NORTHAMPTONSHIRE.] TRADES. BOO 383 Wyman &; Sons Limited, L. & N. W. BOOT & SHOE MANUFACTRS. Clarke &; Haynes, Raunds, Welling- railway, Castle station, Northamp- Adama Broa. Raunds, Welling- borough to? & L. & N. W. Railway station, borough; contractors to H.M. Clarke Charles, Astcote, Towcester .Bhsworth S.O Army, Navy&; Postal departments; Clarke Sl. Wm. Astcote, Towcester specialities for the Cape, Indian &; Clarke T. T. Wentworth road, Rush- :BOOT & SHOE AGENTS. Colonial markets den S.O Addington Bros. Holcot, Northamptn Allebone A. Earls Barton,Northamptn Clayson & Co. Debdale rd.WeUingboro' Clarke S. 19 Lawrence st.Northmptn Allebone Augustus,26 Wellingborough Clifton Hy. Earls Bal"ton,Northamptn Collins B. H. Kislingbury, Northamptn road, Rushden S.O Coe Bros.Meeting House la.Kettering Cutler C.R. 31 Up.mnts. Northamptn Alien &; Caswell,Sackville st.Ketterng Coggina Robert, Raunds, Wel­ Gardner Geo. Ha:rpole, Northampton Allinson & Co. Earl street & Clare st. lingborough; contractor to H. M. Moore J.G. Kislingbury, Northamptn Northampton army, navy & postal departments Rice Chas. Wollaston, Wellingborough A.rnold A.& W.St.Giles' ter.Nrthmptn Collier Simon Limited, Harlestone Robins Harry, Harpole, Northamptn Austin L. Wollaston, Wellingborough road & Kislingbury, Northampton Starmer Edwin, Harpole, Northampton Avalon Boot Manufacturers Limited Cooper John & Sons Limited, Camp- Tarry David, Holcot, Northampton (Fred Tebbutt, manager), Both- bE>ll square, Northampton Tarry Samuel, Harpole, Northampton well, Kettering Co-operative Boot & Shoe Manufac- Trusler "\Yilliam, Astcote, Towccster Bailey & Son, Finedon, Wellingboro' turing Society Lim. (Isaac York, Wigley Wm. Walgrave, Northampton Barker A. &; Son, Earls Barton, sec.), Finedon, Welling'lborough . Williams Chas. Harpole, Northampton Northampton Co-operative Wholesale Sooiety L1m, Barker Charles William, Wellingboro' Portland road, Rushden S.O BOOT BLOCXERS road, Rushden S.O Cottingham T.35 Alfred st. Nrthmptn • Baxter & Mould, Havelock st.Ketterng Craddoclr. 'l'homas, Little Harrowden, B~low Robt.4 Woburn st.Northamptn Deale & Co.St.Michael's rd.Nrthmptn Wellingborough Bud W. 29 Duck st. Rushden. S.O Benford & Mould, Richard's leys, Crick & Patenall, North street, Rush- H?rnsey Arthur, 46 G'lare st.Nrthmptn Kettering den S.O Tlpler W.IooGt.Russell st.Northmptn Berry D. A. & Co. I Ethel street, Crick & Co. St. GilEis' st.Northampton Northampton Crockett & Jones, 27 Perry street, BOOT CLOSERS. Berry H. E. n Stockley st.Nrlihmptn Northampton Alien John, 13 Rock st.Wellingborough Berry Jn. A. 147 Clare st.Northmptn Cunnina-ton Broa. Crabb street, Blunt George, 12 Northampton road, Birch & Chater, Colwyn rd. North- Rushden S.O. WeJlingborough .ampton . Dalton W. P. Connaught st. North- Bullock J.14 Victoria rd.Northamptn Bud Thos. & Sons, Bath rd.K~tterm~ ampton Ce.rr Mrs. E. 100 Colwyn rd. Nrthmptn Black Jn. Wm. Raunds, Welhngboro Darlow & West, Newton road, Rush- Oa.ss Mi9s s.sB Dimster st.N<>rthamptn Bonham _Herbert & Co. Gladstone st. d~n S.O C x Thomas c ril ·t No tham ton Kettermg . DaVIs SI. 34 Talbot rd. Northampton D~nkley Mi~sS~loienc: · 26 r Boo/ st. Bostock Fdk.Victoria st.North~mpton Dawson Joseph & Sons, Overstone rd. Northampton ' Bosworth & Co. 70 & 72 Kettermg rd. & Clare street, Northampton Flo d Mrs Ellen II Alcombe oad Northampton Deoan Rd. & Co. Tanner st.Northmptn Jortha~pto ' 9 r ' Botterill Wm. Bozeat, Wellingborough Denton B. & Sons, Irchester, Wel- Forman Jas. 2 nCraven st. Northamptn Branch James &. Sons Limited, Har- lingborou~h . Go ·'Inan W B e t W n· bo h borough ri. Kmgsthorpe, Nthmptn Denton BenJamm & Son, High street, H ou Geo 6. 11Dz a ' t eN mgth roug+ n B ranch J n. L"1m:52 H enry s t . Nthmptn R us hd e•n S . 0 amdp. k ·M4 Rerry s · oHr atmp:ot Brick-wood & Jelley, Thomas street, Denton & Oheney, Hatton Park road, H ar WlC- rs. ose, xo un er s . Northampton Wellingborough Nort~ampton . , Bridgewater & Co. 5 & 7 Victoria rd. Denton 0. Hi~ham I'd. Rushden S.O Haseldme Wm. Fmedon,Wellmgboro Northampton Deuton G. Wollaston,Wellingborough Heeler Alfred, A~tcote, Towc~ster , Britten & Co. Doddridge st. North- Dii-ect Supply Shoe Co. (The), goa, Henfrey A. G. ~medon; Wel}mgboro ampton Lower Thrift street, Northampton Jones T.I28Wellin_gboro rd.N~thmpt~ Brooks W. J. New Barton, Earls Drage John (exors. of the late), Kearsley Ohas. Fmedon, Wellmgboro Barton, Northampton Bozeat, Wellingborough Keller :Mrs. J. F. 34 St. Bamabas at. Brown Thomas & Co. Ircbester & at Dunkley C. & Son, Earls Barton, Wellingoorough Leicest3r, Wellingborongh Northampton L~tt John, 43 Col~n rd.Nort~ampto~ Bryan & Son Limited, Nelson works, Dunkley Alfred William, Earls Bar- Lilley Charles, Fmedon, Welhngboro Trafalgar road, Kettering ton, Northampton Mann. Alfd. 5 Bur1~s st. Nort~ampto~ Buckby Brothers, Burton Latimer, East Chas. Lim. Northall st.Ketterng Mannmg Mrs.~.Fmedon,Well~ngboro, Kettering Ellard & Howes,York rd.Rushden S.O M~son Geo. M1dla.nd rd. Wellingboro Bull c. & Co. Park rd. Rushden S.O Ellingham ,'<; Rains, Thorngate street, M~nney T.Glassbro?k rd.Rush~en s.q Burrows :Marshall Victor, Manton rd. Kettering N1ch~lls Mrs. E.Fmedon,W~llingbofo Rushden S.O Emmet J. 76 .Artizan rd.Northamptn Part~1dge Hy. Bozeat, Welhn~boro , Burrows Thomas, Holmfield house, Essam Chas. Regent st. Kettering Perkms C.3 Buckwell grn.Well~ngboro Long Buckby, Rugby Evans T. B.68 Denmark rd.Nrthmptn Plackett Jn. xo ltock st. Wellmgboro' Butlin & Co. Lower .Albert street, Eyre Bro!il. High street, Long Buckby, She~ton J. A. 7 Alcombe rd.Northmptn Kettering Rugbv & so Henry st. Northamptn Sm1th G. 53 Robert st. Northampton Butlin John Thomas & Son, Kettering Fisher Rowland,Bearwood st.Nthmptn Spence Waiter, Spencer Bridge road, road, Rothwell, Kettering Ford W. & Co. Magee st.Northamptn St. James's, Northampton Carter & Sons Clarence avenue ForRcntt Znccheus & Sons, Arthur st. Talbot. Mrs.A.89 Cecil rd.Northamptn Queen's park, Northampton ' Northampton road, ·welling-boroug-h W~bster George, Astcote, Towcester Cattell Geo. St. Peter's av. Kettering Foster Bros. (Kettering) Limited, Wdson Mrs. Ellen, 86a, Colwyn rd. Cave John &; Son Limited, College Montagu street, Kettering Northampton street, Rushden S.O Foster C. F. & Sons, George street, W~ght Mrs. E. W. Finedon, Wel- Cave & Co. Shakespeare rd. Nrthmptn Wellingborough lingborough Chamberlain Carey William, Crispin Foster 'f. & Son, William st.Kettering street, Rothwell, Kettering Fox Jn. Hy. Finedon, Welling-borough BOOT & SHOE FACTORS. Chapman Brothers, St.. Michael's rd. Frisby P. 25 Stockley st. Northampton 1Jarratt W. & Co. St. Katherine's st. & 56 Dunster street, Northampton Gadsby Thos. Higham Ferrers S.O Northampton Chapman H. J.Clarence rd.Kettering Gain.sford J. H. & Co. Hood street, Caster S. & A. Broad Bridge street, Chater J. Farey & Co. Havelock st. Northampton Peterborough Kettering Gamble Silas & Sons, 31 High street, Dodd Bros. 1 Weston st.Northampton Chater &; Son, King street, Kettering Rothwell, Kettering Hill E. & Co. Havelock st. Kettering Cheaney J. & Son, Desborough, Mar- Garratt W. T. & Sons, 32 Victoria Jones Harry Sinclair, High street, ket Harborough road, Northampton Long Buckby, Rugby Church ·& Co. Duke st. Northampton Garratt & Co. Lonise rd. Northampton Minards Simon Eli, Lower mounts, Clapham William, 120 Lutterworth Garrett Arthur, Mill rd.Northampton Northampton road, Northampton George 0. Moor rd. Rushden S.O Claridge E. & Sons Limited, Rectory Gibbs C. & Co. g6 Cyril st.Northmptn road, Rushden S.O Gibbs A. u6! Bailiff st. Northampton :BOOT FINISHERS. Claridge William, Wellingborough rd. Gilbert W. S. Great Park street, Brown Louis, I Hatton Park road, Rushden S.O Wellingborough Wellingborough Clark John Hills, Raunds, Welling- Glover Bros. Grant rd. Wellingboro' Robinson Rt. 75 Hood st. Northamptn borough; exporter & army con- Goodey Thos.23 Alma st.Wellingboro' . tractor- Goodman F.& Son,Bozeat,Wellingboro' .
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