* City nsion and Cool Efly and cool today and to- ; night. Clearing somewhat FINAL early tomorrow. I Red Bank, Freehold .(_. Long Branch EDITION Monmouth County's Mlome Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 232 RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, MAY 25, 1970 24 PAGES 10 CENTS miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiKiiiiusiif'iiijj, t «V''" •' U.S.May Keep Hand in By KENNETH J. FREED couldn't really rule in or out," key enemy headquarters and Gen. Creighton Abrams, U.S. He added that Secretary of week they intend to keep WASHINGTON (AP) -In- the likelihood, of American air to protect the4, security ,of military commander in Viet- Defense Melvin R, Laird and fighting in Cambodia as long dications are continuing to • / and logistic support for troops American forces as they nam. Secretary Rogers gave their as the Viet Cong and North pile up that U.S. air, support ' Saigon keeps in . Cambodia are withdrawn from the war Abrams based his appeal, approval reluctantly and af- Veitnamese are a threat and perhaps more, will'be following the June 30-mandat- zone by destroying the ene- the source explained, on the ' ter raising many questions. there. ' provided for South Vietnam- '• ed U.S. withdrawal. 1 my's extensive sanctuaries in need to protect his men while When Nixon went on na- Laird followed by indicat- esd forces remaining jn Cam- •, . < 1 Klein was -. interviewed on '.Cambodia. still trying td meet Nixon's tional television April 30 to ing late, last week this was bodia after American forces \ • the CBS program "Face the ' Since then there have been previously announced sched- announce the border crossing likely and there might be pull out sometime next' Nation." '. • - : various and varying reports ule of withdrawing 150,000 he saidJJ.S. forces would pen- U.S. • air support for suck month. ••••• .' • • •• '• Nixon appeared to rule out of why the move was made, U.S. troops from South Viet- etrate no more than * 21.7 South Vietnamese operations.' Although President Nixon such American action • in • a including one that the over-. nam over the next year. miles from the South Viet- Rogers, who left yesterday seemed to say earlier this May 8 news conference. "I • -• throw of left-leaning but neu- Gave Ideas •{/ namese frontier and all for NATO talks in Rome, told month there would be no such .; would expect that the South- , tralist chief of state Prince The only way this could Americans would be pulled -newsmen as he departed he help, Secretary of'State-Wil- Vietnamese would come out , ' Norodom Siiianouk made the done, the general was said to back by ' June 30 with the agreed with Laird. He further liam P. Rogers indicated yes- at approximately the same : time right for a strike into have stated, was by first South Vietnamese apparently said the administration is not « terday U.S. air aid wouid be time that we do," he: said' Cambodia. knocking out the enemy sanc- not far behind. at all concerned about the provided for Sbuth Vietnam- then, "because when we Reason Explained tuaries in Cambodia. , Since that news conference prospects of a continued ese operations continuing' af-~ .come out our logistical' sup- ' ' But Nixon's public state- Abrams'' plea, sent shortly there have been statements South Vietnamese presence ter the American soldiers • v port and air support will also ' me'nt was supported over the after Nixon's April 20 speech by administration officials in its neighbor's territory. : ; 1 Withdraw. ::, < come put." .'•.'. weekend by a highly placed announcing the withdrawal, and leaders of the Saigon , The diplomatic chief added Klein Speaks Cited Reasons source among U.S. uniformed was followed by an emergen- government that qualified any. future U.S. action, such Nixon's .withdrawal assertion as providing air support to , Another administration of- . , In that news conference '-• ; military leaders. cy meeting of the President's ficial, Herbert; Klein, the Nixon said the main reasons.: • - This source said the sudden top military, 'defense, diplo- regarding the South Vietnam- Saigon's forces, would not be President's, communications v for the sudden move, into; • attack April 30 resulted dl- matic and national, security ese. disclosed in advance. director, said yesterday "I • Cambodia was to destroy, a .rectly from an urgent call by advisers, the source said- Saigon officials said last. (See U.S. May, Pg. 3) By J. T. WOLKERSTOR0ER dia- and- the Annamites and "We can go farther into Army. We will never SAIGON (AP) - The U.§. Tonkinese of Vietnam has be- Cambodia," said President again have our hands tied Army helicopter settled-into come more arid more appar- Nguyen Van Thieu on May behind our backs.'1 the rice field north of Neak ent. •" ' • - 11, "and there is no .deadline , All of this makes the Cam- Luong, Cambodia, and a Vietnamese task forces for getting out.1' -." ', • • bodians nervous.: They hate Cambodian major kissed the have rolled west along High- The next day Vice Presi- and fear the Viet Cong be- pilot on both cheeks. way 1 in the Parrot's Beak dent Nguyen Cao Ky said Sai- cause they are; Vietnamese, •< The next day South Viet- to Neak Luong. They have gon's forces can stay-in Cam- not because they • are Com- namese Marines linked up sailed up the Mekong to bodia "many months," even munists. They bate and fear with the Cambodian Army PLUNGES TO DEATH — Phnom Qenh , and Kompong without U.S. logistic support. the' South Vietnamese, army outside Neak Luong, and the Cham. They have driven: He said Jhe thought South for the same reason. Professional parachute in- Cambodian major refused to west from the Mekong Delta Vietnam could keep 16,000 Squeeze Is Feared structor Kewirt Clifford shake hands with the Viet- to Takoe, and along the Gulf men in Cambodia. ."tam, afraid,1;' Prince No- namese commahder,. Nielton plunges to hi* of-Siam to Tuk Mfcas, Koni- Last.Thursday, Kyvsaid his rodom Sihanouk told a West- death if Wilton, Australia • As South Vietnamese for- pong-Trach, Kep and Kam- government has to "prevent ern newsman several years ces occupy more and more of pot. _.- .. Communist activities in Cam-. ago,, "that the Vietnamese yesterday befora a horri- southeast Cambodia, the cen- The Vietnamese. are ap- wH march rto. .the.,Mr ' fied crowd, mrfhic.1i included turies-old racial hatred, be-, , parently preparing for a long forts of> o^irl units there, >. in. from the Eqst and thei 'T^ais Wit 22-year-old wife, Don- tween the Khmers of Cambo- stay. .. cooperation with the Cambo- (See Cambodian, Pg. 2) naleen. Nie/lson, participat- ing in a "Jumpathon" to raise fund* to send the Australian twin to World Urges Disease War YOUNG REPUBLICANS r- Shown at the Young Republican convention in Asb, ury _ Championship Skydiving Park are, left to right, James Quaremba, a candidate for the SOP nomination for U. S. senator;1 William F. Dowd, Republican candidate for congress, and Jotin Web- meet in Yugoslavia, plum- HOUSTON, Tex. (AP) - a handful of antiwar demon- buildirjg moments later, and available to patients once the meted to the earth after Nations of the world should strators interrupted briefly there were no' arrests. .> disease is recognized." ster, chairman of the Monmouth County Young Republicans. (Register Staff Photo) hjs main parachute failed cooperate this decade "to when they stood up in Sam .."Let us join in any man- Agnew ended a two-day vis- make life and health one Houston Coliseum and shout- ner open to,us — by increas- it to Houston after the speech. to open and his reserve birthright of all children," ed: "Peace now! Peace ing the exchange of jnforma-.* About 100 antiwar demonstra- chut* tangled in the main Vice President Spiro T. Ag- now!"' tion, by joining in coopera- tors stood peacefully outside chute. (AP Wireptioto) new said yesterday The demonstrators left the tive research projects, by, the coliseum, but - the vice Two Candidates Stalk In a speech to the 10th In- avoiding unnecessary dup-', president apparently did not ternational Cancer Congress, lication of unusual and expen- see them when he* left the Agnew proposed that the next Slip of the; Tongue sive facilities, by examining building through another ten years be the Decade PHIUDILPHIA (AP) r- ; the health hazards in our en- door. Votes Along Boardwalk Against Disease, Mrs. Raymond Brqderick, vironment,, by.: committing "By rising above narrow wife of the' GOP gubernato- funds when Wecan," Agnew Striding quickly away from said. By BEN VAN VLIET buck and began signing his self - interest," Agnew said, rial candidate,says some fun- ASBURX PARK -r The lot name.. : • • the.American Legion booth, Qiieen Is "let us join together in a de- ny things happen on cam- He said that to increase the Israelis of the politician isn't always "I'm running .for United ' Mr. Gross tacked across the termined venture to make p a' i g n s: "like being intro- cure rate of cancer "indivi- • States senate," Mr; Gross be- : convention hall and anchored 1 a happy one. ' " •..-' lifej-md health one birthright duced recently at a meeting duals must have greater ac- In fact, sometimes it's gan again. > himself in front of a blonde, Happy Job of all children born from this as 'the new governor's next cess to physicians, physicians Attack damned frustrating. For ex- s "that's right,1' said the vet, blue-eyed girl selling salt wa- day on regardless of nation- wife." must be better trained to rec- ample. 1 "Well, you gotta sign your ter taffy, ~ fy RICHARD McMANUS ality, race or religious be-; Her husband is the current ognize eancer- in its early Saturday, after the Young name on all the stubs not just "Hello, I'm Nelson Gross BED BANK - Some things hefs" ^tenant governor of Penn- stages and highly sophisticat- Lebanon the top one," as he shoved and I'm running for United .«Ye better to report on than Republicans' luncheon at the As Agnew began tp speak,' ed care -centers must ,be \.
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