October 29, 2019 Facebook.com/LaRouchePAC | @LaRouchePAC Ukrainegate, or the Coup Against President Donald Trump—Phase Three (Part III) by Barbara Boyd, [email protected] If you'd like text updates when we release new articles on the Coup attempt against President Trump, text SC20 to (202)609-8371 - text stop to leave at anytime. The United States, 2016-2019 Now, let’s look at Ukraine’s intervention into the 2016 presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clin- ton. It is known that the following individuals are key players in the coup against the President: Christopher Steele, who authored the dirty MI6 dossier against Trump; Victoria Nuland, who supported Steele’s activities from the State Department; Dmitri Alpero- vitz, Chief Technical Officer of CrowdStrike, who fabricated a Russian agent, by her account, in December 2015. She told the myth that the Russians hacked the DNC; Fusion GPS; Politico that she developed, “a network of sources in Kiev the Atlantic Council; and the propaganda apparatus that and Washington, including investigative journalists, govern- attacks President Trump worldwide every day. They all ment officials, and private intelligence operatives,” for her played significant roles in the Ukraine coup. We will situate anti-Trump efforts. them as we tell the story of the Ukrainian intervention. Andrii Telizhenko, who worked in the Ukrainian Embassy On January 11, 2017, Politico published an article, in Washington, told the Gateway Pundit and others that he “Ukrainian Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire.” Politico’s met Alexandra Chalupa in the spring of 2016. Chalupa told investigation found that Ukrainian government officials him she was working for the DNC and Hillary Clinton, “col- tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by pub- lecting any dirt or background information on Manafort, licly questioning his fitness for office, by accusing him of ties Trump, or any other campaign officials from the Trump to Russia and Putin, and by implicating Trump Campaign Campaign, and was looking for connections to Russia, or Manager Paul Manafort in corruption. Politico made it the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), or the Russian clear that now the Ukrainians, led by President Poroshenko, mob, or Ukrainian mob, etc.,” in cooperation with Ukrai- were scrambling to undo the damage their intervention had nian intelligence officials. Telizhenko notes that Ukraine’s caused, as President-elect Trump expressed outright hostil- Washington Embassy was fully on board and assisting this ity to them. project, and his claims have been fully supported by others. The Ukrainian efforts centered on Alexandra Chalupa, One goal Chalupa told him about was to use the opposition the DNC’s outreach coordinator to the virulently anti-Russia research to set up well-publicized hearings in Congress section of the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States. These about Trump’s ties to Russia, through a Congresswoman she people are primarily organized in the Central and Eastern knew. These hearings were intended to dramatically influ- European Congress and the Ukrainian Congressional Com- ence the election. mittee of America, and Chalupa has been their representa- On April 28, 2016, Chalupa and journalist Michael Isikoff tive to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party for years. attended a forum sponsored by the Open World Leadership These organizations represent a bloc of some 22 million Center, an entity sponsored by the U.S. Congress, which, votes, and their main requirement for those they support is conveniently, was attended by over 68 investigative journal- a violent hatred of Russia. Most on the Ukrainian side are ists from Ukraine. Most had received funding from George outright Banderists. Soros. According to a Chalupa email released by WikiLeaks, Politico describes Chalupa as having a strong relation- she was put on the program specifically to speak about Paul ship with the U.S. Embassy in Kiev. Chalupa also enjoyed a Manafort. In April, Fusion GPS had produced two phony strong relationship with the Obama White House. Chalupa dossiers on Manafort, both of them painting him nefari- began opposition research centered on smearing Trump as ously as an outright Russian agent. Skilled Ukrainian Intelligence Fabricators despite warnings from Ukrainian prosecutors and others to DOJ’s lead attorney, Andrew Weissmann, that the “black Then in May, news suddenly surfaced in Ukraine of the ledger” was a complete fake. It was. While it was used by existence of a hand-written so-called “black ledger” coming Weissmann for various search warrants against Manafort, into possession of the Ukrainian National Anti-Corruption it was never introduced in his criminal trial for unrelated Bureau (NABU). NABU was a major project of Biden and financial crimes. the Obama State Department working in coordination with The fake Steele dossier was used by the DOJ and FBI to the FBI. procure 4 FISA warrants on Carter Page. Leaks concerning It has been claimed that the “black ledger” provides Page to the media ruined his business and his life, but he documentation of $12.7 million in cash payments to Paul was never charged with anything. Steele met personally with Manafort for his representation of Ukraine’s Party of the Isikoff, and the DOJ and FBI used the subsequent article Regions and former President Victor Yanukovych, the he wrote using Steele’s information as “corroboration” for man Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland deposed in their 2014 the Page FISA warrant without ever telling the court that coup. When the “black ledger” was released by Ukrainian Isikoff’s article was dictated by Steele. “anti-corruption activist” Serhiy Leshchenko, the New York “Anti-corruption activist” Serhiy Leshchenko is a journal- Times published an article on August 14, 2016 detailing it. ist who was also a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow at the This was followed by an article by Isikoff on August 19, with U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the United Leshchenko as his source, claiming that Ukrainian anti- States’ regime-change operation. That is, Leshchenko, who corruption prosecutors wanted to question Manafort. Then played a key role in the 2014 Ukraine coup and its associ- Leshchenko put a fine point on it in an August 28 interview ated propaganda effort, is funded by the U.S. government with the Financial Times. According to Leshchenko: through the NED. To support the neo-Nazi rampage on the "A Trump presidency would change the pro-Ukrainian streets of Kiev in 2014, Leshchenko secured video clips laud- agenda in American foreign policy. For me it was important ing the actions from the notorious mass murderer Zbigniew to show not only the corruption aspect, but that he is a pro- Brzezinski, as well as from David Kramer, then Executive Russian candidate who can break the geopolitical balance of Director at the CIA quango Freedom House, and Francis the world." Fukuyama, who greeted the fall of the Soviet Union with the The Clinton Campaign immediately grabbed the work absurd idea that history had thereby ended. product they had paid for. Robby Mook, Clinton’s Campaign Kramer, it will be remembered, was the conduit for leak- Manager, said in a statement that the Ukraine “black ledger” ing the very dirty dossier authored by MI-6’s Christopher represents “more troubling connections between Donald Steele about Donald Trump, to Buzzfeed. Trump’s team and pro-Kremlin elements in Ukraine.” He On December 11, 2018, a criminal court in Kiev ruled demanded that Trump “disclose Campaign Chair Paul that Leshchenko and NABU Director Artem Sytnyk had Manafort’s and all other campaign employees’ and advisers’ “acted illegally” in intervening into the U.S. 2016 elections ties to Russian or pro-Kremlin activities.” when they leaked the fake “black ledger” concerning Paul Robby Mook was working off the provably fake dirty dos- Manafort. sier of MI-6 agent Christopher Steele. In July of 2016, Steele Congressional testimony has also revealed that Lesh- claimed to the Clinton Campaign and the FBI that Paul chenko was a major source for Fusion GPS and Christopher Manafort was coordinating contacts between Russia and the Steele, including through Fusion researcher Nellie Ohr. In Trump Campaign for purposes of defeating Hillary Clinton, fact, suspicions run high that Christopher Steele’s dirty and using volunteer Carter Page as the conduit. He also claimed fake dossier was not the product of Russian sources at all. that Manafort and Putin had worked out a deal: Russia It is just as likely that Steele’s fabrications are the product would leak the WikiLeaks documents (about Clinton and of historically very skilled Ukrainian intelligence fabrica- the DNC’s attempts to rig the Democratic Primary and Wall tors, and that Steele was simply a salesman for lies invented Street’s control of Hillary Clinton), in return for the Trump elsewhere. Campaign sidelining the Russian invasion of Ukraine as a campaign issue. Right in step, the New York Times and The Information Warriors others claimed, falsely, that at the Republican Convention, Trump representatives had stripped out a platform plank The LaRouche PAC website has already reported in calling for “lethal military aid to Ukraine.” depth—Part I, Part II, and Part III—on the anti-Russian In August, when Manafort resigned from the Trump information warfare apparatus which was birthed out of the Campaign, a Justice Department investigation had already Ukraine coup and includes Britain’s 77th Military Brigade been re-opened concerning Manafort’s activities in Ukraine, (embedded in social media companies throughout the LAROUCHEPAC.COM PAID FOR BY LAROUCHE POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE, LAROUCHEPAC.COM OR CALL: 1-800-929-7566 AND NOT AUTHORIZED BY ANY CANDIDATE OR CANDIDATE’S COMMITTEE world), the Integrity Initiative, NATO’s Strategic Communi- maintained contact with the numerous Ukrainian hacking cations Center in Latvia, and the State Department’s Global groups and individuals active during the coup and through Engagement Center.
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