continued on Page 15 Egypt jails Al-Jazeera journalists CAIRO: An Egyptian court jailed yester- outcry and raised fears of growing media day three Al-Jazeera journalists, includ- restrictions in Egypt. Australia expressed Indemnity for ing Australia’s award-winning Peter shock and US Secretary of State John Greste, in a ruling that sparked global Kerry spoke of “a chilling and draconian private sector outrage and a US call for them to be par- sentence”, while the White House urged doned. Greste and Egyptian-Canadian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi to pardon Mohamed Fadel Fahmy each got seven the journalists. “We call on the Egyptian citizens sought years, while Egyptian producer Baher government to pardon these individuals Mohamed received two sentences - one or commute their sentences so that they By B Izzak for seven years and another for three. can be released immediately and (to) Eleven defendants tried in absentia, grant clemency for all politically motivat- KUWAIT: MP Saleh Ashour said yesterday that a new including one Dutch journalist and two ed sentences,” said spokesman Josh draft law granting Kuwaiti civil servants end of serv- British journalists, were handed 10 years. Earnest. ice indemnity when they retire has excluded The verdict provoked an international Continued on Page 15 Kuwaitis employed in the private sector and threat- ened it will not be passed in this form. The draft law, which was approved by the Assembly manpower development committee on Sunday, stipulates an end of service indemnity of up to KD 27,000 or a sum equal to the salary for 18 months. The bill has apparently won the green light from the govern- ment, which initially opposed it, and is estimated to cost around KD 360 million a year. Employees who will benefit from the bill are required to contribute 2.5 percent of their salaries every month. Ashour said he was one of the lawmakers who proposed the draft law and wondered why private sector employees have been excluded. The lawmak- er said the bill must be amended to include private sector employees before it is sent to the Assembly for approval. “All employees should be treated equally,” he said. Ashour warned that if the law is passed in this form, it will cause an exodus of employees from the private sector to the public sec- tor, which is against all government plans to encour- CAIRO: Al-Jazeera news channel’s Australian journalist Peter Greste (left) and his BRASILIA: Brazil’s Neymar leaps to stop a pass during a Group A World Cup age nationals to take up jobs in the private sector. colleagues, Egyptian-Canadian Mohamed Fadel Fahmy (center) and Egyptian match against Cameroon at the Estadio Nacional yesterday. — AP (See Page 20) Continued on Page 15 Baher Mohamedlisten to the verdict inside the defendants’ cage during their tri- al yesterday at the police institute near Tora prison — AFP in the news Kuwait, Qatar eye old UAE jails 7 Arabs for Iran entry finally ready forming ‘Qaeda’ cell Scotland Yard hotel for US solar challenge KUWAIT: Sovereign wealth funds from Kuwait and ABU DHABI: A UAE top court jailed yesterday six Arabs TEHRAN: A solar car built by Iranian students has finally Qatar are in talks with a London developer over the for seven years after convicting them of forming an “Al- arrived in the United States for an international competi- acquisition of the original Scotland Yard headquarters, Qaeda” cell and raising funds for Al-Nusra Front, the tion after a race against the clock, their spokesman told which is being transformed into a £10,000-a-night lux- jihadist network’s Syrian affiliate. The state security AFP yesterday. A dozen students from the Qazin Azad ury hotel, reported The Telegraph. The Galliard Group court found the group guilty of “joining Al-Qaeda ter- Islamic University have taken delivery of the Havin-2 after confirmed to The Telegraph that its chief executive, it cleared US customs to race in the 2,735-km American rorist organisation and setting up a cell in the UAE... and Stephen Conway, has met individuals from the Middle Solar Challenge starting on July 2. The team will compete collecting money to support Al-Nusra Front, to finance East over the last few months, who have shown inter- against prestigious opponents including a team from terrorist activities outside” the UAE, WAM state news est in buying the historic building once construction Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the race agency said. A seventh defendant tried in absentia was has been completed in 2016, thought to be worth across seven US states from Austin in Texas to sentenced to life in prison, WAM said, adding that two £200 million. Galliard, the largest private house builder Minneapolis, Minnesota. The solar powered Havin-2 has a other defendants accused of setting up a website to in London, purchased the Edwardian site, which was 4.5-m carbon fibre chassis, with four wheels underneath a promote the ideas of Al-Qaeda have been acquitted. once home to Scotland Yard and then the Ministry of sprawling white body. The team’s entry had been uncer- The convicted men are five Tunisians, two Palestinians - Defence, in Dec 2013, with the intention of transform- tain as US sanctions imposed to coerce Iran into curbing one of whom remained at large - a Jordanian, and a ing it into a luxury hotel. Plans for the seven-floor its controversial nuclear drive caused unforeseen obsta- Lebanese national and all aged between 22 and 44, building, which featured in the 2007 film Atonement local media reported. Previously, Emirati media outlets cles when the students tried to airfreight the car. Several KUWAIT: Special forces guard a truck carrying starring Keira Knightley and James McAvoy, include had said the defendants, whose trial began on May 6, airlines operating in Iran refused to transport the vehicle, the new edition of Kuwaiti banknotes that suf- 235 bedrooms, a VIP suite, a vast ballroom and a high were accused of plotting attacks in the Gulf state, but despite a letter from the US Treasury Department.
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