GENERAL INDEX TO THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL AND PROCEED~GS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. [The fossils referred to are described; and those of which the names are printed in italics are also figured.] Abereiddy, Pembrokeshire, Mr. T. 412; of Japanese rocks, 432-456; Roberts on a new species of Cono- of the rock of the Hett Dyke, 230 ; ceras from the Llanvirn beds of, of the rock of the Tynemouth Dyke, 636. 235; of the rock of the Morpeth Aaanthochonia, 819. Dyke, 239 ; of the rock of the High- Ba~randei, 841. Green Dykes, 240; of the rock of Acklington Dyke, 242 ; analysis of the Acklington Dyke, 243; of Droit- rooks of, 243. wich Brine, 253, 254 ; of the serpen- Africa, South, map of the northern tine of Porthalla, 467 ; of the horn- parts of the high-level Coal-fields blonde-schist of Porthalla, 468; of of, 658. rocks and minerals of the Whin Age of the Dimetian rocks of Pem- Sill, 64O-655. brokeshire, 511; of the Arvonian Anglesey, Dr. Callaway on the Ax- rocks of Pembrokeshire, 515. chsean and Lower Paleeozoic rocks Allan valley, plan of, at Porth-elais, of, 567. 532; and Porth-clais, Pre-Cam- , Prof. Bonney on some rock- brian rocks of, 531; sketch in, at specimens collected by Dr. Callaway Porth-clais, 532; sketoh of quarry in, 583. in the, on north side of Porth-clais, , Dr. Hicks on the Cambrian con- 534. glomerates in, 187. Alps, Lt.-Col. Godwin-Austen on , Northern, generalized section some Tertiary formations at the across the Palmozoic rocks of, 570. south base of the, 855. ..... and Caernarvonshire, Prof. Bon- Amlwch Arch~ean mass, relations of ney on some rock-specimens, cel- the, to the Palmozoic rocks of lected by Dr. Hmks in, 200. Southern Anglesey, 567. region, physical geography of ,4mTlexus tortuosu~, 503. the, in Ordovieian times, 582. --, sp., 500, 501. Anniversary Address of the President, Anabacia ]3ouchardi, 715. Prec. 37-57. See also Hulke, J. -- complanaia, 715. W., Esq. Analyses of rocks of the Cockfield Annual Report for 1883, Proc. 9. and Armathwaite Dyke, 224; of Antelope remains in Newer Pliocene augite-andesites, 226; of the Esk- beds in Britain, Mr. E. T. Newton dale "pitch-stone," 227 ; of Dime- on, 280. tian rocks from St. David's, 528; Antilopid~, list of fossil, 285. of hornblende-gabbro of Guernsey, AT~eryx (recent), pelvis of, Prec. 54- Q.J.G.S. No. 160. 3~ 866 GENERAL ].NDEX. Arch~ean groups of Anglesey, relations Bonney, Prof. T. O., on the micro- between the two, 576. scopic structure of some rocks from and Lower Palmozoic rocks of Guernsey, 420. Anglesey, Dr. Callaway on the, 567. , on some roek-specimeus collee- Arch~ocyathellus, 834, 835. ted by Dr. Callaway in Anglesey, Archmocyathus, 834, 835. 583. Armathwaite, Cleveland, and Cock- Boring, Mr. Homersham on a deep, at field Dyke, 209; analysis of the Richmond, Surrey, 724 ; Dr. Hinde rock of, 224. on some fossil Calcisponges from Arvonian rocks, evidence of age of, the, at Richmond, 778 ; Prof. Jones 515; new areas of, in Pembroke- on the Foraminifera and Ostraeoda shire, 516; origin and petrological from a deep, at Richmond, 765; characters of, 517. Mr. Vine on the Polyzoa from the, ,4spidorhy~chus Fisheri (recent), skull at Richmond, 784. of, Proc. 5o. Boulder-clay at Bridlingbon Quay, ~lstrabodus expansus, 630. Mr. Lamplugh on the shelly patches Augite-andesites, analyses of, 226; in the, 312. Japanese, 442 ; quartziferous, 448. Boulonnais, Mr. Tomes on the Oolitic Australia, Mr. A. W. Waters on the Madreporaria of the, 698. fossil Cyclostomatous Bryozoa from, Bridlington Quay, fossils from, 319 ; 674. Dr. Crosskey on the Ostracoda and Foraminifera of the shelly patches at, 323 ; Dr. Gwyu Jeflreys on shells Baddeley, Mr. J., on the distribution from the "Basement" Clay at, ~19 ; of gold-mining districts on the sur- Mr. Lamplugh on the shelly patches face of the globe, Prey. 63. in the Boulder-clay at, 312; Mr. ~airdia Hilda, 771. Newton on fishes from, 322. 3"uddiana, 767. Brine-springs, Droitwich, Mr. C. Par- . jurassica, 771. kinson on, 248. trigonalis, 767. Britain, Mr. Newton on antelope re- Bangor and Caernarvon, conglome- mains in Newer Pliocene beds in,280. rates of, 196. British Cretaceous Nuculidm, Mr. Barlow-Jameson Fund, award of a Gardner on, 120. portion of the, to Dr. J. Croll, Prec. Broeehi's collection of Suhappenine 3 S ; to Prof. Leo Lesquereux, _Prec. shells, Dr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys on, 28. 36. Brunton Dyke, 236. Basalt lavas, Japanese, 451: B2~]~2.Golmon, rock-specimen from, Basalts, plagiodase, Japanese, 449. JBathyc~nia hemisTh~ica, 706. Bryn-gwallen, section from west of, to _ _ moneta, 705. Clymwr, 575. Blake, Prof. J. F., on the volcanic Bryn-y-garn, section from the coast to, group of St. David's, 294. 530. Blasti~ia crista~a, 781. Bryozoa, fossil Cyelostomatous, from -- p~/gm~a, 781. Australia, Mr. Waters on, 674. Bloemhof, section from near, to near from the deep boring at Rich- Middelburg, 661. mond, Mr. Vine on, 784. Boca, section at, 859. Buecione, section at, 855. Boldon pit, dyke in, 231. Budleigh Salterton and Sidmouth, Mr. Bolt Head, 9 ; microscopic section of A. T. Metcalfe on further disco- mica-schist from the, 15. veries of vertebrate remains in the Bolt Tail, 11 ; section near, 12. Triassic strata of the south coast of Bombay, Capt. Stifle on fossil wood Devonshire between, 257. from the Prince's Dock, Prec. 4- Budleigh Salterton, section of coast Bonney, Prof. T. G., on'the geology of from, to Sidmouth, 258. the South-Devon coast, from Tot- JBulla crebris~,riata, 322. cross to Hope Cove, 1. , on a specimen of Trowles- worthite, Prec. 7. Caistor, valleys near, 163. , on some rock-specimens collec- CalamoThyUia cassiana, 369. ted by Dr. Hicks in Anglesey and pseudostylina, 716. North-west Caernarvonshire, 200. Calcisponges, Dr. Hinde on some GENERAL n~DEX. 867 fossil, from the well-boring at Rich- Cladodus mucronagus, 619. mond, 778. striatus, 619. Caerbwdy valley, Cambrian conglo- Cladophyllia subdichotoma, ,367. merates of, 520; Cambrian succes- Clegir, section through, 198. sion in, 521; faults in, 522; Pre- Clegyr Foig, Precambrian rocks of, cambrian rocks of, 523. 542. Caernarvonshire, Dr. Hicks on the Cleveland, Coekfield, and Arma- Cambrian conglomerates in, 187. thwaite Dyke, 209; analyses of the - and Anglesey, Prof. Bonney on rock of, 2"24. some rock-specimens collected by Clymwr fault and conglomerate, Dr. Hicks in, 200. 571. Callaway, Dr. C., on the Arehman and Clymwr, section from west of Bryn- Lower Palaeozoic rocks of Anglesey, gwallen to, 575. with an appendix by Prof. T. G. Coal, Mr. Wethered on the structure Bonney, 567. and formation of, _Prec. 59. Cambrian conglomerates, Dr. Hicks --, possible existence of, under on the, resting upon and in the London, 758. vicinity of some Precambrian rocks Coal-field, Yorkshire, Prof. Miall on a (the so-called intrusive masses) in new specimen of Megalichthys from Anglesey and Caernarvonshire, 187. the, 347. Campoph.~ll~em, sp., 498. Coal-fields, high-level, of South Canadian Pacific Railway, Dr. Daw- Africa, Mr. Penning on the, 658; son on the geology of the line of the, map of the northern parts of the, 376. 658. , sketeh-map of Cobo granite, gneiss caught up in, country traversed by the, between 413. the Rocky Mountains and Prince Cockfield, Cleveland, and Arma- Arthur, 385. thwaite Dyke, 209 ; analyses of the Cape of Good Hope, Orange Free rock of, 224; dying out of dyke in State, Sir R. Owen on a Labyrintho- a quarry near, 210. dent amphibian from, 333. Collins, Mr. J. H., on the serpentine Cam-at-wig, view of, from the north, and associated rocks of Porthalla 299. Cove, 4.58. Castell, cliff-section between, and Og- Confusastr~ea magnifica, 712. feydd-duon, 542 ; section from near, Rigauxi, 711. to Porth-clais, 535. --, sp., 712, 717. Central Europe, Rev. A. Irving on Conglomerates of the South Wales the Dyes and Trias of, 399. Lies, Mr. Tomes on the ]~drepo- Geratocoenia elongate, 703. raria of the, 353. Chalk, Prof. Hughes on the so-called ~, Dr. Hicks on Cambrian, 187. STongia Taradoxica from the Red Conoceras, Mr. T. Roberts on a new and White, of Hunstanton, 273. species of, from the Llanvirn beds, met with in the Richmond Abereiddy, Pembrokeshire, 636. well-boring, 731. Conoceras llanvirn~sis, 639. -- Wolds of Lincolnshire, Mr. Convexastrma Waltoni, 706. Jukes-Browne on some Postglacial Cooling of the earth, Mr. Stanley on ravines in the, 160. two papers by the late Mr. Mallet Chemical characters of the Whiu Sill, on the, Prec. 57. Mr. Teall on the, 640. Copodus cor~u~us, 623. Cheshire and Shropshire, ripple-marks Cranial and vertebral characters of in Drift in, Mr. T. Mellard Reade the Crocodilian genus Plesiosuvhus, on, 267. Owen, Sir R. Owen on the, 153. Chiusella, section across the, 862. Cretaceous Nuculidm, Mr. Gardner on Chloritic schist, microscopl,ic section British, 120. of, from the west side-of Prawle Lichenoporid~e, Mr. Vine on Point, 16. some, 850. Chomatodus lamelliformis, 625. Crisia unipora, 683. Cirripedia from Bridlington Quay, Cristellaria creTidula, 770. 322. -- cultrata, 765, 770. Cladaca~thus Taradoxus, 617. italica, 767. Cladodus Hornei, 619. regulate, 765, 767, 770. 3N2 868 GENERAL INDEX. C/ristellaria, sp., 765, 767. Devonshire, south coast of, Mr. A. T. Crocodilian genus P/es/osuchus, Owen, Metcalfe on further discoveries of Sir R. Owen on the, 153. vertebrate remains in the Triassic Crocbdilus, skull of, 158. strata of, 257. Croll, Dr. J., award ofaportion of the Diabase of Japan, 456. Barlow-Jameson Fund to, Prey. 35. Diastopora diluviana, 787. Crosskey, Dr. H. W., on the Ostra- -- Lamourouxii, 789.
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