1 E WESTFIELD LEADER Serving Westfield Since 1890 USPS4WHD Published NINETY. NO. 13 Second Clui Postal; Pai WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1987 24 Pages—30 Cents at Wcuficld. N.J very Thursday Dr. Smith Completes Public Speaks Out on Commentary on Report Cable Tower Project Future directions for the Services, Business Operations Members of the public voiced representatives from Union Westfield Public Schools include and Future Directions. their opinions regarding a county were not present. He add- a September, 1988 reorganiza- During the past year, a new 100-foot tower proposed for North ed that the proposed site would tion, in-service training for staff director, Theodore Kozlik, was Avenue by a New Jersey cable use up additional spaces which members, curriculum in- named to the special services television company, at Monday are used by county employees; itiatives, cooperative relation- department, 624 students receiv- night's Board of Adjustment Mr. Knipple said that the county ships and the task of creating a ed help, including 90 in sup- meeting. building was already short 25% of school budget that maintains the plemental instruction, 143 in The appeal of Suburban Cable- its required parking spaces. quality of education expected by resource rooms, 90 in self- vision to erect a tower as a Mr. Knipple went on to say that the Westfield community and contained classes, 87 placed out microwave receiving point at the he feared microwave transmis- respects the problems of higher of district and 214 Union County Police head- sions might affect residents' taxes. speech/language. Additionally, quarters at 300 North Ave., pro- automatic garage door openers These directions were discuss- J52 students received home in- ceded with testimony by and radar frequencies. He also ed by School Superintendent struction and 52 students were in residents, despite the absence of questioned the hazard of building Shown left to right are Edward J. Slomkowski, Union County Mark C. Smith in his annual the English-as-a-Second- the cable company's repre- a lower on a site where oils, Freeholder vice chairman; James J. Fulcomer, U.C. Freeholder; report messge to the Board of Language program. A new sentatives. gases and paints are stored by Kenneth L. MacRitchie, chairman of the UCUA; Alan M. Augustine, Education and public at the publication for parents of special Former mayor H. Emerson the county. U.C. Freeholder chairman; and Edmund A. Palmieri, U.C. Board's public meeting Tuesday education students, called Thomas asked the board to deny Mrs. Dorothy Crum of Hanford Freeholder, with an artist's rendering of the resource recovery facili- (Oct. 20). "Special Edition" was published Suburban's appeal, saying that Place reminded the board that ty which will be built in Rahway. Looking at the past year, the and the director held numerous there were other higher eleva- the hearing had been carried superintendent said that "it was individual and group meetings tions outside of Westfield which over four months. She said that a year of achievement, vitality with parents to improve com- could house the proposed tower. she understood the county would UCUA Signs Contract for and progress. Student test scores munications. Ray Knipple of Central Avenue be paid $6,000 for five years for were high, the staff was involved In the chapter on Business said he was disappointed that (Continued on page 31 in a wide variety of professional Operations, the superintendent Resource Recovery Facility activities, and after a monitoring noted additional activities, such visit in June, the district received as extensive capital im- H.U.D. Block Grant The Union County Utilities "This will be the way to solve full State Board of Education cer- provements, the institution of a Hearing Tuesday Authority (UCUA) signed final our county's solid waste disposal tification for five years." These new hot lunch program at the contracts last week, authorizing problems," Mr. Slomowski said. and other highlights are outlined elementary level, and an expan- in the 39-page annual report. A hearing on the H.U.D. p.m. Ogden Martin Systems, Inc., of "All 21 county municipalities will sion of computer services for Revenue Sharing Block Grant Citizen input is invited as to Fairfield, to construct and have solid waste disposed of in Dr. Smith presented his first district operations. Fourteenth Year funding will be community development needs operate Union County's resource the facility and turned into annual report at two public Through a ,6.5 million dollar held during the Public Meeting of and priorities in such categories recovery facility in Rahway, it energy." Board meetings. Last week, he bond issue, more than 40 facility the Town Council on Tuesday, as housing, rehabilitation, has been announced by Alan M. The resource recovery facility reported on Student Achieve- improvement projects are com- neighborhood preservation, code Augustine, Union County will be financed through bond ment and Instructional pro- pleted or underway. Since the Oct. 27, in the Council Chambers enforcement and various social Freeholder chairman. sales, and the City of Rahway grams. At Tuesday's meeting, he bond issue was passed by voters of the Municipal Building at 8:30 service programs. "The contracts authorize will receive approximately $1.1 presented the final three in October, 1985, more than $3.1 Ogden Martin Systems to build million a year for being the host chapters of the five-chapter million has been expended. A and operate a 1,440 ton-per-day municipality. report: these dealt with Special (Coniinuod last page, this section) resource recovery facility, on a In addition, the city will 23-acre parcel of land off Route 1 receive approximately $650,000 in Rahway," Mr. Augustine said. for recreational programs and "The facility, which is expected community projects, according Youngsters To Participate to be operational in late 1990, will to Edmund A. Palmieri, Union be owned by the Utilities Authori- County Freeholder. In Annual Halloween Parade ty." "There are many, many people who were involved in this project The Westfield Y's Men annoufceed that this year's Halloween The trash-to-energy facility and are still involved," Mr. Parade will commence at 12:30 p m., Sunday, Oct. 25, at the will turn almost 440,000 tons of Palmieri said. "I would like to Elm Street Playground. L, waste each year into electricity, thank Kenneth MacRitchie, Assembly and judging will brain at 12:30, Trophies will be which will then be sold to an elec- UCUA chairman, the entire awarded to costumes in the following categories: Most Authen- trical utility, according to Ed- Utilities Authority, the Rahway tic, Most Beautiful, Most Humorous, Most Original, and Most ward J. Slomkowski, Union City Officials and everyone else Terrifying. County Freeholder vice chair- who played a part in reaching After judging (1:10 p.m.) children will be led by I he Westfield man. this agreement." High School Marching Band to Mindowaskin Park where prizes will be awarded. Hundreds of local youngsters are expected to participate. The Charles Wilson Jackson public is welcome to watch the festivities. Dr. Harris S. Ver.iick Dr. Seymour Koslowsky Retiring as Principal Hiring of Extra Nurse Is The Westfield. Board of Ed- ucation accepted with regret the Subject to Available Funds Jan. 1 retirement of Charles Wilson Jackson, principal of Jef- In an attempt to clarify actions recognize the increased number ferson School, at its public meet- taken recently regarding the of students and class sections in ing Tuesday, Oct. 20. employment of an additional our elementary schools and to Mr. Jackson has been an ele- nurse in the Westfield School provide assistance for the ad- mentary school teacher, assist- System, Board of Education ministration of prescribed ant principal and principal in President Susan Pepper issued a medications in grades K-6. four schools in Westfield for statement of explanation at the The board has given tentative more than 31 years. He began his Oct. 20 board meeting. informal approval for that rec- Westfield career at Jefferson The statement read as follows: commendation pending the School, as a sixth grade teacher, "Over the past six months, the determination that existing funds in 1956. Board of Education has had a are available in the appropriate "As a professional educator series of discussions, both public salary account. If the money is I've given the community of and private, on the number of available, one nurse will be add- Westfield the fullest measure of school nurses employed for our ed. devotion and commitment and elementary schools. We current- The availability of funds is they in turn continued to express ly employ four nurses to provide dependent upon a projection of confidence and support during medical coverage and to teach personnel costs for the re- Dr. James Peterson Alan Gutterman my tenture," Mr. Jackson stated Charles W. Jackson segments of the health cur- mainder of the 1987-88 year and a in an Oct. 15 letter of retirement. riculum in our six elementary determination of the need for ad- "I enjoyed the association with He came to Westfield in 1956 schools. ditional state mandated instruc- Professional Division Helps staff colleagues as well as where he taught sixth grade for Last month, the Superinten- tion in bilingual or ESL pro- relationships with parents and one year and then was made dent of Schools recommended the grams. That determination board of education members assistant principal at Jefferson addition of one school nurse at should be made before the public United Fund Toward Goal over the years." School. He has served as elemen- the elementary level. The pur- board meeting scheduled for The retiring school principal tary school principal, since 1959, pose of this addition would be to Nov.
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