The Octocoral Fishery in the Southeastern U.S. and Gulf of Mexico MARK CHIAPPONE, PAOLA ESPITIA, LEANNE M. RUTTEN, and STEVEN L. MILLER Introduction with ~1.8 million households owning Conservation Commission (FWC) in The marine aquarium hobby has a saltwater aquarium (American Pet Florida. Regulation of the collection witnessed a resurgence in popular- Products Association, 2014). Within of live tropical, ornamental, and ma- ity within the United States since the the United States, Florida represents rine species in Florida is governed by 2007–09 recession (Bricker et al.1), the largest component of the ornamen- Rule Chapter 68B-42 of the Florida tal fishery, supplying live marine life Administrative Code (FAC). The Flori- 1Bricker J. B., Bucks, A. Kennickell, T. Mach, to the aquarium industry with over 9 da regulations went into effect in 1991 and K. Moore. 2011. Surveying the aftermath of million individual animals per year, and have undergone several revisions, the storm: changes in family finances from 2007 encompassing over 600 fish, inver- affecting bag limits, proper collection to 2009. Working paper 2011–17, Mar. 2011, Fed. Reserve Bd., Finance and Econ. Discussion tebrate, and plant species (Rhyne et techniques, reporting requirements, Ser., 38 p. (Online at https://www.federalreserve. al., 2009). Management of this multi- and area restrictions (and more) for gov/pubs/feds/2011/201117/201117pap.pdf). species fishery is under the authority recreational and commercial marine of the Federal Gulf of Mexico Fish- life collectors (Larkin et al., 2001). The authors are with the Halmos College of Natural Science and Oceanography, Nova ery Management Council, the South With a Saltwater Products License, Southeastern University, 8000 N. Ocean Drive, Atlantic Fishery Management Coun- commercial collectors can exceed the Dania Beach, FL 33004. Corresponding author cil in EEZ waters off North Carolina, daily recreational bag limits that differ is Mark Chiappone (email: [email protected]). South Carolina, and Georgia, and the by species group. To collect and sell doi: https://doi.org/10.7755/MFR.80.3.2 State of Florida’s Fish and Wildlife tropical fish and invertebrate species ABSTRACT−Octocorals, also known This study assessed some of the character- collected in the Florida Keys in two of the as gorgonians and soft corals, were previ- istics of the octocoral fishery by evaluating collector categories represented < 0.004% ously managed by the U.S. South Atlantic FWC Trip Ticket data, conducting interviews of the estimated population sizes. The col- (SAFMC) and Gulf of Mexico (GMFMC) with octocoral collectors, and analyzing oc- lectors and aquarium hobbyists interviewed Fishery Management Councils through tocoral life history information and avail- stated that they would welcome and use a a joint Coral Fishery Management Plan able fishery-independent data on population field guide to help with octocoral identifica- (FMP). Because octocorals are mostly col- densities and sizes. Based on interviews with tion, which would ultimately provide better lected from Florida waters, the Florida collectors, a synthesis of trip ticket results, fishery-dependent taxonomic resolution for Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and population abundance estimates, the collected species. The collection of octo- (FWC) is currently tasked with managing long-term stability of the octocoral fishery is corals below the State of Florida quota of octocoral collection, including the moni- not likely to change significantly. The social 70,000 colonies per year threshold, which toring of colony landings, in the Economic dynamics of the aquarium industry to seek has yet to be reached according to landings Exclusive Zone (EEZ) adjacent to Florida. colorful, rare, and exotic marine species for data, likely does not adversely affect the Collection of 70,000 colonies per year total, home aquaria places octocorals at the lower octocoral populations targeted. This con- which applies to both state and EEZ waters end of the list of desired species. Octocoral clusion is based upon the large population off Florida, is permitted under Rule 68B- distribution and abundance information ob- estimates determined for octocorals relative 42.006 of the Florida Administrative Code, tained from an extensive search of the lit- to the small number of colonies collected. but has never been exceeded according to erature, along with available age, growth, This conclusion assumes that the distribu- available landings data. Before octocoral and habitat data, suggests that current in- tion and population sizes of targeted spe- management responsibility was transferred formation is comprehensive and definitive, cies will continue to be relatively stable or to the State of Florida, the SAFMC was con- such that stock assessment or population dy- increase. Information collected by the State cerned that octocoral landings data, as op- namic modeling could be considered but are of Florida through trip tickets is probably posed to population data, were being used probably not required to assess the status adequate to understand and manage the to set Acceptable Biological Catch limits of collected octocoral species. For multiple octocoral fishery. Minor reporting clarifi- and Overfishing limits under the new Fed- sampling periods, over a decadal period cations and better taxonomic resolution in eral fishery management standards. An ad- (1999–09) in the Florida Keys, where most reporting would help improve the accuracy ditional concern with the octocoral fishery octocoral collection occurs, abundance es- of collecting data, but improved accuracy and other organisms captured for the marine timates presented for 15 species illustrate is not required to assess the current state of aquarium and ornamental fisheries is that that population sizes are large (tens of mil- the fishery—the octocoral fishery is sustain- large taxonomic groups are lumped togeth- lions to hundreds of millions of colonies, per able and would likely remain sustainable at er, including species with potentially differ- species) and abundance is stable or increas- colony collection levels orders of magnitude ent life histories and ecological functions. ing. For example, the numbers of colonies larger. 18 Marine Fisheries Review such as mollusks, plants, live rock, ferable Dive (MLN), and Marine Life Deep Water Habitat Area of Particu- and live sand, a Restricted Species en- Bycatch (MLB). To qualify for these lar Concern adjacent to Florida waters dorsement and Marine Life endorse- endorsements, collectors had to show (FAC 68B-42.0036). ment are both required. proof of commercial marine life land- During collection, no power tools The State of Florida has collected ings and sales above a $5,000 thresh- may be used and only one inch of commercial landings and effort data old between the licensing years of substrate around the perimeter of the since November 1984, maintained 1999 and 2003 (FAC 68B-42.0065). base of the octocoral holdfast may be in their Marine Fisheries Informa- This process eliminated the part-time removed (FAC 68B-42.007 and 68B- tion System, commonly referred to collectors and brought the number of 42.008). Octocorals must be collected as “Trip Ticket” data (Larkin et al., active ML endorsement holders in the alive and stored in a re-circulating live 2001). State of Florida landings data State of Florida down from 743 to 168 well or oxygenated system aboard the on marine life collection date back to (Adams et al., 2001). About 10% of all collection vessel (FAC 68B-42.0035). 1994. The Florida Marine Life Asso- ML endorsements are currently MLN There are additional area closures for ciation (FMLA), the official industry (M. Bademan, FWC, personal com- marine life collection in southeast- organization for marine life collectors, mun.). Collectors wishing to obtain an ern Florida, including National Parks petitioned the Florida Marine Fish- ML endorsement may now only do so (Everglades, Biscayne, Dry Tortugas), eries Commission in 1988 to adopt through the transfer of a pre-existing John Pennekamp Coral Reef State standards for the collection of tropi- endorsement, since no new endorse- Park, and portions of the Florida Keys cal marine life species. Catch regula- ments are currently being issued. National Marine Sanctuary, includ- tions were adopted as a result and the ing the Key Largo Management Area collection of marine life and tropical Management and Regulation (formerly Key Largo National Marine ornamental data were included in the of the Fishery Sanctuary), the Looe Key Manage- Trip Ticket reporting system begin- Octocorals were managed in the ment Area (formerly Looe Key Na- ning in 1994. Originally designed to U.S. South Atlantic (North Carolina tional Marine Sanctuary), and various track the sales of seafood products to Florida) and U.S. Gulf of Mexico smaller no-take zones including Sanc- from Florida waters, the Trip Ticket (Florida to Texas) from 1990–2011 tuary Preservation Areas, Special-Use/ reporting program requires wholesale under the joint Gulf of Mexico and Research-Only Areas, and Ecological dealers to report information about South Atlantic Coral Fishery Manage- Reserves (15 CFR 922 Subpart P). saltwater products purchased (Section ment Plan (FMP). Restructuring of 379.362, Florida Statutes, and 68E- the Coral FMP in 2011 (Amendment Collector and Fishery 5.002, FAC). 7) subsequently excluded the manage- Characteristics Subsequent concerns over the num- ment of octocorals in Federal waters Collector Demographics ber of new Marine Life (ML) en- off Florida, thereby transferring man- dorsement holders in the industry agement responsibility to the State of Of the 168 ML tiered endorsement holders in Florida in 2013, only 64 prompted the FMLA to petition the Florida (FAC 68B-42.009). Octocorals 2 FWC to limit the entry of new ma- are defined by the State of Florida as reported octocorals landings. After rine life collectors (Division of Ma- “any erect, non-encrusting species of consulting two marine life collectors rine Fisheries, 2002, cited in Larkin the Subclass Octocorallia, except the familiar with the fishery, 53 octo- et al., 2001), although an assessment species Gorgonia flabellum and G.
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