il IJ LJ HOLMDELTOWNSHIPCOMMITTEE Mayor SerenaDiMaso iJ DeputyMayor PatrickImpreveduto Larry Fink i,n RoccoPascucci JanetBerk ll 2OlOPLANNINGBOARDMEMBERS ll PeterNelson, Chairman (Scenic Byways) GregBuontempo, Vice Chairman DerekDailey (HEC Member) Mayor SerenaDiMaso (ClassI) SamFasciano CommitteemanPat Impreveduto(Class III) JohnMioduszewski (Class II) RobertReina JohnScagnelli JerryAllocco, Alternate #1 ThomasKing, Alternate#2 (OSAC) 2010PlanninsBoardProfessionals BonnieHeard, P.E., Board Engineer ChesterPloussas, Lisowsky Partnership, LLP , SpecialConsulting Engineer JenniferBeahm, PP/AICP, Board Planner CME, SpecialConsulting Planners Martin Pfleger,Esq. Board Attorney Rick DeNoia,Esq., Special Consulting Attorney ',,'|1 ij ,* ij il. iJ |j i,j, t.l i t i.-i t: t': !; IIr. Extent to which Problemsand Objectiveshave beenReduced or Increased... ...............16 IV. SignificantChanges in the assumptions,policies and objectives........ ..... ............ .. ..17 Land 1. 2. 3. Issuesof Concern. 22 4. Zoning Changessince the adoption of the 2004Master Plan....... .. .........2 5 J. ApplicableState and CountyP|ans........ .............,....26 6. AdjacentMunicipalities....,....... .. .. ...... ..29 B. EconomicDevelopment......... ..... .......34 1. Economictrends and prospects......... .... .......................34 2. Existing Characteristicsof Holmdel's Labor Force..........................37 3. EconomicDevelopment Opportunities and Constraints......... ........39 4 FiscalConsiderations... .... .......40 iJ tJ C. ,* , Topography, Slopesand Erosion .46 3. Geologyand Soils.... .........41 4. Treesand Woodlands .,....,........49 f,. Streams,Wetlands and Floodplains......... ... .................50 i,j 6. SurfaceWater, Groundwaterand Aquifer..... ..............52 Greenways. ............54 8. Endangeredand ThreatenedSpecies.............. ...........55 iti 9. ScenicCorridors.. ..................56 D. Farmland Preservation.. .........58 L:3 1. Compliancewith StateRequirements.. .. ..... ... .. ......58 ) Farming Trends sincethe 2004Master P|an....... ........59 3. CurrentFarmland Conditions. ................61 i: 4. Township Initiatives for Farmland Preservation.. ... ...................66 f,. Township Initiatives in Support of Agriculture as a Business.........71 E. Circulation .. , ...73 2,i l. ExistingCirculation System...... ) Issuesof Concern.:.:...-... ,75 'fi';- ' : r i :;i: i 'l i F. Parks and Recreation.;,i': ;'. i,: ;'. ;.j.;. .L:i. .; ...i.................. ........:. .......... .......... ......78 1. Existing;ParkiandRecreational Facilities... .... .: . .. .... ... ;. ......78 2. Fark Standards:.. l.,;" .;.,.',j''.. ..'...: 3. Evaluationof RecreationalBacility Needs.........;.i;...i,..............85 '' l: : i:'" i;-t: G. Community Facilities,:'.r..i.r,; l'.-,r: j ;:..,.. .........90 1. PopulationsProj€btions. i. ...... ..i . ........90 2. Municipal Offices and Public Works Facilities.... 3. PoliceDepartment.............. ...................91 4. FireCompany............ ...........91 r. First Aid Squad....... ...............93 6. PublicSchools..... ......,............93 1 Senior/CommunityCenter and PollingPlaces....... ,......94 8. Library... ..............95 9. Cultural Facilities... ..................95 H. t. StateRequirements..... ...........104 J Stateand County RecyclingInitiatives.. ....105 3. Holmdel's RecyclingProgram... ...............105 i1 L} J. Ilistoric Preservation....... ...... ..........107 'l,lu'e 1. Brief TownshipHistory ...........107 2. Inventory of State and Nationally DesignatedHistoric Sites..........109 3. Inventoryof MonmouthCounty Historic Sites..........................112 4. Other Siteswith PotentialHistoric Value....... ............113 5. Indian Trails... .... .....................115 lj 6. Cemeteries ............116 v. Specific Changes Recommended for the Master Plan or Development l,,J Regulations .... .........117 A. Goalsand Objectives.. ......117 .j 1. Land Use Goals and Obj ectives.............. .....| | 7 2. EconomicPlan ElementGoals and Obj ectives... .............................118 I ] 3. ConservationGoals and Objectives.......... .................119 {-j 4. FarmlandPreservation Goals and Objectives.....................,....120 f,. CirculationGoals and Objectives........... ...............120 6. Parksand RecreationGoals and Objectives...............,............122 1 Community FacilitiesGoals and Objectives.. ...........123 i.- 8. Utility Ser.vice.GbalsandObjectives.. 9. Recycling:Goals and Objectives.;.. .: . ..125 10. HistoricPreservation ,Gohls hnd0bjectives.............................125 1i1 ':*;1, ,,,]., -i . r':.'ili,i:i .:. l-r', ii 10. HistoricPreservation... ... ........ ............166 c. RecommendedZoning Changes.... .....170 D. Future Land Use... ..........171 1. ResidentialLand UseCategories.. ...172 t CommercialLand UseCategories... ......... .............. 173 3. Mixed Land Use Categories. .. .. ...17 4 4. PublicLand UseCategories. .................175 J. RedevelopmentArea.... ..... .. .175 vI. RedevelopmentRecommendations.. ... ..176 VIII. Appendices ...............177 Appendix A Buildout AnalysisAssumptions Appendix B Historic PreservationSupporting Documentation ttj I't^1 i LISTOFTABLES l,:j Table 1: Summary of the 2003 Buildout Analysis Table 2: Population by Age Group in Holmdel Township, 1990-2000 Table 3: fncome Levels in Holmdel Township, 2000 Table 4: Tax Rates per $100of AssessedValue in Holmdel Township, 2008and 2009 i:3 Table 5: Total AssessedProperfy Value (millions) 2009 Table 6: Average AssessedProperty Value per Parcel, 2009 t,:J Table 7: Farmland-AssessedAcreage in Holmdel Township, 1980-2010 Table 8: Average Annual Rate of Decline in Farmland-AssessedAcreage in Holmdel Township, Monmouth County and New Jersey, 1980-2007 Table9: Various Agricultural Uses of Farmland-AssessedAcreage in Holmdel iij Township, 1980-2005 Table 10: Inventory of Farmland Propertiesin Holmdel Township 2010 Table 11: Existing Open Space,Parks and RecreationalFacilities Table 12: Park Acreage Lu1 Table 13: Existing Parks and RecreationalFacilities, by Function Table 14: RecreationFacility Standards Table 15: Active Park Acreage i'\ Table 16: 2010New Jerseyand Nationa!,Register;Township ,of Holmdel ''tlr.j Table 17: RecommendedZon.ing'C.hanges.l :r.;. ;.,::ri ir;. ... " ,,. i"-, Figure 1:l';. , Comparison of Current Zonin gland,Land;:Usbs,n,:.r,1 i, : , i ; .r":i;;l.l:f. i. li Figure 2J I New JerseyState PlanningAreas ,.i *ilii;.r:i i.,r,:.: r.r::i.' r. .,. .;i:ir;;;:rr. l,:r : Figure3:':.l Zoning ofAdjacent Mu.nicipa|itidsilj.,,.. "i( ".i Figure4: : Existingand Futu,reGr0e4way'Trails';r -,;.,,:.... .l Figure 5: Facilitiesin Holmdel Park 1 Figure 6: Land UsesAdjacent to GreenwayStream Corridors Figure 7: Potential ScenicCorridors to be evaluated Figure 8: Inventory of Farmland Property Figure 9: Farmland Soil Classification Figure 10: Traffic Volumes Figure 11: Public Open Spaceand RecreationAreas Figure 12: Wastewater ManagernentPlan Figure 13: Roadway Classifications Figure 14: Sidewalk Map Figure 15: ProposedBicycle Routes Figure 16: RecommendedZoning Changes Figure 17: Future Land Use i: l1 \ 1 I J 1t.1 il I. EXECUTIVESUMMARY A Master Plan, periodically revised and expanded, has guided Holmdel's land development policies for more than 50 years. The Master Plan articulates a common j vision of the community of its natural and built environment. A Master Plan, as stipulatedby the New JerseyMunicipal Land Use Law (MLUL) pursuantto N.J.S.A. 40:55D-28(b),comprises of statementof principles, goals and objectivesand includes i,1 twelve plan elements including a housing plan element. The Holmdel Township Master Plan, henceforth referred to as the "2004 Master Plan" was last adopted on January 20, 2004. The Township had chosen not to update its Housing Element at i\ that time. The ten other elements, in order, were land use, economic, conservation, farmland preservation, circulation, parks and recreation, community facilities, utilities, recycling and historic preservation.The Land Use Plan Element detailed the Plan's relationship to applicable State and County plans as well as the master plans of adjacentmunicipalities, while the Recycling Element noted the Plan's relationship to the County's solid waste managementrequirements. The MLUL pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-89,,stipulates that the governing,bodyshall, at least every six years,provide for a general Reexamination of ,its master plan and development regulations by the ' planningboard. ,. ,, , , , ., The 2010 ReexaminationRepoit of the MasterPlan, includedherein, is examiningthe 2004 Magtgt,Pl*,. ,pp{Elpnt,io,,l!.J.,S-.A. 40:55D-89, to reflect the changingneeds of the Township.,:Ills pfipulated!ha! the ReexaminationReport shatt stale the following: j,. ..1,:-, :y,.i:r:;i.. j ... A. The maj orr,,problems"r 'and ,objectives relating to land development in the municipality at the time of the adoption of the last ReexaminationReport. B. The extent to which such problems and objectives have been reduced or have increasedsubsequent to such date. C. The extent to which there have been significant changes in the assumptions, policies and objectives forming the basis for the master plan or development regulations as last revised, with particular regard to the density and distribution of population and land uses,housing conditions, circulation, conservationor natural resources, energy conservation, collection, disposition, ffid recycling of designated recyclable materials and changes in State, county and municipal policies and objectives.
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