Appendix 9A (iii) Initial Environmental Examination (DRAFT) April 2015 IND: Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program: Tranche 2 Kansbahal Subproject (Tranche-2 Preparation) IEE & Public Consultation Report (compliant with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009) Prepared by Department of Water Resources (DoWR), Project Management Unit (PMU) for the Asian Development Bank. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section of this website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture & Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) Department of Water Resources (DoWR) Project Management Unit (PMU) Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Programme (OIIAWMIP) ( ADB Loan No. 2444 and OFID Loan No. 1251-P) Kansbahal Subproject (Tranche-2 Preparation) Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) & Public Consultation Report (compliant with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009) August 2014 assisted by Institutional Strengthening and Project Management Consultants (ISPMC) Hydrosult, Division of SNC- Lavalin Inc. in association with Sutra Consulting Pvt. Ltd., SBH Consultants Pvt. Ltd and N.K. Buildcon Pvt. Ltd i Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture & Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) PREFACE This “IEE & Public Consultation Report” for the proposed Kansbahal Subproject is intended to comply with the prerequisites for Preparation of Tranche-2 subproject of the OIIAWIMP. This document, initially drafted during OIIAWIMP (Project 1, Tranche-1) preparations, is updated and revised to comply with ADB Guidelines related to the Safeguard Policy Statement 2009This Report supersedes the Report on IEE & Public Consultation prepared for the proposed Subproject under ADB TA - 4814-INDIA during May 2008 by STUP Consultants and as well as draft report prepared during June 2012 and subsequent comments made during 21st May 2014. The necessary comments and suggestions given by ADB were incorporated. A tabular guidance on the responses and compliance with the above mentioned ADB comments/requirements is presented on the following pages. This Report supersedes the Report on IEE & Public Consultation prepared for the proposed Subproject under ADB TA - 4814-INDIA during May 2008 by STUP Consultants. August 2014 ISPMC (‘’Compliance to ADB Comments Dated 21st May 2014’’ ’table to follow this page) ii Compliance to ADB Comments, Dated 21 May 2014 for Kansbahal Subproject Reference Comment ADBs Comments EAs Response Number CHAPTER EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Section 1 NMA 1 Please give the name in full at first Where ever necessary para I Pg i mention of acronym acronyms elaborated refer Pgi to viii and list of abbreviations also added after contents Section 2, 1 NMA 2 What is CTA Component Technical Para iii Pg i Assistance incorporated refer para ii Section 5.4 NMA 3 What is CD Cross drainage Para viii, Pg iii structure refer para vii bullet 5 CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION Para 3 NMA4 Some comment I made for Revised refer Para 3 Pg 1 Macchagaon-contractor is not an implementing agency. Para 7 NMA5 Has this been confirmed by DOE? As per EIA notification Pg 2 The expansion and modernization of existing projects or activities listed in the Schedule to this notification with addition of capacity beyond the limits specified for the concerned sector, project or activities which cross the threshold limits given in the Schedule, after expansion or modernization require environmental clearance hence these sub projects are not referred to Dept. of Environment CHAPTER II Section 4 NMA6 Please refer to my comments Revised refer Para 12 Para 16 provided for Macchagaon –same some content deleted & Pg 6 corrections to be applied for. 21, OSG replaced with Government of Odisha CHAPTER III Section11 NMA7 Canals or Embankments? Its canals & Para 98 embankments refer Pg 25 Para 97pg. 25 CHAPTER IV Para 1 NMA8 Same comment I given in my Updated with latest Pg 29 previous IEE on rather old data available data refer Reference Comment ADBs Comments EAs Response Number Table 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, 28 Pg 29 to 50 CHAPTER V ParaF, Section NMA9 Are we legalizing encroachments? As per the recent 187 Has Govt. agreed to this? assessment of the SIO Pg 51 & R & R Specialist there are no encroachment in the sub projects hence Para 185 bullet 4 Pg53 Para G, NMA 10 Are we going for any work on the No work on the dam Section 189 Dam? I thought not. revised the Para 188 Pg 52 bullet 2 Pg. 54 Similar comment of Machhagaon Repetition deleted refer revised Para 199 subsection 11 last bullets Pg 57 Revised Para 205 bullet 2 & 3 Pg. 60 Revised Para 214 bullet 7 & 8 Pg. 63 Para M NMA11 ? Revised refer Para 217 .Section 224. bullet 2 Pg.64 Pg 62 Revised Para 218, 219, 224 Pg 64 Chapter IV Para B Section NMA 12 This should be moved to end Para shifted to 235. where you discuss disclosure. disclosure refer revise Pg 65 Para 236 & 237 Pg 72 Para C (i) NMA13 If households in 6 locations didn’t Revised Para230 bullet Section 238 know the project, then how did $ 2 Pg.67 Pg 66 100feel it was beneficial suggest you say majority of households. Revised Para 235 as per similar comment made in other IEE reports comments Pg. 71 Chapter - VII Para D, NMA14 Will you also have a IP specialist? No Vulnerable Groups section 251 Specialist of ISPMC will Pg.73 look in to IP issues Para D, NMA15 What reports will the consultants Checking of Contractors section 251 review? Or they will be tasked with Monthly reports and Pg.73 preparing monitoring reports? helping SIO in preparing Monitoring reports Para E NMA 16 Suggest you to give reasons why Incorporated see Section 253 this was not done and also state section E and Para 247 Pg 74 the EARF is now being revised to reflect the new structure. Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture & Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) CONTENTS List of Abbreviations List of Tables List of Figures List of Annexure EXECUTIVE SUMMARY i I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 5 III DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 14 IV DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 29 V ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 51 VI INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION AND PARTICIPATION 67 VII GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 73 VIII ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN 74 IX FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 111 X. CONCLUSION 112 PHOTO PLATES iii Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture & Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) List of Abbreviations $ US. Dollar % Percentage ADB Asian Development Bank C Centigrade CAD Command Area Development CCA Cultural Command Area CFO Consent for Operation CFE Consent for Establishment CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CTA Component Technical Assistance Cu.mecs Cubic meters D.S.L Dead Storage Level DFO Divisional Forest Officer DG Diesel Generator DOWR Department of Water Resources DPR Detailed Project Report Dy.SIO Deputy Sub project Implementation Officer E East EARF Environmental Assessment & Review Framework EC Environmental Clearance EHS Environment, Health and Safety EIA Environment Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan ERM Extension, Renovation and Modernization FB Foot Bridge FGD Focus Group Discussion F.R.L Full Reservoir Level Ft Feet GoI Government of India ha Hectares Ham Hectare Meter HMP Hot Mix plant HR Head Regulator IEE Initial Environmental Examination IND India IS Indian Standard ISPM Institutional Strengthening and Project Management IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management KM/ km/ Km Kilo meters KVA Kilo - Volt - ampere l Litres LA Land Acquisition LAA Land Acquisition Act M Meters M3 / cu.m Cubic Metre MFF Multi-tranche Financing Facility MFI Multilateral Financing Institutions Mg Milli grams mm Millimeters MoEF Ministry of Environment & Forests N North NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NABET National Accreditation Board for Education and Training iv Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture & Water Management Investment Program (OIIAWMIP) NABL National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratory NBSS National Bureau of Soil Survey NBSS&LUP National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land use Planning NGO Non Governmental Organization NIC National Informatics Centre NRRP National Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy NWP National Water Policy O&M Operation and Maintenance OIIAWMIP Orissa Integrated Irrigated Agriculture and Water Management Investment Program OM Operation Manual O&M Operation and Maintenance OP Operational Policies OSPCB Odisha State Pollution Control Board PA Protected Areas PF Protected Forest PIM Participatory Irrigation Management PMU Project Management Unit PP Pani Panchayat PPE / PPG Personnel Protective Equipments / Personnel Protective Gears PPME Project Performance Monitoring and Evaluation PPTA Project Planning and Technical Assistance PRR Powered Road Roller PUC Pollution under Control Certificate RD Reduced Distance REA Rapid Environmental Assessment RF Reserved Forest RoW Right of Way RPM Respirable Particulate
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