1923. CONGRESSION tL RECORD-HOUSE. 3915 ous and drastic steps to enforce the collection of $3,500,000,000 7337. Also, petition of the Traffic Club of New England, owed by the Government of France to the GO"rernment of the favoring the passage of the ship subsidy bill ; to the Committee United States, with intere t thereon from the time the United on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. State· advanced saicl sum to the Go1ernment of France until 7338. By Mr. DARROW: Petition of the executive committee aid sum is paid ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. of the board of trustees of the Drexel Institute, of Philadel~ By Mr. POUTER: Joint resolution (II. J. Res. 453) re- phia, Pa., protesting against section 6 of the copyright bill que.'ting the President to urge upon the governments of certain (H. R. 11476) ; to the Committee on Patents. nations the immediate necessity of limiting the production of 7339. By Mr. FROTHINGHAM: Petition of Traffic Club of habit-forming narcotic drugs and the raw materials from which New England, urging support of the so-called ship subsidy bill; they are made to tbe amount actually required for strictly to the Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. medicinal and scientmc purpo es; to the •ommittee on For- 7340. By Mr .. GALLIV.A.N: Petition of 23 members of North eign Affair ·. Shore Garden Club, Ma sachusetts, favoring Senate bill 4062, By Mr. VOLSTEAD: nesolution (H. Res. 537) for the con- for the comprehensive d~velopment of the park and playground ideration of bills reported from the Committee on the Judici- system of Washington; to the Committee on the District of Co- arr; to the Committee on Rule . lurnbia. Al. o, resolution (II. Res. 538) for the consider~ltion of 7341. Also, petition of various organizations of Federal em- Hou. e bills J3D27 and 1~123; to the Committee on Rules. ployees, favoring House bill 14226, providing compensation for By :\Ir. CURRY: A re ·olution (H. Res. 539) authorizing pay- . United States employees injured in the performance of their ment of one month's ·alary to the clerkJ to the late Hon. John duties; to the Committee on the Judiciary. I. Nolan; to the Committee on Account . 7342. By Mr. KIESS: Petition of Excelsior Council, No. 4, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, of Williamsport, Pa., relative to immigration legislation; to the Committee on Immigration PTIIvATE BILLS AND RESO~:tJTIOKS. and Naturalization. "Gncler clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and re olutions 7343. By Mr. KISSEL: Petition of Paul J. Christian, repre­ were introduced and se\erally referred as follows : senting New Orleans Cotton Exchange, Washington, D. C., B.,. Mr. CHIKDBL0)1: A bill (H. R. 14373) ~ranting a pen­ approYing the trading in cotton futures; to the Committee on sion to Elizal>eth \an AJi::;tine; to the Committee on Invalid Agriculture. Pen ·ion . 7344. Also, petition of Illinois Manufacturers' As ociation, By :Jir. CURRY: .A bill (H. R. 14374) aufuorizing the Pre i­ Chicago, Ill., opposing cancellation of foreign war debts; to the dent to Teappoint Maj. Harry Walter Stephen 011, United States Committee on Foreign Affairs. Army .(retired), to tbe position and rank of major, Coa t Ar­ 7345. A.lso, petition of Syracuse Branch, Railway l\Iail As o­ tillery Corp~. ill the United States Ai·my; to the C.Ommittee on ciation, Syracuse, N. Y., favoring House bill 13136 pronding Military Affair . · for 1oluntary retirement after 30 years of. service; to the By l\fr. FO 'HT : A bill (H. R. 14375) authorizing the Secre­ Committee on the Po t Office and Post Roads. tary of War to donate to tlJe town of Lewi burg, Pa., one Ger­ 73-!G. By :Mr. KRAUS: Petition of J. C. Werner and other man mortar, cannon, or :fieldpiece; to the Committee on :Military citizen of Pula ki County, Ind., in relation to House Joint Affair . Re olution 412; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By l\Ir. HICKEY: A Lill (H. R. 14376) granting a pen ion to 7347. By Mr. LEA of California: Petition of 22 reSidents Mahaley FrankHn; to the 'ommittee on Pen ·ion . of Colusa County, Calif., favoring abolition of tax on small­ Al o, a bill (H. R. 14377) for the relief of Richard Iio"an; to arms ammunition and firearm ; to the Committee on Ways and the Committee on Claim ~ . l\Iean . By Mr. HOCH: A bill (H. R. 14378) grantinO' an increase of 734 . By Mr. RJ.T~EY of Illinois: Petition of Medinah pension to Arminta Shinn; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Temple urging the Pre"'ident to set a ide a week to be known sion . ~. as national antinarcotic week; to the Committee 011 Ways and ~Jean . PETITIONS, ET . Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petition and papers were laid' on the Clerk' · de"k and referred as follows : HOU E OF REPRESENTATIVES. 7328. By ti.le SPEAKER (by request) : Petition of city of mrn.n, February 18 19~3. Chicago, favoring a bill to declare a part of the West Fork of the South Branch of the Chicago River nonnavigable; to the Tbe House met ut 12 o'clock noon. Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ReY. William B. Waller, of Washington, D. C., offered the fol­ 7329. Also (by request), petition of William (Bob) Kennedy lowing prayer : Post, No. 416, Veterans of Foreign Wars, New York City, N. Y., oppo ing any amendment to the present immigration law; to Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, "ITe thank Thee that we the Committee on Immigration and Naturalization. may approach Thee confidently this morning; that we need not 7330. Also (by request), petition of William (Bob) Kennedy appease or propitiate Thee, but may trust Thee; that we need Post, No. 416, Veterans of Foreign Wars, New York City, N. Y., not comprehend Thee, but may accept Thee; that Thou art wait­ requesting the President to set aside a week to be known as ing to be gracious. Command Thy blessing upon us as Thou national antidope week; to the Committee on Way and Means. seest we may need at this time. Comfort those that mourn, 7331. Also (by request), petition of William (Bob) Kennedy giye unto them fuat be eech Thee the realization that the ever­ Po. t, No. 416, Veterans of Foreign Wars, New York City, N. Y., lasting arm of the Heayenly Father are round about them. favoring Hou ·e bill 1176, providing for tbe restoration to good We pray for all who• are in distre. s everywhere. Let them standing of n veteran who is now in poor physical health realize the sympathy of the Lord Jesus Christ, who wept by the through clisabilitiei incurred in the service of the Government ; side of the gra-rn of Lazarus and is willlng to mingle his tears to the Committee on Military Affairs. with ours and to .,peak words of resurrection, hope, ancl com­ 7332. By Mr. ANSORGE: Petition of Dr. Jo eph Broadman fort. Guard and ble all of us, we pray Thee. Fit us for all New York City, urging Congress to take steps to prevent an: the privileges and respon ibilitiei for which Thou dost summon other European war; to the Committee on Foreign Affair . us. Let the ble · 'ing of the Sabbath rest upon our President, 7333. Also, petition of the Harlem Board of Commerce New upon the Congress, upon all in authority in our land, that we York City, urging the establishment of a national police b~reau · may be a people whose God is the Lord. Bless us as we meet to the Committee on the Judiciary. ' to pay tribute to the memory of our distinguished dead who have served well in their day and generation. And at last, n34. Also, petition of Men's Temple Club of the Free Syna- / gogue, Washington Heights, New York City, favoring the pas­ when we are done serving Thee here below, recei'\"e us into glory sage of the l\1cCormick bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. with all the loYed ones who have gone before, and with all the 7335. By Mr. CULLEN: Petition of the General Lafayette redeemed of God, and we will praise Thee, Father, Son, and Police Post, American Legion, No. 460, State of New York, Spirit, in a world .without end. Amen. favoring the enactment of Senate bill 1565; to the Committee on THE JOUR~AL. MiUtary Affairs. Mr. CR.A.GO. llir. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that 7336. By l\Ir. DALLINGEJR : Petition of tlle Men's Club of the reading of the Journal may be postponed until to-morrow. the First Methodist-Episcopal Clrnrcb, of Medford, Mass. favor­ The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Pennsylvania asks ing legislation to prevent a recurrence of the prese;t coal unanimous consent that the reading of the Journal be post­ shortage; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ poned until to-morow. I there objection? merce. There was no objection. 3916 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. ;FEBRUARY 18,. SPEAKER PEO TEliPORE. who would have liked to see hlm retire from the Senator bip The SPEAKER. The Chair will ask the gentleman from by announcing his candidacy for Senator and deciding to make. Pennsylvania [Mr. FocHT] to preside. a campaign throughout the State before the people. He made Mr. FOCHT took tlle chair as- Speaker pro tempore. the most wonderful campaign that has ever been made by any man for this great office. I talked with him one day and a ked MEMO.RIAL EXERCISES.
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