COMPLETE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF JOSEPH H. GREENBERG This bibliography follows the format of the bibliography published in On language (item 204, 723-37; with emendations) and the corrected supplemental bibliography in Language 78.560-64 (2002). The asterisked items have translations or reprints listed in the appendix to the bibliography. 1940 1. The decipherment of the Ben-Ali Diary, a preliminary statement. Journal of Negro History 25.372-75. 1941 *2. Some aspects of Negro-Mohammedan culture-contact among the Hausa. American Anthropologist 43.51-61. 3. Some problems in Hausa phonology. Language 17.316-23. 1946 *4. The influence of Islam on a Sudanese religion. New York: J.J. Augustin. Pp. ix, 73. 1947 5. Arabic loan-words in Hausa. Word 3.85-97. 6. Islam and clan organization among the Hausa. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 3.193-211. *7. Swahili prosody. Journal of the American Oriental Society 67.24-30. 1948 8. The classification of African languages. American Anthropologist 50.24-30. *9. Linguistics and ethnology. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 4.140-47. 10. The tonal system of Proto-Bantu. Word 4.196-208. 11. Review of H. Courlander & G. Herzog, The Cow-tail Switch and other West African tales. Journal of American Folklore 51.99-100. 1949 *12. Hausa verse prosody. Journal of the American Oriental Society 69.125-35. 13. The logical analysis of kinship. Philosophy of Science 16.58-64. *14. The Negro kingdoms of the Sudan. Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences, Series II, 11.126-34. *15. Studies in African linguistic classification: I. Introduction, Niger-Congo family. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 5.79-100. *16. Studies in African linguistic classification: II. The classification of Fulani. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 5.190-98. *17. Studies in African linguistic classification: III. The position of Bantu. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 5.309-17. 1 *18. Review of Malcolm Guthrie, The classification of the Bantu languages. Word 5.81-83. 19. Review of Georges Trenga, Le Bura-Mabang du Ouadai. American Anthropologist 51.485-86. 20. Review of Nathan Ausubel, A treasury of Jewish folklore. Journal of American Folklore 62.440-441. 1950 *21. Studies in African linguistic classification: IV. Hamito-Semitic. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 6.47-63. *22. Studies in African linguistic classification: V. The Eastern Sudanic Family. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 6.143-60. *23. Studies in African linguistic classification: VI. The Click languages. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 6.223-37. *24. Studies in African linguistic classification: VII. Smaller families; index of languages. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 6.388-98. 25. Review of L. D. Turner, Africanisms in the Gullah dialect. Journal of American Folklore 63.381-82. 26. Review of M. A. Bryan, The distribution of the Nilotic and Nilo-Hamitic languages of Africa. Language 26.173-75. 27. Review of H. A. R. Gibb, Mohammedanism. Journal of American Folklore 63.120. 28. Review of L. Homberger, The Negro African languages. Language 26.170-73. *29. Review of Selected writings of Edward Sapir in language, culture, and personality, ed. D. Mandelbaum. American Anthropologist 52.516-18. *30. The patterning of root morphemes in Semitic. Word 6.162-81. 31. Review of Gunter Wagner, The Bantu of Northern Kavirondo, Vol. 1. American Anthropologist 52.255-56. 1951 32. Vowel and nasal harmony in Bantu languages. Zaire, Revue Congolaise 8.813- 20. 33. Review of Carl Meinhof, Grundzüge einer vergleichenden Grammatik der Bantusprachen. Journal of the American Oriental Society 71.94-95. 34. Review of A. Burssens, Manuel de Tshiluba (Kasayi, Congo Belge). Language 27.438-39. 35. Review of Emil Müller, Wörterbuch der Djaga-Sprache (Madjame-Mundart) gesprochen am Kilimandjaro in Ostafrika. Journal of the American Oriental Society 71.194. 1952 36. The Afro-Asiatic (Hamito-Semitic) present. Journal of the American Oriental Society 72.1-9. 37. Review of Paul S. Wingert, The sculpture of Negro Africa. Journal of American Folklore 65.104-5. 2 1953 38. An application of New World evidence to an African linguistic problem (Hausa). Mémoires de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire 27.129-31. *39. Historical linguistics and unwritten languages. Anthropology Today, ed. A. L. Kroeber, 265-86. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 40. (With Morris Swadesh). Jicaque as a Hokan language. International Journal of American Linguistics 19.216-22. 41. Review of The ethnographic survey of Africa, 6 vols. American Anthropologist 55.162-3. 42. Review of A. S. Aescoly, Receuil de textes falashas. American Anthropologist 55.:445. 43. Review of P. B. Lekens, Dictionnaire Ngbandi, and H. Hulstaert, Dictionnaire Français-Lomongo. Language 29.576-77. 44. A reply to W. Leslau: The imperfect in South-East Semitic. Journal of the American Oriental Society 73.167-8. 45. Comments in An appraisal of anthropology today, ed. Sol Tax et al, 59-60, 117, 224-5, 232-33, 266-67, 292, 352. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1954 *46. The linguistic approach; The word as a linguistic unit; Language change. Psycholinguistics, eds. C. E. Osgood and T. A. Sebeok, 8-19, 66-70, 146-65. Baltimore: Waverly Press. (Second edition. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1965). *47. A quantitative approach to the morphological typology of language. Method and perspective in anthropology: papers in honor of Wilson D. Wallis, ed. R. F. Spencer, 192-220. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota. *48. Studies in African linguistic classification: VIII. Further remarks on method; revisions and corrections. Southwestern Journal of Anthropology 10.405-15. *49. Concerning inferences from linguistic to non-linguistic data. Language in culture, ed. Harry Hoijer, 3-18. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 50. Comments in Language in culture, ed. Harry Hoijer, 130-31, 133-34, 136, 138, 142-44, 156, 160-61, 172-73, 177-78, 188, 200, 203, 211-12, 214, 224, 229-30, 241, 245, 274-75. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 51. Review of Antoine Meillet & Marcel Cohen, Les langues du monde. American Anthropologist 56.1133-34. *52. Review of D. Westermann & M. A. Bryan, Languages of West Africa. Language. 30.302-9. 53. Review of A. L. Kroeber, The nature of culture, and A. L. Kroeber & C. Kluckhohn, Culture: a critical review of concepts and definitions. American Anthropologist 56.568-71. 54. Review of A. Basset, La Langue berbère. American Anthropologist 56.148. 55. Review of W. Schmidt, Die Tasmanischen Sprachen. Word 10.117-119. 56. Review of Guy Atkins (ed.), Unkhoswe Waanyanja. Word 10.117. 1955 *57. Studies in African linguistic classification. New Haven, Connecticut: Compass Press. Pp. 116. *58. Internal a- Plurals in Afroasiatic (Hamito-Semitic). Afrikanistische Studien zum 80.en Geburtstag Diedrich Westermann gewidmet, ed. Johannes Lukas. 3 (Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Orientforschung der Wissenschaften der DDR 26.) Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. 59. Review of U. Weinreich, Languages in contact. American Anthropologist 57:167-8. 1956 *60. The measurement of linguistic diversity. Language 32.109- 15. 61. Review of M. F. Smith, Baba of Karo: a woman of the Moslem Hausa. American Anthropologist 58.749-750. 62. Review of M. G. Smith, The economy of Hausa communities of Zaria. American Anthropologist 58.931-933. 63. Review of Oswin Köhler, Geschichte der Erforschung der Nilotischen Sprachen. Language 32.563-67. 64. Review of A.N. Tucker & J.T. ole Mpaayei, A Maasai grammar with vocabulary. Word 12.487-89. 1957 *65. Essays in linguistics. Chicago: Chicago University Press. Pp. vii, 108. *66. The nature and uses of linguistic typologies. International Journal of American Linguistics 23.68-77. 67. Nilotic, “Nilo-Hamitic” and Hamito-Semitic: a reply. Africa 27.364-78. 68. Review of A Bushman dictionary, by Dorthea F. Bleek, Language 33.495-7. 1958 *69. The labial consonants of Proto-Afro-Asiatic. Word 14.295-302. 1959 70. An axiomatization of the phonologic aspect of languages. Symposium on sociological theory, ed. Llewellyn Gross, 437-82. New York: Harper and Row. 71. Africa as a linguistic area. Continuity and change in African cultures, ed. W. R. Bascom and M. J. Herskovits, 15-27. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. *72. Current trends in linguistics. Science 130.1165-70. *73. Language and evolution. Evolution and anthropology: a centennial appraisal, ed. Betty J. Meggers, 61-75. Washington D.C.: The Anthropological Society of Washington. *74. The origin of the Masai passive. Africa 29.171-6. 75. Review of R. Jakobson & M. Halle, Fundamentals of language. American Anthropologist 61.157-8. 76. Review of W. H. Douglas, An introduction to the Western Desert languages. Language 35.382-5. 77. Review of W.H. Whiteley, A short description of item categories in Iraqw. American Anthropologist 61.163-4. 1960 4 78. An Afro-Asiatic pattern of gender and number agreement. Journal of the American Oriental Society 80.317-21. *79. African tongues and tribes. Rotarian 96:4.35, 61-62. *80. The general classification of Central and South American languages. Selected papers of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, ed. A. Wallace, 791-4. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. *81. Linguistic evidence for the influence of the Kanuri on the Hausa. Journal of African History 1.205-12. 82. A method of measuring functional yield as applied to tone in African languages. Georgetown University Monograph Series on Language and Linguistics 12.7-16. *83. A survey of African prosodic systems. Culture in history, ed. Stanley Diamond, 925-50. New York: Columbia University Press. 84. Review of Henry M. Hoenigswald, Language change and language reconstruction. American Anthropologist 62.1108-10. 85. Comments in Style in language, ed. Thomas A. Sebeok, 102-3, 426-28. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. 1961 86. (With John B. Carroll). Two cases of synesthesia for color and musical tonality associated with absolute pitch ability.
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