MG DEVASAHAYAM ESTABLISHING INDIAN JUDICIAL SERVICES NEED OF THE HOUR p20 TN PANDEY RESTORE STANDARD DEDUCTION ON EMPLOYMENT RELATED EXPENSES p26 January 5, 2017 ` VOL. 10, ISSUE 10 FIRST STIRRINGS SUDHA PILLAI p40 gfilesindia.comgfilesindia.com RATAN TATA The Big Boss ISSNISSN 090976-290676-2906 BOOK EXTRACT46 IK GUJRALp JANARDANON THAKUR 1 PRESENTS MEMORY CLOUDS Featuring The Hon’ble Prime Minister, Prabhat Kumar BG Deshmukh Narendra Modi, on April 21, 2015, MC Gupta on Civil Services Day, gave a Kripa Narayan Srivastava V Selvaraj clarion call to record and upload Sushil Chandra Tripathi Romesh Bhandari the memoirs of senior and Devi Dayal Reva Nayyar experienced civil servants. VP Sawhney SK Mishra Dr G Sundaram Hence... KC Sivaramakrishnan Nitish Sengupta Vishnu Bhagwan Gen Noble Thamburaj gfiles brings you a compilation Baleshwar Rai Arun Bongirwar of reminiscences by senior civil Arvind S Inamdar Madhav Godbole servants which were published in Ved Marwah gfiles between 2007 and 2015. Trinath Mishra Vineeta Rai Arun Kumar Rath Ajit Nimbalkar Don’t miss the opportunity TR Kakkar Najeeb Jung to learn from the wealth of MS Gill experience of veteran civil servants. Shovana Narayan Lt Gen JFR Jacob Pre-order the book in advance to Brijesh Kumar Surrinder Lal Kapur avail of the one-time offer of `720. Yogendra Narain and many more... You can make the payment through cheque, DD or RTGS in favour of gfiles. For further information or queries: Mail us at [email protected] or log on to www.gfilesindia.com/memoryclouds.html 2 From the Editor veteran BJP leader once said during the run up to 2004 elections that ‘all political parties will Abe in a state of flux’. He should be happy that his prediction may come true, only a little late. Like the traffic stops during a VIP visit, governance comes to a grinding halt the moment elections are announced. vol. 10, ISSUE 10 | JANUARY 2017 With elections in five States from February 5 and results on March 11, the next Anil Tyagi | editor 70 days promise to be eventful, keeping poll pundits to voters busy. GS Sood | business editor Sheshadri Chari | roving editor Akhilesh Yadav, the Chief Minister of the largest State, Uttar Pradesh, is facing Alam Srinivas | contributing editor two fights, one in the family and the other in the political arena. If he manages Anish Gandhi | consultant, foreign affairs Narendra Kaushik | associate editor to win both, he is sure to emerge as a national figure obliterating the Congress Rakesh Bhardwaj | editorial consultant vice-president who is struggling to remain above water. The Congress, which has Ramesh Sharma | bureau chief (north india) Ajit Ujjainkar | bureau chief (mumbai) been out of power in UP for the last 35 years, seems to be looking for nothing Rakhi | Editorial Trainee beyond a runner-up status to the third largest party. No party wants a poll tie up Pawan Kumar | production coordinator Nipun Jain | finance with the Congress as the risk factor seems to be high with no tangible benefit in Gautam Das | legal consultant vote transfer. BSP leader Mayawati is entering the poll arena with the albatross Bushchat Media | edit & design Madan Lal | Webmaster of her brother depositing crores of alleged black money in party account. Devoid Abhisshek Tyagi | director of money power and depleting worker base, she has to heavily depend on her advertising & marketing dalit vote bank. But, given the recent observation by the Supreme Court on the delhi: e-mail: [email protected] use or rather misuse of religion, caste, creed and other parochial issues, her mumbai: 48/C-1, Areshwar, Mhada, S.V.P. Nagar, Andheri(W), Mumbai 400 053 campaign could face the ire of the Election Commission (EC). This, coupled with Chandigarh: SCO 5- First Floor, Zirakpur-Shimla denial of free access to unrestricted black money, is likely to affect her fortunes. Highway, Zirakpur, District Mohali Punjab CONTACT — 0172-509368 The BJP can draw immense comfort from the predicament of Mayawati and e-mail: [email protected] the internecine yaadavi (the Yadav clan in the epic Mahabharata fought among $1,/7<$*,35,17(5 38%/,6+(5 QGIORRUGGDVLWH themselves and became extinct, hence the term yaadavi) in SP. Besides, the BJP QHZUDMLQGHUQDJDUQHZGHOKLă is the only party with the Prime Minister as crowd puller to campaign, without a +All information in gfiles is obtained from sources that the local leader to be projected as prospective Chief Minister. Going to polls without management considers reliable, and is disseminated to readers without any responsibility on our part. Any opinions or views declaring a CM candidate has given BJP mixed results. There is also a soft on any contemporary or past topics, issues or developments expressed by third parties, whether in abstract or in interviews, undercurrent of ego clash among caste-based leaders threatening to percolate are not necessarily shared by us. Copyright exclusively with to the faithful. Among all these election calculus, the effect of cash crunch and Sarvashrestha Media Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved throughout the world. Reproduction of any material of this magazine in demonitisation is likely to have an adverse effect on the traditional vote base of whole, or in part(s), in any manner, without prior permission, is totally prohibited. The publisher accepts no responsibility the BJP, notwithstanding the brave face put up by party minions at all levels. for any material lost or damaged in transit. The publisher While SP, BSP and Congress approach this election with a view to increase their reserves the right to refuse, withdraw or otherwise deal with any advertisement without explanation. All advertisements power base, the stakes are much higher for the BJP which has degenerated into must comply with the Indian Advertisements Code. Published and printed by Anil Tyagi on behalf of Sarvashrestha Media Pvt. a single-leader party with no definite local agenda. The forthcoming elections in Ltd at Polykam Offset, C-138, Naraina Industrial Area, Phase all five States, and especially in UP, may turn out to be a referendum on Modi’s I, New Delhi 110028. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts in New Delhi only notebandi. The BJP-Akali Dal tie up in Punjab has more than one weak link and can snap anytime, vesting huge benefits to the Congress. In Manipur and &217$&7HGLWRU#JILOHVLQGLDFRP )256$/(6DGY#JILOHVLQGLDFRP Uttarakhand, the BJP is divided and will have to fight the Congress with more )2568%6&5,37,21KUG#JILOHVLQGLDFRP vigour. In Goa, the BJP is as divided a house as the SP is in UP. Ironically, given 7(/)$; the shortcomings of all the parties, including the upbeat BJP, if the Congress fails to manage at least one State, it better apply for a winding up process. One of the former Prime Ministers from UP, Chaudhary Charan Singh, coined a new caste-religion equation, MY-AJGUR (Muslim, Yadav, Ahir, Jat, Gujjar and Rajput) to break the hegemony of the Congress in the 70s. Mulyam Singh followed and Kanshiram and Mayawati extended the division of casts to include Dalit votebank. Whichever party wins, the Supreme Court, democracy, governance and secularism will be put to test. They have one saviour, the EC. Let us pray for the victory of Nasim Zaidi, the Chief Election Commissioner of India. ANIL TYAGI HGLWRU#JÀOHVLQGLDFRP Download the gfiles app KWWSVWZLWWHUFRPKHOORJXGGD\KWWSVZZZIDFHERRNFRPD QLOW\DJL gfiles inside the government www.indianbuzz.com KWWSVWZLWWHUFRPJ¿OHVPDJD]LQH KWWSVZZZIDFHERRNF RPJ¿OHVPDJD]LQH vol. 10, issue 10 | January 2017 3 CONTENTS LETTERS [email protected] 06 Bric-a-Brac new year blues, lodha gets caught, race for president begins, tata visits rss ZHUHEHLQJPHWDQGDWWKHGHVLUHG bosses OHYHO6RPHERG\QHHGHGWRDVNWKHVH 08 Eyes Wide Shut TXHVWLRQVDQGWKHZULWHUKDVGRQHVR jury out on demonetisation ,WQHHGVWREHUHFRJQLVHGWKDWWKH URRWVRIWKHEODFNPRQH\HFRQRP\DUH 10 Cover Story GHHSDQGDKROLVWLFDSSURDFKLV the story behind the tata-mistry feud: the compulsions and concerns UHTXLUHG$VSDUWRIWKHGHPRQHWLVDWLRQ H[HUFLVHUHVWULFWLRQVZHUHSODFHGRQ 20 Governance H[FKDQJLQJROGQRWHVIRUQHZ impasse on appointment of High ZLWKGUDZDODQGH[FKDQJHRIPRQH\ Court judges 7KLVLVLQGHHGDVXEVWDQWLDO 26 time to review standard deduction LQWHUIHUHQFHLQWKHULJKWVRISHRSOH 34 the politics of slogans IURPDFFHVVLQJWKHLURZQPRQH\,Q 36 selective hearing on highway liquor ban DQ\FDVHGHPRQHWLVDWLRQUHPRYHG SHUFHQWRIFDVKLQFLUFXODWLRQDQG 28 State Scan RWKHUQRWHVZHUHLQVKRUWVXSSO\DV madhya pradesh: divided on narmada Agents of change ZLWQHVVHGE\WKHORQJOLQHVDWEDQNV 38 Globe Scan ,WZDVYHU\KHDUWHQLQJWRUHDGWKH DQG$70VOLWHUDOO\UHQGHULQJWKH,QGLDQ global politics adjusts to trump VWRULHVRILQQRYDWLRQDQGFRPPLWPHQW HFRQRP\FDVKOHVV 40 First Stirrings RQWKHSDUWRIFLYLOVHUYDQWVIURP K Kumar via blog sudha pillai relives her dream DFURVVWKHFRXQWU\ ³,QQRYDWLRQLVWKH PDQWUD´gfiles'HFHPEHU (FRQRPLVWVVWXG\LQJWKHHIIHFWRIWKH 44 Book Review 7KHXVHRIDGYDQFHVLQLQIRUPDWLRQ GHPRQHWLVDWLRQH[HUFLVHE\,QGLDKDYH healthcare for the aged WHFKQRORJ\KDVEURXJKWDERXW TXHVWLRQHGLWVLPSDFW:KLOHVRPHGR 46 Book Extract HIILFLHQF\SURGXFWLYLW\DQGFRVW FRQFHGHWKDWLWPD\KDYHDORQJWHUP ik gujral as prime minister VDYLQJV7KHDFKHLYHPHQWVUDQJHG SRVLWLYHHIIHFWWKHVKRUWWHUPFKDRV 52 Stock Doctor DFURVVVHFWRUVIURPHQHUJ\HIILFLHQF\ IRUFHGRQWKHHFRQRP\LVFRQVLGHUHG look for opportunities DQGLUULJDWLRQWRXSJUDGLQJWKHSROLFH H[WUHPHO\QHJDWLYHDQGZLOOWDNHWLPH 53 Perspective IRUFHDQGSXEOLFVHUYLFH7KH WRRYHUFRPH7KHJRYHUQPHQWKDVD the human footprint UHFRJQLWLRQJLYHQE\gfilesHYHU\\HDU ORWRIZRUNWRGRDKHDGDQGQHHGVWR WRVXFKVXFFHVVVWRULHVGRHVDORWIRU
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