THE DAILY IOWAN PUBLISHBD BY THB STUDBNTS OF THB STATE UNIVEIlSITY 01' IOWA TfJesdff,1 fM Volume 8 IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22,1908 Number 47 edoestiqy with Iowa'eo ball on Kansaa' 30 yard DR. EASTMAR IDCAD8 'HARVARD BEATS YALE: l"UUJlA'" 7:45 and ?, line. nee 3:00 p. m. NOTABLE OOHM188ION omOAOO 18 NOW OIIAHPION KANSAS WINS IN SecoRd Ball. EXCEP1 MOlf~.Y Hanlon took Carben'y'1I place. OIaujcal A 8OclaCion of MJddle M.laDesotA 8P...... 8arprise b, Whip- OVERTURE GOOD GAME 10105 Kirk kicked oft to Kanus' 6 yard West--HoDon 10WAD plag ladl&.u MABEL PURP~~ line. Kansas made • yards on 2 Harvard vanquished Yale and won Musical Director plays. Johnson punted 46 yards. Of great Interest to classical stu- dents everywhere and of special In- the champion hlp of the ea t yes­ & ERLANGER Iowa pen allied 16 "rdll for tailed Comedy PantoJllili (~hampions terest to the university Is the an- terday while Chicago 1\'on from Wls- <;oming of Missouri Val­ forward pass. HylaDd hurt. Kirk Artists commIssion or- consln and won the we tern title. YULE & CO. punted 37 yards. J'lske made 10 nouncement ot th ley Too Str()ng For th~ Hawk~yes d red IllSt spring by th classical a _ Mlnn sota sprung the surprls ot th Im~rsonatioJ,ls, Comed, yards on end run. KanMB penallU(! soclation of the Middle We and year by d feaUn( the arllsle In- Singing, etc.: 16 yards tor holding. Johnson Soutb at Its NuhvUle m.. Un,. A.t dlan8. PEARL ¥r1~~ punted 40 yards. Klr~ punted 30 Commedienne Following ar the flCor s: 8fff O[ffATS IOWA'S SPffOY PlAY yards. Haggerty substituted for tbl s mentl g th e assoc Ia tl on pro- -.. - Wisconsin 12. ChIcago 1 ; Kan- ,Byland. Johnson punted 30 yards. vided f or a Comm Itt.. 0 f nI ne w h..... duty It shall be " To tormulat the 18&S 10, Iowa 6; Indiana 12. Purdu Forward pass netted Iowa 9 yards. Weather Conditions Perfect For Last Grid­ common alms and common benefits 4; Vand rb\lt 28. WashIngton 0; Perrine IrJbstltuted tor Haggerty. iron Struggle of Year on Iowa ot classical study for the guldanre 'West rn R serve 54. H Id Iburg 0; IKlrk kicked 16 yards out ot boundt'o ot tbe teacher. of the cla8lIca." The IMlnn Bota 11. CarUsle 6; Illinois 64. 10c and zOe; matiuea. Field--Kuk Stars By tackle smashes and 7 yard end committee was compolied of tbe tol- Northwest TO 6; Harvard 4. Yale 0; 'run ~ansas within good striking dls- Fighting to the last ditch the Iowa Utal dodging run for twenty-five lowIng distinguished m n. Fr d ric '8yracu e 2 • Michigan 4 ; Cornell 18. tance and Myers made touchdown. tootball team lost to Kansas, the yards. landing the ball on the Kan- PI f II d t I" 1 C. Eastmen of Iowa, chairman. Ben- {I'rlnlly 6; W st Point 26, Villa Nova easant a e 0 k c" goa. Score. coming champions of the Missouri Bas eIght yard line. Two plays and K 5 1 0 jamln Ide Wheeler. PresIdent of the 0; Navy 16, Virginia Polytechnic 4; , ansas • owa . Valley yesterday on a. score ot 10 to no gain; 'then Kirk shot the· ball to KIrk kicked off University ot Calltornla; W. T. Har- Carnegie Tech. 0, Caae 30; Un{ver- over goal line. 5. The Iowa team fought to the Perrine on a short forward pass and rl. ex-UnIted Statea comml ..toner Of /slty ot PlttsbJrg 6. Gettysburg 0; Johnson lUcked out from 20 yard limit and each and every member of Iowa had scored. education; Stratton D. Brooks. Sup- TenneNee 36. Chattanooga 8. line to ColUns who returned 10. the players who wore the Old Gold erlntendent of Boston PJbllc Schools Tennesaee 36, Chattanooga 6; Grin­ DetaDs of Game Kirk kicked 30 yards. Iowa re- yesterday der.erves the unstinted nell 12, Cornell 11; West HIgh O. Firat Halt. covered ball on tumble. Jowa failed !Edward Cappa, protel8Or of Greek. praise of Iowa athletic tollowers. • . Princeton • President Edmund J. Ida Grove 6. Pond kicked off at 2: 17 to Stew- fto gain dhtance and KanlU got the Outweighed and outlucked the .' James of Illinois. Francis W. Kelsey P~Q~:!..~~~ I lart on Iowa.·s 30 yard line. Collins 'ball on theIr 1 yard line. Johnson Official Athletic Supplill Hawkeye team, minus some ot the I J , ot Michigan. Harvey W. Wiley. cbJef made 8 yards In 2 plays. Kirk punt- punted out 26 yarde to Fee who re- H. Raymond Gross ot D~bullue, FOOTBALL best players nerved tbemselves In . ., ,.' ot the Bureau of Chemistry, Law- ed 45 yardIA: Jiiolighton made 10 turned 6. Kirk and Fee g"ned 6 '. lIa., 11'&1 last nlgbt elected football BASKET BALL the second halt to meet the orl- • . 'L ~ ~ 18nce Cameron Hull, Presld~nt Of Unlf_ yards In 2 tackle amasbes. K~nsa8 yards each. Iowa peDaU&eO 16 yards captain of the 1909 team. For two ICE SKATES tor III Ilaurbts of the tresh and heavy reg- Michigan Military A.cademy. Athletic made onalde kIck to Collins tor 17 for hurdling. kirk made 35 yards J'Ura GrOll b&l pla,ed ,ood con­ HOCKEY SJ)Ortl ular Kansas backs and b'ut for a (ew The ClaBBlcal A.ssoclation of the yards. Triple pass failed and Iowa on shift formatfbtr. Iowa's ball on Nstent football at right tackle on Golf Middle West and South Includes the GymJlulum minutes held their own In a manner penalized 16 yards. Kirk punted 40 Kansas' 3 yard line bat tailed to .. 'the Iowa varalty and In hJa fresh- Appatatut which made the heart ot every Iowa pnlversltle. and Hlgb Sch In 2D • ,au(jsoDJe,y illustrated catalocue yards. Kansas tumbled and Collin" make touchdown. JohlllOn punted 'man year was one ot the strongeat numerous &u"~ rooter respond to the "do or die" t b 11 I ]1 d • lBtates and lIM a membersblp ot ree anywhere a. owa pena zed 16 yar s 30 yards to Fee wbo returned 26. IIneamen on tbe 1910 team. '0 about 2000. It was before this con- efforts ot the men on the gridiron 10 n fileda t qrward pass. KI r k !lun.'" t d Forward pass. KIrk to Perrine net- , Groll Is a m,mber of tbe Junior Spalding & Bros. who played the Jawhawkel'l to • '5 K U· .... 5 d t "antion tbat Proteuor Eaiiman ' ~ II. ansas .peJl& ."'" rar ~ or ted.. tQMChdOwu. .Klrk ,aUei to lllck . lmedlcal class and of the Kappa Slg- standstill for three-tourth8 ot the . JUde a IPMCh rut .priDg tbat re- Chicago Denver offside play. Johnson made on side goal. Score, 6 to 6. ma fraternity. Philadelphia Xaa ... Cit, game. fed £oUch favorable comment. Pittsburg Cinclnnattl kick for 20 yards which was re- KansaR Itlcked off 45 yards to lIattimore Detroit St. Louis MontrHl,CU Captain Kirk ended his tootball covered by Kansaf'. Kansas fumbled KIrk. who -returned 16. KIrk kicked Wa hburn at Ev~n1Dg MeetlDg Minneapolis New Orleau London. Eng. career In glorious tashion. Two ot and Collins recovered. KIrk made out ot bounds. Kansas penallzed 15 tor Steele, Fiske tor HOt:ghton. Rice The Humanleot Society 11'111 meet hJs dodging runs-the tamous old , onslde kick for 20 yards which was yards tor holding. Iowa's ball on for Wahrlnl, Myers for Bond, Ha,- Monday evening at 7: 46 at Prof. C. time variety-made thirty yardil recovered by Hyland. Iowa penal- 'their ~ard Jiae. Forward paBl IiIII't7 for Hyland. Hanlon for Car- F. Ansley's residence. 1041 Wood­ t() tlt~ list Ilach clip; his wonderful punting Ized 15 yards for Illegal forward W8II a.aEht by Kansas man. Kan~ beIrJ, Hazard tor Fee, Bell for lawn. Prot. F. DeW. Wasbburn will !kept the Iowa goa.l trom danger pass. Kirk punted 43 yards. Kan- pe-.u.a 15 lIU'da for hvd.lin~ ....man. Perrine for Haggerty. :read a paper on the Ilte ot Charles ·b~rs throughout the hard fought 0 to 0 Bas penalized 15 yards tor holding ..00H4e Idc«:netted 18 yards. PIe.... Ccaely for Johnson, Stevenson for Eliot Norton. Prof. S.H. Bush will first bait; and his detenslve play at Fake kick netted 20 yards tor Kan- !ant tolUlltdown on eM run. 1Uce. present a report on the same subject. end was excellent. It was the Kirk sas. OnHde kick made to Collins !Kan ....1aDed to kIck goal. Seore 10 Notes of the Game, Debate Oatlook Good of old and his trlends rejoiced at the for 15 yards. Two forward passes Ito 6. The attendance was abo:Jt 3.000. The atate hl,h school debaUng IIttlng close of the three years tor netted Iowa 8 yards. Onslde kick Hazard substituted for Fee. Kirk FURS Gross played his usual star game. league 11'111 be conducted on a more one ot the most wonderful athletes recovered by Iowa. Kirk made short Ipunted 35 yards. Pleasant made IS I Autos were much In evidence In extensive and enthusiastic basl~ this who ever played on Iowa Feld. kick for 20 yards. Johnson punted yards around end. Kansas made 14 "h ., e north end of the field. year than ever before according to Hyland, game to the core, stuck 40 yards to Stewart. Iowa penalized yards on line bucks. Bell substl- S I teele tried to steal the ball once the predJctlon ot Protesaor H.
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