Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org fie tow* necda the jnytr isns | , Uf NEWS! DEVOTED TO fJfJl WHOLE COMMUNITY—NOTJIISQ ELBE OE LE88 VOL. XIII. NO. S3. WATERTOWN, CONIC. AUGUST 27, IMC TWO DOLLAR* ME* YKAR. Thieves Enter i | Civic Union New Books Added "Hoodlums" Active Local Hornet Field Day to Watertown Library Once Again Sometime between Saturday eve- Plans are progressing very rapid- WHO'S WHO THIS WEEK The following is a list of new A gang of Hoodlums, who have ning and Monday morning thieve* ly for the Annul Field Day pf the books which have recently been figured in making it unpleasant for forced their way into the residence Watertown Civic Union which will placed in the Watertown Library. anyone conducting a dance or a of Charles B. Buckingham ,on De J. B. Ames—Lone Hand be held Labor Day. On Monday eve- Mrs. Edward Kellty and Miss Miss Leona Keilty and M. J. Sep- party in the Community Hall on Forest street, ransacking the house ning about 30 members of the gener- Elisabeth Kellty are spending this ples have returned from a month's Donn Byrne—Hangman's House other occasions was active again from top to bottom and making off al committees held a meeting in the week at Bantam Lake . trip to Denver, Colorado. Donn Byrne—O'Malley of Shang- on Saturday evening when a private with loot of very little value. Girls Club Booms and the progress amagh party was being held In the lower Sidney KIlBHde of Stamford is Mr. and Mrs. William R. Smith The Buckingham family baa been reported by the various committees hall of the building. Five youths, visiting his sister, Mrs. Francis are living in their new borne on Sophia Cleugh—Ernestine Sophie. spending the past two weeks at was very encouraging. some of (hem decidedly under the Flynn. Main street. J. O. Curwood—Black Hunter Fisher's Island, N. Y. and their home J. Galesworthy—Silver Spoon influence of drink tried to force their Besides the various track and Joseph Hanning Is enjoying a two Arthur P. Hlckcox and family are has been closed up during their ab- 'M. K. Hall—Diary of a Lady of presence into the party despite the field events a baseball game is be- weeks' vacation. enjoying a motor trip through Maine. sence. The place has been under Fashion objections of the ones who were ing arranged between the Water- Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Murray of New Hampshire and Massachusetts. the supervision of Mr. Buckingham's conducting the affair. The youths town team, entrant in the City Lindhurst, N. J., visited friends in Postmaster J. V. Abbott Is spend- F.. H. Lea—Dream-maker Man gardner, George Nichols, who dis- were requested to leave the place, League in Waterbury, and the town over the week-end. ing a vacation, visiting friends In Sinclair Lewis—Man-trap covered the break on starting work and falling to do so the door was Sacred Heart nine, also a member Lloyd Seaver Is spending a vaca- Boston, Mass. H. Melville—Moby Dick or the on Monday, morning. On entering locked on them. Aggravated by the of the City league. The visitors tion in the Adlrondacks with his Whale the house he found the butler's pan- Mrs. J. Gunning of Long Island is refusal they receied when they were possess one of the best teams in father and sister, Miss Abble Sea- J. T. Moore—Miss Thornton Goes try In a mussed-up condition and on visiting Miss Minnie Hanning at about to enter the hall they forced the league and a good game is look- ver. ' her home on Highland avenue. Out. a more thorough examination through ed forward to. J. T. Moore—Hearts of Hickory in the lock on the door and started the house found every room com- Ray Boden has purchased a Ford Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Black and to clean up the. party. For a time The American Legion Band of coach through Olson's Watertown daughter. Miss Marjorle Black have K. N'orris—Black Flemings pletely ransacked. Constable Harty Waterbury will furnish music for I. Patterson—Fourth Queen fists were flyling thick and fast and was called in on the case and Mrs. garage, local agents for the. Ford been spending several days at Ban- a regular gang warfare was in pro- the affair, starting in on their work car. ^ • . tam Lake. M. Pedlar—Tomorrow's Tangle Buckingham was notified. Later ini at 12:30. M. J. H. Skirne—Shepherd East- gress. The intruding hoodlums re- the afternoon, Mrs. Buckingham ar-| Another event la being planned on's Daughter ceived much the "worse of the ar- rived and in a check-up of valuables | for the afternoon of the field day LEGION TO DI8PLAY WAR TRO- REPUBLICAN CAUCU8 TONIGHT M. Webb—Precious Bane gument and when'they saw the beat- found that the thieves had neglected which should prove to be a banner PHIES V. VVhltechurch—Dean and Jecin- ing their leader was netting, beat to take the valuable pieces of silver, attraction. Nick- Altrock, well- The first political caucus of the ora a hasty retreat. taking composition table ware and known baseball commedlan and his The American Legion is expect- year will be held tonight at 8:15 , Non-Fiction Compfaint has been made to the some jewelry. Thousands of dollars j partner Al Schacht, are scheduled ing the trophies which it obtained o'clock in the town hall when the W. Durant—Story of Philosophy authorities anil it Is expected that . •worth of valuable silver. Imported to appear on the program and go from the war department to arrive Republican voters of the town will Bruce Barton— Book Nobody warrants will be issued for their Bilks and four fur coats were passed through their many stunts. Altrock, at any time. The list Includes Ger- elect delegates to the state, sen- Knows arrest. It is not the first time thnt. up by HIP robbers, giving the au- who is a member of the Washing- man equipment—sabers, rifles, hel- atorial and county conventions. The Kale Rosenberg—How Britain is these young men have caused con- thorities the belief the work was ton Americans Baseball team is well mets and a machine gun. The post state convention will be held in Governed siderable trouble around the com- that of rank amatuers whose main known throughout the country and has not definitely decided where it N(-\v Haven, at which time nomina- V. Van de Water—Present Day munity building and other public hunt was for money, they not know- his services are greatly in demand. will keep this exhibit but It hopes tion* \\<\\l be made for the governor Etiquette places in town, and each time no ing which pieces of silver were of There also will be a dance in the to keep it at its rooms at. the and lieutenant governor. Four dele- Byron—Poems art ion WHS tuken atcninst them. It value. • . " ' Community Hall in the'evening and Community building. gates nre allowed from Watertown W. S. Davis—Day in Old Rome seems they haw taken the attitude . Entrance to the home was gained the entertainment committee Is Five representatives of the local and in past years It has been, cus- Marco Polo—Traveln that they are privileged characters by means of a skeleton key in open- buaily engaged in arranging special post are attending the state conven- tomary to send as two of these dele- H. Kephart—Our Southern High- about the town and can do as they ing the back kitchen door. No win- features for the evening also. Indi- tion at Now Haven, Thursday, Fri- gates the representatives to the lands • . • please. I'nloss they are curbed for dows were found open and no auto- cations point to one of the best day and Saturday of this week. state legislature. Watertown's pres- E. A. Sanford—History of Con- this offence it will only be a matter, mobile tracks were found in the field days ever staged by the They are Commander Ralph Bran- ent representatives are S. McLean necticut of time before they will repeat, the driveway. Two young men were Civic Union and .the various com- son, Adj. John Rowe, Granville Buckingham and William C. Hun- M. Sullivan—Our Times—Turn of performance of Saturday evening." A seen hanging around the premeais mittees are putting forth . every Leeke and Ralph Pasho. gerford. It now seems probable the Century. stiff line together with a 30 or fiO- and Constable Harty is looking for effort to give the Watertown people The post will also furnish a driver that Gov. Trumbull will be renom- day jail sentence imposed on each these gentlemen as he thinks they a day of real pleasure for the car which it recently pur- imited for the governorship and that one might-serve to teach then? a les- can explain the break. Someone chased lor Miss.Wheaton. thf only contest will be for lieuten- School Bells son, which should be done at this, familiar with the house and the lay ant governor, and John M. Wadhnms time. FLOWER 8H0W of ToiTlngton. will probably have in the Distance of the land pulled off the job and in Memory of Henry In less than two weeks time the their haste to get uway several vaV the. solid backing ol' Litchfleld The annual chlldrens'. flower show county. '. schools of the town will open and WOODBURY HIGH HONORED uable clues were left behind for the Skilton Honored held this afternoon at 2:30 hundreds of children will take up The conKresslonni convention will Miss Klizabcth Fowler, graduated authorities to work on.
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