PAGE THIRTY-TWO - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Wed., Oct. IB. 197B Get an Eye Exam: Good Specs Offer Clear Outlook By cautions the American Op­ When the lens segments appear in the eyes. histories indicate a need visjon on top may not be bifocal that they can look tometric care is not HAROLD tometric Association. Not are properly placed, the — Tests to determine for it. The glaucoma test is satisfactory for everyone. beneath. Such bifocals are covered by Medicare. With BLLMENFELD only must such people be wearer should be able to nearsigirt'edhess, far­ very important; if not Nearly all Americans For example, cashiers, also better for watching the spiraling cost of living, concerned with getting the see clearly and j;omfor- sightedness or treated, glaucoma can lead dentists, painters, over 65 have vision tably at most distances. television. proper fitting of glasses right lens prescription, but astigmatism. All are com­ to blindness. carpenters and others who w * The Weather problems in need of they must also bie certain The first step in getting The American Op­ has become a financial mon problems that can During the vision exam, need to see at close range tometric Association professional care, says the the different prescriptions multi-focal lenses is to blur vision and make eyes burden for many of the Becoming partly sunny today American Optometric wearers of bifocal or above eye level need a se­ cautions bifocal and multi­ elderly. are positioned properly have a complete vision work overtime. multi-focal lenses should with highs near 60, around 15 C. Association. Inability to cond lens segment at the focal wearers to check out Medicare usually will not within the lenses. examination. The exam — A check of eye coor­ tell the opthamologist or top of the lens. Barbers, Partly cloudy tonight with lows see well often prevents carefully glasses adver­ pay for routine eye Improperly placed lens should include; dination and eye muscle optometrist about their hair stylists, musicians 35 to 40. Mostly sunny Friday older people from doing tised at low prices. Often, examinations or for the iJIanrljTHtTr iEuTitin^ Bfralh segments can make seeing — A complete review of function to insure that eyes seeing tasks both on and and others working close with highs near 60. Rain what they want to do. those glasses contain only new eyeglasses we need for difficult; that’s why your medical history, in­ are working together as a off the job. In that way, the and at eye level often need probability: 20 percent today; One of the most common bifocal or multi-focal cluding the health of your team. a single prescription. If effective vision. 10 percent tonight; near zero lenses can be designed to a higher-placed bifocal. bifocals, they may not be visual problems affecting wearers complain about eyes. — A test of your ability to Several new health bills Vol. XCVII, No. 16 — Manchester, Conn., Thursday, October 19. 1978 A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 Friday. National weather the elderly is presbyopia, meet those needs most Homemakers and others adjusted to meet the in­ are being prepared by con­ Rededication their glasses. Poor place­ — An examination of the change focus easily from effectively. map; page 21. the gradual loss of focusing who do a variety of tasks dividual’s special seeing gressional committees. A rededication ceremony of the ment of lens segments can exterior and interior of the near to far and from far to The traditional place­ ability. Presbyopia vic­ even result in accidents, and need to be sure of their needs. Let’s hope one of them will ’Iliomas E. Bentley School on eye for symptoms of eye near. ment of the prescription tims’ vision at reading dis­ especially when walking, steps might find the Unfortunately, many provide repayment of the Hollister Street will be Sunday at disease or general health — A glaucoma test for for close vision on the bot­ barber’s bifocal difficult to tance often becomes blurry ascending or descending people over 65 are not money we should spend to 2 p.m. in the auditorium. problems. For instance, people over 35 and others tom of the lens and the wear. Instead, they need a and difficult. Yet, the same receiving the eye care they have a clearer outlook on stairs or driving. signs of diabetes may whose families health prescription for distance low-set bifocal or a ribbon ’The school has been completely people probably need need because much op­ life. renovated and the public is invited glasses to see far away as to attend the ceremony and tour well as up close. the school. Nuclear Waste Burial Said Safe That’s why many people Refreshments will be served. over 65 have a second pair WASHINGTON (UPI) — ’The teragency review group set up by of glasses for reading. merely a research-and-development characteristics of water in the area, dangerous leftovers of nuclear fuel President Carter to look at nuclear facility, furnishing a full test of geologic environments should begin Many others wear bifocal and other factors — “the geologic immediately,” it said. FALL HARVEST OF! vBBiitiw and weapons can be stored safely un­ waste disposal problems. technical and engineering aspects of or multi-focal lenses. For Neighbors context” — should determine the Q uarters derground, a federal review group "We think the technical basis* getting rid of atomic wastes. choice, he explained. Because the public's confidence is Bifocals contain two lens M ANCHESTER - MHA concluded today. prescriptions, one for near l i E I I I E C I with Wednesday thni j 11b. A O ^ executive director Dennis Phelan exists for reliance on disposal of The main “candidate” for that is essential, Deutch said, officials vision and one for distance WAAfclA K J m Tkiesday FeaturesSjoTt’A ■ — ■*»pkg. W w_ says that rundown properties But it said such a program can be high-level wastes in geologic the Waste Isolation Pilot Project site Successful disposal of radioactive should seek a “social consensus” on vision. Multi-focals contain ■ '*^*‘*^**c®«Pons»><IIT-MpufChsstof fi>0fs.\ purchased with HUD funds for successful only if there is “much m ^ ia ,” said John Deutch, chairman at Carlsbad, N.M., Deutch told wastes does not depend on their being disposal techniques, by laying out the Oct IB thra Oct 24, WB. Limit ons per faml^. pN additional prescriptions. SAVE 24^ rehabilitation will update sur­ more attention to institutional of the review group. reporters. reprocessed into something else, scientific information, giving scien­ These lenses allow wearers rounding properties. HUD has issues” such as environmental con­ His panel suggested a facility could such as "glassifying” them he said. tists a chance at thorough and in­ Whether salt, basalt or granite dependent review, providing prac­ to see with ease while granted the town $1.2 million for cerns. a greater role for state and be operating on an intermediate Reprocessing creates leftovers of its FINAST COUPON sites are best is not really a matter of own and has other debits. tical experience, and leaving room shopping, reading music, acquisition and rehabilitation of local officials, and a regional ap­ scale by late 1986, while work con­ the materials as much as it is a ques- for corrections. painting or performing Fresh ■ *hs purchase of 20 family units. See page 2. proach to storage. Introduces Stokefy^s^^^fFoods tinues on potential sites for long­ tion of complex general The tentative report said the work many tasks or hobbies. I W W W l I any 2 bags of The report, which will be subjected term and larger-scale repositories. characteristics of the specific site, should press ahead to settle on sites. The research and development But wearers of bifocal with a Double Your Money Back Guarantee if you are not should continue “to increase the and multi-focal lenses Large Eggs completely satisfied with taste & excellent quality of Stokely products. ■ Halloween Candy Nerve Gas Arms to a month of public comment before He defined the intermediate-scale Deutch said. “Detailed studies of specific poten­ becoming final, was made by the in­ facility as something larger than Possible earthquakes, tial repository sites in different state of the art,” the report said. must be more careful than White or I 10oz.MlnlMurMor24cLbaraNMtl«MNkChoe., WASHING’TON (UPI) - Pen­ most consumers in seeking - Crunch Ban, Choeo-Uto, >100,000 Bw t or eye care and eyeglasses. Brown Stokely Peas StokelyaJl^^Corn ■ 10oz.FunSbaMIHiyWiy,Snlclianor3MutkMaan tagon sources have confirmed Grade A Deputy Defense Secretary 65 VKh thit coupon OcL II thru Oct 24, lira. pu Charles Duncan ordered the Fix It Army in July to program funds SAVE17< for facilities to produce a new Second Union Sliced Pears Fruit Cocktail SAVE20> type of nerve gas weapon, to be in­ cluded in requirements for the By Herb Alexander or 16 or Halvts cans fiscal 1980 budget that will go to That very handsome, Clorox 2 - 7 9 * Congress in January. ’The produc­ very fancy picture frame Star-Kist Rejects Offer tion plant would be located at that is chipped, faded, Green Beans " ^ . 3 ’^” 89* Pine Bluff Arsenal, Ark. — scratched or a trifle loose Bleach Sliced Carrots .. 3’^ 1.00 Tuna If the request survives final By CHRIS BLAKE this morning. “They wanted in its joints need not be Green Beans. 2^,0“^ 79* Bavarian gallon Sauerkraut 3 ’^ 1.00 budget reviews, it would be the Herald Reporter significantly more.” thrown out. Getting it back Sliced Beets.........2L" 79* In Oil in shape is something you plastic Cut Asparagus___ 89* first time the administration has EAST HARTFORD - The Public The two parties filed for fact fin­ 6V2 02.
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