![Field Guide to Fishes Commonly Taken in Longline Operations in the Western North Atlantic Ocean](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 435 Field Guide to Fishes Commonly Taken in Longline Operations in the Western North Atlantic Ocean Joseph L. Russo January 1981 NOAA TECHNICAL REPORTS National Marine Fisheries Service, Circulars The major re,pon,ibilllle, of the :--<atlOnal \1arane F"herae. SNVI(,~ C '.\1FS) /He to monitor and a e the ahundan I' and I(Poll:rap dlstrabution of fishery resources. to understand and predict nUtt uat IOns In t hI' qllant ltv lind dlstnhut IOn of t helle r ,ur e and t'· t tah, hit, for optimum use of the resourre, :'Ii\,fFS IS ai,,, rhar~~d with the d"velopment ond Impl,·mentatJ(." of p',IICle fr,r manaj(lOjI: n It'mal (I hi, grounds, development and enforeement of d"m~stlc f1shHI{'S regulat IfHI surveillanre of I'>felgn II hanl( "II l nil. d Male coa tal wuHr nd t development and enforcement of IIlternatH>nal fishery agreements end poliCIes '!l.H ~ III." 0 I I the fl hang andu Irv Ihrough markttlnll eC" and economic analy,," programs, and mort~age Insurance and yes. el c'm trurll"n ubRldl'" It ,(,lien analvze rod I'ubll h '! It varaou, phase' of the Indu,trv The NOAA Terhnical Report ,\,IFS ('lCrular senes ('ontlnues a senes that ha b"en Jr, UI tenrt' IOce I'H: fh .. (Ir( lar Ort tech", publicatIOns of I(eneral Intere,t Intendt'd to Bid conservatIOn and management PuhllcotlOn 'hat rf,\I~W an ",n Idrrable detsl and al a h technical level certain broad areas "I r~,eurrh appear In t h" senes. TechOieal papers orlglnat In' In r', (,nom I tlldl(, nnll fr'lm m nal(l."mrnt vestil(ati(lns appear in the Cirrular senes '\iOAA Technical Repllrt :--<\1FS Circulars are IIvaJiable Iree 10 limited nurntJf'r~ t(, gOH'rnmentlJ: agen, , hoth hder I and tatl' fhf'\ also available in exchanl(e for lither <nentlfi .. and technical pul ilcat",ns 10 th,· m8nnr (len" Inll",,j 81 rop e /fi8' be ,,1;!8nt,d funl otherWise noted I from D82~ , l ser Sen'll'es Branch, EnVironmental SClenlc Inf'!Tma!,'JO ("ater ()AA Iw kVllJe HJ.!()8.5L Rectot culars are . 396 Whales. dolphins, and porpOises of the western North AtlantiC A ernment Pnntmg Office \\ a hmgton D( 204Ir... LOci! 0, guIde to their Identification By Stephen Leatherwood, Uavi j K ('aid 00404, well, an t :ioward ~. Winn, August 19,6, iv T I-t' p .. HiS fil/s , I table, 14 app. fi~s For sale by the Supenntendent of Doc'1ment". L' .S (.ov­ flora and fa na of ernment Pnnllng Ofliee, \\ashlOgton, DC 20402, StOCk No. OOJ 0'20 00119-0 397 l\lanne flora and fauna uf the n(mheastern l lOlted St81e~ . Cnidana Sc~·phozoa. By Ronald J . Larson August 1::l7b. III t 18 p., 28 figs. For sale by the ::'uperlOtendent l'l .)ocument.s, l, , Govern tern'ruted ment Pr'nting Office, \\ ashington, DC' !::u40:2; :--<c, 003-017- \\ 00387 \\. Ie ~errber Ir' II + 441' 2 f 398. ~!anne flora and fauna of the northeastern Uruled States Higher 4lJ L')llectlOn d tuna bal' • h papenl .20 popel'll J By Ric fungi Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes. and Basldlomycete" By A R .... homura edlt,)r, December I 77. I I ~ . '; p Cavahere \,larch 19-- IIi + 49 P,. 24 figs For sale by the ::,uper intendent of Documents, L. S. Government Pnntlng Off'('e. Washington, 409 !l.lanne flora and taulla f Ihe nc,nheaslem lnited t DC 20402 Stock :\0 003-020·00126-2. Copepoda (~clop(Old8 par88II,< on fi h B) Iu hey Ho r 19i~. III + :t p, 17 figs 399. Marine flora and fauna 01 the northeabtern L"Olted State. Copepoda HarpactlcOlda, By Bruce C Coull March 1977, ill + 48 p ., 411l !'he 1976 ttratl ..m tr:p bloom to the ew Y,,1t B.ght j 100 figs. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, li S, Govern· and cvnsequences B) fhomas ( Malone May 19'; , " + 1 ment Printing Office, \Vashington, DC 20402~ Stock ~o, 003-020-OU125- Ii 0:5 I table 4. ~ll ::'~'Stematl<s and tHolog) of the tller; hes (Perctlormea. Br 400. Fishery publicatIOn Index. 196.~-j'4. By :-'lary Ellen Engel! and 'tel(ldae and !\1alacanth,dael. "'Ith d nptloo of t""O new pec•• Lee C , Thorson, March 1977, IiI + 220 p. For sale by the Super. Jame, K Dooley Aprll.97. \ + 7 p 44 figs , 16 tables Intendent of Documents. U.S. Government Printing Omce, Washington, DC 20402; Stock :-:;1), 003-020-001271. 412 Synopsls of blol"g1~ai data on the red porgy Pa~ fJ08 naeus) By Charle. '. lanooch m and \\,tham W, Hassler 401. Fisheries and tiqhery resources of )iew York Bight By J L. 1978, IIi T 19 p., 12 IlI(S , i tables For 8ale b) the upennle McHugh March 1977, \' + 50 p., 43 figs., 49 tables. For sale by the Document" US. Government Pnntlng Office Wuhmgton. DC Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash­ Stock :--<0. OO:3-LlI7 -00418-0, ington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-020-00129-7. 411. :-'Ianne flora and fauna of the northe88lern l'mted 402. Guide to the identification of scorpionfish larvae (Family Scor­ Crustacea: BranchlUla. By Roger F ( ressey ~lay 1978, III + paenidae) in the eastern Pacific with comparative notes on species of figs. For sale by the Supenntendent of Documents, L'S, Gov Sebastes and Helicolenus from other oceans. By H. Geoffrey Moser, Printing Office, Washington, DC 20-102. Su,ek '0 003-01/-004 Elbert H. Ahlstrom, and Elaine M, Sandknop, April 1977, v + 71 p., 40 figs., 38 tables. For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U,S. Gov­ 414, SynopsIs of biological data for the wmter flounder. Pseud ernment Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-020· nectes americanu.s (Walbaum) By Grace Kleln-~lacPhee. ~ 00128-9. 1978, ill + 43 p .. 21 figs., 28 tables. 403. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Sipun­ 415 A basis for classifying western AtlantiC Sc.aeoidae (T cula. By Edward B. Cutler. July 1977, iii + 7 p., 6 figs. For sale by Perciformes). By Labbish :'Iiing Chao. September 1978, v + the Superintendent of Doc~ments, U.S. Government Printing Office, figs., 1 table. Washington, DC 20402; Stock No. 003-012-00404-0. 416. Ocean variability: Effects on U.S, marine fishery 404. Revision of the sea basses of the genus (Pisces: Ser­ Dlplectrum 1975. (20 papers.) By Julien R Goulet, Jr. and Elizabeth D. ranidae). By Stephen A, Bortone. September 1977, v + 49 p., 15 figs., Editors. December 1978, iii + 350 p. 9 tables. 417. Guide to the identification of genera of the fish 405. Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States. Echino- o hidiiformes with a tentative classification of the order B D NOAA Technical Report FS Circular 35 Field Guide to Fishes Commonly Taken in Longline Operations in the Western North Atlantic Ocean Joseph L. Russo January 1981 ERCE The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec­ ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro­ motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. ( a(( harO/lolI f IIrll {Wllell\ f (11/111(1 11(1 Ii "rWIIII< I' ~fu/I(u '>flh I nru II' "'/11/ )llh I'r/lU' RtJt'IIU II I dlH;ct II he 12 ... 11t ·{1L\uII"/ ~ /lrl'vlr,,\ffL5 I. I I It III (1/"11 fer" \ \1 Opah 1 I'olllirci f/r(lI/lU hrulllu .. IUWI ff( hfh I"r/llllg/IIIII/III ()olrhlll ..... .. ( 'If P/rUI IIU ("jlll .. /r • ( II! 1!,/rUI IIU hll'flllrlll . Balla IIJa \"h I,,,,'na hurruc/lc/u . J KI.: ( (Iral/\ ,{\ 10\ .. I I la1:(lfll /llf/IIIII/duru 21 .~I'"ola tllIlI1t'rrlt . St'rtolu fll'II/IU"1I Sna\.;c 111.1 I.: It:! [ '1'ItlO' I"hllllll jlul"o/lrtlflll' 11111 NII\ ,'((11 Ilr. fl011i lun,1 IIlJ 1ll.1<.\.;crclll\.;C II he , 1, VI/firo. 11)//11/1 lo/and" Iliu "it hel • . AliI/I f"i1~ord I IIfh \1/11111 a/It If, rOf//1 huf /1" O/jll prll/III'S Surd,/ \ur fa S oml mlT/oru I>r Illt/lill 'i, /lib, rot IOrti ,a \ alia S, om/)(' uid to i h ommonl n in I on lin . ~ll"'Otion · in th t m orth tl ntic ( n J() I I 1-:1 I \K I H \( I IIUHU ( 110 .111d \1PI\ (I Ig ~) PI .Ir ~ J 1.1111 d 111 t h I I I h 1st dorsal fin ( spines) 2nd dorsal fin (soft rays) 1 caudal keels int erspace j 1 dor sal finlets f~~==- --- d e pth anal fin lets pec t o r a l caudal fin f in anal fin pelvic f i n corselet Standard lengt h( SL )------------------------~ ~------------------------------------------ Fo r k length ( FL ) ------------------------------~ L-_________________________________________ Total le n gth ( TL ) ------------------------------------~ Figure 2.-Characters and structures used to identify bony fishes. SHARKS Sharks can be distinguished from all other groups of fishes by the combination of 5-7 pairs of lateral gill clefts and having the edges of the pectoral fins not attached to the sides of the head anterior to the gill openings.
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