Tamaki, K., Pisciotto, K., Allan, J., et al., 1990 Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, Vol. 127 1. BACKGROUND, OBJECTIVES, AND PRINCIPAL RESULTS, ODP LEG 127, JAPAN SEA1 Shipboard Scientific Party2 INTRODUCTION ized core-mantle interactions and heat transfer (Miyashiro, 1986); (2) convective flow induced in the asthenosphere by the sub- Leg 127 of the Ocean Drilling Program accomplished the ducting slab (Sleep and Toksöz, 1971; Andrews and Sleep, 1974; first successful penetration of the volcanic rocks which underlie Toksöz and Bird, 1977; Toksöz and Hsui, 1978); and (3) sea- the deep basins of the Japan Sea. The basaltic rocks recovered ward migration of the trench hinge line (Molnar and Atwater, at three of the four drilling sites provide valuable new con- 1978; Chase, 1978; Wu, 1978; Uyeda and Kanamori, 1979); re- straints on the style and timing of volcanism and, by inference, treat of the back-arc plate from the volcanic arc (Dewey, 1980); on the origin of these basinal areas (Fig. 1). In addition, this and intracontinental deformation such as the case of the Hima- drilling effort marks the first recovery of complete sedimentary layan convergence (Tapponier et al., 1982; Jolivet, 1986; Ki- sequences in this marginal sea. The vertical and lateral progres- mura and Tamaki, 1986; Lallemand and Jolivet, 1986). sions of the sedimentary facies within these sequences provide Within this context, no single process can easily account for the most updated view of how this marginal sea developed, the formation of all these western Pacific marginal basins. In from inception to the present day. Lastly, the Leg 127 drilling re- fact, evidence gained thus far by drilling and geophysical inves- sults unequivocally date the uplift of Okushiri Ridge and pro- tigations demonstrates that the marginal basins formed by a va- vide a minimum estimate of the initiation of compression along riety of processes, including single and multiaxial spreading and a zone of possible incipient subduction in the eastern Japan rifting of volcanic and continental arcs, changes in subduction Sea. This active zone has been the site of large magnitude earth- polarity due to arc-arc and arc-continent collisions, transcur- quakes for the past 20 yr. rent pull-aparts and displacement of continental borderlands, In this chapter, we provide information regarding the back- and entrapment of parts of larger ocean basins (Taylor and ground and objectives of this drilling expedition as well as a Karner, 1983; Jolivet et al., 1989). In each case, the data needed comparative summary of the key findings at all the sites. More for unraveling the basin origin are the same, namely: (1) crustal extensive and specific coverages of each site are in the ensuing structure; (2) magnetic anomaly patterns; (3) ages, composi- chapters. Leg 127 was the first of two scientific drilling ventures tions, and variability of basement rocks; (4) structural style and conducted by the Ocean Drilling Program in the Japan Sea dur- trends; (5) seismicity; and (6) sedimentary history. ing the summer and fall of 1989. Our drilling sites were mostly The Japan Sea is perhaps the most studied of the marginal in basinal areas. In contrast, the succeeding drilling effort by basins in the western Pacific region. Over the years, the area has Leg 128 focused on high-standing blocks and on geophysical ex- been probed based on a variety of geophysical methods and periments. Together, the drilling and geophysical results of these geological samples (see summary in Tamaki, 1988). It is gener- two cruises provide crucial new data needed for an understand- ally agreed that the basin formed some time in the mid-Tertiary ing' of the tectonic, sedimentological, and oceanographic devel- and is floored in part by oceanic-type crust flanked by found- opment of this marginal sea. In a broader context, these find- ered and rifted continental blocks. Beyond this point, interpre- ings aid greatly in our perceptions of the timing and mecha- tations diverge and a host of theories have been proposed con- nisms of formation of marginal basins in this region. cerning the exact timing and mechanism of basin development (see summary in next section). Common to all these scenarios BACKGROUND are two critical gaps in the database, namely: (1) the composi- tion, age, and variability of the basement rocks which underlie General the basinal areas of the Japan Sea; and (2) detailed documenta- The back-arc basins and marginal seas of the western Pacific tion of the sedimentation history. These two needs can only be (Fig. 2) are the keys to understanding the processes of continen- addressed by drilling and they provided the focus for our efforts tal dismemberment, accretion, and growth in a convergent mar- on Leg 127. gin setting. These basins lie between two of the most dynamic In the following sections, we briefly summarize some of the regions of the earth's lithosphere, the subduction zones of the key background information related to the Japan Sea in order to western Pacific and the Himalayan convergence. The interaction provide a perspective for our drilling results. More specific back- between these two regions is primarily responsible for the com- ground data pertaining to each site can be found in the site plex stress fields which shaped these basins (Jolivet et al., 1989). chapters which follow. The proposed mechanisms for back-arc spreading and marginal sea formation include: (1) mantle diapirism spawned by shear Tectonics, Structure, and Age strain heating of the upper surface of the underthrust lithosphere Four major plates and several microplates and tectonic blocks (Karig, 1971), by dewatering of the slab and partial melting of converge in the area of the Japanese islands and eastern Japan the overlying mantle (Karig, 1974), or by deep-seated and local- Sea (Fig. 2). The Japan Sea lies on the eastern margin of the Eurasian Plate and is separated from the Philippine, Pacific, and North American plates by a complex border (Chapman and Solomon, 1976; Nakamura, 1983; Kobayashi, 1983; Savostin et 1 Tamaki, K., Pisciotto, K., Allan, J., et al., 1990. Proc. ODP, Init. Repts., 127: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program). al., 1983; Tamaki and Honza, 1985; Lallemand and Jolivet, 2 Shipboard Scientific Party is as given in the list of participants preceding the 1986; Jolivet et al., 1989). To the southeast, the Nankai Trough contents. is a subduction zone which marks the plate boundary between SHIPBOARD SCIENTIFIC PARTY 45°N 40c 130°E 135C 140c Figure 1. Map of the Japan Sea showing the locations of Leg 127 ODP Sites 794-797 and DSDP Leg 31 Sites 299-302. the Eurasian and Philippine Plates. To the northeast the bound- the underlying acoustic basement is also smooth and flat, par- ary bifurcates with one arm transferring to the Japan Trench, a ticularly in the central areas of the Yamato and Japan Basins. part of the western Pacific subduction zone. The other arm runs This character is thought to represent interbedded sediments inboard or westward of this trench, along the eastern margin of and volcanic flows or sills which overlie a rougher basement sur- the Japan Sea, and coincides with a north-trending zone charac- face (Ludwig et al., 1975; Tokuyama et al., 1987). To date, no terized by active thrust and reverse faults, large (M > 7) com- basement samples have been recovered from these basinal areas, pressional earthquakes, and en-echelon seafloor ridge and basin other than Miocene volcanic rocks dredged from the seamounts morphology typical of transcurrent fault zones (Fukao and Furu- (Tamaki, 1988; Kaneoka et al., in press). As a result, the only moto, 1975; Lallemand and Jolivet, 1986; Tamaki and Honza, information regarding the age and nature of the basement rocks 1985). Although this boundary has a rather distinctive transcur- that underlie these basins comes from these samples, and from rent zone morphology, the fault types and earthquake focal seismic data and magnetic anomaly patterns. mechanisms and focal depths suggest that it may presently rep- The Japan Basin is the deepest and largest of the basinal resent a young zone of incipient eastward subduction between a areas of the Japan Sea (Fig. 3). The seafloor lies at 3.0-3.7 km narrow projection of North American Plate and the Eurasian and the depth to acoustic basement is 4.2-5 km below sea level Plate (Nakamura, 1983; Kobayashi, 1983; Tamaki and Honza, (Hilde and Wageman, 1973; Ludwig et al., 1975; Tamaki, 1988). 1985). If this interpretation is correct, then the eastern margin Based on refraction and gravity data, this basin is underlain by of the Japan Sea is the site of a developing plate boundary. oceanic-type crust about 11-12 km thick and by a thin litho- Patterns of faulting and the deep and shallow structure of sphere which is only about 35 km thick (Fig. 4; Abe and Kana- the Japan Sea are well constrained by seismic reflection and re- mori, 1970; Ludwig et al., 1975). In addition, the detailed ma- fraction data (Ludwig et al., 1975; Gnibidenko, 1979; Tamaki, rine magnetic anomaly pattern in the western part of this basin 1988; Hirata et al., 1987, 1989; Tokuyama et al., 1987; Katao, suggests complex pseudofault patterns similar to those gener- 1988). At least three structural and physiographic provinces ex- ated by propagating spreading ridges (Tamaki and Kobayashi, ist and have significance for crustal structure (Fig. 3): (1) deep 1988). Preliminary correlations with the marine magnetic anom- basinal areas, such as the Japan and Yamato Basins; (2) block- aly time scale suggests a maximum age of about 26 Ma for this faulted ridges, typified by the Yamato Rise and Korea Rise; and part of the basin (Fig.
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