Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 2007-2008 Student Newspapers 10-26-2007 College Voice Vol. 32 No. 6 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_2007_2008 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "College Voice Vol. 32 No. 6" (2007). 2007-2008. 12. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_2007_2008/12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 2007-2008 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. First Class U.s. Postage PAID THE COLLEGE VOICE Permit #35 \ New London, cr PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE STUDENTS OF CONNECTICUT COlLEGE VOLUME XXXII • ISSUE 6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2007 CONNECTICUT COLLEGE, NEW LONDON, CT Students Have JAixecr Responses to sAC's. Fan Concert BY LAUREN MORROW 09 AND dancing should be a main focus (like a ZACH ADAMS' 08 DJ or hip-hop performance that has news staff writer and a&e editor occurred at the past two shows) it should . be in an open area. This being the case, I Although students have differing believe the concert should happen even opinions on the content of the concert, earlier in the year while it is still warm the consensus seems to be that Palmer is and happen outside, maybe at the AC or not the best venue. the area where Floralia is. If this isn't Junior Kyle Brett says, "In the future, possible than a group that is more inter- having the concert outside would be best. esting to watch like a band playing Other than that in one of the large dance instruments should be the performers, rooms in Cro or somewhere else, where Lower energy music might be better too people can move around unrestrictedly. if the concert continues to be in Palmer." Palmer is a terrible venue for concerts." The Fall Concert was established last Cassie Robertson had a better time, year after SAC received a sponsorship but agrees that Palmer is not the best from the Simmons Student Life locale for such an event. Enhancement Fund, which sets aside "I enjoyed the concert a lot. But I money for student events like Fall thought it was a dancing event, so it was Weekend's pep rally and the fall concert. weird that we couldn't move around. I Despite campus-wide rumors, the funds really like RJD2, so it was fun for me, do not come with a stipulation saying because I know his music. A different Palmer must be used as a venue space. location would have made it better, SAC Chair Kaitlin O'Neil, spoke with , though." The Voice regarding last weekend's con- Karl Langberg was fortunate enough cert. While explaining the Fall Concert to have a second row seat at the concert, process, she says, "SAC bases the deci- but he still finds that RJD2 and Palmer sion of the artist on a number of factors, don't mix. including: 'the availability of the artist, "If I were further back I would have the budget, and the appeal on Cainpus. felt disconnected from the performance. We try to balance these three issues with A DJ isn't the most exciting performer SEE FAU CONCERT to watch during a live show," says Langberg. He adds, "In a concert where Continued on page six RJD2 at Fall Concert 2007 (Kahn) Writing Symposium Brings Two Exciting Authors to Campus BY KASEY LUM '11 of Daniel Klagsburn to create a living memorial for their passion of his persona. Fountain evoked as much char- son, a 1986 graduate of Conn who died tragically with- - acter and vivacity in real life, as in the words he puts to in days of his 24th birthday. paper. staff writer It was ..obvious that the memorial for Daniel Pulling out a pair of glasses, Fountain read "Asian The 14th Daniel Klagsbrun Symposium on Writing Klagsbrun was alive this past Friday. The audience anx- Tiger", one of the short stories from his book, ''Brief and Moral Vision last Friday brought Pulitzer Prize- iously gathered in Evans flail to hear Fountaio and Encounters with Che Guevara: Stories". The story winning author, Jhumpa Lahiri and fiction writer, Ben Lahiri read from their latest works that evening. The focuses on an American golf pro, Sonny, at golf compe- Fountain on campus to participate in discussions and ambience was inspiring and delightful, proving that the tition in Myanmar and ends up becoming a golf instruc- readings surrounding their writing. As Professor of symposium was certainly living up to its goals. tor for the country's generals while discovering much English Blanche Boyd mentioned, the Klagsbrun For someone not familiar with Ben Fountain's work, Symposium with its aims to promote writing, tries to it might have been difficult to determine what he would SEE WRmNG SYMPOSIUM choose a literary "risen star and a writer whose star is bring to the evening. However, when he stepped up to --------------------- rising". The Symposium was established by the parents the podium, one could almost sense the intensity and Continued on page Jour News A&E Sports See pages 3&5 for the Check out 6&7 for more Tum to pages 8&9 for Pressing Issues Around on the Fall Concert, Men's Water Polo, our the World, and a Storbucks' place in the Player of the Week and Camelympics recap '<- music world, and reviews Coach's Comer of·Radiohead and 30 Days of Night 2 • Ocr08ER 26, 2007 • THE COlliGE VOICE EDITORIAL It Was a Graveya.rd Smash! STUDY AeAOAD IN eNGLISH When I was younger, my mom had a If you're still struggling for costume Halloween song, entitled "I Hate ideas, let me dress you! Here are some of Halloween" (sung to the tune of "I Love my favorite past outfits (it's okay if you Rock 'n' Roll" by Joan Jett). Starting copy me). some classics. and a few dar- November lst, my brother, sister, and I ing ones: would torture her with costume concepts until Halloween rolled around again. There is no point to that story, except Vampire and his Victim to show that my mom is pretty funny. A Good Witch Halloween is the best "holiday" ever An Evil Witch because it is the only one that requires Police Officer and Inmate imagination and externalized creativity. Train (cardboard box costume!) Jack 0' lanterns, seasonal beverages, Train Conductor dead leaves, and scary movies all lend to Nudist Halloween's allure. And it also allows Mad Scientist me to wear as much glitter as humanly Britney. Ew. public policy •. l.i..tereture a eeencaccs possible. Ghostbuster 9sychoLogy • En,ironnental studles • woaen's studles a fllSlOry Halloween is a once-a-year fantasy: Subway Guy (carry huge shorts) Flla • soclology • poLitics • Aft fllstory to be able to be something else entirely Nickelodeon game show contestant and then stuff your face with candy for Clinton & Stacy (What Net To Wear) the next couple of weeks. That fantasy Tim Gunn lofolswedishprogr••org (315) 737-0123 "WW suedishprngra•.org fades usually when us kids hit puberty, Monopoly Guy but one of the wonderful things about Edward Scissorhands college is that Halloween pride comes Pirate or Pirate Ghost Letter To The Editor back with a vengeance. And it even Bible Salesman John Swig's column is a true testa- that The Voice is available to any per- comes a week early! Oscar Myer Wiener/Hot Dog ment to our freedom of speech. I under- spective student, parent, or person who Some of us use this opportunity to Camel stand that ultimately John's column aims decides it's worth reading. More so, we really get our creative juices flowing, • Nurse to be provocative and funny; and while should not forget what The Voice sym- but unfortunately, the imaginative spirit Mary Poppins his response to the "posed" question - bolizes: intellectual life at Conn. Articles of Halloween tends to be disregarded Elton John . "How do I pick up bitches at Conn?" - such as this suggest to outsiders that since girls try to be as sexy as possible Flapper proved to be provocative, it was, I feel, there is none. (think Mean Girls) and guys fall into the Playboy Bunnies & Heff distant from any fun. In his response to Although I feel the article should not typical horror movie character stereo- LOTR or Star Wars characters the question, it becomes clear that John have been printed, I respect John's deci- types. Still, these costumes give the Doug, Patti Mayonnaise, Skeeter ... does not know the meaning of an analo- sion to express his freedom of speech; option of being "something-else-entire- gy for his conclusion is that women are first and foremost because freedom of ly," even if these disguises end up being Trick or Treating has never been so like dogs. John should remember that as speech is such a prevalent aspect of our the same. fashionable! a public voice he has a responsibility to society. Second, because as a friend of The only true reason to hate on some- -Areti uphold certain values. And when John, mine commented, "Dude, why are you one on Halloween is if they don't dress or any member of our community, for- even writing this, I feel bad for the kid, up at all. That proves you have absolute- gets these values we should not feel the his real punishment is that he will never ly zero imagination.
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