SATURDAY JUNE 14 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 KLBY/ABC News (N) Kake Movie: Monsters, Inc. TTT (2001) Animated. A blue behemoth News (N) American Idol Ent. H h (CC) News and his assistant scare children. Voices of John Goodman. (CC) Rewind (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBC (3:00) Golf: U.S. Open Championship -- Third Round. From San Law & Order News (N) Saturday Night Live (CC) SATURDAYL j Diego. (Live) (CC) Bottomless (CC) JUNE 14 KBSL/CBS News (N) Paid 48 Hours Mystery Movie: The Notebook TTZ (2004) A man tells a News (N) Without a Trace 1< NX (CC) Program (CC) story to a woman about two lovers. Ryan Gosling. (CC) Rage (CC) K15CG Taste-6 PM Ameri-6:30 Keeping7 PM As7:30 Time The8 PLawrenceM 8:30 Welk Ro-9 PM New9:30 Red Austin10 PM City Limits10:30 Soundstage11 PM 11:30 (CC) d Midwest ca’s Hrtl Up Goes By Show mance Green (CC) KLBY/ABCESPN CollegeNews (N) BaseballKake : NCAAMovie: World Monsters, Series Game Inc. TTT2 -- Teams (2001) TBA. Animated.Baseball A blue behemoth Tonight SportsCenterNews (N) American (Live) IdolBaseball TonightEnt. HO_h Omaha,(CC) Neb.News (Live) (CC)and his assistant scare children. Voices of John(Live) Goodman. (CC) (CC)(CC) Rewind (CC)(Live) (CC) Tonight KSNK/NBC (3:00) Golf: U.S. Open Championship -- Third Round. From San Law & Order News (N) Saturday Night Live (CC) USA (4:30)Diego. Movie: (Live) (CC) Movie: Indiana Jones and the Last CrusadeBottomless TTTZ (1989) (CC) Law & Order: Movie: The Pacifier LP^j Indiana Jones Indy’s hunt for his missing father leads to the Holy Grail. (CC) Criminal Intent TT (2005) (CC) KBSL/CBS News (N) Paid 48 Hours Mystery Movie: The Notebook TTZ (2004) A man tells a News (N) Without a Trace TBS King(CC) of KingProgram of Movie:(CC) RV TT (2006) Astory dysfunctional to a woman aboutMovie: two lovers. Yours, Ryan Mine Gosling. & Ours TT (2005,(CC) Movie:Rage (CC) Herbie: 1<P_NX Queens Queens family goes on vacation. Robin Williams. Comedy) Dennis Quaid, Rene Russo. (CC) Fully Loaded (2005) K15CG Taste- Ameri- Keeping As Time The Lawrence Welk Ro- New Red Austin City Limits Soundstage (CC) WGNd MLBMidwest Baseballca’s: ColoradoHrtl Up Rockies Goesat Chicago By ShowWhite Sox. U.S. WGNmance NewsGreen at Nine Scrubs(CC) RENO RENO 24 (CC) Pa Cellular Field. (Live) (CC) (N) (CC) (CC) 911! 911! ESPN College Baseball: NCAA World Series Game 2 -- Teams TBA. Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (Live) Baseball Tonight TNTO_ (4:00)Omaha, Movie: Neb. (Live)True (CC)Movie: Ocean’s Eleven TTT (2001) A suave(Live) ex-con (CC)Movie: Walking(CC) Tall TT (2004, Movie:(Live) (CC) Paycheck QW Lies TTT (1994) assembles a team to rob a casino vault. (CC) Action) The Rock. (CC) TT (2003) (CC) USA (4:30) Movie: Movie: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade TTTZ (1989) Law & Order: Movie: The Pacifier DSCP^ Lobstermen:Indiana Jones Lobstermen:Indy’s hunt for his missingWhen father We leadsLeft Earth: to the TheHoly NASA Grail. (CC) HowCriminal It’s IntentHow It’s Lobstermen:TT (2005) (CC) QY Jeopardy at Sea Jeopardy at Sea Missions Pioneering missions into space. Made Made Jeopardy at Sea TBS King of King of Movie: RV TT (2006) A dysfunctional Movie: Yours, Mine & Ours TT (2005, Movie: Herbie: A&EP_ (4:30)Queens Movie:Queens Movie:family goes Die Hardon vacation. TTTZ Robin(1988, Williams.Action) A NewComedy) York policeman Dennis Quaid,The Rene Sopranos Russo. (CC) Movie:Fully Loaded Die Hard (2005) Q^ Silence-Lambs outwits foreign thugs in an L.A. high-rise. Bruce Willis. (CC) Kaisha (CC) TTTZ (1988) (CC) WGN MLB Baseball: Colorado Rockies at Chicago White Sox. U.S. WGN News at Nine Scrubs RENO RENO 24 (CC) HISTPa ModernCellular Field.Marvels (Live) (CC)Movie: The Outlaw Josey Wales TTT (1976)(N) A (CC)Confederate Wild(CC) West Tech911! Movie:911! The Outlaw Q_ Most Dangerous soldier vows to avenge his family’s murder. Clint Eastwood. (CC) The Gunslingers Josey Wales (1976) TNT (4:00) Movie: True Movie: Ocean’s Eleven TTT (2001) A suave ex-con Movie: Walking Tall TT (2004, Movie: Paycheck NICKQW DrakeLies TTT & (1994)Drake & iCarlyassembles Nakeda team to robDance, a casinoDrake vault. (CC)& George GeorgeAction) TheFresh Rock. (CC)Fresh HomeTT (2003) Home(CC) Rl Josh Josh (CC) Brothers Sunset Josh Lopez Lopez Prince Prince Improve. Improve. DSC Lobstermen: Lobstermen: When We Left Earth: The NASA How It’s How It’s Lobstermen: DISNQY HannahJeopardy atZack Sea & CoryJeopardy in atPhineas Sea Movie:Missions Spy Pioneering Kids TTT missions (2001, intoSuite space. ZackMade & HannahMade That’s-Jeopardy atPhil Sea of R] Montana Cody House and Ferb Adventure) Antonio Banderas. Life Cody Montana Raven Future A&E (4:30) Movie: Movie: Die Hard TTTZ (1988, Action) A New York policeman The Sopranos Movie: Die Hard FAMQ^ Movie:Silence-Lambs The Princess Diariesoutwits foreignTTZ (2001, thugs Comedy) in an L.A. high-rise.Movie: TheBruce Princess Willis. (CC) Diaries TTZKaisha (2001, (CC) Comedy) Movie:TTTZ View(1988) From (CC) R_ An awkward teenager learns that she has royal blood. An awkward teenager learns that she has royal blood. the Top TT (2003) HIST Modern Marvels Movie: The Outlaw Josey Wales TTT (1976) A Confederate Wild West Tech Movie: The Outlaw HALLQ_ Movie:Most Dangerous Wild Hearts (2006)soldier A widowervows to avengeMovie: his family’s Crossroads: murder. ClintA Story Eastwood. of (CC) Movie:The Gunslingers A Painted HouseJosey TT Wales(2003, (1976) SW cares for his daughter at his family’s farm. Forgiveness (2007) Dean Cain. (CC) Drama) Scott Glenn, Arija Bareikis. (CC) NICK Drake & Drake & iCarly Naked Dance, Drake & George George Fresh Fresh Home Home Rl Josh Josh (CC) Brothers Sunset ColbyJosh FreeLopez Press Lopez Friday,Prince JunePrince 13, 2008Improve. PageImprove. 7 DISN Hannah Zack & Cory in Phineas Movie: Spy Kids TTT (2001, Suite Zack & Hannah That’s- Phil of 4le0005-7 R] Montana Cody House and Ferb Adventure) Antonio Banderas. Life Cody Montana Raven Future FAM Movie: The Princess Diaries TTZ (2001, Comedy) Movie: The Princess Diaries TTZ (2001, Comedy) Movie: View From R_ An awkward teenager learns that she has royal blood. An awkward teenager learns that she has royal blood. the Top TT (2003) HALL Movie: Wild Hearts (2006) A widower Movie: Crossroads: A Story of Movie: A Painted House TT (2003, SW cares for his daughter at his family’s farm. Forgiveness (2007) Dean Cain. (CC) Drama) Scott Glenn, Arija Bareikis. (CC) TV LISTINGS 4le0005-7 sponsored by the SUNDAY JUNE 15 COLBY FREE PRESS 6 AM 6:30 7 AM 7:30 8 AM 8:30 9 AM 9:30 10 AM 10:30 11 AM 11:30 KLBY/ABC In Touch With Dr. Good Morning This Week-George Hour of Power Paid Paid First United H h Charles Stanley America (N) (CC) Stephanopoulos Roger Williams. (N) Program Program Methodist Church KSNK/NBC (Off Air) Paid Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Paid Paid Your Paid Paid CORR SUNDAYL j Program (CC) Program Program Bible ProgramJUNEProgram Racing15 KBSL/CBS Paid Newspr- Care Straw- CBS News Sunday Morning Face the Cake (EI) Horse- Paid Paid 1< NX Program ing TV Bears berry (N) (CC) Nation (CC) land (EI) Program Program K15CG Euro.6 AM Ninos6:30 Plaza7 AM Kinder-7:30 Ribert8 A M& Mama-8:30 Saddle9 AM Animalia9:30 Keeping10 AM Wealth-10:30 Kansas11 AM To11:30 the KLBY/ABCd JournalIn Touch Withen-Casa Dr. SesamoGood Morninggarten Robert’sThis Week-GeorgeMovies ClubHour of Power KidsPaid TrackPaid WeekFirst UnitedContrary HESPNh Sports-Charles StanleySportsCenterAmerica (CC) (N)NBA (CC) Sports-StephanopoulosOutside SportsRoger Williams.SportsCenter (N) Program (Live) (CC)Program Methodist BaseballChurch KSNK/NBCO_ Center(Off Air) Paid Today (N) Matchup(CC) CenterMeet the PressLines (N) ReportrsPaid Paid Your Paid Paid TonightCORR LUSAj Paid Chang-Program Ed Joel Wings(CC) Movie: AnnapolisProgram TT Program(2006) A youngBible man Movie:Program Big ProgramFish TTT (2003,Racing KBSL/CBSP^ ProgramPaid ingNewspr- YoungCare OsteenStraw- (CC)CBS Newsenters Sunday the Morning U.S. Naval Academy.Face the (CC)Cake (EI) Drama)Horse- EwanPaid McGregor.Paid (CC) 1<TBSNX (5:30)Program Movie:ing Ella TV EnchantedBears Movie:berry Now(N) and (CC) Then TT (1995) Four Movie:Nation Sleepless(CC) in Seattleland (EI) TTTZProgram (1993) AProgram grieving K15CGP_ TTZEuro. (2004)Ninos Anne Hathaway.Plaza girlsKinder- have anRibert eventful & summerMama- in 1970.Saddle widowerAnimalia capturesKeeping the heartWealth- of an engagedKansas woman.To the WGNd PaidJournal Amazingen-Casa KeySesamo of Paidgarten JimmyRobert’s SwaggartMovies FeedClub the Movie: BubbleKids Boy TZTrack (2001, Comedy)Week Lead-OffContrary ESPNPa ProgramSports- FactsSportsCenterDavid (CC) ProgramNBA (CC)Sports- Outside ChildrenSports JakeSportsCenter Gyllenhaal, (Live) Swoosie (CC) Kurtz. (CC) ManBaseball TNTO_ LawCenter & Order Poison Movie: TheMatchup Wedding PlannerCenter TTLines (2001, Movie:Reportrs Ocean’s Eleven TTT (2001) A suave ex-con NASCARTonight USAQW IvyPaid (CC) (DVS)Chang- Romance-Comedy)Ed Joel JenniferWings Lopez.Movie: (CC) Annapolisassembles TT a (2006) team toA youngrob a casino man Movie:vault. (CC) Big Fish TTT (2003, DSCP^ mag-Program Paiding JoelYoung PaidOsteen Deadliest(CC) Catch:enters the U.S.Deadliest Naval Catch:Academy. (CC)Deadliest CatchDrama) EwanDeadliest McGregor. Catch (CC) TBSQY icJack(5:30) Movie:Program Ella EnchantedOsteen ProgramMovie: NowBest and of Then Season TT (1995)3 Best Four of SeasonMovie: 3 SleeplessGet ’Em in Back Seattle Safe! TTTZStriking (1993) Out A (CC)grieving A&EP_ BiographyTTZ (2004) Mama Anne Hathaway.Biography girlsJanis have anPrivate eventful Sessions summer in 1970.The Sopranoswidower Cold capturesThe Sopranos the heart of an engagedMovie: The woman. Silence This is a logic-based number placement puzzle.
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