tie, too late? H copy of the report from tbe speflalist, Dr i, Neptune CMy, ssyttg parts «(the first copy Mt farther asjared Dr. Bagdaa. art getting a nin around," ht (aid, nl iht'i dtotraMght at tU tits of (our aid that laat *eek, Ike ,n WtUt, visited her home, Swerved the cl tf pl.ymg wuh his nd neighborhood children A\& Mr. Donmo. "but It a or » speech problem ^^•BllUai III the schooland head >Wd the social worker's viitt was a s« «nl»*r wla», page 1 The Daily Register VOL 100 NO. 295 SHREWSBURY, N.J. JUNE 12, 1978 15 CENTS Teen-age boy drowns in reservoir By MARK GRAVEN but on toe fourth pass, found the body In approximately the the day from an Island about 100 feet from snore. keys and some loose change COLTS NECK - Divers pulled the body of an unidentified same spot that the young biker had reported the victim going "If he could have swum 15 more feet, he would have made State police praised the first aid squads for their speed In teen-afe boy from Swimming River Reservoir shortly before down, police said. the bank," said one state policeman. recovering the body. midnight yesterday. Youngsters near the scene yesterday, told police that they Officials reportedly found some personal affects belonging "We've been here before," said one veteran squad member, Divers from the Falrvlew and Llncroft First Aid Squads had seen the victim swim back and fourth several times during to the victim on the Island. They Included a white t-shlrt, some See My drowns, page I found the body, which state police at Colts Neck said had been submerged four hours, in 12 feet of water, about 30 feet from the snore of a wooded area off Lovett Road. "This Is the third one we've come down here for In the last two years," one squad member said of the secluded area whan the body was found — where teen-agers reportedly like to party. An abandoned car was pulled up from the water in this area of the reservoir last year, he said. The victim was described as 16 years of age, 145 pounds, with brown eyes and light brown hair, and wearing blue Jeans. The body wu takes to Honmouth Medical Center, Long Branch, for examination, state police said. Two youngsters, aged It and If, who had peddled their bicycles from Port Honmouth, were closest to the scene of the tragedy at approximately 7: JO p.m., state police said. One of the bikers heard screams for help, and when he went to Investigate, over a knoll to the water's edge, he saw the victim go under, police said. The biker could go out only about six feet from shore before the water became too deep tor him, a first aid squad member add. The two bikers were transported from the scene by Mid- dMowi Police, who received the first call about the mishap a •:11p.m. A five-member team of divers recovered the body after about45 minutes of searching, despite being hampered by "zero visibility" and tree stumps In the water, according to Stanley kttdoM, captain of the Falrvlew Diving Team. While floodlights Illuminated the water from shore, divers organised Into a "fan pattern," stretching a rope between them, aithtsMaarch.to help locate the body. Lincroft FInt Aid squad member* in action in the Swimming River Reservoir late "I couldn't ace my hand In front of my mask," said one last night just prior to recovery of body of boy who drowned while swimming about It took four "passes" by the divers to recover the body, Mr. 30 feet from shore. At right, diver* prepare to go under again in the darkness. Midoaesald. The divers snagged their rope on a stump on the third pass, Photos by Carl Forino. Is Morton Salkind Say change in RR ticket in race, or not? costing riders more By JULIE MCDONNELL spokesman for the Irate Shore Until this month, a monthly refund If he Is home sick for a »y DAVID TURNER the land, through his positions as com- KITTLE SILVER - Not Commuters(ISC), said yester- commuting ticket was week, since he cannot prove he MARLBORO - Morton Salkind is drop- missioner on both the Western Monmouth only are train commuters day. punched by a conductor every didn't use the train that week, ping hit bid to become leader of the Town- Utilities Authority (WMUA) and the about to be hit with a tare Under the new method of day, he said. If a commuter Mr. Mortensen said. chip's Democratic Party, he said last night. Marlboro Township Municipal Utilities Au- Increase, they've already re- handling commuter tickets, was home sick for a week or The only way a commuter But Mr. Salkind Is "not exacly" out of thority (MUA) ceived a less obvious blow to riders can't get refunds If they two, he could mall the ticket to could get a refund would be to tat race, the current municipal leader, In November 197S, the Township Coun- their wallets, according to one don't use a part of the ticket, Conratl's office in Philadelphia turn In the ticket before be Richard Vuola, asserted. cil attempted to remove him from both the commuter leader. he said. and receive a refund on the planned to miss the train — "At this point, Mort is a contender," WMUA and the MUA. "What amounts to a second "Commuters will lose mon- unused portion. before going away on a vaca- Mr. Vuola said early this morning. "He has Mayor Goldzweig said that he hopes rate increase" went into effect ey If they're home sick," Mr. Under the new system tion, for example. not put his name in for submission." Mr. Salkind's apparent withdrawal from June 1, and involves the new Mortensen claimed. "It's the launched June 1, tickets aren't Mr. Mortensen said that Before Mr. Salkind's announcement, the race "Is In the best Interests of the ticket procedures on the equivalent of another fare in- punched anymore. A com- sources Indicated Conrail has Mayor Arthur Goldzwelg, a long-time ally trains, John Mortensen, crease." muter cannot apply now for a Sec RR fare, page 1 of Mr. Vuola, stated that he is not support- y ing the candidacy of the controversial "I hope this is Just one of the steps former mayor and state assemblyman. towards unifying the Democratic Party In "I am not supporting Morton Salkind Marlboro, and that we"U continue taking for the municipal leadership of the Demo- steps toward unifying the party," he said. Cop from Hazlet a lucky man cratic Party In Marlboro Township," he "I am taking many ateps, along with said. others representing all factions of the 15th Avenue on Memorial Day, darted behind them and Democratic Party, toward a complete uni- By JULIE WOLF everything went black. Then truck, however, leaving him Both Mr. Salkind and Mr. Vuola main- HAZLET - Newark Police when a high tension wire fell reached to touch to the bell on the electricity repelled me and hanging from one arm. tained that Mr. Salkind could muster 15 of fication of the party," Mayor Goldzweig Officer Barry Colicelli, of 22 ' on the aerial ladder of the hook the truck. I was thrown against the wall the 18 votes needed to win the party leader- continued. "After that a fireman with Mlnuteman Lane, Is lucky to and ladder, electrifying the "The sergeant yelled some- and onto the ground," he said. rubber boots managed to kick ship. The mayor added that Mr. Salkind's be alive. truck. Although the fire chief thing and I thought I could get "best endeavors would be on the state The weight of Officer Col- the boy off the truck," the po- "The vote would be 5-to-3, and that's not The M year-old policeman was warned of the possible him before he got to the bell," liceman said. enough for the unity I hoped to achieve," level, not on the municipal level." received a 4,100-volt electrical danger when a fireman Officer Colicelli said In an in- Icelli's body broke the grip of Mr. Salkind said. SeeSaftJadH.er.pagel shock — through his body — touched the truck and recleved terview. the boy's left hand on the See Cop, page 1 "Therefore, I am not going to be a while attempting to save the a shock, police were unable to "When I grabbed the boy's candidate for the municipal leadership." life of an 11-year-old boy. atop the McAllister boy as he shoulders I wu frozen and John F. Croddlck, whose Insurgent Because of Officer Col- Marlboro Democratic Coalition seized 14 Icelli's efforts, Stacey committee seats in last week's primary, McAllister survived after The Inside Story had stood firm In his support of Robert M. being stuck to the side of an Hollands candidacy for the party leader- electrified fire truck for nearly THE WEATHER ship. N seconds, with 4,100 volts of electricity running through Clostfy with thudershtwers tealgll aad clearing "I'm supporting Bob Holland," he as- sometime Tiesday.Cemplete report ta page 1. serted. him. Mr. Holland's wife, Dorothy, had also Officer Colicelli Is home re- won election to the committee as a Regular cuperating from injuries to his Yankees tripped up agala I Democrat. right leg, sustained when the Weddings are aaaaanced , 11 Mr. Salkind was fined by the state Elec- electrical current threw him to HBdegarde still rates a hand II tion Law Enforcement Commission for vio- the ground.
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