![Rapporteur Talk on High Energy Phenomena HE 2.1-5 HE 3.2-4](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
RapporteurRapporteur talktalk onon HighHigh EnergyEnergy PhenomenaPhenomena HEHE 2.12.1--55 HEHE 3.23.2--44 Teresa Montaruli Bari University and INFN 139 papers Muons and Neutrinos Interactions, Particle Physics Aspects, HE 2.1 Muon experiments (23) Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology HE 2.2 Solar, atmospheric and HE 3.2 Proton Decay and new phenomena: related neutrino experiments (16) experiments and theory (3) HE 2.3 Neutrino Telescopes (26) HE 3.3 Dark Matter, Astroparticle Physics HE 2.4 Theory and calculations (31) HE 2.5 Instrumentation and and Cosmology (25) New Projects (8) HE 3.4 Instrumentation and New Projects(7) Many thanks to F. Cafagna, I. Sokalski, G. Battistoni, E. Lisi, F. Ronga, P. Lipari, M. Honda, A. Habig Guidelines • Many different sessions: this talk will not follow an order depending on Sessions but on subjects and logic connection between them (which often impliesthat works belonging to different sessions will be mixed!) • Results comparing between experiments or calculations (when possible) • The order ‘unfortunately’ often depends on my feelings • Sorry for all of those works that I do not have time to mention, but from which nevertheless I learnt a lot... Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba Outline • Neutrino oscillations: - atmospheric n’s: SK updated result Dm2 = 2· 10-3 eV2, maximal mixing (HE 2.2) - the knowledge of the beam: atmospheric n flux calculations (HE 2.4) and m flux measurements (HE 2.1) - solar ne oscillations: after the ‘Year of n Physics’ 2002 (19 Apr: DIRECT EVIDENCE for n flavor transformation from NC in SNO 8 Oct: Nobel prize to Prof. R. Davis and Prof. M. Koshiba 4 Dec: K2K LBL observes reduction of nm flux together with distortion of E spectrum 6 Dec: KamLAND reactor LBL: viable solution to solar n problem LMA) no big news (we have to wait for SNO salt phase results): LMA is well established (Kamland, SK, SNO). New: SNO and SK searches for anti-ne from the Sun: addresses the fundamental question if n is Majorana or Dirac • Neutrino astrophysics: - SN neutrinos (HE 2.2) - Neutrino Telescopes (HE 2.3): brilliant AMANDA results, Lake Baikal, RICE, ANTARES, NESTOR, ICECUBE • Dark matter (HE 3.4) , New detectors Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba HEHE 2.22.2 SolarSolar && atmosphericatmospheric neutrinosneutrinos Super-Kamiokande 7 oral Kamland 1 oral Sudbury Neutrino Observatory 1 oral+1 poster 1 oral + 1 poster Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba Koshiba & Super-Kamiokande Japan USA Suzuki highlights 50,000 ultra-pure water ton Cherenkov detector (22,500 ton fiducial volume) Run time: 1996-2001 (reconstruction finished Dec 2002; Jan, 2003 K2K beam after Nov 2001 ~50% of PMT destruction) This conference: no new data but atm n n reanalysis of 1489 d SK-I data Atm n results demonstrate nm®nt even if oscillatory pattern still not measured, SK measures different topologies in different energy ranges - Ring selection, Particle ID, multi-ring fits, 41.4 m Up-m reduction automated - New 3D atm n flux (HKKM01) - n interaction generator improved in view K2K near detector n interaction data 39.3 m The flavor ratio and the asymmetry Results based on quantities which have few percent dependence on theoretical uncertainties: Up-down Asymmetry Flavor ratio Angular distribution Do not depend substantially on absolute normalization of fluxes but accurate determination of parameters require also good knowledge of the fluxes primary cosmic rays p, He ... Travel length p, He ... n 10~30km atmosphere ± ± production height p , K ± n 10~30km µ ± n nm e nm Travel length p, He ... up to 13000km ne p, He ... For En > a few GeV, (Up-going / down-going) ~ 1 f (n m + n m ) ~2(for En<1GeV) Uncertainty of up/down ratio f (n e + n e ) < a few % >2(for En>1GeV) Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba The ‘energy-dependent’ angular distributions Honda Best fit (sin22q=1.0, Dm2=2.0 x 10-3 eV2) Sub GeV Sub GeV Sub GeV Upward stopping m 1ring e-like 1ring m-like Multi ring (m) Multi GeV Multi-GeV 1ring m-like Multi GeV Upward 1ring e-like + Partially Contained Multi ring (m) through going m (m / e) data (m / e)data Multi GeV+PC 0.032 Sub-GeV = 0.649±0.016±0.051 = 0.699 ±0.030 ±0.083 (m / e) MC (m / e)MC Observed Am-like 9.5s from no-oscillation prediction! nm«nt allowed region and oscillation channel Best fit: sin2(2q)=1.0, 2 -3 2 Old result Dm =2.0x10 eV @2.5x10-3 2 c = 170.8/170 dof New result zoom @2x10-3 Preliminary 90% c.l.: sin2(2q)>0.9 1.3 < Dm2 < 3.0x10-3 eV2 The non-observation of NC suppression (HE 2.2.9) disfavors the nm®nsterile scenario: systematic error on p0 measurement from ~30% to 9% thanks to K2K 11 t appearance on statistical basis (HE 2.2.11) 86 exp events 145± 44stat ±16 sys (44% eff correction) 3 analysis HEHE 2.42.4 TheoryTheory andand CalculationsCalculations ATMOSPHERIC NEUTRINO PRODUCTION: high precision 3D calculations, refined geomagnetic cut-off treatment (also geomagnetic field in atmosphere), elevation models of the Earth, different atmospheric profiles, geometry of detector effects HKKM (HE2.4.2): DPMJET3 FLUKA (1-P-270) 1st 3D, now up to 10 TeV CORSIKA (1-P-271): DPMJETII.5 (hadronic models based on theory driven approaches) BARTOL TARGET2.1 (1-P- 272) (tuned on experimental data) Liu et al.: Kalinovsky et al, 89 (parametrized hadronic model) Many comparison on hadronic models have been done on data and between different calculations. M. Takita talk: R. Engel et al.(HE 2.1.5) FLUKA2002 introduced as optional model in CORSIKA. GHEISHA based models suspicious Many benchmarks against m data at ground level and in atmosphere Neutrino data can say something ON PRIMARY CR? Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba TheThe primaryprimary cosmiccosmic rayray spectrumspectrum Runjob OG All nucleon spectrum M. Honda et al, HE 2.4.2 Data in Gaisser et al, ICRC2001 E-2.71 96 fit p E-2.74 2001 AMS-01 Fit BESS98 He noticeable disagrement on He between RunJob and JACEE Battistoni, Ferrari, TM, Sala 1-P-270 CR Fit 1996 (Bartol group) >> and harder than CR Fit ICRC01 (Gaisser et al.) R. Battiston talk: Many new relevant results in OG Some indication (ATIC, EAS-TOP-MACRO,...): CR flux could be harder at HE Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba TheThe highhigh energyenergy regionregion MACRO final data ¾ Honda 2001 Bartol 96 Honda 1995 ¾ HKKM (2001 CR) ¾ Bartol 1996 ~20% FLUKA (2001 CR) Æ SK Data FLUKA (1996 CR) predictions no oscill. predictions DEmm>12=2.5 GeV 10-3eV2 Battistoni, Ferrari, TM, Sala 1-P-270 If primary flux form E-2.74 to E-2.7 >20% enhancement of n flux around 100 GeV Upward-going through-going m data <En> ~ 100 GeV require larger normalization The data are not well accounted for by the new fit (better the less steep 1996 fit) SK fit more than 1 parameter on normalization and slope of the flux so it is hard to understand the preferred normalization (MACRO~20-25%) Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba Parameter knowledge In a scenario in which atm n oscillations are well established a better understanding of the CR flux is needed to estimate precisely Dm2 Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba TheThe lowlow energyenergy regionregion:: 3D3D andand geomagneticgeomagnetic fieldfield HKKM HE2.4.2 Geomagnetic effects negligible >few GeV Similar consideration for TARGET 2.1 (1-P-272): 3D horizontal enhancement larger for lower cut-off sites E < 1 GeV 3D effects considerable below ~2 GeV. At 10 GeV even for horizontal directions (angle distribution shrink slower with E than for vertical) ns ~ collinear to primaries Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba HEHE 2.12.1 MuonMuon experimentsexperiments L3+Cosmics BESS BESS: 2 Oral + 1 Poster HEAT: 1 Oral LVD: 1 Oral + 1 Poster L3+Cosmics: m spectrometer Baksan: 2 Poster +scint array+EAS array DECOR+NEVOD (large acceptance surface detector for horizontal ms): 1 Oral+1 Poster CosmoLEP:5 Oral + ALICE 1 Poster OKAYAMA: iron magnet spectrometer 24 m2sr can turn around any direction to investigate ALEPH geomagnetic effects 1 Oral + 3 Poster Eth = 70 GeV WILLI: 1 Poster L3 15 GeV AMANDA II: 1 oral TeresaCosmoALEPH Montaruli, ICRC2003,: ALEPH Tsukuba (h calorimeter+TPC) +5 scint VerticalVertical MuonMuon FluxFlux atat seasea levellevel (HE)(HE) Ground level: large statistics, up to HE. Important constraint to shower development codes and atm n calculations L3+C 03 PRELIM Cosmo-ALEPH 03 PREL BESS-01 PRELIM L3+C (HE2.1.10): up to 2TeV sys error: 2.6% @ 100 GeV (molasse) 15% @ 2 TeV (rel. mom. res) Cosmo-ALEPH (HE2.1.11): better knowledge of trigger efficiency needed Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba BESS 97-99 TheThe chargecharge ratioratio CAPRICE94 OKAYAMA 03 PRELIM HE 2.1.6 HEAT95 Cosmo-ALEPH 03 PREL HE 2.1.11 BESS-01 PREL HE 2.1.7 L3+C 03 PREL HE 2.2.10 BESS 01 CAPRICE97 CAPRICE 98 HEAT00-94 HEAT (HE2.1.12): charge ratio vs depth ~flat as expected R flat up to high energies K contribution to m OKAYAMA (HE2.1.6): differences in charge ratio at flux at 100 GeV (1 TeV) different azimuth angle due to geomagnetic field ~10% (20%) Also WILLITeresa Montaruli, (1-P-246) ICRC2003, pm <0.5Tsukuba GeV/c VerticalVertical muonmuon fluxflux atat seasea levellevel (LE)(LE) Geomagnetic effects up to 1 GeV for ms BESS Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba mmss inin atmosphereatmosphere:: relevantrelevant testtest forfor hadronichadronic modelsmodels Abe et al. (HE2.4.6): at top of the atmosphere (BESS-01 13.5 hrs at 4.5-28 g/cm2) first interactions Þ clean test of hadronic models validate DPMJET-III now used in HKKM (HE2.4.2), m- TARGET2.1 HE 2.4.9 Stanev et al /c) GeV DPMJET-III 1 - s 1 - kg 1 - (sr p and He from Caprice98 Depth / 2 Fort Sumner 4.2 GV *p Flux Agreement less good at < 13 g/cm2 Better agreement at low grammage Hadronic model still needs some refinement Liu et al, HE 2.4.1: comparison with (some overproduction of m+ at < 1 GeV/c) BESS99 CAPRICE94,97 Teresa Montaruli, ICRC2003, Tsukuba Solar neutrino observation 4 + 4p ? He + 2 e + 2 ne Flux, spectrum… are calculated by SK Standard Solar Model (SSM) SNO Bahcall et al, 2001, Turck-Chieze et al., 2001 Detectable Reactions in H2O and D2O - CC n e + d Þ p + p + e - Good measurement of ne energy spectrum - Weak directional sensitivity µ 1-1/3cos(q) - ne ONLY ES - - ? x + e Þ ? x + e NC n x + d Þ p + n +n x - Mainly sensitive to ne,, less to nm and nt - Strong directional sensitivity - Measure total 8B n flux from the Sun.
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