THE EVENING STAR President WillDine Truman Try Eisenhower to Resign Washington, D. CL A-3 ** Shouldn't THfRSUAT. MARCH t7. IMS P : i 1 ‘Any Moment,’Paper Says In White House Today To Select Successor, 8y th»AtMcioted Press CHICAGO, Eisenhower and Taft * Mar. 27.—The Chi- After 3-Year Wait MB if Kefauver Implies cago Daily News said; "today that Gen. Eisenhower wifi resign his Supporters President - Vying for and Mrs. Truman will ; -£ ly Don have dinner in the wßtUm Whitehead job “at aay moment White House Am*cwß«3B»«m Skiff Eur*s&an' tonight for the first time in over Writer now”.r according ..$&» information years. OMAHA, three Mar..27.—Senator Ke- reaching the paper sources Maine's 16 Delegates The President is due back from fauver said in effect today that regarded re- By th« Associated Press Key just at Mrs. usually as -completely West dinner time. President Truman should not try V.-. BANGOR, Me., Mar. 27. —A liable.” - - Truman by then will be already ¦ nip and - to handpick his successor in the tuck Elsenhower Taft moved in. And Blair House then The newspaper, in arstory with- battle for 16 national conven- will be ready to revert to its old White House. out any dateline, -said it was told tion votes gained momentum as role of a guest house for distin- The Tennessean, driving hard Gen. Eisenhower plans to submit delegates assembled for today’s guished visitors. • for primary votes in Nebraska, his resignation as chief of the opening of the Maine Republican Mr. Truman is scheduled to t told this reporter: “If President North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- convention. take off from Florida in mid- y Truman doesn’t want to run. I tion to President Truman through Spokesmen for the presidential afternoon. Mrs. Truman prob- I think the people will want to Secretary pf Defense Lovett. nomination rivals each ably claimed will meet him at the airport mm |b choose the Democratic nominee, “The General will explain,” the they’d get a majority when dele- —something she rarely does—and 11 *WM as they have been doing in voicing newspaper said, “that his politi- gates are named tomorrow, but the Presidential couple then will Lljhl their sentiments in the primary cal position makes it desirable State Committee Chairman Ralph drive directly to the White House 1 elections.” that he lfeave SHAPE before the C. Masterman predicted a 50-59 front entrance, a spokesman said. This was an obvious reference Republican convention. split. Last-Minute Preparations. to the fact that Senator Kefauver is Mr. Masterman came out for The renovated mansion “Eisenhower expected to re- hummed ran ahead of Mr. Truman in the turn to the United States in the Senator Taft last night. with last-minute preparations to- New Hampshire and Minnesota part Os May, Eisenhower Tops Poll. day. Yesterday workmen latter the informed finished primaries. The President called sobrcesjs&id.” Maine Republicans always hava putting screens on the windows such “eyewash.” unpledged delegations ' Br .i primaries sent and and doors. Today staff members 9 ; P 9H999999P9i9*!: < Drive Is Stepped Up. an informal Associated Press poll were busy inside making every- of candidates for at Kefauver made his seats Chicago thing spic and span. Senator com- showed a majority want reading reports Move to Oust Colonel this Mrs. Truman was expected to ment after that year’s delegation"uninstructed. Gov. move over from Blair House some- Mr. Truman has asked Adlai Several expressed belief, Stevenson to the how- time during the day. of Illinois become For False Statements ever, that there would be an Mrs. David W. Wallace. Mrs. administration candidate for presi- effort for Truman’s mother, also is dent. instruction—or at least moving to determine delegate sentiment. over to the White House today. Republican and Democratic presidential Begun by Air The A. P.i’s poll was answered by She has been staying with the candidates alike have Force 32 of 43 delegate home in ¦ candidates. Trumans at Blair House. turned on a stretch drive 8y th« Associated Press Twelve were for Gen. Eisenhower, Almost all the White House fur- Nebraska carefully planned to it for 1 into The Air Force said today seven Senator Taft, one for nishings used there already have boom the April primary an Gen. and election import- has begun action to revoke the MacArthur 12 neutral been moved. of Nation-wide or Tonight. ance, commission of a lieutenant colonel non-committal. First Inspection Select 10 at Large. undoubtedly Will The President will Political leaders have chosen de- at Wright-Patterson Air Force Six of the Chicago delegates will take a look around the man- liberately to make this State a Base in Ohio on the basis of be elected at three congressional sion’s new interior tonight, a “Popularity” testing ground—a charges that he made false offi- district conventions tomorrow. The spokesman said. It’ll be his first decision which could have strong cial statements and lacked the 10 at-large delegates will be picked inspection since the furnishings repercussions throughout the mid- later—just how is a moot point. “integrity required of an officer.” were installed. READY FOR THE PRESIDENT—An today west farm belt. In the past, they usually have Congress a group unusual view of the White Houste taken from outside the President’s west-wing office. announcement ue d and of news- The view looks across the On the Republican side: An jss been nominated from the floor got a on last rose garden, where the President often receives guests. through the press information women jump him Supporters of of- and elected at a general State con- Sunday, of Senator Taft when the doors were hope to roll up huge write- fice of the Defense Department vention session. This year the opened to them for has made a good impression and Ohio a the officer Lt. Col. a preview. in Senator’s identified as convention may be asked-to. let The will has drawn good crowds, and he vote to offset the M. Ryan. he was President find some in New Hampshire and Irwin -It said the district conventions nominate of undoubtedly would be the choice losses relieved of his duties as a con- Improvements special interest. to Gen. Eisenhower. the at-large delegates—three each two of a lot of Democrats in the State Minnesota tracting officer at the big Air There are brand-new tele- They called in retired Lt. Gen. in the first and third districts, four vision sets—one in his study, the whether President Truman runs Force installation July 15, 1951. in the or not. Albert C. Wedemeyer, a native second. other in the second-floor presi- Nebraskan, to open the final drive. Action as Civilian Involved. However it’s done, Taft and dential family living room. The device whereby Senator Eisenhower organizations plan to Kefauver obtained a slate of dele- Eisenhower Victory Seen. It said virtually all the charges And in the of Mr. actions have full lists of candidates ready. Truman’s west-wing office bullet- gates backed by the Democratic Gen. Eisenhower’s backers see against him involved his proof glass Organization Committee was un- the New Hampshire-Minnesota as a civilian employe of the Air has been installed. carry before he was This move, usual, to say. the least. The DOC, results as a trend which will Materiel Command Virginians Form taken on its own initi- duty March Group by secret service, as it is commonly called, the general to another write-in recalled to active on ative the recalls last They the attempt on the February realized that it must be victory in this State,. are 17, 1951. To Preserve Auto Lore President’s Hk working to Taft concerning Ryan’s By life two yeras ago. prepared to have delegates of its hard match the “Information th« Associated Press own choosing sent to the Demo- drive. conduct while he was a civilian RICHMOND. Va., Mar. 27. Improvements to Grounds. AMC has turned morning, the cratic National Convention, or On the Democratic side: employe at been Greying men who recall the day Tomorrow Presi- : Kefauver returned to over to the Department of Jus- dent may well take a look over the some other slate, like the Brough- ¦-. m w :llWiilllllllli Senator when the horseless carriage was said. grounds. ton slate, would be elected. Nebraska from Wisconsin for a tice.” the announcement something of a novelty have refurbished He’ll find of campaign- many improvements, including So it formed a pool of delegate week end whirlwind Col. Ryan was a reserve officer formed a new organization in Vir- ing in the eastren part of the who served in World ginia. new grass, trees and flower beds. candidates, in all 10 congres- mi m m ¦¦ overseas -Bb* •&. State, path to cross work More than 10,000 tulips have sional districts, and for delegates mam where his was War n. He went to for Twenty-five of them banded to- of his opponent Senator Kerr in 1948. gether in been planted in the front and at large. It was ready then to that the AMC as a civilian Richmond yesterday for Oklahoma. ; duty purpose back yards in honor of the April give a slate to any acceptable can- of After his four months of in the of preserving records 2 arrival of the Netherlands’ didate for presidential nomination Senator Kerr said ..in Lincoln uniform as a contracting officer of the pioneer days in the auto- Juliana. not certain who entered the State. President last night. “I think we are gain- for the same command in 1951 lie mobile industry.
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