The Mia urncan# e lirni VMI. NO. I<» UNIVKUITI or MIAMI. CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA, MABCM 12, l'>""> TELEPHONI MO . 2581 Eight Coeds Chosen ROTC Princesses Music School Top Grades" By DICK MACK KurrioM Heforter Women in the School of Music 12,318SignUp have the highest cumulative grade average in the university A recent compilation of grades This Semester in the individual schools shows For those girls not satisfied that the female music students with having just one boyfriend, head the list with a 3.1327 aver­ there's another half (of a boy) age. These figures compare with Eight girls were selected Monday evening to participate in Photo by Mike licobson K«M for each girl, lurking somewhere a 29412 average for men in the Ihe Army ROTC program as Army princesses. Chosen on the Peterson, Vivky Lauffer, Hazel Rudolph, JoAnn Fisherkeller on campus same school. basis of their poise, personality and intelligence, the new Harriet Weingardcn. "Poise, social attitude and willingness to This semester, there are 2,539 Capturing the bottom spot princesses will he organized under Commander Bobbi Steffes work are paramount among the many other prerequisites of an , more male students than female are women in the Speech De­ to lend beauty to the field during the drills. The new princesses Army princess." Col. Richard G. Banks, advisor to the princess students, audits and medical stu­ partment, with a 1.8 overall, are (I. to r.) Carla Fink. Cherry Kraus, Susan Sloan. Roxanne program, remarked. dents The breakdown is as fol- while men in the department 1 lows: have the dubious distinction Starts Next Week I of ranking next to the bottom, 6.612—male students with a 1.890t overall. 4,073— female students Ranking second in this list of 1.633—medical, audit and point averages are women in the Education Department, with a 64 Booths Registered For Carni Gras special students 29203 overall, while the men 12.318— total have a 2.7438. To celebrate the demise of i present its annual Carni Gras, of the celebration of Mardi pleasure and enjoyment of the The figures show a loss of 979 Women in the Science Depart­ ... , , . .. ,0 in Gras during the first week of students, faculty, and all those LN* Although not a religious connected with the university. students between the fall '64 and ment made a 28499 average, foi exams, the student body will Cami Gras is the CM version event, this is strictly for the spring '65 semesters Total for lowed by the men's 2.5226 At this writing, there are 64 fall enrollment was 13,297. But The Art Department's women booths being established by the George Smith, head registrar, pulled a 2.8358, as compared fraternities, sororities and inde- said this I a normal intersession to the men's 2.4974 overall. I pendents. Being a main event of loss. Women in the Business De­ APO Vgly Man Dance' Nets $270 the year, professional carnival More students left a year ago partment lead the men's 23617 rides are imported A new special during the spring term, than dur­ with a 2 6562 point average. For Paul Yarck Student Loan Fund ';:C"^T"^,::,<':™ing the presen t semester. Women in University College have a 2.3114, us compared to the ried students and faculty. men's 2.0564. The real purpose, other than UM Friends Men in the Engineering De­ sheer enjo>ment, for Carni partment lead the women with Gras. is to raise money for a 2.2686. The women received scholarship aid. Each group Set Mareh 19 an average of 1.9727. buys its own lumber anil prizes, The average for all men stu- and supplies its own labor. l dents is 2.2174; for all women. Each group also donates 50 r^ Toymbee Talk 2 5521; and for the entire uni­ ommj^ri of its profits for this fund. I.ast Hntish philosopher and his­ versity, 23350 year, although plagued by rain, torian Dr. Arnold J Toynbee will the carnival gave a consider­ give two lectures at the Univer­ able amount of money for the sity of Miami this week. I'M scholarship program Seeger Concert On Friday, March 19, at 8:30 p.m., the internationally known Recording star Pete See­ scholar will speak under the ger will l>e in Miami in 7 Executives BUSplcee of the Friends of the March for a one-night University Library His topic: stand at the Dade County I "Tlie World We Are Heading To- Auditorium. Seminar Sat. i ward." The popular folk-singer, Seven of the nation's top men's The University's Department who has recorded more clothing manufacturers will speak than 50 LP's, is regarded by of Religion will sponsor the in a day-long seminar in Brock- many as being a main in­ Shown during the presentation of the check Yanez, Jr.. Solomon Lerhtman, Dr. J. W. Powell, way Hall, Richter Library, March second lecture at 8 p.m. Satur­ (I. to r.) are APO members Chuck Kantor, Mario advisor and Eugene Cohen, UM treasurer. spiration for the current 19. day. March 20, when Dr. Toyn­ folk-singing revival in the Sponsored hy the Marketing bee will speak on "Truth and U.S. Over $270 was raised last week I be applied to the Paul R. Yarck I In the independent division, Department of the I'M School Diversity in the Historic Re­ Among Seeger's composi­ by Alpha Phi Omega, service fra- ; Student Loan Fund. ' paul Ernandez, Monroe House, of Business Education, it will ligions." tions are "Where Have All ternity when they hosted their ; Winner ta the Greek division was ,hc winncr T ... c,ose present leaders of the American the Flowers Gone?" and annual Ugly Man Dance. ; was Beth Begenshim, Sigma Del- Institute of Men's and Bovs' Both lectures will be in the "If I Had a Hammer" (ro- lu ll,nd wa A check for this amount was ta Tau. who is a sophomore. Zeta ' « the entry from Gam- Wear. Brockwav Lecture Hall of the aulhored with Lee Hayes). presented to the administration to Beta Tau's entry placed second, ma Sigma Sigma, service sorority. University's Otto G Richter Li­ The first speaker will be Louis Tickets for the perform­ C. Pfeifle. president of the Men's brary ance are on sale at the and Boys' Wear Institute, who Admission is by $2 donation Dade County Auditorium. UM Pep Club Will Award served as "Sears. Roebuck and Friday night on a first come, first < urtain time is 8:30 p.m. Room Rates Company's most valuable man" served basis. The Saturday lec­ for more than four decades ture is sold out. 8 Trophies At Carni Gras James K. Wilson, Jr. vice- j Now at Sarasota's New College. To Increase president of merchandising and Dr. Toynbee has a popular fol­ This year, the UM Pep Club ning booths at Carni Gras '65. Of marketing for Hart. Schaffner & lowing as well as a scholarly one. will award eight trophies to win- these, the overall winner will Notice to all resident students Marx, will talk on the many USG Petitions i receive two. A large "revolving" His 10-volume "A Study of, -effective for the September, methods of distribution in the trophy will remain in the new History," completed in 1954, has 1965, semester—there will be an All students and faculty are merchandising Held student Union and a smaller been called "a major contribution increase in housing rates: invited to attend the Social Out Monday trophy will be given to the or­ "Today's Market IS Thinking to modern thought." It is gener­ Men: Eaton Hall and apart­ Science All-Campus Sem­ ganization. Young" will be given by Notre ally accorded a place along side Election rules and candidates' ments, $175 per semester. inar Tuesday, March 16. at Dame graduate E R ll.iui; e r, Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the petitions will be ready Monday 4 p.m. in LC 180. president of the dagger Company Roman Empire" and Spengler's Five pi r cent of each class must Women: Mahoney Hall, double In addition, there will be an of Dallas. "Decline of the West" as one of sign for the petition to be valid room, $200 per semester; Ma- "The Causes of Preju­ upper division railed the Or­ the great works of intellectual The Petitions must be submitted honej Hall, single room. $240 per dice" will be the suhjret of Elmer L. Ward. Sr.. president ange Division and a lower di­ history. to the registrar for grade veri­ semester; 730 East Hall, double discussion at this week's of Palm Beach Company, will vision called the Green Division fication and then to the Dean of room. $225 per semester; 730 East meeting. Participation is speak on "The Place for the A one-volume abridgement of Men or Women for verification Hall, single room, $265 per se­ expected. in each of the three classes— College Man in Ihe Men's Wear the work, published in 1946. ap­ of the candidate's good standing mester. sorority, fraternity and inde­ Industry." peared on the best seller list. with the University. pendent. Michael Daroff of Philadelphia's Deposit Refunds: Cancellation H. Daroff and Sons. Inc., will talk date for September, '65, housing The members of the election Oswald Forum The Orange Division will be on manufacturers' brands, as is July 1, and for the spring. '66, RAM To Shoot board are Jamie Barkin. chair­ Could Lee Harvey Oswald have I open to tho.se entering two or opposed to store labels "Fibers semester the date is Jan.
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