V OLUME 13, ISSUE 2 • FEBRUARY 2011 HCCC HAPPENINGS A PUBLICATION OF THE COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Subscription Dining 2 HR News 3 Professional Notes 3 Phi Theta Kappa News 4 North Hudson Center 6 Lecture Series 6 Notibreves 7 Datatel 8 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK HCCC Happenings is on the College’s web site at Photo by Jersey Pictures http://www.hccc.edu/happenings ▲PICTURED FROM left: HCCC Trustee James Fife; U.S. Senator Robert Menendez; HCCC Trustee Karen Fah- Items for the March newsletter are renholz; HCCC Board of Trustees Chair William J. Netchert; Hudson County Executive Thomas A. DeGise; due by February 11. Please send HCCC Trustee Alfred Zampella; HCCC Trustee Bakari Lee; HCCC President Dr. Glen Gabert; John Capazzi of your news items, comments and Rivardo, Schnitzer, Capazzi Architects; Hudson County Clerk Barbara Netchert; and Ted Domuracki of MAST suggestions to: Construction. Jennifer Christopher, Director ICKS FF THE EW EAR Communications Department HCCC K O N Y 26 Journal Square WITH GRAND OPENING OF WELCOME 14th Floor Jersey City, NJ 07306 C ENTER AT JOURNAL SQUARE Phone: 201.360.4061 Fax: 201.653.0607 udson County Com- Rivardo Schnitzer Ca- ways, serving lower and mid- [email protected] munity College offi- pazzi was the architect for the town Manhattan, Hoboken, cially opened its new project, and MAST Construc- Newark and Jersey City. More (Please note: A resolution of 300 dpi H Welcome Center on Tuesday, tion Services served as the than eight million commuters is required for all photos.) January 11 with a ribbon- Construction Manager. pass through Journal Square cutting ceremony. The Center will be open annually. NOTE: Images in this issue used The new facility is located seven days a week and will (Additional photos from for other purposes is strictly at One PATH Plaza, on the top also house a 29-station com- the Welcome Center grand prohibited without the express level of the Journal Square puter lab for students that in- opening may be viewed at the advance consent of the Transportation Center in Jersey cludes Wi-Fi Internet access, a College’s Flickr page, Communications Department. City. The totally renovated host of computer programs, a www.flickr.com/photos/ Permission to use these photos 1,900-square-foot masonry and support desk and Smart Board. hudsonccc or at may be requested by submitting a glass facility was developed as Journal Square is a pri- www.digiproofs.com, password detailed summary to part of the College’s capital mary stop on the PATH rail- 011111HCCC.) [email protected]. expansion plan. Page 2 Volume 13, Issue 2 C ALENDAR HCCC FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES OF EVENTS E MPLOYEE COURTESY SERVICE Tuesday, February 1 – Tuesday, March 8 A WARD WINNERS Introduction to Keyboarding – Help improve your job prospects n Tuesday, Jan. 25, the by being able to type effectively and efficiently! Competent key- O Hudson County Commu- boarding is a skill that will serve nity College Foundation an- you well throughout your life, one nounced the winners of its Em- that is now required in nearly every occupation. Our course, intended ployee Courtesy Service Award for those who have absolutely no at a special luncheon. The keyboarding experience as well as award recognizes employees those who want to improve their who consistently demonstrate keyboarding skills, introduces keyboard-operating techniques and outstanding service to students document formatting. The touch and fellow employees. system is stressed in speed and accuracy development. Tuition: The winners of the $500 $135 plus $15 lab fee. Meets Tues- award were Mercy Martinez days, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.; to register, and Edgardo Rios. Congratula- ▲PICTURED FROM left at HCCC Foundation luncheon on Jan. 25: Vice please call (201) 360-4246. tions to them and all 2010 re- President for Development Joseph Sansone, HCCC President Dr. Glen cipients (listed below)! Gabert, Sabrina Bullock, Liliam Hogan, Alexa Martinez, Georgia Tuesday, February 1 – Brooks, Mercy Martinez, Catherine Mirasol, Glenda Almeida, Elena Thursday, March 10 Nehrebecki, Iris Herrador, Jessica Brito, and Philip Johnston, Chairman of the HCCC Foundation Board of Directors. The luncheon was held in Introduction to Modern Arabic - ♦ Glenda Almeida honor of the winners of the College’s Employee Courtesy Service Award. Arabic is spoken by nearly 250 Jessica Brito million people throughout the ♦ world, and there are more than ♦ Georgia Brooks 600,000 Arabic speakers in the United States! Our course will ♦ Sabrina Bullock ♦ Mercy Martinez * ♦ Nadia Rago introduce you to the alphabet, vocabulary and grammatical struc- ♦ Iris Herrador ♦ Catherine Mirasol ♦ Edgardo Rios * ture that will facilitate you learning ♦ Susanne Sansevere and developing the skills needed to ♦ Liliam Hogan ♦ Elena Nehrebecki read, write, and carry on conversa- ♦ Alexa Martinez ♦ Francisca Ortiz tions in Modern Arabic. Tuition: $425 (textbook not included). Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.; to register, please call (201) 360-4246. HCCC FOUNDATION RESUMES Tuesday, February 1 ‘SUBSCRIPTION DINING’ SERIES HCCC classes begin at Bayonne and Kearny Off-Sites IN SPRING 2011 Culinary Café will be open for breakfast and lunch at Culinary his Spring, Hudson Culinary Arts Institute (CAI) — completely different, and each Arts Institute/Conference Center, T County Community Col- will include soup, appetizer, will be equivalent to those first floor. Hours for Breakfast: 8 lege — home of one of the East entrée and dessert courses as served in the finest four-star a.m. to 10 a.m. Coffee and other menu items begin at $1. Hours for Coast’s most acclaimed culi- well as non-alcoholic bever- restaurants. Lunch: 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Op- nary arts studies programs — ages. (Beer, wine and cocktails Sansone said Foundation’s tions include a selection of sand- will resume a subscription din- wiches, hot entrées, chips, soft will be available at an addi- Subscription Dining Series drinks and various other lunch ing program that has been es- tional charge.) All meals will be program was conceived and items: china service, take-out con- tablished, resulting in scholar- served by the CAI’s profession- tainers, larger portions, and vege- developed after several area tarian options. ships for deserving students. ally trained student staff in the businesspeople expressed the HCCC Vice President for beautifully appointed Banquet desire for more luncheon dining Bookstore-on-the-Square open Development, Joseph Sansone, Room of the HCCC Culinary options, especially those where from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. explained that the membership Arts Institute/Conference Cen- they could take clients and fee of $995 provides the Sub- ter, 161 Newkirk Street in Jer- associates. sey City — just two blocks “American Pronunciation: ESL scription Dining Series member Complete information and Level 0/1/2” workshop, 2 Enos with a table-for-four for eight, from the Journal Square PATH Place, Room 204, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. a registration form for the Hud- four-course luncheons on Fri- Station. son County Community Col- days this spring. The Subscription Dining Pinning Ceremony for graduates of lege Foundation Subscription the Practical Nursing Program, 6 The menus — which will Series dates are Fridays, Febru- Dining Series are available p.m., Culinary Arts Institute/ be planned and prepared by the ary 11 and 25, March 4, 11, 18 online at http://www.hccc.edu Conference Center Executive Chef and a team of and 25, and April 8 and 15, or by phoning the Foundation culinary professionals who with service from 11:30 a.m. to Office at (201) 360-4006. (Continued on page 10) teach at the College’s renowned 2:30 p.m. Each meal will be HCCC Happenings Page 3 PROFESSIONAL NOTES J OBS, JOBS, J OBS r. Kris Krishnan, Asso- tors. Participants in the work- D ciate Dean of Institu- force development program Applicants are now being tional Research & Planning, become certified by the State sought for the following posi- will present “Resource Guide of New Jersey to safely re- tions: for Data-Informed Decision- move lead from varied types of Making in Higher Education” buildings. There are currently Vice President at the Association for Institu- 37 students enrolled in two for Academic Affairs tional Research’s 2011 Annual separate sections of the course. Forum in Toronto this May. He Known as the “EPA/DCA Instructor, Geographic will also participate in the an- Renovators” training, HCCC is Information Systems nual New Jersey Association partnering with the New Jersey (Grant Funded) for Institutional Research College Consortium and the (NJAIR) conference at Far- Department of Community leigh Dickinson University on Affairs. CBI Coordinator John Instructor, Mathematics Friday, April 15. O’Hara (pictured), said that John O’Hara Hudson County Commu- “This class will enhance our Part-Time Software Trainer ability to serve the residents of Coordinator, Center for Business nity College’s Culinary Arts Hudson County, especially & Industry Institute has been included Director of Academic among “Top Ten Best Things those working in construction trades.” Foundations – Mathematics to Do and See in Jersey City” (Grant Funded) on the Destination Jersey City Save the Date! In March, blog. For the full list, please the Center for Academic & nity to get a short evaluation of visit http://bit.ly/h0mn3b. Dean of Student Affairs Student Success and the Of- their academic profile. It will Starting in January, the fice of Student Activities will follow a speed-dating format be sponsoring a new
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