No'8-108/2018-P P'll Government of lndia & Farmers Welfare Ministry of Agriculture " ' & Farmers welfare o"partm"ni' Ji igii"'it"", cooperation Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Dated: FMarch,2019 OFFlC EME ORANDU regarding Plant to be made in the SPS Committee.ofll/TO Subject : Notification l"i" i"Jia order' 2003 (second Quarantine (Resulation "i':;; Amendment) 2019' the text of the draft is directed to enclose herewith The undersigned (Regulation of import into (in WTO to''"tl-ot tn"-Oratt e^flllOuarantine notification certain amendments to the Amendment) 2019 proposing lndia) order, 2003 (second plant materials import ot certain plants and phytosanitary conditions g;'^'t;'tn" into lndia. to notify the same to the WTO that further necessary action 2. lt is requested Division) at the earliest oV O"partment ClTl::" ("' Secretariat may be t'f"n :l prease be intimated by wro secretaiiat may and wro notification nrri", Plant Quarantine "irott"dof the notification containing the to this Department. Th" i;; will be 2003(Second Amendment) 20't9 (Regulation of import into rnili O'o"r' Plant Head "circulars and Notifications' - available at www.aqricooo.nicl;;J;i" Protection - WTO Notifications of Joint Secretary (Plant Protection)' 3. This issues with the approval CooPeration & Farmers Welfare. Department of Agriculture' fll"r (S R' Raja) of lndia Under Secretary to the Govt' Tele: 2307 0047 E-mail: raja sr@nic in Trade PolicY Division' id;;ir;"-;;, Ravi, Joint secretary)' beoartment of Commerce' rr/li,ii.tw of Commerce & lndustry' Udyog'Bhawan, New Delhi ,b Copy for information to : herewith the Adviser, Dte' Of PPQ&S' Faridabad enclosing 1. Plant Protection 'Plant Quarantine complete *iifi"ii- the draft text of the "ont"inins- Amendment) 2019'with (Resulation of import i";ffi;;'i;;aei zoos (Second ii"?"qr-""i t arrange to provide the Hindi translation' Faridabad with a similar request' 2. Joint Director (PP), Dte of PPQ&S' 3.Director(lT),lTDivision,DAC&FW'KrishiBhawan'withtherequesttoposttheformat on website said draft notification ;;"ii ttt" WTo-SPs ""- il''ii":l ffi*;'.11",l"",'.""':"J,r*6,&:"r*:,'li"?ffi201 e'' ';;;1;i; lnaiai oraer, 2003 (second Amendment) .? and Phytosanitary Measures Committee on Sanitary G'SPS'N' NOTIF]CATION nt notifYing : 1 Member of Agreeme INDIA AgencY resPon sible : 2. & FARMERS WELFARE AGRICULTURE , COOPERATION DEPARTMENT OF oF INDIA FAR welraRE, GovERNMENT MINISTRY OF AGRIGULTURE& ulns n nationa item number s) as Specified ucts covered (provide tanff 3 Prod n addit on cS numbers shou d be provid ed sched u ed depoSited wlth the WTo where aPPlicable): PlantsandPlantmaterialsandotherregulatedarticlesasperPlant into lndia) ord.er' 2003 and its Amendments' Quarantine (Regulation Ji;;; Prunus domestica (Plum) Prunus Persia (Peach) Prunus var nucipersica (Nectarine) Persica relevant or likelY to be aGcted, to the &tent 4 Regions or countries practicable: [ ]All trad ns partners S or cou ntr es Spa n xI Specific reg on notified document e and numbef of pases oI the 5 Title ansuas rdef 2003 u ation of mport nto nd a o Title - Draft Plant Quara ntine (Res (Second Amendment) 2019' Language - English Number of Pages - 2 pti n oI content 6 Descfl o nd a (N nth Regu ation of m port nto ) The Draft P ant ouatantine provls ons govern ng mport of to fU rther beta lze Amendment) ordet 20 1 I SEeks U aranti ne u VI of the P ant o U k stan und I Sched M U sk me on from zbe I a ow Th S notificat on wt Iurthe nto nd a order 2003 (Resu at on of mport ) into lndia' lmpo rt of plants and plant materials x p ant protection SAfety an ma hea th I b ective and fationa e t l food t I 7 o an mau plant pESt oI d seaSE x I protect humans from from other damage from pests t x protect tell itory standard ? if so, identifY the standard: I ls there a relevant lnternatio nal Commisston' ] Codex Alimentarius [ Health' (olE) i iWotrO organization for Animal Convention: i x I tnternational Plant Protection ( RA conducted as based on Pest R sk Analys ts P ) ntents of th s notification are The co M N umbers 2 and 1 1 of Phytosanita Measures (r SP ) per nternat ona Standard S on ry nvent on ( PPc) of FAo nternationa P ant Protection Co [ ] None ,-,-.,--. i-ro.n,+i.rrial standanstandard? conform to the relevant international Does this proposed regulation I x ] Yes [ ] No r^..i^+^- rrarn rhc internaticinternational how and why it deviates from the rf no, describe, whenever possibre, standard ab e uage(s n wh ch these ane ava re evant documents and ans ) I other nt Protection (c Icu ars and NotificationS P a ENGL SH www.agricooo'nic'in o Notificat onS) ption Yet to be dec ded 10. Proposed date oI ado Yet to be dec ded Proposed date of pub cation come nto force on the date o entry nto force Th s sha 1 1 Proposed date f azette r pub cation n the officla s of the cation months from the date of pub t 1 s x Trade Iac itat ng meaSure date of circulation of the : Sixty days from the 12 Final date of comments 2019 notification and/or : 25th MaY, comments : [ ] National or authority designated to handle Agency and e- Enquiry Point' Address' fax number Notification Authority, [x] National Secretary' Plant Protection' of the authority: Sh Atish Chandra' Joint mail Agriculture & & Farmers Welfare' Ministry of Department of Agriculture, Cooperation INDIA' Tele : Krishi Bhawan' New Delhi-1 10011' Farmers Welfare, Room No'247' : [email protected] g I -1 1 -.23384240 E-mail National NationaI Notification AuthoritY, [x] 't 3. Text available from : 1 I and e-mail of the authoritY: Enquiry Point' Address, fax number Division of the website of the Plant Protection The details can be seen in the & Farmers Welfare Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture' i;";;;iili (Circulars and of lndia viz' www'asricoop'nic'in Farmers Welfare, Government wTo Notifications- Draft Plant Quarantine _ plant - and Notifications ".i""ii"" o'ilt' zoog (second Amendment) 2019 (Regulation of import 't""to"'"1 p antquatantine nd a nlc n Joint www n Sh. Atish Chandra, he Nationa Enqu ry Po t or can be obta ned from t Farmers AgncuItU re, CooPeration & nt Protection Department of Secreta ry P a No.247, Krishi Bhawan' & F rmerS Welfare Room lfare M n IStry of Agncu ture We E-m a t: is o-dac@ eov.in Te e I 1 1 233I4240 New De ht-1 1 00 I 1 N D A I EXTRAORDINARY', PART ll', sEcTloN [ro BE PUBLISHED lN THE GAZETTE OF INDIA' -3' suB-sEcrloN (ii)l covERNMENT oF INDIA WELFARE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE & FARMERS & FARMERS WELFARE) (DEPARTMENT OT NCNICUITURE, COOPERATION NorlFlcATloN New Delhi, the March' 2019 (1) of section 3 of the S.O. (E). - ln exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section pests ot 1914), the centrar Government hereby makes Destructive lnsects and Acr, rsr+ 1z thefollowingorderfurthertoamendthePlantQuarantine(Regulationoflmportintolndia) Order, 2003, namelY:- - (1) This Order may be called the Plant 1 . Short title and Commencement Quarantine (Regulation of lmport into lndia) (Second Amendment) Order' 2019' (2) lt shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette' 2 AmendmentofScheduleVl..lnthescheduleVltothePlantQuarantine(Regulation of lmport into lndia) Order, 2003- cherry, apricot' 293 relating to Stone fruits (Plum, peach, (i) Asainst serial number (i) against column (2) will be renumbered as almond, nectarineXPrunus sPP.), entries the entries relating to, the following entries and after the item (i) so renumbered and (6) be inserted namelY relating to column (3), (4), (5) and shall (5) (6) (2) (3) (4) (a) Pest free area status (i) Spain Free from: (ii) Prunus (vi)Fresh fruit Mediterranean fruit (a) Adoxophyes orana (Summer fruit for domestica for fly (Ceratitis caqitata) as tortrix) (Plum) consumPtion international (b) AmPhitetranYchus viennensis per (hawthorn (sPide0 mite) standards (c) Cerafifis cap,lata (Mediterranean Or (b) MethYl bromide fruit fly) fumigation 32glm3 for (d) Cydia pomonella (Codling moth) @ pear hrs at 21oC or above at (e) Ep,d,aspis /epenl (European 2 NAP or scale) Or (f) Erwinia amylovora (fireblight) Pre-shipmenu in- (gl Eupoecilia ambiguella( grapevrne (c) transit cold treatment at moth) below for 10 (h) Forticuta auiculaia (EuroPean OoC or days; O.55oC or below earwig) '1 1 daYs; .1uC or (i) Franklinielta tritici (eastern flower for 1 below for 12 daYs Plus thrips) refrigeration. l) GraPholita funebrana (red plum in-transit maggot) (SYn: CYdia funeb rana) The treatment should be (k) Grapholita molesta (Oriental fruit on moth) (SYn: CYd ia molesta) endorsed Certificate (l) LeucoPtera matifolielta (Pear leaf Phytosanitary at the country of blister moth) issued (m) Lobesia botrana (EuroPean origin/ re-export. grapevine moth) (fl Peridroma sauc,a (pearly underwing moth) (o) Pseudococcus virurni (obscure mealybug) (p) Sphaerolec anium prunasti (plum scale) (q) Spodoptera littoralia (cotton leafworm) (a) Pest free area status fruit (i) Spain Free from: (iii) Prunus (vi)Fresh Mediterranean fruit (a) Adoxophyes orana (Summer fruit for Persia for fly (Ceratitis caPitata) as (peach) consumPtion tortrix) (b) Amlhitetranrchus Yiennensis per international (hawthorn (sPider) mite) standards (c)Aspidiotus nerri (Oleander scale) Or bromide (d) Ceratrtis cap,lata (Mediterranean (b) Methyl fumigation 32g/m3 for fruit fly) @ 2 hrs at 21oC or above at (e) Cydia pomonetla (Codling moth) or (0 Epidrasprs leper,l (European pear NAP Or scale) in- (g) Forftcula auriculaia (European (c) Pre-shiPmenU cold treatment at eanrig) transit below for 10 (h) Grapholita funebrana (red plum OoC or days; 0.550C or below maggot) (SYn: CYdia funebrana) 11 daYs; 1.10C or (i) Graphotita mo,esta (Oriental fruit for below for 12 daYs Plus moth) (SYn: CYdia molesta) refrigeration.
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