405000 407500 410000 412500 415000 417500 420000 28°5'0"W 28°2'30"W 28°0'0"W 27°57'30"W 27°55'0"W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Activa tion ID: EMS N-018 3 3 3 3 Glide Number: (N/A) 4 4 P roduct N.: 01GR ACIO S A, v1, English Graciosa - Portugal Heavy Rainfall Landslide Risk Assessment - 2015 Transportation Networks at Risk Map - Overview P roduction da te: 8/2/2016 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 2 2 3 3 4 4 92 1000 50 50 32 41 Graciosa Airport 35 36 34 N " 0 ' 5 ° 66 5 9 0 N " 3 77 Santa Cruz da Graciosa Cartographic Information 0 ' 5 ° 9 3 Full color A1, low resolution (100dpi) 72 121 1:25.000 127 0 0,3 0,6 1,2 1,8 2,4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Funchais 1 0 89 0 K m 0 0 83 0 6 1 156 6 5 115 2 0 2 Grid: W GS 1984 Z one 26 N ma p coordina te system 0 1 3 5 85 3 0 4 4 0 146 Tick ma rks: W GS 84 geogra phica l coordina te system 81 62 ± 84 Rebentao Legend 127 84 1 0 72 124 Administrative b ou nd aries Transp ortatio n Po in ts o f Interest 0 101 0 Municipa lity Airport Hospita l 0 Risk Level I4 IC 1 36 Po pu lated p laces 97 V ery Low Jc P ort Ñ× Fire sta tion !. City 89 Low ¬a P olice !. Bridge & overpa ss Medium Town 127 Educa tion ! IH High V illa ge Tunnel 0 141 !(S S ports 5 V ery High Build in gs Highwa y Fontes Government 53 Vitoria G First A id Areas P rim a ry R oa d !( Fa cilities 50 Airport S econda ry R oa d First Aid Area s P ort Úð Industria l fa cilities 74 9Æ Ca mp loca tion Comm ercia l, P ublic & Loca l R oa d t" W a ter infra structure 200 P riva te S ervices Other 86 OÆ S helter E Electricity Industry & U tilities !ô infra structure 212 cÆ Field hospita l Ph ysio graph y 121 W a ve pow er 1 P la ce of w orship 300 0 123 P rim a ry ÑØ 0 ÃÆ Helicopter la nding spot infra structure 77 Other 313 ¾ Ga soline ta nk S econda ry P ow er sta tions Z Uncla ssified !d 112 # S pot heights W ind turbines Mitigation M easures XY Guadalupe Hydrog rap hy 9" Oil 0 0 Fen ce / ba rrie r / wa ll 0 157 0 R ivers & strea ms !¤ Ma rina 0 15 0 V eg eta tion covera ge, g eom emb ra n es 4 0 4 Coa stline Milita ry 2 2 !© 3 367 3 4 367 4 368 Consequences within the AOI Risk Level 177 374 Lagoa Island: Gracioza Very Low Low Medium High Very High 50 35 151 0 3 337 33 Road type Highway (km) 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 00 336 Almas 250 Primary (km) 28,154 22,120 6,310 0,000 0,000 177 2 Secondary (km) 7,882 21,535 4,303 0,000 0,000 1 00 5 150 0 Praia (Sao Mateus) Local (km) 1,199 5,419 0,214 0,000 0,000 Other (km) 12,566 39,302 12,430 0,000 0,000 Praia port Bridges(nr) 3 1 0 0 0 0 20 168 Ribeirinha 0 5 1 0 25 148 Map Information 0 0 The purpose of the requested ma pping is to provide comprehensive knowledge of the N " 0 0 0 0 171 0 potentia l impa ct on Azores isla nds (P T), of different na tura l disa sters, including ea rthqua kes, 3 377 371 3 5 2 272 2 ' 0 Fenais 2 2 floods, volca nic eruptions, la ndslides, soil erosion, tsuna mis a nd storm surges, a nd coa sta l 2 ° 3 3 N " 9 4 4 erosion. 0 3 274 354 3 3 ' The a na lysis a ims to identify a ssets a t risk, focusing on popula tion, infra structure a nd the 5 0 2 ° environment to a llow informed decision ma king to ta ke pla ce concerning the pla nning a nd 352 9 299 35 341 153 3 recovery a ctivities of the involved sta keholders. To this end, specific risk mitiga tion mea sures 3 0 5 0 362 3 a re proposed, a long with the specifica tion of critica l first response informa tion. 50 361 30 398 The key users of the ma p series a re the R egiona l (Açores, P ortuga l) Authorities: (1) Direção 0 Pedras Brancas 350 R egiona l Obra s P ública s e Comunica ções, (2) S erviçio R egiona l de P roteça o civil e bombeiros dos Açores, a nd (3) CIV IS A: Centro de Informa ção e V igilância S ismovulcânica dos Açores. Data Sources 338 334 Inset maps based on: 258 W orldV iew-2 mosa ic © Digita lGlobe (a cquired on 2014/02/15), GS D 0.5 m, ~ 0% cloud cover 0 5 2 Reference Imagery: R egiona l O rthophotogra phy © Direção R egiona l da s O bra s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açores (yea r of a eria l photogra phy a cquisition: 2003,2004), GS D 0.5 m, 252 300 Faja 0 sca le 1:10000 5 324 2 Vector layers: R oa d Network: prima ry source is the O S M duly upda ted/ digitized, from the 222 144 196 sa tellite ima ges, Buildings Footprints digitized from the sa tellite ima ges, Administra tive limits 1 5 385 2 (CAOP 2015) © Direção Gera l do Território (P T), Census Da ta – Census Blocks geometry 0 0 224 5 0 201 1 0 183 a nd informa tion (2011) © Instituto Na tiona l de Esta tistica (P T). Eleva tion da ta a nd La nd Cover/ Use Da ta (duly upda ted/refined on the ba sis of the sa tellite da ta photointerpreta tion) 3 0 0 91 0 5 prima ry source © Direção R egiona l da s Obra s P ública s e Comunica ções dos Açores. 0 402 0 0 113 0 3 0 0 The da ta provided is subject to the terms outlined in the a rra ngements concerning a ccess to 0 157 0 2 273 2 a uthorita tive geospa tia l reference da ta for Copernicus emergency ma na gement service. 3 99 3 1 4 1 4 00 283 5 0 0 0 285 0 2 5 Luz 2 299 405 Dissemination/Publication The products (ma ps) a re a va ila ble through the EMS Copernicus P orta l a t the following UR L: http://emergency.eu/ma pping/list-of/components/018. Delivery forma ts a re GeoTIFF, GeoP DF, GeoJP EG a nd vectors (sha pefile a nd K ML forma ts). No restrictions on the publica tion of the ma pping a pply. Framework The products ela bora ted in the fra mework of the current R isk a nd R ecovery ma pping a ctiva tion a re rea lised to the best of our a bility. All geogra phic informa tion ha s limita tions due 174 to sca le, resolution, da te a nd interpreta tion of the origina l da ta sources. The products a re 150 complia nt with the Copernicus EMS R isk a nd R ecovery P roduct P ortfolio specifica tions. Carapacho Map Production The ma p shows the different levels of la ndslide hea vy ra infa ll induced risk for the roa d network a nd the corresponding length in ta bula r form. The genera tion of the la ndslide ra infa ll induced product is ba sed on the la ndslide ha za rd a na lysis of NGI a pproa ch for 100 yea r 0 0 extreme monthly ra infa ll. Complementa ry with the la ndslide ra infa ll induced ha za rd la yer, the 0 0 0 0 vulnera bility of the roa d network segments is a lso a ccounted for the roa d network risk 8 8 1 1 a ssessment. The segments mostly a ffected a re loca ted in intense ra infa ll zones, slopes 3 3 4 4 steeper tha n 30 degrees, w ith wea k lithologica l fea ture forma tions, low ca pa city a nd bridge presence. All sa tellite ima ges ha ve been ra diometrica lly enha nced a nd georeferenced using the reference orthophotos. The estima ted geometric a ccura cy of the ima ge is 2.5 m or better, from na tive positiona l N " a ccura cy of the ba ckground sa tellite ima ge, complia nt with JR C requirements for 1:10,000 0 ' ca rtogra phy. 0 ° 9 The estima ted thema tic a ccura cy of this product is 85% or better, ba sed on interna l va lida tion N " 3 0 procedures a nd visua l interpreta tion of recogniza ble items on very high resolution optica l ' 0 ° 9 3 Contact The ma p wa s produced on 8/2/2016 by GEO AP IK O NIS IS (EL) – NO A (EL) – CIMA (IT) – ALTAMIR A (ES ) under the S ervice Contra ct nr.
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