GENERAL AGREEMENT ON RESTRICTED Spec(78)26/Add.l TARIFFS AND TRADE 28 November 1978 Preferential Arrangements Among Developing Countries Negotiated in GATT ENLARGEMENT OF THE PROTOCOL Collection of Basic Data Progress Report by the Secretariat Addendum As indicated in Spec(78)26, the secretariat has prepared, for illustrative purposes, the attached provisional lists of items of significant export interest to a number of developing countries! in 1976 or 1977, which are supplied not only to developed countries but also to developing countries in various regions of the world. The lists are by no means exhaustive and for example do not include items which may have export potential for the country concerned. For reference purposes, SITC and CCCN numbers shown may be correlated with certain information in the country studies, including with respect to the tariff profiles etc. The lists of developing country markets shown in each tabulation concern actual markets • for the exporting country and not possible additional markets which, although purchasing the items indicated, have not imported from the exporting country in the year examined. It is intended that the presentation and content of these lists will be refined further for consideration of the respective countries. To provide an indication of the widening range of important categories and sub-categories of goods now being traded among developing countries compared with the period when the Protocol itself was negotiated, the following summary (Annex) gives an indication for the five countries examined. For convenience, the same product categories and sub-categories utilized for the country studies and the trade matrices have formed the basis for the listing. Generally, the listing relates to products which are of significant export interest for at least three of the five countries forming the basis of the illustrative exercise. As indicated in Spec(78)26, most of the products identified ore traded not only within regions and sub-regions, but also, sometimes significantly, at the inter-regional level, where there appears to be considerable scope for the expansion of such trade. It may be found that within these categories and sub­ categories there is often specialization according to country at the product level. Brazil, India, Ivory Coast, the Republic of Korea, -Yugoslavia SpecC7&>£6Aâd.l Page.2/3 ANNEX SELECTED EXPORTS TO OPING COUNTRIES BY CATEGORIES AND"SUB-CATEGORIES 1.2 Meat, fresh, chilled or frozen 25.3 Products derived from petroleum and coal ^•1 Cereals 26.1 Chemical elements and compounds 4.3 Cereal, preparations 26.2 Dyeing, tanning and colouring matters-1 5.2 Fruit and nuts, fresh and dried or temporarily preserved 26.3 Pharmaceuticals '5.4 Fruit preserved and fruit preparations 26.6 Plastic materials 6 Sugar, sugar preparations 26.7 Articles of plastic materials 7 Cocoa and cocoa products 26.8 Paints and varnishes 8 Raw coffee and coffee products £6»9 Soaps and cleaning preparations 10.1 Oilseeds 27 A Ores and metal waste 10.3 Feeding stuff for animals 27 B.l Iron and steel unworked and ferro-alloys 11.1 Unmanufactured tobacco •27 B.l Iron and steel semi-manufactured products 11.2 Manufactured tobacco 27 B.4 Semi-manufactured aluminium products Ik Agricultural raw materials 27 C.l Finished structural parts and structures of metals 15.2 Semi-manufactured products of hides and skins 27 C.k Metal tools 15.4 Leather footwear 27 C.6 Household equipment of metal 16.3 Manufactured rubber products 27 C.7 Other metal manufactures 17.2 Semi-manufactured wood products 17.3 Manufactured wood products 28.1 Power-generating machinery 19.2 Paper and paperboard 28.4 Metal-working machinery 19.3 Paper and paperboard manufactures 28.6 Non-electrical machines for special industries 20 A(c) .2 Cotton yarn 28.8 Other non-electrical machinery and appliances 20 A(c) .3 Cotton fabrics 29.1 Electrical machinery for industry 20 A(d) .1 Synthetic and artificial fibres' 29.2 Telecommunication apparatus 20 A(d) .2 Yarn of synthetic and artificial fibres 29.3 Domestic electric equipment 20 A(d) .3 Fabrics of synthetic and artificial fibres 29.4 Other electrical equipment and parts 20 A(g) .3 Fabrics of other fibres 30.1 Railway vehicles 20 B.2 Made-up articles and clothing 30.2 Road motor vehicles 20 B.3 Clothing and clothing accessories 30.4 Other transport equipment 22.1 Crude minerals 3L Professional, scientific and controlling instruments, photographic and optical goods, watches 22.2 Semi-manufactured mineral products 32 Furniture 22.3 Manufactured mineral products 36 Other manufactured products For "the"five1'Countries referred to in Table 7. Spsc(78)26/Add.l Page k LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS USED IN ANNEX II DVLPD = Developed Market Economy Countries; DGC*s = Developing Countries. Other country-name abbreviations correspond to the ISO codes. At the top of each of the selected products are shown, In that order, the relevant SITC and CCCN No. Country Abbreviation Country Abbreviation Country Abbreviation Country Abbreviation Afghanistan AFG Denmark DNK Libyan Arab Republic LBY French Polynesia PYF Afars k Issas Terr. API Dominican Republic DOM St. Lucia LCA Qatar QAT Angola AGO Algeria DZA Sri Lanka LKA Reunion REU Albania ALB Ecuador ECU Lesotho LSO Southern Rhodesia RHO Andorra AND EEC . EEC Leeward & Windward LUU Reunion & Comoro RNC Netherlands Antilles ANT EFTA EFT Macao MAC Romania ROM United Arab Emirates ARE Egypt (U.A.R.) EGY Morocco MAR Rwanda RWA Argentina ARG .•3Î: Madagascar MDG South & S.E. Asia, n.e.s. SAS Arabian States,n.e.s. ARS Spain ESP Maldives MDV Saudi Arabia SAU American Samoa ASM Ethiopia ETH Mexico MEX Sudan SDN British Antarctic Region ATB •'•••• , r.... • MFN DDC MFD Senegal SEN French Antarctic Terr. ATF Finland FIN '; MFN ETA MFE Singapore SGP Antigua ATG Fiji FJI MFN DGC MFL St. Helena & Depend. SHN Dronning Maud Land ATN Falkland Islands à Dep. FLK Midway Islands MID British Solomon Islands SLB Australia AUS French Antilles FNT Mali- MLI Sierra Leone SLE Australia AUS French Oceania, n.e.s. FOC • Malta MLT El Salvador SLV Austria AUT France FRA Mongolia MNG Somalia ••••> SOM Burundi BDI Faeroe Islands FRO Mozambique MOZ Bangladesh BGD Gabon GAB Mauritania MRT St. Pierre & Miquelon SPM Bulgaria BGR United Kingdom GBR Montserrat MSR Sao Tome & Principe STP Bahrain BHR Gilbert & Ellice Islands GEL Martinique MTQ U.S.S.R. SUN Bahamas BBS Ghana GHA Mauritius MDS Suriname SUR Belgium-Luxembourg BLX Gibraltar GIB Malawi MWI Sweden SWE Belize BLZ Guinea GIN Malaysia Mrs Swaziland SWZ Bermuda BMC Guadeloupe OLP Namibia (S.W. Africa) NAM Seychelles SYC Bolivia BOL Gambia GMB New Caledonia NCL Syrian Arab Republic SYR Benin (Dahomey) BPR Guinea-Bissau GNB Niger NER Turks & Caicos Islands TCA Brazil BRA Equatorial Guinea GNQ Norfolk Island NFK Chad TCD Barbados BRB Greece ORC Nigeria NGA Togo TOO Brunei BRN Grenada GOD New Hebrides NHB Thailand THA Bhutan BTN Greenland GRL Nicaragua NIC Tokelau Islands TKL Burma BUR Guatemala GTM Niue Island- NIU Portuguese Timor TMP Bouvet Island BVT French Guiana GUF Netherlands * NLD Tonga TON Botswana BWA Guam GUM Norway NOR Total TOT Central African Republic CAF Guyana GUY Nepal NPL Trinidad & Tobago TTO Canada Tunisia CAN Hong. Kong HKG Nauru NR-U TUN Cocos (Keeling) Isl. CCK Heard It. MoDonald Isl. HMD if? Turkey TUR Switzerland CHE Honduras HND New Zealand NZL United Rep. Tanzania TZA Chile CHL Haiti HTI New Zealand t NZL . Uganda UGA China CHN Hungary HUN New Zealand Territories NZT • Unspecified UNS Ivory Coast CIV Upper Volta HVO Arctic & Antarctic, jo«e-^«. OAA U.S. Antilles, n.e.s. UNT Commonw. Latin America CIA Indonesia IDN Other Africa, n^e.s. OAF Uruguay URY United Rep. Cameroon CMR India IND Australian Terr., n^e.s... : OAT United States USA Commonw. Antilles, n-.e.s. CNT Br. Indian Ocean Terr. IOT Other Oceania, h.e.s-- OCE U.S. Oceania USO Commonw. Africa, n.e.s. COA Ireland IRL Oman DMN Holy See VAT Commonw. Oceania, n«e.s. COO Iran IRN Portuguese Africa -PAF St. Vincent VCT Congo, Republic COG Iraq IRQ Pakistan "PAK Vlet-Nam, Dem. Rep. VDR Cook Islands COE Iceland ISL Panama PAN Venezuela VEN Colombia COL Israel ISR Portuguese Asia PAS British Virgin Islands VGB Comoro Islands COM . Italy ITA Pacific Trust Terr. PCI U.S. Virgin Islands VIR Canada CPF Jamaica JAM Pitcairn Island PCN South Vlet-Nam, Rep. VNM Cape Verde Islands CPV Jordan JOR Panama Canal Zone PCZ Wake Island WAK Costa Rica CRI Japan JPN Peru PER Wallls & Futuna Is. WLF Czechoslovakia CSK Jehnston Island JTN Philippines PHI Western Samoa WSM Canton & Enderbury CSE Kenya KEN Papua New Guinea PNG Yemen YEM Cuba CUB Khmer Republic KHM Poland POL Yemen, Democratic YMD Christmas Island CXR St. Kitts-Nevis-Angla KNA Puerto Rico PHI Yugoslavia YUG Cayman Islands CYM Korea, Republic of KOR Korea, Dem. Republic. PRK South Africa ZAF Cyprus CYP Kuwait KWT . Portugal PRT South Africa ZAP Germany, Democratic Rep. DDR Laos LAO Paraguay PRY Zaire ZAR Germany, Federal Republic DEU Lebanon LBN Taiwan, Province of PTW Zambia ZMB Dominica DMA .Liberia LBR Port. West Africa, iwe_B. PWA SELECTED, EXPORTS OF : &AZIL „ SELECTION DE PRODUITS ^EXPORTATION : SÎESIL 19 7 6 / US $ 'OT SfLEi CIJ< DE PRODUCTOS DE EXPORTACION : r OU.-/ 02.02 C12.9/ 02.06 B 01.2 2 / 10.06 B 01>l. .0/ 10.05 01.8.3 / 19.03 0*8.M / 19.08 051.71 /: . :i B 051. y? 05.01 TROFICAL FRUIT, BOVINE CATTLE POULTRY FBESH, MEAT B.E.S., RICE, MACARONI, GLAZED OR MAIZE U1MILLED SPAOHET CAKE, PASTRY, NJTS, COCC- FRESH, EXCEPT (lflCLUDINO BUF- CHILLED. FROZE» DRIED, SALTED, POLISHED -TI, ETC; ETC; BRAZIL- .
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