COSVA Travel Jan 1 31 2020.Pdf

COSVA Travel Jan 1 31 2020.Pdf

Document Header Information Document Type: Voucher Document VCH20075160 Name: Travel Authorization 101019083 Trip Name: Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands(RMI) / Kwajalein, MI / Palau, Number: Republic of Palau TA Date: 02/04/20 Currency: USD Organization: VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE Current Status: PAID SECRETARY Purpose: SITE VISIT Document Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands(RMI) / Kwajalein, RMI I Palau, Detail: Republic of Palau Type Code: REGULAR TDY Traveler Profile Name POWERS, PAMELA ID (b)(6) TID: 1(b)(6) Organization: VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Title: VA CHIEF OF STAFF Duty Station: Security Cl: Card: WA HLDR NON EXEMPT Office Address: 810 Vermont Ave NW < BR -Washington, DC 20420 EMAIL: (b)(6) Office Phone: (b)(6) Cell Phone: Home Address: Home Phone: (b)(6) Alternate Address: Alternate Phone. Document Information Trip Number. 1 Purpose: Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands(RMI) / Kwajalein, RMI / Palau, Republic of Palau Itinerary Locations Prom To Itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem Rates 01115/20 01/16/20 HONOLULU, HI SITE VISIT 177.00/ 149.00 01,1620 01/1820 KOROR, PLW SITE VISIT 204.00 / 136 00 01/18/20 01119/20 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MHL SITE VISIT 130.00 /46.00 01/1920 0 I i2IX 20 MAJURO, MHL SITE VISIT 139.00 76.00 01/20/20 01/21/20 HONOLULU, HI SITE VISIT 177.00 / 149.00 Document Totals Total Expenses: 1,825.88 Reimbursable Expenses: 1,416.57 Non-Reimbursable Expenses 409.31 Advance Applied: .00 Net to Traveler 660.30 Net to Government: 409.31 Pay to Charge Card 756.27 Document Totals by Expense Category xpense Catejory Cost Advance Amount Corn. Camer 219.56 00 Lodging-CBA 175.00 .00 Lodging-Per Diem 756.27 .00 M&IE-Per Diem 577.50 .00 Mileage 82.80 .00 Transxn Fees 14.75 .00 Total Expenses: 1,825.88 .00 Trip 1 Details Expenses 1 of 5E rips: I Total Non-Per 492.11Total Per Diem 1,333.77 Diem Expenses: Expenses Date Description Category Cost Pay Method Per Diem I /15/2020Government Plane Corn. Carrier .00 CBA 1/15/2020Airline Flight Corn. Carrier 219.56CBA omment: Claiming Duluth VIP service fees. Booked flights and hotel reservations and then canceled. 1:15/2020Lodging CBA Lodging-CBA 175.00CBA omment: This night of lodging was charged to the CBA card. I called the hotel to verify since it does not show on the travelers hotel invoice and IBA card statement 1/15/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem 111.750THER 1/15/2020 M&IE-Per Diem .00 1/15/2020Terminal Mileage Mileage 41.40 OTHER 1/16/2020Lodging Lodging-Per Diem .00 IBA omment: In flights to Koror, Palau 1/16/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem .00 OTHER • omment: In flight to Koror, Palau 1/16/2020 M&IE-Per Diem .00 1/17/2020Lodging Lodging-Per Diem 196.271BA 1/17/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem 47.00 OTHER 1/17/2020 M&IE-Per Diem .00 Ill 8/2020Lodging Lodging-Per Diem 109.001BA 1/18/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem 46.00 OTHER I /19/2020Lodging Lodging-Per Diem 138.001BA Comment: The $3.00 fee is a local tax 1/19/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem 45.00 OTHER • 01/20/2020Lodging Late:Early Charges Lodging-Per Diem 175 .001BA 1/20/2020Lodging Lodging-Per Diem 138.00IBA 01/20/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem 2 I6.000THER • I /21/2020Government Plane Corn. Carrier .00 CBA 1/21/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem 111.750THER • 1/21/2020Terminal Mileage Mileage 41.40 OTHER 02/04/2020TDY Voucher Fee Transxn Fees 14.75 CBA Per Diem Allowances rip#: 1 Total Per Diem Allowances: 1.333.77 _a,t; Rate Lcli.Cost LlimitA M&IE Cost M&IE Allowed L D Cod% 01/15/2020 177.00149.00 175,00 175.00 111.75 111.75 1/16/2020 204.00/136.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1/17/2020 204.00;136.00 196.27 196.27 47.00 47.00 1/18/2020 130.00/ 46.00 109.00 109.00 46.00 46.00 1/19/2020 139 00; 76 00 138.00 138.00 45.00 45.00 X 1/20/2020 177.00/149.00 138.00 138.00 216.00 216.00 X X 1/21/2020 177.00/149.00 0.00 0.00 111.75 111.75 Account Summary for the Selected Trip Org: VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Label: VAVACO 101 OSVA Acct Code: 000000A0011010004 0142A1101 20/2172 1,825.88 Expense Category: Corn. Carrier Fiscal Year: 2020 Amount: 219.56 Expense Category. Lodging-CBA Fiscal Year: 2020 Amount: 175.00 Expense Category: Lodging-Per Diem Fiscal Year: 2020 Amount: 756.27 Expense Category: M&IE-Per Diem Fiscal Year: 2020 Amount: 577.50 Expense Category: Mileage Fiscal Year: 2020 Amount: 82.80 Expense Category: Transxn Fees Fiscal Year. 2020 Amount: 14.75 Total: 1,825.88 Payment Detail Information Prianization Label AccountiniString Payment Method Amount VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY VAVACO 101 OSVA 000000A0011010004 0142A1101 20.2172 CBA 409.31 VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY VAVACO 101 OSVA 000000A0011010004 0 142A1101 20/2172 IBA 756.27 VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY VAVACO 101 OSVA 000000A0011010004 0142A1101 20/2172 OTHER 660.30 Totals by Label VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY VAVACO 101 OSVA Total 000000A0011010004 0142A1101 2012172 1.825 88 2 of 55 Totals by Payment Method CBA Total 409.31 IBA Total 756.27 OTHER Total 660.30 Attachments Attachments Exist Receipt Checklist Pate Description Cost 01 , 1520 AIR Airline Flight S219.56 01/17;20 Lodging $196.27 01. 1820 Lodging S109.00 01/19/20 Lodging $138.00 01 , 20,20 Lodging Late, Early Charges $175.00 01/20/20 Lodging $138.00 Audits Audit Name Result &two Document History 03/11/2020 Voucher: VCH20075160 Copyright 1989-2009 Concur Government Edition: Concur Inc. POWERS, PAMELAN6) &TAW DATE TIME SIGNATURE NAME REASON CREATED 02/04/2020 10 40AMEST (b)(6) SIGNED 02/10/2020 12:24PMEST POWERS PAMELA CERTIFIED 02/10/2020 1.56PMEST (b)(6) REVIEWED 02/10/2020 2:00PMEST ADJUSTED 02/ 1 2/2020 5:14AMEST ADJUSTED 02/12/2020 1:24PMCST COMPLETE 02/12/2020 1 25PMCST PENDING 02/12/2020 1:25PMEST SYSUTIL1TY PAID 02/12/2020 1:25PMEST Userl, EM I certify that the electronic signatures listed above are valid and on file SIGNED DATE Document Signatures Traveler, Preparer Name. TraveleePreparer Signature: Date. Approver Name: Approver Signature. Date: 3 of 55 Document Header Information Document Type. Voucher Document VCH20075160 Name: Travel Authorization 1010I9083 Tnp Name: Majuro, Republic of Marshall Ishuuts(RMT) Kwajalein, PM!! Palau, Number: Republic of Palau TA Date: 02/04/20 Currency: USD Organization: VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE Current Status: CREATED SECRETARY Purpose: SITE VISIT Document Majuro, Republic of Marshall Islands(RMI) Kwajalein, RMI Palau, Detail: Republic of Palau OMR." REGULAR TDY Traveler Profile Name: POWERS, PAMELA ID: (b)(6) TID: (b)(6) Organization: VAVACO 101 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Title: VA CHIht. S1AFF Duty Stai ion: Security CI: Card: IBA HLDR NON EXEMPT Office Address: 810 Vermont Ave NW <BR>Washington, DC 20420 EMAIL: (b)(6) Office Phone: (b)(6) Cell Phone: Home Address: Home Phone: b)(6) Alternate Address. Alternate Phone: ..,411111111111111111•11 Document Information 1 Trip Number: 1 11111111111111111111111111 Purpose: Majuro, Repu lie of Marshall Islands(Mipawiijalein, RMI / Palau, Republic of Palau 1111111111111111 1111 Itinerary Locations From To Itinerary Location Purpose Per Diem ates 0115)20 01/16/20 HONOLULU, HI SITE VISIT 177.00 149.00 01/16/20 0118120 KOROR, PLW SITE VISIT 204.00 / 136.00 01/18/20 01/19/20 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MEL SITE Ins& I30.00 / 46.00 01/19/20 01/20/20 MAJURO, MHL SITE VISIT 139.00 / 76.00 01/20/20 Ou21/20 HONOLULU, HI SITE VISIT 177.004 149.60 Document Totals Total Expenses. 1,825.88 Reimbursable Expenses: 1,416.57 Non-Reimbursable Expeme, 409.31 Advance Applied: .00 Net to Traveler. 660,30 Net to Government: 409.31 Pay to Charge Card. 756.27 Document Totals by Expense Category esteiory Cost Advance Amount Corn. Carrier 21936 .00 Lodging-CBA 175.00 .00 Lodging-Per Diem 756,27 .00 M&FE-Per Diem 577.50 .0o Mileage 82.80 .00 Transxn Fees 14.75 .00 Total Expenses: 1,825.88 .00 rrip 1 Details i 4 of 5E them Expenses: Expenses: hate Description rategory cost Pay Method Per Diem 1/15/20200ovemmen1 Plane Corn. Carrier .00 CBA 1/15/2020Airline Flight Corn. Carrier 219.56CBA omment: Claiming Duluth VIP service fee& Booked flights and hotel reservations and- then canceled. 1/15/2020Lodging - CBA Lodging-CBA 175.00CBA Comrii -ent: ght of lodging was charged to thTtBA card 51 called the hotel to verify since it does not show on the travelers hotel invoice and 1BA card statement 1/15/2020M&IE M&IE-Per Diem 111.750THER 1/15/2020 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111r M&1E-Per Diem .00 1/15/2020Terrnina1 Mileage Mileage 41.40 OTHER 01/16/2020Lodging 11111111111111111111111111111111W Lodging-Per diem .00 IBA Comment: In flights to Koror, Palau 01116/2020MME --giag i fflia4.18" .41" 8186." .11444" .M.-- M&1E-Per Diem .30 OTHER Comment: In flight to Koror, Palau 1/1,01026 M&Ig-Per Diem .00 I /I 7/2020Lodging Lodging-Per Diem 196.271BA /17/2026M&IE M86E-Per Diem 47.00 OTHER 1/17/2020 M& IE-Per Diem .00 1/18/2020Lodging Lodging-Per diem 100.001BA 1/18/2020M8IIE M&1E-Per Diem 46.00 OTHER 1/19/2620ftdging Lodging-Per Diem 13001BA 1/19/2020M&lE M&1E-Per Diem 45.00 OTHER W020Loclging Late! any Charges Lodging-Per Diem 175.00IBA 01/70/2020Lodging Lodging-Per Diem 138.001BA 1/201/2020M&IE M&1E-Per Diem 216.000TH ER 1 /21/2020Govemment Plane Corn.

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