Radio. Toda Kern -1410 Kfsg

Radio. Toda Kern -1410 Kfsg

KALI - 1430 KFI .640KFWB -980 KIEV -870 KOWL . 1580 KVOE- 1480 KECA -790KFOX - 1280KGER . 1390 KLAC 570 KPMC - 1560 KWKW 1300 RADIO. TODA KERN -1410 KFSG . 1150KGFJ . 1230KMPC - 710KPPC . 1240KWIK - 1490 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1950 KFAC - 1330KFVD . 1020KHJ -930 KNX -1070KRKD - 1150KXLA - 1110 KNX-Smith-Shore Lopez 5:30 P.M. Admin. KRKD.Vets. KFI-Casa Cugat KFWB.Guest Star KMPC-Barbershop P.M. 2:30 KRICD-Sports'Dial MYSTERY- 8:30 KHJ-Family Theater KNX-Chet Huntley 9:00 KECA-Mr. President KFI-Plain Bill KHJ-Clvde Beatty 8:30 P.M. 7:30 KECA-American Agent KECA-Chance Lifetime 9:30 KFI-Mr. District Attorney KFI-Great Bill KECA-Black Hawk 8:30 KECA-Rogues Gallery KFWB-News, 9:30 KHJ-Internat'l. Airport KFAC-Whoa Bill sleeve 9:00 KNX-Mr. Chameleon Anson KFWB-Red Rowe KNX.Dr. Christian COMEDY- KNX-Mr. Information KMPC-All Time Hits KHJ-Family Theater Are QUIZ- 6:00 KNX-Honest Harold KHJ-Women KECA-Rogues Gallery 6:30 KHJ-Answer Man 8:30 KFI-Great Gildersleeve Wonderful 5:45 P.M. KFWB-News 9:30 KNX-Beulah 8:00 KHJ-What's Name of Song 2:45 P.M. KF1.E. Peterson KMPC-Parade of Hits 9:00 KFI-You Bet Your Life VARIETY- 1{F1-Front Pg. Farrell KLAC-Sportsbook 8:45 P.M. KFWB-B. Anson KRKD-Race Results with Groucho Marx 6:30 KNX-Ding Crosby KFWB-U.N. Today 8:00 KFI-Frost Warning KNX-T.B.A. KNIPC-Top Tunes DRAMA- KNX-Frank Goss 2:55 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 6:30 KFI-Halls of Ivy SPORTS- KECA-Today in 5:55 P.M. KFT.Groucho Mars 6:30 KMPC-Santa Anita 7:00 KFI-Big Story Hlywd. KNX-News KECA-Mr. President 8:30 KNX-Dr. Christian 7:00 KNX-Fights KNX-Mr. Chameleon 3:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. KFAC-Eve. Concert KHJ-Glenn Hardy KFAC-Lunch. Cncrt. KFI-Travelers RFI.Salute to 7:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. KFWB-Nite Bandstand World KMPC-Peace Prayer; KECA-Today's Reservists KFI-Ladies, Day KLAC-News; Gary KFI-News, Mueller Music KLAC-News, Sports KLAC-News; Jarvis . KHJ-Norma Young Goodwin KLAC-News, Haynes KFAC-World Opera KECA-Quick as Flash ICLAC-Ballroom .KFWB-Clete Roberts KECA-Welcome to Potter KMPC-United Nations KFWB-Peter KNIPC-Norman Nesbitt KMPC-Chef KHJ-Sid Fuller Hollywood KHJ-Club 930 KNX-Helen Trent KFWB-Bill Anson KHJ-Gabriel Heatter 9:15 P.M. KNX-Arthur Godfrey KMPC-News ICFWB-Dave Ormont KFVD-Editor of Air KFAC-Prelude to KH.T-Fulton Lewis KMPC-Farm Adviser in Pops 1KFAC-Accent on 12:15 P.M. ICRKD-Tops Evening KMPC-Parade Hits KFAC.C,offee Cup Cnrt. Godfrey IRNX-Arthur KECA-Ed. C. Hill KFWB-Bill Leyden Strings KFI.Road of Life KNX-Honest Harold 9:30 P.M. KILT-F. Hemingway KLAC-Top Tunes KECA-Paul Harvey I 3:05 P.M. KFI-District Attorney 9:45 A.M. KMPC-Southland ,KMPC-Magic of 6:05 P.M. KHJ-Internat'l. 7:15 A.M. KNX-Our Gal Sunday Reporter Melody KECA-Headllne -Airport KFI-F. Lawton IKIQC-Geo. Fisher Edition KNX-Beulah P.M. KHJ-Bkfst. Gang 1KHJ-Cedric Foster 3:15 KMPC.Dance Time 10:00 A.M. of Mind KMPC-Jim McCulla, 'KECA-Peace 6:15 P.O. KFI-Aronnd Town I 12:30 P.M. KLAC-570 Club KMPC-Bob Kelley 9:45 P.M. News KHJ-Glenn Hardy EFI-Pepper Young KFWB-News KRKD-News 3:30 P.M. KFWB-Sports KFAC-Morn. Concert KMPC-Facts for KHJ-Newsreel KNX-Club 15 7:30 A.M. KLAC-Al Jarvis Farmers KFI.Aunt Mary KECA-Main to Malibu KFI-Platter Party KNX-Big Sister KNX-Art Linkletter KFAC.I.vries Chorus 9:55 P.M. KFWB-News. P. Potter KHJ-Five Minute Final KNX-Frank Goss KMPC-13111 Ewing KECA-Modern 6:20 P.M. KMPGRoss MulhollandKECA-Victor Lindlahr Romances KECA-Rudy Vallee KECA-Sports Review 1 0 :00 P.M. KECA-Bob Garred, 10:15 A.M. KFWB-News 3:45 P.M. 6:30 P.M. KFI-Reporter News KHJ-Nancy Dixon KFI.Lore and Learn KFI-Halls ofIV,' KECA-Bob Garred KFI-Are Ya Listen'g? KFAC-News 7:40 A.M. 12:45 P.M. KFWB-Frank null KHJ-I Love Mystery KNX-Ma Perkins KHJ-Lynn Looks at KECA-Zeke Manners KECA-Yesterday on KFI-Rite to Happiness KHJ-Answer Man KFWB-G. Norman KFAC-News Hollywood KNX-Bing Crosby KNX-10 O'Clock Wire 7:45 A.M. Broadway Potter . KFWB-Peter ,KECA-Waitin' for KFAC-Crossroads KFI-Sam Hayes KHJ-Tello-Test KFWB-Bill Anson Wakely KMPC-Dance Time KNX-Harry Babbitt KMPC.Institute ' 4:00 P.M. KHJ-Bob Freed, News 10:30A.M. Religious Science KMPC-Santa Anita KLAC-News; Don Otis KFI-Wendell Noble KHJ-Bob Eberly KFI-Wonian's Secret KFAC-Mus. Milestones 10:15 P.M. 7:55 A.M. KHJ-Fulton Lewis KECA-My True Story 6:43 P.M. Pinkley KECA-Walter Kiernan KNX-Massey S.: Tilton KNX-Dr. Malone 12:55 P.M. 1,CIIJ-Sam Hayes KNX-Bob Elson 8:00 A.M. KFWB-Showtime KHJ-News IKFAC-Masternieces 'KRKD-College of KHJ-Frank Edwards KFAC-Song Recital KNX-Cedric Adams KLAC-News: Sports Divine Science KECA-Science of Mind KFI.Break Bank IZoteb'k KLACNews, Stocks KHJ-In Morgan KECA-Baker's Manner 1:00 P.M. KMPC-News 6:55 P.M. 10:30 P.M. KECA-Bkfst. Club KFI-Backstage Wife Henry KFI-Johnny Murray KFWB-News 10:45 A.M. KECA-Ira Cook I 4:05 P.M. KNX-Starlight Salute KMPC-Ken Barton KFI-LIfe Beautiful 1KNX-Nona from ICAIPC-Bands: Ballads 7:00 P.M. KHJ-Lonesome Gal KNX-Top Morning KNX-Guiding Light Nowhere 4:10 P.M. KFIIlig Story KECA-J. B. Kennedy KFAC-Country ChurchKHJ-Dick Haymes KFAC-Serenade KLAC-Stars of Week KRKI/News KHJ-Cecil Brown KMPC-Calif. Carousel KECA-Lone Ranger 10:35 P.M. 4:15 P.M.. KECA-Symphonette KFOX-Bible Society 10:55 A.M. KLAC-News, Sports ICECA-Mag. of Air . 1KHJ-East-West KRKD-Unity KHJ-Jack Kirkwood IK101-Dr. Paul Buildup 10:45 P.M. TCHJ-F. Hemingway KFI.Eddy Howard 8:15 P.M. 11:00 A.M. KLAC-News, Harry . KNX-Dave Vaile KFI-Donble, Nothing 1:15 P.M. KNX-Strike It Rich Martin IRFI.Stella Dallas KLAC-Stars of Week 11:00 P.M. KMPC-Mkts., Sports KLAC-Al Jarvis 1KLAC-570 Club KMPC-Musical KFI-Ted Meyers; sews KLAC-Haynes at ReinsKFAC-G. Bates Post 1KFAC-Success Story 4:30 P.M. Memories KLAC-News; Don Otis ,EFT-Burritt KHJ-Jack.T,ittle KFWB-Maurice Hart KNX-Hilltop House Wheeler KNX-Fights KECA-Bill Pannell KFWB-L.A. Breakfast KMPC-News IKKI-Behind Story KFAC-Tivilite Hour KNX-Larry Thor 8:30 A.M. KNX-2nd Mrs. Burton 1:30 P.M. IICFWB-Platter Pals 7:15 P.M. KFAC-Crossroads KFI-Lorenzo Jones KECA-Play It Again KM-Jack Berch KHJ-Ladies Fair KRKD-Strolling Tom KFWB-G. Norman KNX-Housewives KMPC-Romance, KFAC-News 11:05 A.M. 7:30 P.M. KMPC-Bill Baldwin Protective League Rhythm KNX-Grand Slam KMPC-Bill Ewing KFWB.B. Anson; news KFI-Theater KHJ.Arthur Van KMPC-Ross MulhoWnd 4:45 P.M. IKNX-Orcliestra 11:10 P.M. 11:15A.M. KFAC-Matinee KNX-Sports KHJ-Bible Institute KNX-Perry Mason KHJ-Women Are KHJ-Sam Hayes KFWI3-Music ICRKD-News KECA-Easy Aces Wonderful KECA-Elmer Davis KFAC-Echoes, Encores 11:13 P.M. 8:45 A.M. KFAC-Folk Songs KRKD-News KECA-Amer. Agent KFI-Orchestra KM-Meyers Goes Mkt. 1:45 P.M. KNX-Harry Babbitt KHJ-Gisco Kid KNX-Merry-Go-R'nd. 11:30 A.M. KFI-Widder Brown KLAC-Racing R'ndup KMPC-Top Ten Tunes KECA-Phil Ohman. KFAC-Unity KFI-Live Like A KECA-Frances Scully KNX-Rosemary Millionaire 7:45 P.M. 11:30 P.M. KLAC-Racing News 5:00 P.M. KFI-Bing Crosby KFAC-Music Hall 2:00 P.M. KFWB-Rosary Hr. KECA-Eddie Bergman 9:00 A.M. KRKD-News KFI.When Girl Marries KFI.Pat Bishop, News KHJ-Crowell's Nest Melodies 8:00 P.M. KNX-Nora Drake KMPC-News, KFI-News KLAC-News, Sports 11:45 P.M. KECA-Johnny Olsen KECA-John B. KECA-Surprise Pkg. KFAC-Sun. Serenade KFIFrost Warning KFI-U.S. Navy KNX-Wen'y Warren Kennedy KRKD-L.A. Fire Dept. KLAC.-News, Sports ICNX-Lowell Thomas KFACPiano Parade KFVD Union Rescue KMPC-News KECA-News Period KFAC-Eve. Concert Recruiting R. Murrow KNX-Rose Bowl KNX-Ed. 1 KHJ-Name of Song KHJ-K. Smith Speaks Mission KNX-News Preview KLAC-News: Crosby KFWB-M. Hart; news KFAC-Composer's KHJ-Mark Trail KECA-I Fly Anything KFWB-Bkfst. Club KHJ-Queen For a Day Corner KFWB-Red Rowe KFWB-Neediest 11:55 P.M. 11:45 A.M. KHJ-News Families KMPC-News 9:05 A.M. 5:15 P.M. KFI-News Room KNX-Brighter Day KLACNews; Gary 2:05 P.M. KFI-Ted Myers, News 12:00 Midnight KLAC-Parade of Hits ICECA-Ira Cook Goodwin KNX-Paul Masterson KLAC-Jukebox KFI.Musical Menu KMPC-Beauty Counsel ICMPC-News 9:15 A.M. KMPC-Calif. Carousel Jamboree KLAC-Sam Mannis KFI-Dave Garroway 12 NOON 2:15 P.M.

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