FerryboafGets Through Bridge With a Hitch or Two • . r ,; . (See Story Page 19) - ' Weather Dbbabntion 7 a.m. temperature 51. Fair to- THEDAILY Today day and tonight. High today 60. Low tonight In the 40s. Tomor- / Red Bank Area J 23,523 row, variable cloudiness, high about 60. Saturday, partly cloudy, Copyright—The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1963. mild. See weather, page 2. DIAL 741-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS Issued dally. Monday throuih Friday. Second Class Postag* VOL. 87, NO. 211 Paid at Red Bank aid at Additional Mailtos Offices. THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Set Quarter-Million Loss in Middletown The Oaks Destroyed by Fire MIDDLETOWN - The third feet above the building and Chief Dashkavich said the club nearly two weeks. She said that dropped cigarette, or careless- major Bayshore fire in 11 days smoke traveled up hundreds of had been closed for renovations. all equipment, furnishing and fix- ness. raged through The Oaks night feet. He commented: tures were in the building while He confirmed that the club was club early today, destroying the An hour after its start the fire Automatic Probe workmen painted, remodeled and valued at between $200,000 and quarter-million-dollar building had destroyed the interior of the "In a case where a building is modernized the entire interior. $250,000. Fire Chief John Dashkavich building. Flames in the ruins con- vacant and no one is around, we The structure housed a bar, 2 Miles of Hose said possibility of incendiarism tinued to defy thousands of gal- automatically investigate the p dance floor, bandstand, kitchen He said more than 10,000 feet is being considered. lons of water being poured sibility of arson." and catering facilities, to accom- of hose had to be used to run wa- The fire came on the heels of through windows and the now- Mrs. Joseph Broda, wife of the modate more than 1,500 persons. ter from Rt. 35, nearly a quarter- two blazes at Airport Plaza, roofless top. Only the cinderblock club's owner, told The Register The chief listed other possible mile from the fire. Raritan Township, Damage esti- exterior remained standing. that The Oaks had been closed causes as electric wiring, a' (See FIRE Page 3) mates of the three fires now total nearly a half-million dollars. There were no injuries among Third for Freehold Regional more than 150 firefighters from fire companies who fought flames here more than two hours. Police here sounded a first . alarm at 1:15 a.m., but within TOTAL LOSS —- More than 150 firefighters from five companies fought vainiy to minutes a general alarm went Plan for $3 Million School save The Oaks night club, Rt. 35, Middletown, early today. Thousands of gallons of out- At 1:35 the entire front end COLTS NECK — A proposal to will be needed by September, posed creation of the regional Norman Rucci of Howell Town- f 0 water were pumped into flames that raged through the quarter-million-dollar build- ° g 'f^e™ ^™ a^rou'gh 'th "e' build a l,6(10jpupil school, at an 1967, if the system is to avoid a district and also has advocated ship indicated that he too found ing, completely gutting the interior within an hour after first alarm at 1:15 a.m. Own- temporarilpy y closed club, estimated cost of $3 million will return to double sessions, which its split — said that, under pres- the present setup less than satis- be submitted to voters in the were abandoned this fall when ent state law, there is no mechan- factory. er Joseph Broda closed dub nearly two weeks ago for renovations. Fire Chief John A fire official reported at that Freehold Regional High School the district's second school ism for dividing or dissolving a The district's second school, Dashlcavieh said fira is being investigated. time: "We might save the back end district in September, if the opened in Howell Township. regional district. Southern Freehold Regional, is in if we can get enough water in board's plans are on schedule. The original district school is It would take an act of the Howell and Mr. Rucci feels that here." Irving Eggert, board vice in the borough of Freehold. Legislature to split the district, it would be preferable to hav« president who represents this Board members are divided on and school authorities believe the school under the sole juris- Pour In Water township spelled out these facts the merits of a multi-school re- that any law that might be en- diction of that township. Ocean's Candidates File Equipment was raced into po- last night at a meeting of the gional district, though all admit acted would require unanimous Mr. Eggert, who is heading up sition on all sides of the 120,000- Colts Neck Taxpayers Association that there are no alternatives agreement on the part of all mu- the search for an architect, said By WILLIAM HENDERSON sons will seek two Senate seats. who is not seeking-relection, is square-foot building and water to which members of the region- available at the present time. nicipalities in the district to di- the board needs to hire one next TOMS RIVER — Ocean Coun- little known in Monmouth, es- Just to make matters more was poured in from every angle. al school board had been invited. The board's president, Dr. Ja- vide it—just as it took unanim- month, and to break ground by ty Republican and Democratic pecially in the Bayshore and complicated for the voters, in- An aerial truck from Belford In- The school, the system's third, cob Lewis, Freehold, who op- ity to create it. (See SCHOOL, Page 3) leaders have chosen their state cumbent GOP Sen. Richard R. northern municipalities. dependent Fire Company—the Senate candidates who must run Stout, RjMonmouth, and his same unit pressed into service in for election in their own baili- He is an attorney and received Democratic rival. Senate nomi- Raritan, Tuesday night— hoisted wick as Well as in Monmouth a battle ribbon and two com- nee John J. Reilly, mayor of a man some 75 feet over the County. mendations from the Navy in Ocean Township, will also have World War II. flames to pour water into the Rt.35 Construction Set for Fall The Register learned that As- to campaign on home grounds center. semblyman William T. Hiering, as well as in Ocean County. Hiering is a bank director and S p a r k s ignited surrounding TRENTON — The state High-way department in the Bayshore. Keansburg to Atlantic Highlands, Also in progress in construction Republican and Thomas Mucci- an official in two Ocean com- also at a cost of approximately Assemblyman Hiering, who is brush and trees, scorching more way Department hopes to receive The department has complet- of the Six Corners overpass in fori, Democrat, filed their peti- panies, He resides. at 9 Central ed the first stage of moderniza- $2 million. taking over the Senate spot oc- than a dozen of the latter. bids "this fall for one and pos Keyport at a cost of approxi- tions late yesterday, b»atm£ •-- 1 tion of Rt. 36 between Keyport mately $1 million. cupied by W. Steelman Mathis, (See OCEAN, Page 3) At one point flames soared 75 sibly two stages of its planned Work in both stages involves con- day's deadline by only a few $5 million improvement program and Keansburg at a cost ol struction of a center barrier, jug- The department has completed hours. for Rt. 35 between Red Bank and approximately $2 million. handles at key Intersections and the realignment and moderniza- Few Monmouth voters heard Councilman Accepts Democrat Bid Keyport. Work has begun on the second widening the highway to four tion of the Five Corners intersec- lanes. • these two candidates speak, much A spokesman for the depart- section of that highway from tion on Rt. 35 in Middletown. less having seen them. ment said planning for stages one But, under the new reappor- and two of the project are near- tlonment law now in effect for Conway Heads Freehold Slate ing completion. the first time in the state's his- tory, the candidates for-the Sen- FREBHOLD^-Councilm-an. Leon- primary xace June 1,. but. this Not included was Vice Chair- • Stage m Involves wotk be- Want Industrial Rezoning, ate must campaign in Monmouth ard Conway accepted the bor- was held unlikely. Borough At- man Aloysious (Sam) Crawford, tween Tindall Rd. and Palmer and Ocean counties. ough Democratic Club, endorse- torney Harry Sagotsky, a for- from the Third District, and most Ave., in Middletown, while stage A New Setup ment for mayor in a surprise mer councilman and Democratic of the other .14 present members. two covers the highway from Tin In this new setup, both coun- move last night and will head leader, had said several weeks Most of the committee, with dall Rd., south to the Navesink Code Revision Separated ties have merged to form one a ticket aigainst Republican in- ago he would be a candidate but encouragement from Mr. Sagot- River. cumbent Frank E. Gibson in is not now expected to file. The sky, have supported Mr. Craw- senatorial district which will elect Stage three-iPalmer Aye., to HOLMDEL - Bernard Gold might lead to reintroduction of July. Such a split could be November. • deadline is 4 p.m, today. ford as candidate for borough two senators. Keyport, probably will not get smith last night confirmed that the industrial road proposal by initiated by the committee before Petitions for Mr.
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