...__ -....... '·•··-- .) t CltommentatorC- d!�< · Official Undergraduate Newspaper of Yeshiva College VOL. XCVIII No. I. YESHIVA UNIVERSITY, NE_W YORK CITY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1983 Is�aeli President :Herzog and Main Center Renovation Plan Under Way; Chief Rabbis Jo risit Yeshiva Gym Groundbreaking Set for this Month By MORDE(::HAI I. TWERSKY By STEVEN FRIED The eagerly awaited arrival of the Max Stern Athletic Center will move one step further toward Nov. 2 - Israeli President Herz�, referred to Yeshiva t n implementation this month, as groundbreaking ceremonies will be held on November 14, at the Chaim Herzog and the Universi y as "a la dmark institu­ tion." University's Danciger Campus in Washington Heights. Ashkenazi and Sephardic Chief Born in Ireland 64 years ago, The center is being made Rabbis will · visit Yeshiva Mr. Henog is the son of the late possible through a one n'lillion University this month, the Rabbi Isaac Halevy Henog, the dollar gift from Mr. Leonard Commentator has learned ex­ first Ashke11azic chief rabbi of Stem, a Yeshiva University Cen­ clusively. Israel who visited YU in the tury Benefactor. Mr. Stem is the 1940's. His formal education s n t t t . o of he la e Max S em, founder According to Senior Vice Presi- included threeyears as a studenta t of the Stem College for Women t den Dr. Israel Miller, the Israeli the Hebron Yeshiva. and a major figure in the President will addressthe Unive11i­ Mr; ffenog's brother, the late University's growt h and ty on Monday morning, November Dr. Yaakov D. Henog, received development. t t 21st a 9:30 in he Lamport an honorary degree from the Dlpltarles In Attendana Auditorium at the Yeshiva's Main Ul\iversity in 1963, when he was According to Mr. Sam Harts­ Center in Washington Heights. Israel's ambassador to Canada, In tein, Di�ctor of Public Relations Dr. Milleralso d isclosedtha t the 1970, he returned to the campus, at the University, the ceremonies Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi,· ffaRav this time as director-general of will be attended by the Stem Avraham Shapira and Sephardic Israel's Prime Minister Office, to family, including Mrs. Max Stern. Chief Rabbi, HaRav Mordechai receive the Mordecai Ben David Yeshiva University President Dr. Eliyahu, are scheduled to visit the . Award. Norman Lamm and Senior Vice Yeshiva on Tuesday morning. Mr. Herzog is also related to President Dr. Israel Miller, are November 8, at the Main Center: former Israeli Foreign Affairs also expected to attend, as well as ;;._:, ..,: :�. Each Chief Rabbi will deliver a Minister Abba Eban. Mr. Eban, Manhattan Borough President An­ Architect's Model or the Max Stem Athletic Center. shiur (class), Dr. Miller said. President Herzog's brother-in-law, drew Stein. The University ad­ equipped rooms for wrestling, will be completed within 15-16 d n fencing, and other sports activities, months from the beginning of Loq-TI• YU Friend receive an ho orary Doctor of ministration and enti,re student Humane letters degree from YU n n t is scheduled to begin this De<:cm• con struction. President Herzog, elected to body have bee i vi ed. in 1957. ber, according to Dr. Sheldon E. Only Om Phaa office by the .Knesset (Parliament) December·Constnctfcll Datt n t t t Socol, Vice President for Business The building of the Max Stem t t . The visit by. Mr. Hermg will Co struc ion of he cen er, las March 22. has visited he Affairs at the University. It is Athletic Cc;nterrepresen ts only one University several times while mark the second time in as many wt,ich will include a gymnasium, a t estimated, he said, that the center (Continued on Page 9, Col. I) aervins II Israel's permanent years hat an Israeli Head of State running track, na d specially- · rep.-antative to the United Na­ has visitedYeshiva University. Mr.· tions in the1970'1. Herzog's predecessor, the Hon. Fa cuity to Vote Shooting Still On Curriculum Proposal �;,,,-�'.,{•'l'.-�r.;I'l!��ttt"&���� ·· •.· ·" 1'11!-.'lli:r"'"'"1- l t o r t s s in week, ch of· t division s . A mos ( u . m� � ce. year which included some 19 c:a he ' t� �rst sho�ting 1 c1dent �t dat ns I . � . me etings, has delivered its �:�:;�� �� t;! I �!;r�cu�� Yeshiva Umversity 8 Main report to the faculty regarding committee. The final version of the Center last June 6, the now revisions of curriculum require- report, he said, would then be f:am ous "Yes h.1va Smper ' " case to _ . ments, it was announced by presented the faculty "by late still remains unsolved. Dr. Nonnan -Rosenfeld, Dean. November." According to. Sergeant John Not F.nou1h Flexibility Seated From ldt to ri1ht: PrHident Chaim Herzo1, Ashkenad Chief In an interview broadcast live on s "At Yeshiva College," he said, Rabbi Avraham Shaplra, .and Sephardic Ollef Rallbl Mordechal Carroll of the Ye hiva Task Force, WYUR, the Yeshiva University a special investigative unit set up ·Eliyahu. student-run radio station, Dean by the New York City Polioe Rosenfeld said that by the end of n Yitzchak Navon, spoke at the a I April, 1976, Mr. Herzog was , Department, "maximum effort" the fall semester, "a final vote will t Yeshiva last January 10. awarded an honorary Doc or of is being launched by the 30 be taken and the whole process Human e Letters degree at First Visit Together specially-selected detectives on the will ·be terminated." ceremonies marking tht opening of The visit by the Chief Rabbis, task force. the Benjamin N. Cardozo School who will be arriving in the United Asked if police are working on Several Phases of Law. In his remarks, Mr. (Continuetf on Page 7, Col. JJ -any solid leads, Sgt. Carroll said The process which the Dean that there a� "some significant referred to has involved several Commie Computerizes leads," but refused to comment on phases. Some two weeks ago, the· the substance of the leads. "There curriculum committee presented its is not a stone that hasn't been final report at the last meeting. ltaOperatio• overturned," he said. "The Police Copies of the report were submit• The Commentator, in order ·· Mr. Smilchensky wished to Department is dedicating many of ted to four divisions representing to reduce production costs and thank Dr. Israel Miller, Senior its resourcesto solving the Yeshiva Jewish studies, the Behavioral, nt Social, and Natural Sciences, Dean Norman Rosenfeld to centralii.e newspaper opera- Vice Preside of Yeshiva Univer- Case." . sity, Mrs. Vivian Owgang, Ex- Since the shootings, the Univer- Humanities and Mathematics. Ac­ "the burden of satisfying the t n io S, has purchased a com- ecutive Assistant to the Senior Vi(lC sity has provided ·round-the-clock cording to the Dean, the divisions requirements, together with the 32 puter and has secured a President and Mr. Jay Bl11.cr, security, in addition to the 24 hour "are expected to review the credits that the majority of confenmce room in the Student Director of Buildings and Grounds . police presence. A 5250,000reward committee's report at the present students now earn in Israel, has s (Continued on Page 6, Col. 4) Union building. for their upport. time and will soon submit their not provided our students with the comments to the curriculum com­ nexibility that they want in According · to Brian Shoken, mittee." The committee, he said, exploring additional areas of Supervising Editor in charge of will then "distill the division's interest." newspaper operations, a TRS-80 recommendations and produce a The Dean said that the micro-computer has been obtained final report which the faculty will curriculum "has prevented stu­ for the purposes ofwordprocessing then consider," he said. (Conti11ued ,,,, Pa,:e JO, Col. J) and typesetting. The software for the computer was written by Mr. Shoken. He was also instrumental in the aquisition of The Commen­ �ator newsroom. Inside .. This Issue••. According to Mr. Ben-Zion Smilchensky, Editor-in-Chief of the Commentator. ''These radical Dr. Bevan Returns .................. Page S steps have been taken in order to enhance and •upgrade the overall Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm. President of Ye!ihivaUniversity, delivering Kaplan's Update ..................... Page 7 efnciency and quality of the the historic eulogy last week in Lamport Auditorium for Rabbi publication." Jfe also indicated Avraham Aaron Shatzkes and Rabbi Jerucham Gorelick, Some 1,100 Gr�ndma 's Cookies ............... Page 8 that the Commentator "is trying to students, Rosht'i Yeshiva and relati¥es attended the memorial, in solicit funds for ad�itional equip- trihute to two of thl' Yeshiva's greatest Roshei Yeshiva. Full coverage - ment for the n�wsP.ar,e�•s produc• on page 4, tion .purposes." DIECOMMENTATOR W....._y, Noffllhr2, 1983 -----------�...,; ..,.. - ..., Gtammintator_____ Tribute to a Leader Coming back to 1ebool is a time of mixed , ......; Menachem Begin's tenure as Prime Minister emotions. Thestudent is, at thesame time, both ._........................... ..._.,m_.., .... ........._.,.. happy and afraid to· start the new school· year. .........,.., .. ,....='= .......... "' .... of Israel will leave an indelible mark on the .....,f Ill llw........... lf,..._......,...................... ......,, .......... ....... lives of Jews around the world. Although his This year, a third emotion was pre1ent - that · . � of surprise. The oftentimes dreary Yeshiva .............. predecesson may be regardedtrue as leadersof College campus had been spruced up. There the Jewilh state, Menachem Begin, in his · were benches and Rowen outside and carpeting Govemln1 Board capacity as Prime Minister, was different. and a new registrar's office inside. We received BEN-ZIONSMILCHINSKV He was a visionary who dedicated his life to clipboards and new catalogs to help us in l'.ftor+Clllef Jewish · survival.
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